650,000 emails, is 130,000 a year for 5 years. It's impossible unless


So you don't understand how warrants work, either?

Two things,

  1. You have not a fucking clue how email works
  2. There was/is a warrant for the machine. Wiener is a pervert who was stalking little girls.
I ask again, are you literate? Are you aware of your surroundings?

As for the warrant - warrants are very specific. The warrant covering Weiner's emails in regards to the child-texting case would not apply to emails unrelated to that.

If during a search that is within the legal parameters of a warrant, the police uncover evidence of an unrelated crime, they may seize that evidence immediately and arrest anyone related to the evidence based on probable cause to believe a crime has been committed. They do not need to seek an additional warrant, unless they wish to perform a more invasive search than that originally authorized. The new evidence is essentially treated as being "in plain sight" under the search authorized by the initial warrant.

Because Clinton preferred to read documents on paper rather than on a screen, emails and other files were often printed out and provided to her either at her office or home, where they were delivered in a diplomatic pouch by a security agent. Abedin, like many State Department officials, found the government network technology to be cumbersome, and she had great trouble printing documents there, investigative records show. As a result, she sometimes transferred emails from her unclassified State Department account to either her Yahoo account or her account on Clinton’s server, and printed the emails from there. It is not clear whether she ever transferred official emails to the account she used for her husband’s campaign.

Abedin would use this procedure for printing documents when she received emails she believed Clinton needed to see and when the Secretary forwarded emails to her for printing. Abedin told the FBI she would often print these emails without reading them. Abedin printed a large number of emails this way, in part because, investigative records show, other staff members considered her Clinton’s “gatekeeper” and often sent Abedin electronic communications they wanted the Secretary to see.

This procedure for printing documents, the government official says, appears to be how the newly discovered emails ended up on the laptop shared by Abedin and her husband. It is unclear whether any of those documents were downloaded onto the laptop off of her personal email accounts or were saved on an external storage device, such as a flash drive, and then transferred to the shared computer. There is also evidence that the laptop was used to send emails from Abedin to Clinton; however, none of those emails are the ones being examined by the FBI. Moreover, unless she was told by Abedin in every instance, Clinton could not have known what device her aide was using to transmit electronic information to her.

If the FBI determines that any of the documents that ended up on the shared device were classified, Abedin could be deemed to have mishandled them. In order to prove that was a criminal offense, however, investigators would have to establish that Abedin had intended to disclose the contents of those classified documents, or that she knew she was mishandling that information.

If the documents were not classified, no crime was committed. But either way, this discovery has embarrassed Clinton, even though there is no evidence at this point suggesting she has been implicated in any potential wrongdoing.

The real reason the FBI is reviewing more of Hillary Clinton's Emails

{Abedin swore under penalty of perjury at a June deposition for a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch that she had turned over all devices to her lawyers that contained State Department materials.}

She is guilty of perjury - period.

No doubt she is above the law, as party members so often are - one law for them, a different law for the commoners. But she flat out perjured herself.
Who is feeding you this bull crud? You should stay away from those websites clearly pushing their own faux agenda...

A quick google search shows that you can set your Exchange inbox limits to whatever you want - the default is 2Gb.

Just so you know.


The limits are set by Outlook, the client, not by Exchange, the server. Exchange only cares about your mailbox database, which is practically limited only by disk space.

The 1.933 GB limit was a matter of 32 bit addressing. If you run 64 bit Outlook for Office 2013 or newer, you can set the mailbox size up to 50 GB.
Who is feeding you this bull crud? You should stay away from those websites clearly pushing their own faux agenda...

What the fuck?



On June 28, 2016, Abedin said under oath in a sworn deposition that she looked for all devices that she thought contained government work on them so the records could be given to the State Department. (These records were subsequently reviewed by the FBI.)

“How did you go about searching for what records you may have in your possession to be returned to the State Department?” Attorney Ramona Cotca for Judicial Watch asked her.

“I looked for all the devices that may have any of my State Department work on it and returned — returned — gave them to my attorneys for them to review for all relevant documents. And gave them devices and paper,” Abedin answered.

Cotca then asked Abedin specifically what devices she gave her attorneys.

“If memory serves me correctly, it was two laptops, a BlackBerry, and some files that I found in my apartment,” Abedin said, adding the BlackBerry was associated with her Clintonemail.com account.

Abedin maintained that she was “not involved in the process” of what records on her devices would be given to the State Department.

“I provided them [her attorneys] with the devices and the materials and asked them to find whatever they thought was relevant and appropriate, whatever was their determination as to what was a federal record, and they did. They turned the materials in, and I know they did so….”

Abedin was asked whether she supplied her login, password and other credentials to her “Clintonmail.com” account so that her attorneys could eyeball “all of the emails that were on that account” Abedin said she had.

Pressed how she was sure, Abedin said, “I cannot answer that question.”

Abedin said her practice was to rely on her State Department email through her laptop and BlackBerry for the “vast majority of my work” but acknowledged her personal account was a de facto business account too.

“I used that for the Clinton family matters and, frankly, I used it for my own personal e-mail, as well,” she testified.


Blog: Is Huma Abedin open to perjury charges?

What is WRONG with you that you eschew all integrity in order to further the lust for power by your shameful party?
Huma was stealing and or backing up everyone's emails on this machine. I am serious how old could this laptop be older than that? Huma denies she has any knowledge, but it's not going to be Anthonies fault that there are confidential emails there as Huma has already lied.

FBI to scour 650K emails for Clinton ties in bulging Weiner probe

Bulging Weiner probe................Seriously if it was really bulging perhaps Huma might have been interested, in something other than Hilly's colostomy bag

If you are high up you get CC'd on like everything . Or your sending company wide shit .
I believe the exact amount of emails is:


She is helplessly evil.
I have no emails 'on' my computer. All my emails are in my email accounts that I can't access unless I'm online.

Bring on the Explainer, please.
Because you have no friends.

I get 100 emails a day. I'm asking where on my computer are the 100 emails I got a month ago?

Do you use a mail client program, or do you access your email via a website?

I use hotmail and yahoo.

There is no reason for any of Huma's emails to have "classified" headers.

Despite the lies by Hillary and you who support her, a great many of her emails were classified. If she was forwarding them to her girl, then Huma would indeed have classified messages.

Regardless, she committed perjury. If she were subject to the law, that would be enough to nail her.

She is a key party member, so above the law as top party members always are. The law in this nation is a club to beat the commoners into submission, not a tool for a just society.
I have no emails 'on' my computer. All my emails are in my email accounts that I can't access unless I'm online.

Bring on the Explainer, please.
Because you have no friends.

I get 100 emails a day. I'm asking where on my computer are the 100 emails I got a month ago?

Do you use a mail client program, or do you access your email via a website?

I use hotmail and yahoo.

Then aside from perhaps in your browser cache, your emails are not "on" your computer.

There is no reason for any of Huma's emails to have "classified" headers.

Despite the lies by Hillary and you who support her, a great many of her emails were classified. If she was forwarding them to her girl, then Huma would indeed have classified messages.

None of Hillary's emails contained classified headers. In fact, it would be nearly impossible for any of them to have classified headers.

There may be classified information contained in some of the emails, in the sense of leakage. But it's not physically possible to "forward" classified documents to an outside email address.
I don't claim expertise about the technical aspects of email.

But I don't trust your claims of expertise either, since you've got quite the history of completely misunderstanding technical issues in your attempts to appear intelligent (what are the odds of a coin landing on heads 6 times in a row again?)

As for the warrant - warrants are very specific. The warrant covering Weiner's emails in regards to the child-texting case would not apply to emails unrelated to that.


Childish insults is all I expect or get from you,

You are too much of a partisan to evaluate those whom you see as enemies due to differing political views.

I run an Exchange 2013 server and keep it humming along quite nicely, What opinion or petty insults you might have are at best amusing.
I don't claim expertise about the technical aspects of email.

But I don't trust your claims of expertise either, since you've got quite the history of completely misunderstanding technical issues in your attempts to appear intelligent (what are the odds of a coin landing on heads 6 times in a row again?)

As for the warrant - warrants are very specific. The warrant covering Weiner's emails in regards to the child-texting case would not apply to emails unrelated to that.


Childish insults is all I expect or get from you,


Oh, the irony. It's almost too much to bear.


I'm looking at that deposition right now. She did not "swear" that she had turned over all devices, she stated that to her knowledge she turned over all devices containing State department business.

The deposition was given under oath. Do you really have no grasp how depositions work?

The fact that she did not turn in a laptop with 650,000 state department emails on it is clear perjury. She lied in the deposition, she did not turn over all devices.

Party above all, integrity never with you.... :eusa_whistle:


I'm looking at that deposition right now. She did not "swear" that she had turned over all devices, she stated that to her knowledge she turned over all devices containing State department business.

The deposition was given under oath. Do you really have no grasp how depositions work?

The fact that she did not turn in a laptop with 650,000 state department emails on it is clear perjury. She lied in the deposition, she did not turn over all devices.

Party above all, integrity never with you.... :eusa_whistle:

Do you understand what the phrase "to my knowledge" means?

Weren't you just talking about literacy before?


I'm looking at that deposition right now. She did not "swear" that she had turned over all devices, she stated that to her knowledge she turned over all devices containing State department business.

The deposition was given under oath. Do you really have no grasp how depositions work?

The fact that she did not turn in a laptop with 650,000 state department emails on it is clear perjury. She lied in the deposition, she did not turn over all devices.

Party above all, integrity never with you.... :eusa_whistle:


Weren't you also whining about "childish insults", as well?

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