650,000 emails, is 130,000 a year for 5 years. It's impossible unless

Huma was stealing and or backing up everyone's emails on this machine. I am serious how old could this laptop be older than that? Huma denies she has any knowledge, but it's not going to be Anthonies fault that there are confidential emails there as Huma has already lied.

FBI to scour 650K emails for Clinton ties in bulging Weiner probe

Bulging Weiner probe................Seriously if it was really bulging perhaps Huma might have been interested, in something other than Hilly's colostomy bag

There are more than 100,000 emails in my computer from the last 5 years, and I'm not a staffer to the one of the most powerful politicians in America.

Are you working for a Nigerian prince?

Due to various campaigns and organizations that I've worked for, my email has somehow made it onto about a hundred different local candidate's mailing lists.

So on top of the actual communications I send and receive every day, this time of year I also get between 50 and 100 campaign fundraising emails each day.

But how are they 'in' your computer? I'm asking a straightforward tech question here.

Every couple of minutes while my computer is connected to the internet, my mail client program contacts my email server and downloads any new emails.

LOL, what percentage have government classified headers that the FBI wants to see.

Dude you have no clue

Keep believing that you are important like Hillary told you that you were
There are more than 100,000 emails in my computer from the last 5 years, and I'm not a staffer to the one of the most powerful politicians in America.

Are you working for a Nigerian prince?

Due to various campaigns and organizations that I've worked for, my email has somehow made it onto about a hundred different local candidate's mailing lists.

So on top of the actual communications I send and receive every day, this time of year I also get between 50 and 100 campaign fundraising emails each day.

But how are they 'in' your computer? I'm asking a straightforward tech question here.

Every couple of minutes while my computer is connected to the internet, my mail client program contacts my email server and downloads any new emails.

LOL, what percentage have government classified headers that the FBI wants to see.

Dude you have no clue

There is no reason for any of Huma's emails to have "classified" headers.
Are you working for a Nigerian prince?

Due to various campaigns and organizations that I've worked for, my email has somehow made it onto about a hundred different local candidate's mailing lists.

So on top of the actual communications I send and receive every day, this time of year I also get between 50 and 100 campaign fundraising emails each day.

But how are they 'in' your computer? I'm asking a straightforward tech question here.

Every couple of minutes while my computer is connected to the internet, my mail client program contacts my email server and downloads any new emails.

LOL, what percentage have government classified headers that the FBI wants to see.

Dude you have no clue

There is no reason for any of Huma's emails to have "classified" headers.

Sure there is, as she had to have the classified headers on the emails before she stripped them and sent them on to Hillary. All Hilly has been saying is that there were no classified emails and now we know why.

I Love It
I do not use Exchange, and text emails require negligible storage space.

One ASCII character = I byte.


What a steaming pile.

Even in the most simple POP00 system, the header and routing require 2048 bytes of information (per RFC-2047). I don't know of any system that still supports even that, POP3 is the lowest level that I've seen in the last decade. The modern IMAP headers (per RFC-5335) use a 96K routing header coupled with a 256K trace stack. You see, mail has to find it's way across the internet to do any good to anyone.

This is before you put a single character into that mail message.
How many emails do you suppose are simply related to scheduling, meeting requests, changes to schedules, phone call times, transportation and hotel bookings, even dry cleaning deliveries, food deliveries,etc. At that level, that could easily
be a hundred a day or more.

Don't forget all the ones that predate Hillary's tenure as Sec of State.
Like when Hillary was taking payments for favors as a US Senator?
What's Blago in prison for?
Oh yeah, pay to play.

Your lying is nearly as boring as your occasional telling of the truth.
Oh, do tell us what Blago is in prison for then.

It's your lie. Flesh it out.
Flesh it out? Wow.
Well, we all know the FBI is investigating Hillary for pay to play.
It's simply a matter of time now.
I do not use Exchange, and text emails require negligible storage space.

One ASCII character = I byte.


What a steaming pile.

Even in the most simple POP00 system, the header and routing require 2048 bytes of information (per RFC-2047). I don't know of any system that still supports even that, POP3 is the lowest level that I've seen in the last decade. The modern IMAP headers (per RFC-5335) use a 96K routing header coupled with a 256K trace stack. You see, mail has to find it's way across the internet to do any good to anyone.

This is before you put a single character into that mail message.
Look no sense is allowed here, just baseless innuendo from ISIS spies

So you don't understand how warrants work, either?

Two things,

  1. You have not a fucking clue how email works
  2. There was/is a warrant for the machine. Wiener is a pervert who was stalking little girls.
I ask again, are you literate? Are you aware of your surroundings?
Huma was stealing and or backing up everyone's emails on this machine. I am serious how old could this laptop be older than that? Huma denies she has any knowledge, but it's not going to be Anthonies fault that there are confidential emails there as Huma has already lied.

FBI to scour 650K emails for Clinton ties in bulging Weiner probe

Bulging Weiner probe................Seriously if it was really bulging perhaps Huma might have been interested, in something other than Hilly's colostomy bag

There are more than 100,000 emails in my computer from the last 5 years, and I'm not a staffer to the one of the most powerful politicians in America.

Are you working for a Nigerian prince?

Due to various campaigns and organizations that I've worked for, my email has somehow made it onto about a hundred different local candidate's mailing lists.

So on top of the actual communications I send and receive every day, this time of year I also get between 50 and 100 campaign fundraising emails each day.

Not to mention the various updates and offers that come along with them. If you're like me, I conduct most business online as well. I get payment reminders, special offers, updates from various organizations, teachers, coaches, etc. It's not uncommon to have 99+ new mails a couple times a day.
If you send out an email or emails to every address on your email list, does that count as one email or the 200 people on your list, meaning 200 emails announcing your kid getting straight A's on the last report card or winning a trophy in gymnastics?
Due to various campaigns and organizations that I've worked for, my email has somehow made it onto about a hundred different local candidate's mailing lists.

So on top of the actual communications I send and receive every day, this time of year I also get between 50 and 100 campaign fundraising emails each day.

But how are they 'in' your computer? I'm asking a straightforward tech question here.

Every couple of minutes while my computer is connected to the internet, my mail client program contacts my email server and downloads any new emails.

LOL, what percentage have government classified headers that the FBI wants to see.

Dude you have no clue

There is no reason for any of Huma's emails to have "classified" headers.

Sure there is, as she had to have the classified headers on the emails before she stripped them and sent them on to Hillary. All Hilly has been saying is that there were no classified emails and now we know why.

I Love It

Even if that were true, which it isn't, who at the State Dept has the authority to do that?
If you send out an email or emails to every address on your email list, does that count as one email or the 200 people on your list, meaning 200 emails announcing your kid getting straight A's on the last report card or winning a trophy in gymnastics?

200 sent mails.
You people crack me up.
I have 5 email addresses for various business and charity work. Each one is bombarded with over a hundred emails every day.

And I'm sure not at a level of a Weinermobile.

He probably has multiple accounts himself, especially for his hobby of sending pictures.
How much memory would 650K emails require? I can't imagine the laptop had anything BUT emails on it and if that's the case, it was a specific-use machine and that's pretty sketchy right there.
You people crack me up.
I have 5 email addresses for various business and charity work. Each one is bombarded with over a hundred emails every day.

And I'm sure not at a level of a Weinermobile.

He probably has multiple accounts himself, especially for his hobby of sending pictures.

You need a decent spam filter. :thup:

I am the IT Director of a mid-size corporation. My name and email is plastered all over our website and all the various documents sent to vendors. I have bounced 964 messages at the gateway today, aimed at me, but less than 30 have hit my mailbox.

Because Clinton preferred to read documents on paper rather than on a screen, emails and other files were often printed out and provided to her either at her office or home, where they were delivered in a diplomatic pouch by a security agent. Abedin, like many State Department officials, found the government network technology to be cumbersome, and she had great trouble printing documents there, investigative records show. As a result, she sometimes transferred emails from her unclassified State Department account to either her Yahoo account or her account on Clinton’s server, and printed the emails from there. It is not clear whether she ever transferred official emails to the account she used for her husband’s campaign.

Abedin would use this procedure for printing documents when she received emails she believed Clinton needed to see and when the Secretary forwarded emails to her for printing. Abedin told the FBI she would often print these emails without reading them. Abedin printed a large number of emails this way, in part because, investigative records show, other staff members considered her Clinton’s “gatekeeper” and often sent Abedin electronic communications they wanted the Secretary to see.

This procedure for printing documents, the government official says, appears to be how the newly discovered emails ended up on the laptop shared by Abedin and her husband. It is unclear whether any of those documents were downloaded onto the laptop off of her personal email accounts or were saved on an external storage device, such as a flash drive, and then transferred to the shared computer. There is also evidence that the laptop was used to send emails from Abedin to Clinton; however, none of those emails are the ones being examined by the FBI. Moreover, unless she was told by Abedin in every instance, Clinton could not have known what device her aide was using to transmit electronic information to her.

If the FBI determines that any of the documents that ended up on the shared device were classified, Abedin could be deemed to have mishandled them. In order to prove that was a criminal offense, however, investigators would have to establish that Abedin had intended to disclose the contents of those classified documents, or that she knew she was mishandling that information.

If the documents were not classified, no crime was committed. But either way, this discovery has embarrassed Clinton, even though there is no evidence at this point suggesting she has been implicated in any potential wrongdoing.

The real reason the FBI is reviewing more of Hillary Clinton's Emails

{Abedin swore under penalty of perjury at a June deposition for a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch that she had turned over all devices to her lawyers that contained State Department materials.}

She is guilty of perjury - period.

No doubt she is above the law, as party members so often are - one law for them, a different law for the commoners. But she flat out perjured herself.

So you don't understand how warrants work, either?

Two things,

  1. You have not a fucking clue how email works
  2. There was/is a warrant for the machine. Wiener is a pervert who was stalking little girls.
I ask again, are you literate? Are you aware of your surroundings?

I don't claim expertise about the technical aspects of email.

But I don't trust your claims of expertise either, since you've got quite the history of completely misunderstanding technical issues in your attempts to appear intelligent (what are the odds of a coin landing on heads 6 times in a row again?)

As for the warrant - warrants are very specific. The warrant covering Weiner's emails in regards to the child-texting case would not apply to emails unrelated to that.

Because Clinton preferred to read documents on paper rather than on a screen, emails and other files were often printed out and provided to her either at her office or home, where they were delivered in a diplomatic pouch by a security agent. Abedin, like many State Department officials, found the government network technology to be cumbersome, and she had great trouble printing documents there, investigative records show. As a result, she sometimes transferred emails from her unclassified State Department account to either her Yahoo account or her account on Clinton’s server, and printed the emails from there. It is not clear whether she ever transferred official emails to the account she used for her husband’s campaign.

Abedin would use this procedure for printing documents when she received emails she believed Clinton needed to see and when the Secretary forwarded emails to her for printing. Abedin told the FBI she would often print these emails without reading them. Abedin printed a large number of emails this way, in part because, investigative records show, other staff members considered her Clinton’s “gatekeeper” and often sent Abedin electronic communications they wanted the Secretary to see.

This procedure for printing documents, the government official says, appears to be how the newly discovered emails ended up on the laptop shared by Abedin and her husband. It is unclear whether any of those documents were downloaded onto the laptop off of her personal email accounts or were saved on an external storage device, such as a flash drive, and then transferred to the shared computer. There is also evidence that the laptop was used to send emails from Abedin to Clinton; however, none of those emails are the ones being examined by the FBI. Moreover, unless she was told by Abedin in every instance, Clinton could not have known what device her aide was using to transmit electronic information to her.

If the FBI determines that any of the documents that ended up on the shared device were classified, Abedin could be deemed to have mishandled them. In order to prove that was a criminal offense, however, investigators would have to establish that Abedin had intended to disclose the contents of those classified documents, or that she knew she was mishandling that information.

If the documents were not classified, no crime was committed. But either way, this discovery has embarrassed Clinton, even though there is no evidence at this point suggesting she has been implicated in any potential wrongdoing.

The real reason the FBI is reviewing more of Hillary Clinton's Emails

{Abedin swore under penalty of perjury at a June deposition for a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch that she had turned over all devices to her lawyers that contained State Department materials.}

She is guilty of perjury - period.

No doubt she is above the law, as party members so often are - one law for them, a different law for the commoners. But she flat out perjured herself.


I'm looking at that deposition right now. She did not "swear" that she had turned over all devices, she stated that to her knowledge she turned over all devices containing State department business.

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