666 - What does it mean?

mom4 said:
No, my dear, I'm not assuming we can't do both. I'm just thinking maybe we disagree about which is more important?

dmp... do you REALLY still use a binky? Wow.


That's an assumption you're making wrongfully. My personal relationships are not as appropriate for public discussion. Discussing the bigger picture in no way indicates a lack of personal spiritual work! :) But I understand, fully agreeing with me may put you on the shit list of the board nazis!:)
rtwngAvngr said:
That's an assumption you're making wrongfully. My personal relationships are not as appropriate for public discussion. Discussing the bigger picture in no way indicates a lack of personal spiritual work! :) But I understand, fully agreeing with me may put you on the shit list of the board nazis!:)
My sincere apologies for making incorrect assumptions.

If I fully agree with you, I won't be afraid to say it.
dmp said:
Fixed that for ya.

No. Nazis engage in spurious mod actions when I don't agre with THEM. You're good about this DMP. I don't think you've done this. And for that you rock.
rtwngAvngr said:
No. Nazis engage in spurious mod actions when I don't agre with THEM. You're good about this dmp. I don't think you've done this. And for that you rock.

If that happens, let me know via PM. The rule is, disagreements are fine - but violations of board conduct policy warrant mod-actions. :)

oh - and I rock for MANY other reasons, too! :)
mom4 said:
My sincere apologies for making incorrect assumptions.

If I fully agree with you, I won't be afraid to say it.

But your incorrect assumption was also dmp's. So really, you only agreed with me.:teeth:

Sorry if i came off snooty. I didn't meenoo.
rtwngAvngr said:
The NWO impossible? Nearly every news story these days confirms it. The internationalist, globalist movement is not a figment of my imagination.

Here's your internationalist, globalist government. And oh, by the way, it hates Israel and Jews.
dmp said:
If that happens, let me know via PM. The rule is, disagreements are fine - but violations of board conduct policy warrant mod-actions. :)

oh - and I rock for MANY other reasons, too! :)

It's good to have my humanity back!
dmp said:
If that happens, let me know via PM. The rule is, disagreements are fine - but violations of board conduct policy warrant mod-actions. :)

oh - and I rock for MANY other reasons, too! :)
Don't break your arm there! ;)

You know one of the best things about being a liberal? I don't have to claim RWA as "one of ours."
5stringJeff said:
Here's your internationalist, globalist government. And oh, by the way, it hates Israel and Jews.

The un is just a bunch of buffoons. The real global governance is, the World Bank, The World Trade Organization, and international corporations, with the american military as it's dumb stooge enforcer. And these are run by jews, in large part.
jasendorf said:
You know one of the best things about being a liberal? I don't have to claim RWA as "one of ours."

Are you kidding? You guys are all about ragging on the military industrial complex. Your solutions are just bad.

Really, international trade and hypercaptalism is fine if you don't trade with those who hate you. We should have never started trade with china. Some times there should be greater considerations than low price.
rtwngAvngr said:
The un is just a bunch of buffoons. The real global governance is, the World Bank, The World Trade Organization, and international corporations, with the american military as it's dumb stooge enforcer. And these are run by jews, in large part.

Corporations are now part of the NWO? Lemme guess, Big Oil and Big Tobacco are on the Board of Directors? :rotflmao:
5stringJeff said:
Corporations are now part of the NWO? Lemme guess, Big Oil and Big Tobacco are on the Board of Directors? :rotflmao:

Huge multinationals, yes. I believe in the future, a few huge corporations will provide all goods and services to all of humanity. There will be no such thing as a startup anymore, and there will be no legal avenues for entrepeneurs not already entrenched with the multinational elites.
rtwngAvngr said:
Huge multinationals, yes. I believe in the future, a few huge corporations will provide all goods and services to all of humanity. There will be no such thing as a startup anymore, and there will be no legal avenues for entrepeneurs not already entrenched with the multinational elites.
When? 10 years? 20?
I hope when the jews take over, they take over and bring a LOT of their soldiers:









"What's that baby?? You're going to tie me up and put your underwear over my head? If you insist..."

rtwngAvngr said:
I don't know everything clay, it just seems like it sometimes. have a snack.:suck:
If you're going to have foregone conclusions, at least make them COMPLETE foregone conclusions. :rolleyes:

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