67%-72% of black children are raised by a single parent


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
When it comes to black crime rate, lack of education, personal failure, need anything be said further ?
It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see that one parent equals a likely lack of discipline and mentoring.

Once a system of trading dad for a government paycheck was implemented, the destruction of pride, and the family unit was put into motion, and the results can now be clearly seen.

Nice going libs, with you on their sides, who the fuck would ever need an enemy ?!

Black Single Mothers Are Biggest Impediment To Progress Journalist George Will Says VIDEO

Children in single-parent families by race KIDS COUNT Data Center
This is the source of black crime and social demise. I've been making this point for over 25 years. Falls on deaf left wing ears.
BTW, it's not a poverty or legacy of racism, Jim Crow and slavery issue. This is a post-Great Society issue. Blacks' out-of-wedlock birthdate was only 20% prior to civil rights.
We have the same problem here in mostly black, PG county, MD where the median household income is the equivalent of the richest counties in half the states in the country.
This is a democrat thing.
Is it a coincidence that the Asian community, the current #1 standard of living community in the U.S., has the lowest percentage ( 16% ) of single parent households ?
I think having black fathers around wouldn't matter anyway. They're feral savages by nature. It is instilled in them. They are impulsive creatures with a genetic habit to self destruct and wreck havoc on civilized society they exist in.
I've known plenty of White kids whose fathers or mothers died when they were little or the parents divorced and the fathers/mothers didn't have a chance to be in their kids lives. Those kids never acted like the feral negro.
Things changed around 1960. The black parents back before then were still a family. Then they were freed by JFK and of course the worst piece of shit this country has ever seen, with white skin. Lyndon Baines Johnson.
I've known plenty of White kids whose fathers or mothers died when they were little or the parents divorced and the fathers/mothers didn't have a chance to be in their kids lives. Those kids never acted like the feral negro.
It's not that simple, there's far more to it than that.

These kids are raised in a culture of anger and victimhood, an environment of isolation. The soft bigotry of reduced expectations is real. Then, generation after generation of this isolation cements it.

Anyone brought up like that is far less likely to properly assimilate and succeed.

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I think having black fathers around wouldn't matter anyway. They're feral savages by nature. It is instilled in them. They are impulsive creatures with a genetic habit to self destruct and wreck havoc on civilized society they exist in.

If you had two parents in the same household very interested and motivated in you getting a solid education and succeeding, I guarantee you a lot fewer black kids would end up being in gangs, and or out on the streets acting like thugs destroying property and ending up in jail.
I think having black fathers around wouldn't matter anyway. They're feral savages by nature. It is instilled in them. They are impulsive creatures with a genetic habit to self destruct and wreck havoc on civilized society they exist in.

If you had two parents in the same household very interested and motivated in you getting a solid education and succeeding, I guarantee you a lot fewer black kids would end up being in gangs, and or out on the streets acting like thugs destroying property and ending up in jail.
Yep. This isn't about skin color, it's about what has been done to a culture.

I think having black fathers around wouldn't matter anyway. They're feral savages by nature. It is instilled in them. They are impulsive creatures with a genetic habit to self destruct and wreck havoc on civilized society they exist in.

If you had two parents in the same household very interested and motivated in you getting a solid education and succeeding, I guarantee you a lot fewer black kids would end up being in gangs, and or out on the streets acting like thugs destroying property and ending up in jail.
Yep. This isn't about skin color, it's about what has been done to a culture.


Doesn't it seem like a no-brainer ? Isn't it obvious that two parents fully engaged in their children's lives would make a world of difference ?
Add the shocking numbers to the statistics of Black women who are forced to endure abortions and you come up with the sad fact that the majority of Black men have learned that the democrat party plantation will support their decision to abandon their responsibilities as long as they vote for democrats.
"I think having black fathers around wouldn't matter anyway. They're feral savages by nature. It is instilled in them. They are impulsive creatures with a genetic habit to self destruct and wreck havoc on civilized society they exist in."
Kill yourself.
"I think having black fathers around wouldn't matter anyway. They're feral savages by nature. It is instilled in them. They are impulsive creatures with a genetic habit to self destruct and wreck havoc on civilized society they exist in."
Kill yourself.

A racist Marxist. What a combination.
72 Percent Of Black Kids Raised By Single Parent, 25% Overall In U.S.

One in four children in the United States is being raised by a single parent — a percentage that has been on the rise and is higher than other developed countries, according to a report released Wednesday.

Of the 27 industrialized countries studied by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the U.S. had 25.8 percent of children being raised by a single parent, compared with an average of 14.9 percent across the other countries.

In the African American community, 72 percent of Black children are raised in a single parent household.

Here are some stats on the city to city breakdown of single parent families in the Black community from 2009.

Ireland was second (24.3 percent), followed by New Zealand (23.7 percent). Greece, Spain, Italy and Luxemborg had among the lowest percentages of children in single-parent homes.

Experts point to a variety of factors to explain the high U.S. figure, including a cultural shift toward greater acceptance of single-parent child rearing. The U.S. also lacks policies to help support families, including childcare at work and national paid maternity leave, which are commonplace in other countries.

“When our parents married, there was a sense that you were marrying for life,” said Edward Zigler, founder and director of Yale’s Edward Zigler Center in Child Development and Social Policy. “That sense is not as prevalent.”

Single parents in the U.S. were more likely to be employed — 35.8 percent compared to a 21.3 percent average — but they also had higher rates of poverty, the report found

72 of black children are raised in single parent - Yahoo Search Results
When it comes to black crime rate, lack of education, personal failure, need anything be said further ?
It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see that one parent equals a likely lack of discipline and mentoring.

Once a system of trading dad for a government paycheck was implemented, the destruction of pride, and the family unit was put into motion, and the results can now be clearly seen.

Nice going libs, with you on their sides, who the fuck would ever need an enemy ?!

Black Single Mothers Are Biggest Impediment To Progress Journalist George Will Says VIDEO

Children in single-parent families by race KIDS COUNT Data Center

My brother and I were raised by a single parent from ages 10 n 5 on (am the elder.) He's married over a dozen years and successfully employed with the oil companies. I myself joined the Navy and went on to (coincidentally) work security for an oil company. Both ultra-lawful, liberal as hell (heh) and happy positive people.

Single parenting is not tied to criminality or poverty.

Jesus, was raised by a single parent. :)
Stop excusing locking blacks up for jay walking and petty shit then that number would drop

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