67%-72% of black children are raised by a single parent

When it comes to black crime rate, lack of education, personal failure, need anything be said further ?
It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see that one parent equals a likely lack of discipline and mentoring.

Once a system of trading dad for a government paycheck was implemented, the destruction of pride, and the family unit was put into motion, and the results can now be clearly seen.

Nice going libs, with you on their sides, who the fuck would ever need an enemy ?!

Black Single Mothers Are Biggest Impediment To Progress Journalist George Will Says VIDEO

Children in single-parent families by race KIDS COUNT Data Center

My brother and I were raised by a single parent from ages 10 n 5 on (am the elder.) He's married over a dozen years and successfully employed with the oil companies. I myself joined the Navy and went on to (coincidentally) work security for an oil company. Both ultra-lawful, liberal as hell (heh) and happy positive people.

Single parenting is not tied to criminality or poverty.

Jesus, was raised by a single parent. :)

The more single parent households there are, the more chances of kids being supervised, and chances of being involved in gangs and other mischief.
When a child has two strong parents involved in their lives, the better chances of the child being a success.
When it comes to black crime rate, lack of education, personal failure, need anything be said further ?
It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see that one parent equals a likely lack of discipline and mentoring.

Once a system of trading dad for a government paycheck was implemented, the destruction of pride, and the family unit was put into motion, and the results can now be clearly seen.

Nice going libs, with you on their sides, who the fuck would ever need an enemy ?!

Black Single Mothers Are Biggest Impediment To Progress Journalist George Will Says VIDEO

Children in single-parent families by race KIDS COUNT Data Center

What have liberals done to cause this exactly?
When it comes to black crime rate, lack of education, personal failure, need anything be said further ?
It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see that one parent equals a likely lack of discipline and mentoring.

Once a system of trading dad for a government paycheck was implemented, the destruction of pride, and the family unit was put into motion, and the results can now be clearly seen.

Nice going libs, with you on their sides, who the fuck would ever need an enemy ?!

Black Single Mothers Are Biggest Impediment To Progress Journalist George Will Says VIDEO

Children in single-parent families by race KIDS COUNT Data Center

What have liberals done to cause this exactly?

By taking the place of the father, the government paycheck and housing, takes away pride and motivation away from individuals to create their own path in life.
It's one thing to provide a temporary safety net, but liberals have seen to it that these government handouts remain permanent and a staple of the black community.
When it comes to black crime rate, lack of education, personal failure, need anything be said further ?
It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see that one parent equals a likely lack of discipline and mentoring.

Once a system of trading dad for a government paycheck was implemented, the destruction of pride, and the family unit was put into motion, and the results can now be clearly seen.

Nice going libs, with you on their sides, who the fuck would ever need an enemy ?!

Black Single Mothers Are Biggest Impediment To Progress Journalist George Will Says VIDEO

Children in single-parent families by race KIDS COUNT Data Center

What have liberals done to cause this exactly?

By taking the place of the father, the government paycheck and housing, takes away pride and motivation away from individuals to create their own path in life.
It's one thing to provide a temporary safety net, but liberals have seen to it that these government handouts remain permanent and a staple of the black community.

I don't really see first how that would break up families. And second I'm not aware of anything that black people get that other races don't. Shouldn't everyone have the same issue? Also I'm pretty sure there are not enough people on welfare to make the claim true.
When it comes to black crime rate, lack of education, personal failure, need anything be said further ?
It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see that one parent equals a likely lack of discipline and mentoring.

Once a system of trading dad for a government paycheck was implemented, the destruction of pride, and the family unit was put into motion, and the results can now be clearly seen.

Nice going libs, with you on their sides, who the fuck would ever need an enemy ?!

Black Single Mothers Are Biggest Impediment To Progress Journalist George Will Says VIDEO

Children in single-parent families by race KIDS COUNT Data Center

What have liberals done to cause this exactly?

By taking the place of the father, the government paycheck and housing, takes away pride and motivation away from individuals to create their own path in life.
It's one thing to provide a temporary safety net, but liberals have seen to it that these government handouts remain permanent and a staple of the black community.

I don't really see first how that would break up families. And second I'm not aware of anything that black people get that other races don't. Shouldn't everyone have the same issue? Also I'm pretty sure there are not enough people on welfare to make the claim true.
Part of it began with welfare. Make babies, get a check. Consider that that became the norm within a self-segregating demographic and the conditioned snowballed. Gender politics and single-mom-by-choice feminism also contributes to the problem. The deflection of the fatherlessness issue onto race begets more fatherlessness among blacks and the condition snowballs further. Now the homos want to get into the unstructured family act with legal marriage and things are exacerbated again. These are all democrat agendas. Here we are.
When it comes to black crime rate, lack of education, personal failure, need anything be said further ?
It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see that one parent equals a likely lack of discipline and mentoring.

Once a system of trading dad for a government paycheck was implemented, the destruction of pride, and the family unit was put into motion, and the results can now be clearly seen.

Nice going libs, with you on their sides, who the fuck would ever need an enemy ?!

Black Single Mothers Are Biggest Impediment To Progress Journalist George Will Says VIDEO

Children in single-parent families by race KIDS COUNT Data Center

What have liberals done to cause this exactly?

By taking the place of the father, the government paycheck and housing, takes away pride and motivation away from individuals to create their own path in life.
It's one thing to provide a temporary safety net, but liberals have seen to it that these government handouts remain permanent and a staple of the black community.

I don't really see first how that would break up families. And second I'm not aware of anything that black people get that other races don't. Shouldn't everyone have the same issue? Also I'm pretty sure there are not enough people on welfare to make the claim true.
Part of it began with welfare. Make babies, get a check. Consider that that became the norm within a self-segregating demographic and the conditioned snowballed. Gender politics and single-mom-by-choice feminism also contributes to the problem. The deflection of the fatherlessness issue onto race begets more fatherlessness among blacks and the condition snowballs further. Now the homos want to get into the unstructured family act with legal marriage and things are exacerbated again. These are all democrat agendas. Here we are.

That doesn't explain why it would effect one race and not others. And there are not 67-72% of black people on welfare. I agree it is a problem but think you are wrong about where it came from.
When it comes to black crime rate, lack of education, personal failure, need anything be said further ?
It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see that one parent equals a likely lack of discipline and mentoring.

Once a system of trading dad for a government paycheck was implemented, the destruction of pride, and the family unit was put into motion, and the results can now be clearly seen.

Nice going libs, with you on their sides, who the fuck would ever need an enemy ?!

Black Single Mothers Are Biggest Impediment To Progress Journalist George Will Says VIDEO

Children in single-parent families by race KIDS COUNT Data Center

Are you sure this issue isn't a poor issue rather than a black issue?
The only way to stop single black women from popping out shitloads of kids is to put a whoa on ANY family of more than 2 children. Just like China did, we should do the same. The earth is over populated. Maybe India should look into it as well. Talk about a dump and over populated while fucking non stop to have kids that have to fish in filth just to find food or clean water...which doesn't exist.

Said it before..I'll say it again. Agent Smith was right on the mark:

I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.
It's not that simple, there's far more to it than that.

These kids are raised in a culture of anger and victimhood, an environment of isolation. The soft bigotry of reduced expectations is real. Then, generation after generation of this isolation cements it.

Anyone brought up like that is far less likely to properly assimilate and succeed.

Taking this one step further, imagine how terrible it would be to be unable to properly assimilate into the country in which you were born.

That's a fucked up thing to do to a kid right there.

Stop excusing locking blacks up for jay walking and petty shit then that number would drop


The divorce rate in the U.S. across the board averages over 50%, black and white.

  • The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%
  • The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60%
  • The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73%
    Information on Divorce Rate Statistics
The problem is as the FBI has stated:

Black Teens Vastly More Likely to Be Killed by Police Than Whites Even After Adjusting for Crime Rates
A new study by Pro Publica of FBI data on police-involved deaths found that black males between the ages 15 and 19 are 21 times more likely to be killed by police than their white counterparts.
Black teenager police killing rate 21 times higher than same rate for whites.

I saw Bill O'Reilly mouth this bullshit last night about black kids raised by single parents, too. The righties gets their talking points from a fucking idiot flamer on Fox.

When it comes to black crime rate, lack of education, personal failure, need anything be said further ?
It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see that one parent equals a likely lack of discipline and mentoring.

Once a system of trading dad for a government paycheck was implemented, the destruction of pride, and the family unit was put into motion, and the results can now be clearly seen.

Nice going libs, with you on their sides, who the fuck would ever need an enemy ?!

Black Single Mothers Are Biggest Impediment To Progress Journalist George Will Says VIDEO

Children in single-parent families by race KIDS COUNT Data Center

My brother and I were raised by a single parent from ages 10 n 5 on (am the elder.) He's married over a dozen years and successfully employed with the oil companies. I myself joined the Navy and went on to (coincidentally) work security for an oil company. Both ultra-lawful, liberal as hell (heh) and happy positive people.

Single parenting is not tied to criminality or poverty.

Jesus, was raised by a single parent. :)

The more single parent households there are, the more chances of kids being supervised, and chances of being involved in gangs and other mischief.
When a child has two strong parents involved in their lives, the better chances of the child being a success.

But you're probably against two people who aren't capable of being parents much less involved in a child's life having control over their own lives. You'd probably like to pass a law where it's illegal for whites to get abortions but OK for blacks.
Let me tell you what goes in these single parent homes....most of these young girls that get pregnant are products of teen mom's to began with. Most of these girls are competing literally with the same black men that mom is trying to attract. Creating conflict in the home, which usually renders teenager out on her own and in public housing venue or section 8 by the time she's 18...At 18, she's at the mercy of low wage job opportunities, if she decides to work or she's at the mercy of a resource that is drained to the core.....public assistance. Now, multiply this a thousand times and you see the problems in the black community.

Now add jr. to the mix....all he knows is "Boy, I'm gonna whip yo ass" and experimenting with his sexual prowess. He's too old to be stickin around the home once he hits his teens, cause Mama got company...so he hangs in the streets.....I mean, this is what happens.

The federal government has got to stop rewarding women for sitting on their ass and having babies just because and go after these men who are not taking care of these kids they help create.....we have got to produce more job opportunities in this country for all our citizens who are willing to work, we've got to raise the min wage to livable standards and we've got to invest in higher education reform, so that everyone is able to attend college if they wish.

But blaming single women of color for all the ils in the black community is unfair and unjustified.
When it comes to black crime rate, lack of education, personal failure, need anything be said further ?
It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see that one parent equals a likely lack of discipline and mentoring.

Once a system of trading dad for a government paycheck was implemented, the destruction of pride, and the family unit was put into motion, and the results can now be clearly seen.

Nice going libs, with you on their sides, who the fuck would ever need an enemy ?!

Black Single Mothers Are Biggest Impediment To Progress Journalist George Will Says VIDEO

Children in single-parent families by race KIDS COUNT Data Center

What have liberals done to cause this exactly?

By taking the place of the father, the government paycheck and housing, takes away pride and motivation away from individuals to create their own path in life.
It's one thing to provide a temporary safety net, but liberals have seen to it that these government handouts remain permanent and a staple of the black community.

I don't really see first how that would break up families. And second I'm not aware of anything that black people get that other races don't. Shouldn't everyone have the same issue? Also I'm pretty sure there are not enough people on welfare to make the claim true.
Part of it began with welfare. Make babies, get a check. Consider that that became the norm within a self-segregating demographic and the conditioned snowballed. Gender politics and single-mom-by-choice feminism also contributes to the problem. The deflection of the fatherlessness issue onto race begets more fatherlessness among blacks and the condition snowballs further. Now the homos want to get into the unstructured family act with legal marriage and things are exacerbated again. These are all democrat agendas. Here we are.

That doesn't explain why it would effect one race and not others. And there are not 67-72% of black people on welfare. I agree it is a problem but think you are wrong about where it came from.
Welfare more than explains why one group more than others. Add to that the self segregation propagated by the left and the problem snowballs.
What have liberals done to cause this exactly?

By taking the place of the father, the government paycheck and housing, takes away pride and motivation away from individuals to create their own path in life.
It's one thing to provide a temporary safety net, but liberals have seen to it that these government handouts remain permanent and a staple of the black community.

I don't really see first how that would break up families. And second I'm not aware of anything that black people get that other races don't. Shouldn't everyone have the same issue? Also I'm pretty sure there are not enough people on welfare to make the claim true.
Part of it began with welfare. Make babies, get a check. Consider that that became the norm within a self-segregating demographic and the conditioned snowballed. Gender politics and single-mom-by-choice feminism also contributes to the problem. The deflection of the fatherlessness issue onto race begets more fatherlessness among blacks and the condition snowballs further. Now the homos want to get into the unstructured family act with legal marriage and things are exacerbated again. These are all democrat agendas. Here we are.

That doesn't explain why it would effect one race and not others. And there are not 67-72% of black people on welfare. I agree it is a problem but think you are wrong about where it came from.
Welfare more than explains why one group more than others. Add to that the self segregation propagated by the left and the problem snowballs.

No it does not. Everyone has access to welfare. What is this self segregation?
By taking the place of the father, the government paycheck and housing, takes away pride and motivation away from individuals to create their own path in life.
It's one thing to provide a temporary safety net, but liberals have seen to it that these government handouts remain permanent and a staple of the black community.

I don't really see first how that would break up families. And second I'm not aware of anything that black people get that other races don't. Shouldn't everyone have the same issue? Also I'm pretty sure there are not enough people on welfare to make the claim true.
Part of it began with welfare. Make babies, get a check. Consider that that became the norm within a self-segregating demographic and the conditioned snowballed. Gender politics and single-mom-by-choice feminism also contributes to the problem. The deflection of the fatherlessness issue onto race begets more fatherlessness among blacks and the condition snowballs further. Now the homos want to get into the unstructured family act with legal marriage and things are exacerbated again. These are all democrat agendas. Here we are.

That doesn't explain why it would effect one race and not others. And there are not 67-72% of black people on welfare. I agree it is a problem but think you are wrong about where it came from.
Welfare more than explains why one group more than others. Add to that the self segregation propagated by the left and the problem snowballs.

No it does not. Everyone has access to welfare. What is this self segregation?
Welfare programs were initiated primarily for poor blacks. Welfare checks increased for every baby born. That provided impetus for more illegitimate children. That is why welfare reform came about in 1994.
Self segregation is what we've been witnessing among blacks for fifty years. Why do you suppose a fifth generation Minneapolis black still speaks with a southern accent?
"I think having black fathers around wouldn't matter anyway. They're feral savages by nature. It is instilled in them. They are impulsive creatures with a genetic habit to self destruct and wreck havoc on civilized society they exist in."
Kill yourself.

A racist Marxist. What a combination.
I was quoting a well known racist pig.. didn't quote it right, I added kill yourself though.
"Raised" by a single parent , and YOU the US taxpayer....

Because it takes a f---ing village nowadays apparently...

Stop excusing locking blacks up for jay walking and petty shit then that number would drop


The divorce rate in the U.S. across the board averages over 50%, black and white.

  • The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%
  • The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60%
  • The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73%
    Information on Divorce Rate Statistics
The problem is as the FBI has stated:

Black Teens Vastly More Likely to Be Killed by Police Than Whites Even After Adjusting for Crime Rates
A new study by Pro Publica of FBI data on police-involved deaths found that black males between the ages 15 and 19 are 21 times more likely to be killed by police than their white counterparts.
Black teenager police killing rate 21 times higher than same rate for whites.

I saw Bill O'Reilly mouth this bullshit last night about black kids raised by single parents, too. The righties gets their talking points from a fucking idiot flamer on Fox.

Who said they were married in the first place ?

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