670K sign up in 1 day! 10X Trump's winning total

you live in a bubble

670,000 people signed up for Obamacare yesterday, which is 10 times the margin of victory for Trump in PA, WI, MI.

America likes Obamacare.

They sure do. When a working class man pays $1,000 a month so his family can have a bronze healthcare plan through Blue Cross/Blue Shield, subsidizing those $0 or $20 a month healthcare plans which are not only cheap, but also better than those paid by the people of the working class who work 40 hours a week, then of course those who either don't work, or only work 10 hours a week to stay under the minimum income to get benefits will love Obamacare. Unfortunately with an Obama mindset, the usual "take from the working man and give to the lazy man" concept is true. But when you're a working man or a small business owner, Obamacare sucks.

Let's be real here. The average American doesn't think things through. Our country is filled with a higher percentage of dumb people than most third world countries. Most Americans are like sheep... They see someone do something stupid and a flock of them follow along even though the rest of the world does it the proper way.

Wrong....I have a small business, I paid $$$$$$$ for my plan before Obamacare . The Corrupt insurance people were going to kick me off my plan for having cancer.
I still pay a lot for insurance but the medical treatment will not steal my whole life savings , homes ect and stop treatment when I am broke..

Lazy ass people already go to the state paid hospitals..so nothing will change that .

People with cancer are in the minority. There were out of pockets before and after Obamacare.

The only two points I agree about Obamacare is being able to obtain new insurance with pre-existing conditions and the age 26 exceptions, but those also help raise the cost, and while I'm sorry you had cancer, everyone else shouldn't have to pay more in order to take care of less than 1% of people out there.

Thank you, very kind of you...but it was affordable..and you are not paying for me,I pay a lot..

What Obamacare did was keep the fucking high medical crooks from taking my whole life..Why is that ok..

No it is awful..

And sorry to say also cancer is Not in the minority the rooms are jammed pack with all ages , stop talking about what you don't know jack shit about.

Everything you said was clueless and is what the crooked leaders are telling you..

Actually I would be paying for you, but I refuse to buy insurance. Where does the insurance get it's money from to cover people? Oh that's right, from the people who pay for it and never go to the doctors. Do you think they pull the money out of thin air to pay for your chemo? When you reach your out of pocket max, you don't pay anything else. Everyone else pays for your healthcare services. In reality, you pay a very small percentage of what your bill actually would be.

But hey, how clueless.
yesterday was the deadline dope

either sign up for obamacares or face the serious consequences


In the Old Soviet Union when people were forced to sign up for something, it really meant they Liked it a Lot. Im sure the Obama Care proponents are feeling the nostalgia right about now

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