69 warnings about the violent tendencies of Parkland shooter were ignored...

You should seriously think of taking a break from the internet and go and get some mental health help. Don't ignore your own warnings, of which there are plenty right here.
The report on the Parkland shooting is revealing more and more about the incompetence of our democrat controlled party controlled institutions...

Law abiding gun owners are not the problem...incompetent democrat party government officials are the problem....

Sun Sentinel: Parkland Officials Ignored 69 Mental Health Warnings - The Truth About Guns
I dont walk out of my house, unless I am fully armed for war. You never know when some totally insane liberal, wants to make everyone else's life miserable that day. The lunatic left says I am afraid, but little do they realize that I am not afraid, I just dont want to be a victim of liberalism like those in Las Vegas or Parkland Fl.
The report on the Parkland shooting is revealing more and more about the incompetence of our democrat controlled party controlled institutions...

Law abiding gun owners are not the problem...incompetent democrat party government officials are the problem....

Sun Sentinel: Parkland Officials Ignored 69 Mental Health Warnings - The Truth About Guns
So should his guns have been confiscated? Should we do background checks on someone's mental health before we allow them to buy a gun?
The report on the Parkland shooting is revealing more and more about the incompetence of our democrat controlled party controlled institutions...

Law abiding gun owners are not the problem...incompetent democrat party government officials are the problem....

Sun Sentinel: Parkland Officials Ignored 69 Mental Health Warnings - The Truth About Guns
So should his guns have been confiscated? Should we do background checks on someone's mental health before we allow them to buy a gun?

Yes...because he actually broke the law mutlitple times....felonies, in fact by bringing weapons onto school grounds...as well as other crimes.

No, we shouldn't do mental health backgrounds on every gun buyer, there is no need for that. We can do all we need under existing laws....as long as they are actually enforced, unlike what happened in Parkland due to democrat party policies....
The report on the Parkland shooting is revealing more and more about the incompetence of our democrat controlled party controlled institutions...

Law abiding gun owners are not the problem...incompetent democrat party government officials are the problem....

Sun Sentinel: Parkland Officials Ignored 69 Mental Health Warnings - The Truth About Guns
So should his guns have been confiscated? Should we do background checks on someone's mental health before we allow them to buy a gun?

Yes...because he actually broke the law mutlitple times....felonies, in fact by bringing weapons onto school grounds...as well as other crimes.

No, we shouldn't do mental health backgrounds on every gun buyer, there is no need for that. We can do all we need under existing laws....as long as they are actually enforced, unlike what happened in Parkland due to democrat party policies....
You said there were 69 mental health warnings. And then you say we should not do anything about it.

I think you have your own mental health issues. You sound positively schizophrenic.
A guy is diagnosed as schizophrenic and is given medicine to mitigate the symptoms. While off his meds, he gets it in his head the President of the United States is listening to his thoughts.

He has not broken any laws, and 2Aguy thinks we should let him buy as many guns as he wishes, until he takes a shot at the President. THEN, and only then, should we act.
This is where the gun nuts show their hypocrisy.

They talk about "warning signs", which is a clear implication that they think something should have been done ahead of time to prevent a mass shooting.

But when you nail them down, you find that being a whackjob with homicidal tendencies STILL isn't good enough for them. Someone who verbalizes a desire to kill isn't good enough for them to ban that person from getting a gun.

So their "warning signs" bullshit is a fucking hoax.
The report on the Parkland shooting is revealing more and more about the incompetence of our democrat controlled party controlled institutions...

Law abiding gun owners are not the problem...incompetent democrat party government officials are the problem....

Sun Sentinel: Parkland Officials Ignored 69 Mental Health Warnings - The Truth About Guns
So should his guns have been confiscated? Should we do background checks on someone's mental health before we allow them to buy a gun?

Yes...because he actually broke the law mutlitple times....felonies, in fact by bringing weapons onto school grounds...as well as other crimes.

No, we shouldn't do mental health backgrounds on every gun buyer, there is no need for that. We can do all we need under existing laws....as long as they are actually enforced, unlike what happened in Parkland due to democrat party policies....
You said there were 69 mental health warnings. And then you say we should not do anything about it.

I think you have your own mental health issues. You sound positively schizophrenic.

No....I said we shouldn't do mental health background checks on every gun buyer....this guy had committed actual felonies that were ignored because of obama's Promise Program. If his shrink says he is dangerous, which he did, then sure, we can get a real court order and take his guns....
The report on the Parkland shooting is revealing more and more about the incompetence of our democrat controlled party controlled institutions...

Law abiding gun owners are not the problem...incompetent democrat party government officials are the problem....

Sun Sentinel: Parkland Officials Ignored 69 Mental Health Warnings - The Truth About Guns
So should his guns have been confiscated? Should we do background checks on someone's mental health before we allow them to buy a gun?
If as many as 69 people gave warnings about his behavior, yes.

God bless you and those who weren't killed always!!!


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