7 Lies That Obama And Kerry Believe About Radical Muslims


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
I don't know that they believe these myths, but they push them.

7 myths about Islam that need to be discussed

No, not all Muslims are violent. However, Islam does have the highest percent of violent members of any religion and ignoring it won't solve the problem. Some Muslims have spoken out against ISIS, which was refreshing, but we can't ignore the high number of Muslims who are radical and continue their quest for the elimination of all infidels. We do have self-righteous Christians who are intolerant of others and seem to be on a crusade to recruit people, but they don't seek to kill them. The Westboro church members, who must have a combined IQ of 10, are downright mean spirited, but at least they don't kill. It's easy for me to ignore idiots, but impossible to ignore anyone who would pose an actual threat to the lives of non-believers.

Also, any religion that doesn't allow women and children to have rights should not be given an ounce of respect. I don't care which religion it is, treating people like possessions should not be tolerated. While some women can choose to be subservient, children should be protected from things like being forced to marry adult men. We have laws and they come first, so no religion should ever be allowed to go against our laws. There are many Muslims do not separate religion and government. They can't because they are one and the same. That is why it puzzles me that they come here knowing that our laws often go against their beliefs. No tolerance of Sharia law should even be considered here, just as the bible should not be the guide for creating our laws. Do as you want as long as it in in accordance with our laws. If not, claiming religious freedom doesn't cut it. Come here, alter your practices to comply with our laws or stay away. We aren't here to be transformed to radical ideology. Many will try, but we should stand firm.

2. Muhammad was an honorable, humble man. In truth, he was a murderous despot with an insatiable sexual appetite. While according to his revelations, a Muslim man could have up to four wives, Muhammad was allowed as many as he wanted, including sex slaves captured in battle (as ISIS does). In all, it is believed that the prophet had sexual relations with 66 women and girls. Yes, girls. His most infamous wife was the child prophetess Aisha, whom he wed at age 6, but mercifully waited until she was 9 to consummate the marriage.

The Nigerian Boko Haram terrorists who kidnapped nearly 300 young girls in order to convert them and force them into marriage and ISIS, which is doing the same in Iraq and Syria, are only following the example of Muhammad. Older Muslim men marrying children is common today. The five nations with the highest percentage of child brides all have a Muslim majority!

3. Islam respects other religions. Within an Islamic state, other religions like Judaism and Christianity are sometimes tolerated, provided that you pay a jizah, a special tax, and you do not offend Islam. Seeking to bring Muslims into your faith can be problematic. In Saudi Arabia it is illegal to seek to convert someone from Islam or to give out literature such as Bibles. One Filipino businessman was arrested, tortured and sentenced to death for leading several house churches. He was reluctantly set free due to international pressure.
When I heard the Brit PM use the Bush line "Islam is a religion of peace" while decrying the most recent beheading, I about barfed.

This is why they will win in the end. The west is a timid little girl with sore feet.
I don't know that they believe these myths, but they push them.

7 myths about Islam that need to be discussed

No, not all Muslims are violent. However, Islam does have the highest percent of violent members of any religion and ignoring it won't solve the problem.

That has nothing to do with innocent non-violent Muslims.
Can anyone explain why so many Muslims are violent and intolerant of other religions? What other religion has members that bond together to do so much destruction? What other religion tells people to convert or die, then makes good on their threats? What other religion has members that behead people, carry out terrorist attacks and arranges marriages to children, all in the name of their religion?

I hear some on the left blame policies and such, but the terrorists simply say that they want to rid the world of infidels and rule the world. Has nothing to do with policies. Has everything to do with an archaic belief that anyone but their own kind are evil and deserve to die. They are against infidels. Period. Doesn't matter how tolerant you are of them or how kind you are. If you're not one of them, you must die. ISIS, Hamas, al Qaeda, etc. and all who support them are the scum of the earth and don't deserve respect or tolerance.

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