7 Words That The Trump Administration Is Reportedly Banning At CDC

Controllinging the press. How far will Trump go?

Here Are 7 Words That The Trump Administration Is Reportedly Banning At CDC

What the bleep? Lena Sun and Juliet Eilperin reported for the Washington Post that the Trump Administration has now identified 7 words that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) can no longer use in official budget documents. According to the article, Alison Kelly from the CDC’s Office of Financial Services met with senior CDC officials for 90 minutes on Thursday and gave them the following list of banned words, not in any particular order because they all supposedly will be banned:

  1. vulnerable
  2. entitlement
  3. diversity
  4. transgender
  5. fetus
  6. evidence-based
  7. science-based

How is that nearly as serious as the words edited out of the FBI report Comey delivered to the nation?
Another liberal story about the specter of Trump haunting America.
I wish.

What king of fucking idiot would demand this?
Not an idiot, someone who sees the regressive word redefining scams that are used to misdirect facts all the time. Example: The word "progressive" has no basis in anything progressive when the "regressive" liberals apply it to themselves.

Oh My God

Science based? You can't say science based?


The CDC is based on science.

Buy hey, you keep calling science fake news like a good little retartded Trumpette.
It's obvious, cons hate science.
Controllinging the press. How far will Trump go?

Here Are 7 Words That The Trump Administration Is Reportedly Banning At CDC

What the bleep? Lena Sun and Juliet Eilperin reported for the Washington Post that the Trump Administration has now identified 7 words that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) can no longer use in official budget documents. According to the article, Alison Kelly from the CDC’s Office of Financial Services met with senior CDC officials for 90 minutes on Thursday and gave them the following list of banned words, not in any particular order because they all supposedly will be banned:

  1. vulnerable
  2. entitlement
  3. diversity
  4. transgender
  5. fetus
  6. evidence-based
  7. science-based

Pretty bizarre.

But hardly surprising coming from the Trump administration.

After loading up Department after Department with former lobbyists, with people with no qualifications or background other than being predictably loyal to Trump and Conservative- censorship is certainly no surprise.

Which department will these words be banned from next?
Hey Trump diversity is good, transgender is good, having entitlements is good, fetus is good, evidence based is the world and science based is my dream.

Now come and shut me up! You mother fucking asshole.

Controllinging the press. How far will Trump go?

Here Are 7 Words That The Trump Administration Is Reportedly Banning At CDC

What the bleep? Lena Sun and Juliet Eilperin reported for the Washington Post that the Trump Administration has now identified 7 words that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) can no longer use in official budget documents. According to the article, Alison Kelly from the CDC’s Office of Financial Services met with senior CDC officials for 90 minutes on Thursday and gave them the following list of banned words, not in any particular order because they all supposedly will be banned:

  1. vulnerable
  2. entitlement
  3. diversity
  4. transgender
  5. fetus
  6. evidence-based
  7. science-based

Controlling the press? Why you JACKASS, the CDC isn't the Press and he is UNcontrolling the control invoked by Obama who put all that horseshit in there in the first place!

Free press. The enemy of an oppressive government.

Free Press. The enemy of dumbasses who are sofa king duped they actually believe what their orange hero says.
Or the co-conspirator of oppressive government.
Controllinging the press. How far will Trump go?

Here Are 7 Words That The Trump Administration Is Reportedly Banning At CDC

What the bleep? Lena Sun and Juliet Eilperin reported for the Washington Post that the Trump Administration has now identified 7 words that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) can no longer use in official budget documents. According to the article, Alison Kelly from the CDC’s Office of Financial Services met with senior CDC officials for 90 minutes on Thursday and gave them the following list of banned words, not in any particular order because they all supposedly will be banned:

  1. vulnerable
  2. entitlement
  3. diversity
  4. transgender
  5. fetus
  6. evidence-based
  7. science-based

nicely planted story by the admin

to verify who the leaker is

I would want congress to start each session with everyone reciting the words on Trump's list followed by a bare ass salute.
This a BS News story.
It's is coming from a disgruntled left wing wacko who hates Trump.
It's only
It is not confirmed.
This a BS News story.
It's is coming from a disgruntled left wing wacko who hates Trump.
It's only
It is not confirmed.
planted by trump

to verify a leaker
well that would be interesting

that is how it works

several months ago a leaker program was announced

we are seeing the results

several items are planted to various sources

what pops out the other end tells them "who"
Another liberal story about the specter of Trump haunting America.
I wish.

What king of fucking idiot would demand this?
Not an idiot, someone who sees the regressive word redefining scams that are used to misdirect facts all the time. Example: The word "progressive" has no basis in anything progressive when the "regressive" liberals apply it to themselves.

Oh My God

Science based? You can't say science based?


The CDC is based on science.

Buy hey, you keep calling science fake news like a good little retartded Trumpette.
It's obvious, cons hate science.
Yes, deflect away from what was really said like you lying traitors always do. Regressive scumbags ALWAYS use words that mean different then what is actually being done where they use them.

Planned Parenthood - Abort as many babies as you can
Net neutrality - Take over internet and censor whatever.
Heroes - Men who cut their dick off
Progressive - Regressive
Gun Control - police state
Racist - Who ever says blacks commit crime
Truth - lies
Etc etc cry some more liars....
he is UNcontrolling the control invoked by Obama who put all that horseshit in there in the first place!
This is a perfect example of a grown man willing to make himself seem like a retarded idiot, just to protect his little Trumpie. As if Obama inserted concepts like "science-based" and "evidence-based" into the work of scientists. Damn this is embarrassing. And we have about 20 million of these fools in this country. And their endless squawking makes it seem like 2 billion.
he is UNcontrolling the control invoked by Obama who put all that horseshit in there in the first place!
This is a perfect example of a grown man willing to make himself seem like a retarded idiot, just to protect his little Trumpie. As if Obama inserted concepts like "science-based" and "evidence-based" into the work of scientists. Damn this is embarrassing. And we have about 20 million of these fools in this country. And their endless squawking makes it seem like 2 billion.
/----/ The Internet was great the first 15 years until the Gubmint wanted to stick their greedy little power hungry paws into it. President Trump rolled it back. Deal with it. Besides, I recall when Liberals were champions of freedom of choice and no Government interference.
he is UNcontrolling the control invoked by Obama who put all that horseshit in there in the first place!
This is a perfect example of a grown man willing to make himself seem like a retarded idiot, just to protect his little Trumpie. As if Obama inserted concepts like "science-based" and "evidence-based" into the work of scientists. Damn this is embarrassing. And we have about 20 million of these fools in this country. And their endless squawking makes it seem like 2 billion.
/----/ The Internet was great the first 15 years until the Gubmint wanted to stick their greedy little power hungry paws into it. President Trump rolled it back. Deal with it. Besides, I recall when Liberals were champions of freedom of choice and no Government interference.
What in the world are you babbling about? How did net neutrality make the internet worse for you?

Excuse you brownshirt, "dealing with it" in a civilized, western country means speaking out and voting against it. It appears it is you who is the sensitive one.

Net neutrality is not a liberal/conservative issue. You are just knee-jerking on a topic you know nothing about. When did "conservative" get redefined to mean, "just take the opposite position of anything a liberal says"? How mindless.
he is UNcontrolling the control invoked by Obama who put all that horseshit in there in the first place!
This is a perfect example of a grown man willing to make himself seem like a retarded idiot, just to protect his little Trumpie. As if Obama inserted concepts like "science-based" and "evidence-based" into the work of scientists. Damn this is embarrassing. And we have about 20 million of these fools in this country. And their endless squawking makes it seem like 2 billion.
/----/ The Internet was great the first 15 years until the Gubmint wanted to stick their greedy little power hungry paws into it. President Trump rolled it back. Deal with it. Besides, I recall when Liberals were champions of freedom of choice and no Government interference.
What in the world are you babbling about? How did net neutrality make the internet worse for you?

Excuse you brownshirt, "dealing with it" in a civilized, western country means speaking out and voting against it. It appears it is you who is the sensitive one.

Net neutrality is not a liberal/conservative issue. You are just knee-jerking on a topic you know nothing about. When did "conservative" get redefined to mean, "just take the opposite position of anything a liberal says"? How mindless.
/----/ "My God, you preposterous rubes. Did you really think Obama’s agents in the FCC were going to apply a “light touch” to anything? Did you seriously believe they’d pass up on the opportunity to insert toxic clauses that would give them open-ended power to regulate content later, once it’s too late for you deluded activists to do anything about it? How can you possibly think the prospective expense of this scheme would deter them in the least?

“It is likely that only companies that can afford years of litigation to answer these questions will be able to rely on the rule at all… A multi-factor test gives the FCC an awful lot of discretion, potentially giving an unfair advantage to parties with insider influence…” Yes, children, that’s the point. That’s a feature, not a bug. That’s the reason statists are so interested in Net Neutrality.

They’ll use that discretion to impose super-heavy burdens on political adversaries, but they’ll be dumping plenty of cost burdens on everyone… and then they’ll blame what remains of the free market for those costs… and present an even more onerous set of New Deal regulations to an anguished public as the only solution." --- John Haywood

'Net Neutrality' Is a Problem, Not a Solution - Breitbart

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