7 Years Later, Obama's Recovery Weakest Post WWII or How can Hillary Run from this Failure

What exactly did obama do that was trickle down, aside for extending the bush tax cuts for two years?
He did end the Bush tax cuts, he expanded medicaide, healthcare for an additional 30 million, student aide reform, extended unemployment benefits.......all contribute to trickle down but do not go far enough

All those expansions you listed have one thing in common. Can you name it? Here's a hint. Freeloader.
People who work to support their families are not freeloaders. Those who manipulate the government to ensure they get most of the wealth are

I agree that those who are supporting their families aren't freeloaders. However, someone relying on social welfare handouts isn't supporting their family. Someone else that isn't their family is paying higher taxes and doing for them what they won't do for themselves.
Someone who deprives a worker from earning enough to support his family is a freeloader on our society.......let the taxpayer support my employees

Someone that pays a worker a wage equivalent to the skills the worker offers isn't depriving that worker of a dime. If that worker offers such low skills they can't get the job done, that worker is depriving his/her own family of someone honorable enough to do even the basics.

Hate to break it to you but it's not your place to determine what someone's labor is worth when you're not paying the wage.
Obama's economy has added $50 trillion to our nations wealth

More than any president in history
I agree that those who are supporting their families aren't freeloaders. However, someone relying on social welfare handouts isn't supporting their family. Someone else that isn't their family is paying higher taxes and doing for them what they won't do for themselves.

People are getting government handouts because that's Republicans refuse to raise the minimum wage, but keep raising the Earned Income Credit. Jeb Bush proposed doing it again saying that this was the way to address income inequity.

Anything to keep the profits in the hands of the large corporations, at the expense of the middle class. No one who works a 40 hour week should have to receive government handouts to feed their families. That's on Reagan, Bush, and all of the Republicans who have engineered this horror with their tax cuts to billionaires.
Someone that pays a worker a wage equivalent to the skills the worker offers isn't depriving that worker of a dime. If that worker offers such low skills they can't get the job done, that worker is depriving his/her own family of someone honorable enough to do even the basics.

Hate to break it to you but it's not your place to determine what someone's labor is worth when you're not paying the wage.

Wages are paid in proportion to demand. There are a lot of unemployed workers who are grateful for a job, any job, but wages are at their lowest level in history as a percentage of GDP. Wages are being artificially surpressed by the glut of available workers, due to outsourcing.

It's time for workers to be paid commiserate with their production, which is the highest it's ever been, not according to the least amount companies can get away with.
Someone that pays a worker a wage equivalent to the skills the worker offers isn't depriving that worker of a dime. If that worker offers such low skills they can't get the job done, that worker is depriving his/her own family of someone honorable enough to do even the basics.

Hate to break it to you but it's not your place to determine what someone's labor is worth when you're not paying the wage.

Wages are paid in proportion to demand. There are a lot of unemployed workers who are grateful for a job, any job, but wages are at their lowest level in history as a percentage of GDP. Wages are being artificially surpressed by the glut of available workers, due to outsourcing.

It's time for workers to be paid commiserate with their production, which is the highest it's ever been, not according to the least amount companies can get away with.

Workers should be paid for what their skills are worth and that should be determined why what the one doing the paying says it's worth.

Since you believe otherwise, let me ask you something. Many who believe like you say when a business is successful, it's to the credit of the workers. If a business fails, do you also blame the workers?
7 Years Later, Obama's Recovery Weakest Post WWII or How can Hillary Run from this Failure

Indeed, the slowdown is so bad even CNN
can't ignore this story- like they normally do for Democrats

Hillary Clinton woke up Friday to bad news: the U.S. economy is slowing.

Just about everyone says the key to her victory in November is a strong economy. She's campaigning on the fact that President Obama dug America out of the worst downturn since the Great Recession, but she's the one to finish the job and ensure everyone benefits.

Even Wall Street was shocked by how bad the report was.

"Today's numbers are a disappointment," wrote Brian Coulton, chief economist at Fitch Ratings. "Growth is clearly not going to reach 2% this year."

This the the bio of the author of that Forbes opinion piece, Peter Ferreira:

I am Director of Entitlement and Budget Policy for the Heartland Institute, Senior Advisor for Entitlement Reform and Budget Policy at the National Tax Limitation Foundation, General Counsel for the American Civil Rights Union, and Senior Fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis. I served in the White House Office of Policy Development under President Reagan, and as Associate Deputy Attorney General of the United States under President George H.W. Bush. I am a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School, and the author most recently of America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb (New York: Harper Collins, 2011). I write about new, cutting edge ideas regarding public policy, particularly concerning economics.

He's one of the people who advised Reagan, the guy who started the American economy on the road to transferring all wealth to the 1%, with his "trickle down" voodoo economics. Now he's advising right wingers on how to fuck the economy even more.

besides being a straw man argument :)

Reporting on the poor economic results of Papa Obama
is not his fault
This the the bio of the author of that Forbes opinion piece, Peter Ferreira:

I am Director of Entitlement and Budget Policy for the Heartland Institute, Senior Advisor for Entitlement Reform and Budget Policy at the National Tax Limitation Foundation, General Counsel for the American Civil Rights Union, and Senior Fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis. I served in the White House Office of Policy Development under President Reagan, and as Associate Deputy Attorney General of the United States under President George H.W. Bush. I am a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School, and the author most recently of America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb (New York: Harper Collins, 2011). I write about new, cutting edge ideas regarding public policy, particularly concerning economics.

He's one of the people who advised Reagan, the guy who started the American economy on the road to transferring all wealth to the 1%, with his "trickle down" voodoo economics. Now he's advising right wingers on how to fuck the economy even more.

besides being a straw man argument :)

Reporting on the poor economic results of Papa Obama
is not his fault
How is adding $50 Trillion to our national wealth "poor economic conditions"?
you mean the rich got richer

sure go for it

meanwhile, a larger majority of the country feels we are going in
the wrong direction


But you are offering little help to Queen Hillary
you mean the rich got richer

sure go for it

meanwhile, a larger majority of the country feels we are going in
the wrong direction


But you are offering little help to Queen Hillary
You are talking about the economy. The economy has been great under Obama

You are complaining about distribution of wealth. Both Obama and Hillary are willing to change how we encourage wealth distribution are Republicans willing to work with them?
Now that we think about it, the Democrats are always worried about food-stamps

As of late, there is a lot of talk on the extreme leftist websites about food stamps
cuts, decrease, evil Republican... usual crap

But like an epiphany, it came to me ...

Since under Papa Obama's tutelage, we have had more people on food stamps than ever before
Queen Hillary should run with that- turn that negative into a positive

- she could say...

Vote for me and I will protect your food stamps and by following
Papa Obama's economic polices guarantee you still need them

Really, it is a win, win for her
create cover for the bad economy by turning it into some fear on food stamps
keep the failed policies in place

I can hear it now

"If you like your food stamps, you can keep them"

plus, by keeping her base dependent on gov't she
can store up votes for the next election

I agree that those who are supporting their families aren't freeloaders. However, someone relying on social welfare handouts isn't supporting their family. Someone else that isn't their family is paying higher taxes and doing for them what they won't do for themselves.

People are getting government handouts because that's Republicans refuse to raise the minimum wage, but keep raising the Earned Income Credit. Jeb Bush proposed doing it again saying that this was the way to address income inequity.

Anything to keep the profits in the hands of the large corporations, at the expense of the middle class. No one who works a 40 hour week should have to receive government handouts to feed their families. That's on Reagan, Bush, and all of the Republicans who have engineered this horror with their tax cuts to billionaires.

so the tax cuts Papa Obama kept were good ?

We should just make min wage 50 dollars
and all our problems will be solved :)
Now that we think about it, the Democrats are always worried about food-stamps

As of late, there is a lot of talk on the extreme leftist websites about food stamps
cuts, decrease, evil Republican... usual crap

But like an epiphany, it came to me ...

Since under Papa Obama's tutelage, we have had more people on food stamps than ever before
Queen Hillary should run with that- turn that negative into a positive

- she could say...

Vote for me and I will protect your food stamps and by following
Papa Obama's economic polices guarantee you still need them

Really, it is a win, win for her
create cover for the bad economy by turning it into some fear on food stamps
keep the failed policies in place

I can hear it now

"If you like your food stamps, you can keep them"

plus, by keeping her base dependent on gov't she
can store up votes for the next election


More people on food stamps?

Blame the "job creators"

They are the ones we sold out our economy to
Obama's economy has added $50 trillion to our nations wealth

More than any president in history

And borrowed and/or printed as much to do so.....

Hint: Not wealth, money you stupid liberal fucktard.....
I agree that those who are supporting their families aren't freeloaders. However, someone relying on social welfare handouts isn't supporting their family. Someone else that isn't their family is paying higher taxes and doing for them what they won't do for themselves.

People are getting government handouts because that's Republicans refuse to raise the minimum wage, but keep raising the Earned Income Credit. Jeb Bush proposed doing it again saying that this was the way to address income inequity.

Anything to keep the profits in the hands of the large corporations, at the expense of the middle class. No one who works a 40 hour week should have to receive government handouts to feed their families. That's on Reagan, Bush, and all of the Republicans who have engineered this horror with their tax cuts to billionaires.

so the tax cuts Papa Obama kept were good ?

We should just make min wage 50 dollars
and all our problems will be solved :)


If you are going to make minimum wage $10 why not make it $50? <sob>
ah indeed

the truth is hard for the left
in fact, it is their worst enemy
ah indeed

the truth is hard for the left
in fact, it is their worst enemy
The stupid fucking liberals don't even know the difference between money and wealth.....

Democrat stupidity is so fucking sad at an epic level......
7 Years Later, Obama's Recovery Weakest Post WWII or How can Hillary Run from this Failure

to better see the weakest recovery, ever
a picture helps

"Obama's legacy is an absolute disaster", something we doubt many would disagree with


Now that we think about it, the Democrats are always worried about food-stamps

As of late, there is a lot of talk on the extreme leftist websites about food stamps
cuts, decrease, evil Republican... usual crap

But like an epiphany, it came to me ...

Since under Papa Obama's tutelage, we have had more people on food stamps than ever before
Queen Hillary should run with that- turn that negative into a positive

- she could say...

Vote for me and I will protect your food stamps and by following
Papa Obama's economic polices guarantee you still need them

Really, it is a win, win for her
create cover for the bad economy by turning it into some fear on food stamps
keep the failed policies in place

I can hear it now

"If you like your food stamps, you can keep them"

plus, by keeping her base dependent on gov't she
can store up votes for the next election


More people on food stamps?

Blame the "job creators"

They are the ones we sold out our economy to

The cost of the food stamp program has gone down.

in democratic terms
that is a fail
we need to increase gov't dependency
and our vote base

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