70,000 people saw the sun move at Fatima but atheists say there's no proof of God

A bunch of people claim to have been anally probed by aliens too.
Did 70,000 people in one place at one time make such a claim?
Now you say there were 70000 people there so produce the 70000 individual statements.

And really the worst of all accounts bar none are eye witness accounts.

Would the words of a scientist eye witness matter to you? How about the newspaper report from an atheist communist journalist? Below is a sample. There are hundreds of eye witness testimonies, maybe thousands all documented. IMO, Fatima is thee miracle that convicts the skeptic. God has made Himself known to the world through the vision given to three shepherd children and then to the 70,000 who demanded it be shown to them as well.


An Eyewitness Account by Dr. José Maria de Almeida Garrett, professor at the Faculty of Sciences of Coimbra, Portugal

"It must have been 1:30 p.m when there arose, at the exact spot where the children were, a column of smoke, thin, fine and bluish, which extended up to perhaps two meters above their heads, and evaporated at that height. This phenomenon, perfectly visible to the naked eye, lasted for a few seconds. Not having noted how long it had lasted, I cannot say whether it was more or less than a minute. The smoke dissipated abruptly, and after some time, it came back to occur a second time, then a third time

"The sky, which had been overcast all day, suddenly cleared; the rain stopped and it looked as if the sun were about to fill with light the countryside that the wintery morning had made so gloomy. I was looking at the spot of the apparitions in a serene, if cold, expectation of something happening and with diminishing curiosity because a long time had passed without anything to excite my attention. The sun, a few moments before, had broken through the thick layer of clouds which hid it and now shone clearly and intensely.
"Suddenly I heard the uproar of thousands of voices, and I saw the whole multitude spread out in that vast space at my feet...turn their backs to that spot where, until then, all their expectations had been focused, and look at the sun on the other side. I turned around, too, toward the point commanding their gaze and I could see the sun, like a very clear disc, with its sharp edge, which gleamed without hurting the sight. It could not be confused with the sun seen through a fog (there was no fog at that moment), for it was neither veiled nor dim. At Fatima, it kept its light and heat, and stood out clearly in the sky, with a sharp edge, like a large gaming table. The most astonishing thing was to be able to stare at the solar disc for a long time, brilliant with light and heat, without hurting the eyes or damaging the retina. [During this time], the sun's disc did not remain immobile, it had a giddy motion, [but] not like the twinkling of a star in all its brilliance for it spun round upon itself in a mad whirl.

"During the solar phenomenon, which I have just described, there were also changes of color in the atmosphere. Looking at the sun, I noticed that everything was becoming darkened. I looked first at the nearest objects and then extended my glance further afield as far as the horizon. I saw everything had assumed an amethyst color. Objects around me, the sky and the atmosphere, were of the same color. Everything both near and far had changed, taking on the color of old yellow damask. People looked as if they were suffering from jaundice and I recall a sensation of amusement at seeing them look so ugly and unattractive. My own hand was the same color.

"Then, suddenly, one heard a clamor, a cry of anguish breaking from all the people. The sun, whirling wildly, seemed all at once to loosen itself from the firmament and, blood red, advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge and fiery weight. The sensation during those moments was truly terrible.

"All the phenomena which I have described were observed by me in a calm and serene state of mind without any emotional disturbance. It is for others to interpret and explain them. Finally, I must declare that never, before or after October 13 [1917], have I observed similar atmospheric or solar phenomena."


And the testimonies actually number in the hundreds or thousands, many on film. Here again, a sample.


Testimonies to Fatima's Miracle of the Sun
Cited below are many witness accounts from that momentous day; elsewhere on this website are photos, newspaper accounts and personal memoirs.

WRITTEN DEPOSITION by Portuguese aristocrat Baron of Alvaiazere, to Church investigators:
“. . . An indescribable impression overtook me. I only know that I cried out: I believe! I believe! And tears ran from my eyes. I was amazed, in ecstasy before the demonstration of Divine power . . . converted in that moment.”

Testimony of a Dr. Formigao, Professor at Santarem seminary
“As if like a bolt from the blue, the clouds were wrenched apart, and the sun at its zenith appeared in all its splendour. It began to revolve vertiginously on its axis, like the most magnificent fire-wheel that could be imagined, taking on all the colours of the rainbow and sending forth multi-coloured flashes of light, producing the most astounding effect. This sublime and incomparable spectacle, which was repeated three distinct times, lasted for about ten minutes.

“The immense multitude, overcome by the evidence of such a tremendous prodigy, threw themselves on their knees. The Creed, the Hail Mary, acts of contrition, burst from all lips, and tears, tears of thanksgiving and repentance sprang from all eyes.”

Report of John Carreira, a boy at the time of the miracle, who eventually became a sacristan at the Fátima shrine, serving for 50 years. On 13 October 1917, onlookers in the crowd pressed him against the three visionary children, so that

“my knees jammed between Lucia's and Francisco's feet,” he later wrote.

“…I saw the sun spinning round and it seemed about to come down on us. It revolved like a bicycle wheel. Afterwards, it returned to its place . . . I wasn't afraid, but I heard people cry out: 'Oh, we are going to die! We are going to die!'”

Lawyer Carlos Mendes declared:
“I saw the sun as if it were a ball of fire, begin to move in the clouds. It had been raining all morning and the sky was full of clouds, but the rain had stopped. It lasted for several seconds, crushingly pressing down on us. Wan faces, standing here, from every side great ejaculations, acts of contrition, of the love of God. An indescribable moment! We feel it. We remain dominated by it. But it is not possible to describe it.”

Antonio de Oliveiro, farmer, said:
“I looked at the sun and saw it spinning like a disc, rolling on itself. I saw people changing colour. They were stained with the colours of the rainbow. The sun seemed to fall down from the sky… The people said that the world was going to end . . . They were afraid and screaming.”

Maria dos Prazeres, widow:
“I saw the sun turn upon itself; it seemed to fall from the sky The people around me were crying that the world was going to end.”

Dominic Reis (in TV interview in the U.S. in l960)
“The sun started to roll from one place to another and changed to blue, yellow -- all colours. Then we see the sun coming towards the children. Everyone was crying out. Some started to confess their sins because there was no priest around there . . . My mother grabbed me to her and started to cry, saying: 'It is the end of the world!' And then we see the sun come right into the trees.”

Maria Candida da Silva
“Suddenly the rain stopped and a great splendour appeared and the children cried: 'Look at the sun!' I saw the sun coming down, feeling that it was falling to the ground. At that moment, I collapsed.”

Rev. Joao Menitra
“I looked and saw that the people were in various colours -- yellow, white, blue. At the same time, I beheld the sun spinning at great speed and very near me. I at once thought: I am going to die.”.

Joaquim Lourenco, a schoolboy, was in the village of Alburitel, a few miles from Fátima.. He later became canon lawyer of the diocese of Leiria.
“… I looked fixedly at the sun, which seemed pale and did not hurt my eyes.
“Looking like a ball of snow, revolving on itself, it suddenly seemed to come down in a zigzag, menacing the earth.
“Terrified, I ran and hid myself among the people, who were weeping and expecting the end of the world at any moment. It was a crowd which had gathered outside our local village school, and we had all left classes and run into the streets because of the cries and surprised shouts of men and women who were in the street in front of the school when the miracle began.
“There was an unbeliever there who had spent the morning mocking the 'simpletons' who had gone off to Fátima just to see an ordinary girl. He now seemed paralyzed, his eyes fixed on the sun. He began to tremble from head to foot, and lifting up his arms, fell on his knees in the mud, crying out to God.
“But meanwhile the people continued to cry out and to weep, asking God to pardon their sins. We all ran to the two chapels in the village, which were soon filled to overflowing. During those long moments of the solar prodigy, objects around us turned all colours of the rainbow.

Abano Barros (a building contractor, who later became a U.S. citizen) witnessed the apparition from the village of Minde, eight miles away…
“I was watching sheep, as was my daily task, and suddenly, there in the direction of Fátima, I saw the sun fall from the sky. I thought it was the end of the world.”

Poet Alfonso Lopes Viera saw the miracle from a distance of 30 miles at the ocean-side town of San Pedro der Muel.

The miracle was also seen in Pombal, 32 miles north of Fátima.

The total land-area of visibility, based on witness interviews, was approximately 32 by 20 miles.

No records of the solar phenomena were recorded by any of the world's observatories

Summation by a Scientist...

Fr. Pio Sciatizzi, professor of algebra and trigonometry at the Gregorian University, Rome, author of Fátima in the Light of Faith and Science in the 1940s wrote this:

“Of the historic reality of this event there can be no doubt whatsoever. That it was outside and against known laws can be proved by certain simple scientific considerations… Given the indubitable reference to God and the general context of the event, it seems that we must attribute to Him alone the most obvious and colossal miracle of history.”

NOTE: The above reports and others were published in 1961 in Meet the Witnesses, by John Haffert, International Lay Delegate of the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fátima. (A.M.I. Press, Washington, N.J., U.S.A.).
Sorry I don't buy it

Nice story though.

But I think this is more accurate

The Lady of F tima the Miracle of the Sun
A bunch of people claim to have been anally probed by aliens too.
Did 70,000 people in one place at one time make such a claim?
Now you say there were 70000 people there so produce the 70000 individual statements.

And really the worst of all accounts bar none are eye witness accounts.

Would the words of a scientist eye witness matter to you? How about the newspaper report from an atheist communist journalist? Below is a sample. There are hundreds of eye witness testimonies, maybe thousands all documented. IMO, Fatima is thee miracle that convicts the skeptic. God has made Himself known to the world through the vision given to three shepherd children and then to the 70,000 who demanded it be shown to them as well.

No, I don't buy that.

In 1897-98, United States Newspapers were filled with stories about "Mystery Airships". Thousands of people claimed to have seen them. Some of them were hoaxes, some of them were misinterpretations of natural phenomenon, but they weren't UFO's (as later people speculated) and they weren't the product of some made inventor.

So what you had was a group of very religious people suffering from mass hysteria.
seven thousand people saw Brigham Young transfigured into the likeness of Joseph Smith, but people say Mormonism is false

Exactly. When one cannot prove a belief yet accepts it, then one has faith. It is a belief system.
I had my searching years, when I was looking for proof of God.

I found out about the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, which happened in a small village in Portugal, in the year 1917.

Three children has visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and two of them heard her voice.

She predicted a great miracle would happen on her final visit, so a crowd of 70,000 people gathered.

Among the crowd were many devout Catholics, but there were also Freemasons who hated the Catholic Church, and atheists.

Most of these reported seeing something miraculous happen in the sky, the sun moved, and spun like a top, and changed colors.

The miracle was reported in Portugese newspapers, by reporters who were unbelievers.

The purpose of this miracle was so that modern people, in the 20th century, would have proof positive that God exists and intervenes in the affairs of mankind.

I have brought this up on several occasions, and it is amazing how atheist refuse to look at this proof, or explain it away with excuses.

But I'm doing it again -- here is the proof of God you seek.

Don't ask for it again, because here it is.

What you do with it is your business.


Our Lady of F tima - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Message of Fatima

So the Atheists are claiming the miracle you seek.

Are you sure they were atheists? Where is the proof that these "Atheists" claimed the same thing and were Atheists before hand and not an attempt by the Catholic Church to garner believers?

You do have the documents, right. Or is this just another set of vacuous claims?

We don't want claims, we want actual proof. You are still giving us claims and claiming it as proof.
The claims that the sun "careened towards the earth in a zizag pattern" is ridiculous.

First, that no one saw it anywhere else pretty much shoots the idea down.

Second, the gravitational changes and temperature changes would have ended life on earth.

Lastly, if you need "proof" you are without faith. And isn't faith required?
A bunch of people claim to have been anally probed by aliens too.
Did 70,000 people in one place at one time make such a claim?
Now you say there were 70000 people there so produce the 70000 individual statements.

And really the worst of all accounts bar none are eye witness accounts.

Would the words of a scientist eye witness matter to you? How about the newspaper report from an atheist communist journalist? Below is a sample. There are hundreds of eye witness testimonies, maybe thousands all documented. IMO, Fatima is thee miracle that convicts the skeptic. God has made Himself known to the world through the vision given to three shepherd children and then to the 70,000 who demanded it be shown to them as well.


Testimonies to Fatima's Miracle of the Sun
Cited below are many witness accounts from that momentous day; elsewhere on this website are photos, newspaper accounts and personal memoirs.

WRITTEN DEPOSITION by Portuguese aristocrat Baron of Alvaiazere, to Church investigators:
“. . . An indescribable impression overtook me. I only know that I cried out: I believe! I believe! And tears ran from my eyes. I was amazed, in ecstasy before the demonstration of Divine power . . . converted in that moment.”

Testimony of a Dr. Formigao, Professor at Santarem seminary
“As if like a bolt from the blue, the clouds were wrenched apart, and the sun at its zenith appeared in all its splendour. It began to revolve vertiginously on its axis, like the most magnificent fire-wheel that could be imagined, taking on all the colours of the rainbow and sending forth multi-coloured flashes of light, producing the most astounding effect. This sublime and incomparable spectacle, which was repeated three distinct times, lasted for about ten minutes.

“The immense multitude, overcome by the evidence of such a tremendous prodigy, threw themselves on their knees. The Creed, the Hail Mary, acts of contrition, burst from all lips, and tears, tears of thanksgiving and repentance sprang from all eyes.”

Report of John Carreira, a boy at the time of the miracle, who eventually became a sacristan at the Fátima shrine, serving for 50 years. On 13 October 1917, onlookers in the crowd pressed him against the three visionary children, so that

“my knees jammed between Lucia's and Francisco's feet,” he later wrote.

“…I saw the sun spinning round and it seemed about to come down on us. It revolved like a bicycle wheel. Afterwards, it returned to its place . . . I wasn't afraid, but I heard people cry out: 'Oh, we are going to die! We are going to die!'”

Lawyer Carlos Mendes declared:
“I saw the sun as if it were a ball of fire, begin to move in the clouds. It had been raining all morning and the sky was full of clouds, but the rain had stopped. It lasted for several seconds, crushingly pressing down on us. Wan faces, standing here, from every side great ejaculations, acts of contrition, of the love of God. An indescribable moment! We feel it. We remain dominated by it. But it is not possible to describe it.”

Antonio de Oliveiro, farmer, said:
“I looked at the sun and saw it spinning like a disc, rolling on itself. I saw people changing colour. They were stained with the colours of the rainbow. The sun seemed to fall down from the sky… The people said that the world was going to end . . . They were afraid and screaming.”

Maria dos Prazeres, widow:
“I saw the sun turn upon itself; it seemed to fall from the sky The people around me were crying that the world was going to end.”

Dominic Reis (in TV interview in the U.S. in l960)
“The sun started to roll from one place to another and changed to blue, yellow -- all colours. Then we see the sun coming towards the children. Everyone was crying out. Some started to confess their sins because there was no priest around there . . . My mother grabbed me to her and started to cry, saying: 'It is the end of the world!' And then we see the sun come right into the trees.”

Maria Candida da Silva
“Suddenly the rain stopped and a great splendour appeared and the children cried: 'Look at the sun!' I saw the sun coming down, feeling that it was falling to the ground. At that moment, I collapsed.”

Rev. Joao Menitra
“I looked and saw that the people were in various colours -- yellow, white, blue. At the same time, I beheld the sun spinning at great speed and very near me. I at once thought: I am going to die.”.

Joaquim Lourenco, a schoolboy, was in the village of Alburitel, a few miles from Fátima.. He later became canon lawyer of the diocese of Leiria.
“… I looked fixedly at the sun, which seemed pale and did not hurt my eyes.
“Looking like a ball of snow, revolving on itself, it suddenly seemed to come down in a zigzag, menacing the earth.
“Terrified, I ran and hid myself among the people, who were weeping and expecting the end of the world at any moment. It was a crowd which had gathered outside our local village school, and we had all left classes and run into the streets because of the cries and surprised shouts of men and women who were in the street in front of the school when the miracle began.
“There was an unbeliever there who had spent the morning mocking the 'simpletons' who had gone off to Fátima just to see an ordinary girl. He now seemed paralyzed, his eyes fixed on the sun. He began to tremble from head to foot, and lifting up his arms, fell on his knees in the mud, crying out to God.
“But meanwhile the people continued to cry out and to weep, asking God to pardon their sins. We all ran to the two chapels in the village, which were soon filled to overflowing. During those long moments of the solar prodigy, objects around us turned all colours of the rainbow.

Abano Barros (a building contractor, who later became a U.S. citizen) witnessed the apparition from the village of Minde, eight miles away…
“I was watching sheep, as was my daily task, and suddenly, there in the direction of Fátima, I saw the sun fall from the sky. I thought it was the end of the world.”

Poet Alfonso Lopes Viera saw the miracle from a distance of 30 miles at the ocean-side town of San Pedro der Muel.

The miracle was also seen in Pombal, 32 miles north of Fátima.

The total land-area of visibility, based on witness interviews, was approximately 32 by 20 miles.

No records of the solar phenomena were recorded by any of the world's observatories

Summation by a Scientist...

Fr. Pio Sciatizzi, professor of algebra and trigonometry at the Gregorian University, Rome, author of Fátima in the Light of Faith and Science in the 1940s wrote this:

“Of the historic reality of this event there can be no doubt whatsoever. That it was outside and against known laws can be proved by certain simple scientific considerations… Given the indubitable reference to God and the general context of the event, it seems that we must attribute to Him alone the most obvious and colossal miracle of history.”

NOTE: The above reports and others were published in 1961 in Meet the Witnesses, by John Haffert, International Lay Delegate of the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fátima. (A.M.I. Press, Washington, N.J., U.S.A.).
Sorry I don't buy it

Nice story though.

But I think this is more accurate

The Lady of F tima the Miracle of the Sun

So that is what you believe instead? Lovely. Here is what you believe based on the link you submitted:

Nickell suggested that the crowd saw a sundog, a patch of light that sometimes appears beside the sun. Sundogs are stationary, however, so that doesn't explain why people thought they saw the sun moving. So perhaps the "sun dance" appeared in the minds and perceptions of those pilgrims present — not in the skies above them.

Ok, let us consider your belief in light of some facts.

Fact: On July 13, 1917 a large crowd heard the three shepherd children say that the Virgin Mary told them she would perform a miracle on October 13th for all present to see so they would know these messages are coming from God.

Fact: Somewhere close to 70,000 people arrived in the torrents of rain and mud to the very location on that very day as predicted which included journalists from the largest Lisbon newspaper “O Seculo” which is anti-Catholic and marxist. Also in the gathering are agnostics and men of science and untold numbers of unbelievers.

Fact: It is only at the hour the three shepherd children arrive that the steady rain stops and moments later the gray skies part. A very lucky coincidence for your sundog theory wouldn’t you say?

Fact: The vast majority of the 70,000 all claim to see something very similar, not very different! How strange if this were some psychological trick or mass hallucination these “imagined” events would coincide so closely with so many thousands. I mean, they all claimed the sun danced. They all claimed it gave off multi-colored hues that covered the entire landscape, the skies, their faces and clothes. They all claimed it turned blood red, very large and charged the earth. Even those who saw nothing witnessed the entire crowd go into a panic all at once. How in the world if this were imagined, could they all have imagined the very same thing of the sun charging the earth at the very same time?

Fact: There are written testimonies and filmed testimonies of so many witnesses the unbeliever most likely does not want to investigate. The unbeliever most assuredly does not want to know of the medical doctor and science professors who were not believers who gave clear and cogent testimonies of the facts, the very facts the rest of the crowd only imagined. The unbeliever cannot explain with any reasonableness why a marxist newspaper reported the events as a miracle which they witnessed for themselves when in fact they were their to mock it and cause the faithful to doubt their faith.

Fact: The testimonies speak of everyone present being soaked to the bone because of the hours of rain, and yet, after the 10 minute solar phenomenon, they reported the ground was dry and their clothes were dry. Imagined?

Fact: This solar phenomenon was also seen and reported on by numerous witnesses who did not go to Fatima that day but were anywhere from 10 – 20 miles away. Seen because they could not help but notice, not because they were sitting in their lawn chairs staring in that direction waiting for a fireworks show. The skeptic really shows his desperation when their only defense is to say “eye witnesses can never be trusted” or words to that effect.

Fact: The odds of three young children predicting a miracle 90 days in advance to the exact day they claimed! and for it to be witnessed or testified to by 50,000 or more is beyond calculation. The odds some “sundog” appeared on that exact day and moment and fooled 50,000 or more to report seeing the same imagined phenomenon are not even worth discussing.

“When man stops believing in God he then does not believe in nothing… he will believe in anything.” (G.K. Chesterton)
70,000 people saw the sun move

2 billion people didn't

What does that tell you?
A bunch of people claim to have been anally probed by aliens too.
Did 70,000 people in one place at one time make such a claim?
Now you say there were 70000 people there so produce the 70000 individual statements.

And really the worst of all accounts bar none are eye witness accounts.

Would the words of a scientist eye witness matter to you? How about the newspaper report from an atheist communist journalist? Below is a sample. There are hundreds of eye witness testimonies, maybe thousands all documented. IMO, Fatima is thee miracle that convicts the skeptic. God has made Himself known to the world through the vision given to three shepherd children and then to the 70,000 who demanded it be shown to them as well.


An Eyewitness Account by Dr. José Maria de Almeida Garrett, professor at the Faculty of Sciences of Coimbra, Portugal

"It must have been 1:30 p.m when there arose, at the exact spot where the children were, a column of smoke, thin, fine and bluish, which extended up to perhaps two meters above their heads, and evaporated at that height. This phenomenon, perfectly visible to the naked eye, lasted for a few seconds. Not having noted how long it had lasted, I cannot say whether it was more or less than a minute. The smoke dissipated abruptly, and after some time, it came back to occur a second time, then a third time

"The sky, which had been overcast all day, suddenly cleared; the rain stopped and it looked as if the sun were about to fill with light the countryside that the wintery morning had made so gloomy. I was looking at the spot of the apparitions in a serene, if cold, expectation of something happening and with diminishing curiosity because a long time had passed without anything to excite my attention. The sun, a few moments before, had broken through the thick layer of clouds which hid it and now shone clearly and intensely.
"Suddenly I heard the uproar of thousands of voices, and I saw the whole multitude spread out in that vast space at my feet...turn their backs to that spot where, until then, all their expectations had been focused, and look at the sun on the other side. I turned around, too, toward the point commanding their gaze and I could see the sun, like a very clear disc, with its sharp edge, which gleamed without hurting the sight. It could not be confused with the sun seen through a fog (there was no fog at that moment), for it was neither veiled nor dim. At Fatima, it kept its light and heat, and stood out clearly in the sky, with a sharp edge, like a large gaming table. The most astonishing thing was to be able to stare at the solar disc for a long time, brilliant with light and heat, without hurting the eyes or damaging the retina. [During this time], the sun's disc did not remain immobile, it had a giddy motion, [but] not like the twinkling of a star in all its brilliance for it spun round upon itself in a mad whirl.

"During the solar phenomenon, which I have just described, there were also changes of color in the atmosphere. Looking at the sun, I noticed that everything was becoming darkened. I looked first at the nearest objects and then extended my glance further afield as far as the horizon. I saw everything had assumed an amethyst color. Objects around me, the sky and the atmosphere, were of the same color. Everything both near and far had changed, taking on the color of old yellow damask. People looked as if they were suffering from jaundice and I recall a sensation of amusement at seeing them look so ugly and unattractive. My own hand was the same color.

"Then, suddenly, one heard a clamor, a cry of anguish breaking from all the people. The sun, whirling wildly, seemed all at once to loosen itself from the firmament and, blood red, advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge and fiery weight. The sensation during those moments was truly terrible.

"All the phenomena which I have described were observed by me in a calm and serene state of mind without any emotional disturbance. It is for others to interpret and explain them. Finally, I must declare that never, before or after October 13 [1917], have I observed similar atmospheric or solar phenomena."


And the testimonies actually number in the hundreds or thousands, many on film. Here again, a sample.


Testimonies to Fatima's Miracle of the Sun
Cited below are many witness accounts from that momentous day; elsewhere on this website are photos, newspaper accounts and personal memoirs.

WRITTEN DEPOSITION by Portuguese aristocrat Baron of Alvaiazere, to Church investigators:
“. . . An indescribable impression overtook me. I only know that I cried out: I believe! I believe! And tears ran from my eyes. I was amazed, in ecstasy before the demonstration of Divine power . . . converted in that moment.”

Testimony of a Dr. Formigao, Professor at Santarem seminary
“As if like a bolt from the blue, the clouds were wrenched apart, and the sun at its zenith appeared in all its splendour. It began to revolve vertiginously on its axis, like the most magnificent fire-wheel that could be imagined, taking on all the colours of the rainbow and sending forth multi-coloured flashes of light, producing the most astounding effect. This sublime and incomparable spectacle, which was repeated three distinct times, lasted for about ten minutes.

“The immense multitude, overcome by the evidence of such a tremendous prodigy, threw themselves on their knees. The Creed, the Hail Mary, acts of contrition, burst from all lips, and tears, tears of thanksgiving and repentance sprang from all eyes.”

Report of John Carreira, a boy at the time of the miracle, who eventually became a sacristan at the Fátima shrine, serving for 50 years. On 13 October 1917, onlookers in the crowd pressed him against the three visionary children, so that

“my knees jammed between Lucia's and Francisco's feet,” he later wrote.

“…I saw the sun spinning round and it seemed about to come down on us. It revolved like a bicycle wheel. Afterwards, it returned to its place . . . I wasn't afraid, but I heard people cry out: 'Oh, we are going to die! We are going to die!'”

Lawyer Carlos Mendes declared:
“I saw the sun as if it were a ball of fire, begin to move in the clouds. It had been raining all morning and the sky was full of clouds, but the rain had stopped. It lasted for several seconds, crushingly pressing down on us. Wan faces, standing here, from every side great ejaculations, acts of contrition, of the love of God. An indescribable moment! We feel it. We remain dominated by it. But it is not possible to describe it.”

Antonio de Oliveiro, farmer, said:
“I looked at the sun and saw it spinning like a disc, rolling on itself. I saw people changing colour. They were stained with the colours of the rainbow. The sun seemed to fall down from the sky… The people said that the world was going to end . . . They were afraid and screaming.”

Maria dos Prazeres, widow:
“I saw the sun turn upon itself; it seemed to fall from the sky The people around me were crying that the world was going to end.”

Dominic Reis (in TV interview in the U.S. in l960)
“The sun started to roll from one place to another and changed to blue, yellow -- all colours. Then we see the sun coming towards the children. Everyone was crying out. Some started to confess their sins because there was no priest around there . . . My mother grabbed me to her and started to cry, saying: 'It is the end of the world!' And then we see the sun come right into the trees.”

Maria Candida da Silva
“Suddenly the rain stopped and a great splendour appeared and the children cried: 'Look at the sun!' I saw the sun coming down, feeling that it was falling to the ground. At that moment, I collapsed.”

Rev. Joao Menitra
“I looked and saw that the people were in various colours -- yellow, white, blue. At the same time, I beheld the sun spinning at great speed and very near me. I at once thought: I am going to die.”.

Joaquim Lourenco, a schoolboy, was in the village of Alburitel, a few miles from Fátima.. He later became canon lawyer of the diocese of Leiria.
“… I looked fixedly at the sun, which seemed pale and did not hurt my eyes.
“Looking like a ball of snow, revolving on itself, it suddenly seemed to come down in a zigzag, menacing the earth.
“Terrified, I ran and hid myself among the people, who were weeping and expecting the end of the world at any moment. It was a crowd which had gathered outside our local village school, and we had all left classes and run into the streets because of the cries and surprised shouts of men and women who were in the street in front of the school when the miracle began.
“There was an unbeliever there who had spent the morning mocking the 'simpletons' who had gone off to Fátima just to see an ordinary girl. He now seemed paralyzed, his eyes fixed on the sun. He began to tremble from head to foot, and lifting up his arms, fell on his knees in the mud, crying out to God.
“But meanwhile the people continued to cry out and to weep, asking God to pardon their sins. We all ran to the two chapels in the village, which were soon filled to overflowing. During those long moments of the solar prodigy, objects around us turned all colours of the rainbow.

Abano Barros (a building contractor, who later became a U.S. citizen) witnessed the apparition from the village of Minde, eight miles away…
“I was watching sheep, as was my daily task, and suddenly, there in the direction of Fátima, I saw the sun fall from the sky. I thought it was the end of the world.”

Poet Alfonso Lopes Viera saw the miracle from a distance of 30 miles at the ocean-side town of San Pedro der Muel.

The miracle was also seen in Pombal, 32 miles north of Fátima.

The total land-area of visibility, based on witness interviews, was approximately 32 by 20 miles.

No records of the solar phenomena were recorded by any of the world's observatories

Summation by a Scientist...

Fr. Pio Sciatizzi, professor of algebra and trigonometry at the Gregorian University, Rome, author of Fátima in the Light of Faith and Science in the 1940s wrote this:

“Of the historic reality of this event there can be no doubt whatsoever. That it was outside and against known laws can be proved by certain simple scientific considerations… Given the indubitable reference to God and the general context of the event, it seems that we must attribute to Him alone the most obvious and colossal miracle of history.”

NOTE: The above reports and others were published in 1961 in Meet the Witnesses, by John Haffert, International Lay Delegate of the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fátima. (A.M.I. Press, Washington, N.J., U.S.A.).
The eyewitness accounts don't all agree on what was seen.
Some people there reported that they did not see any phenomena.

In short....a bunch of people gathered with the promise of seeing a miracle.
Some, but not all, saw different things occurring when they looked at the sun.

There is nothing that occurred that could rule out purely natural occurrences.
A bunch of people claim to have been anally probed by aliens too.
Did 70,000 people in one place at one time make such a claim?
Now you say there were 70000 people there so produce the 70000 individual statements.

And really the worst of all accounts bar none are eye witness accounts.

Would the words of a scientist eye witness matter to you? How about the newspaper report from an atheist communist journalist? Below is a sample. There are hundreds of eye witness testimonies, maybe thousands all documented. IMO, Fatima is thee miracle that convicts the skeptic. God has made Himself known to the world through the vision given to three shepherd children and then to the 70,000 who demanded it be shown to them as well.


Testimonies to Fatima's Miracle of the Sun
Cited below are many witness accounts from that momentous day; elsewhere on this website are photos, newspaper accounts and personal memoirs.

WRITTEN DEPOSITION by Portuguese aristocrat Baron of Alvaiazere, to Church investigators:
“. . . An indescribable impression overtook me. I only know that I cried out: I believe! I believe! And tears ran from my eyes. I was amazed, in ecstasy before the demonstration of Divine power . . . converted in that moment.”

Testimony of a Dr. Formigao, Professor at Santarem seminary
“As if like a bolt from the blue, the clouds were wrenched apart, and the sun at its zenith appeared in all its splendour. It began to revolve vertiginously on its axis, like the most magnificent fire-wheel that could be imagined, taking on all the colours of the rainbow and sending forth multi-coloured flashes of light, producing the most astounding effect. This sublime and incomparable spectacle, which was repeated three distinct times, lasted for about ten minutes.

“The immense multitude, overcome by the evidence of such a tremendous prodigy, threw themselves on their knees. The Creed, the Hail Mary, acts of contrition, burst from all lips, and tears, tears of thanksgiving and repentance sprang from all eyes.”

Report of John Carreira, a boy at the time of the miracle, who eventually became a sacristan at the Fátima shrine, serving for 50 years. On 13 October 1917, onlookers in the crowd pressed him against the three visionary children, so that

“my knees jammed between Lucia's and Francisco's feet,” he later wrote.

“…I saw the sun spinning round and it seemed about to come down on us. It revolved like a bicycle wheel. Afterwards, it returned to its place . . . I wasn't afraid, but I heard people cry out: 'Oh, we are going to die! We are going to die!'”

Lawyer Carlos Mendes declared:
“I saw the sun as if it were a ball of fire, begin to move in the clouds. It had been raining all morning and the sky was full of clouds, but the rain had stopped. It lasted for several seconds, crushingly pressing down on us. Wan faces, standing here, from every side great ejaculations, acts of contrition, of the love of God. An indescribable moment! We feel it. We remain dominated by it. But it is not possible to describe it.”

Antonio de Oliveiro, farmer, said:
“I looked at the sun and saw it spinning like a disc, rolling on itself. I saw people changing colour. They were stained with the colours of the rainbow. The sun seemed to fall down from the sky… The people said that the world was going to end . . . They were afraid and screaming.”

Maria dos Prazeres, widow:
“I saw the sun turn upon itself; it seemed to fall from the sky The people around me were crying that the world was going to end.”

Dominic Reis (in TV interview in the U.S. in l960)
“The sun started to roll from one place to another and changed to blue, yellow -- all colours. Then we see the sun coming towards the children. Everyone was crying out. Some started to confess their sins because there was no priest around there . . . My mother grabbed me to her and started to cry, saying: 'It is the end of the world!' And then we see the sun come right into the trees.”

Maria Candida da Silva
“Suddenly the rain stopped and a great splendour appeared and the children cried: 'Look at the sun!' I saw the sun coming down, feeling that it was falling to the ground. At that moment, I collapsed.”

Rev. Joao Menitra
“I looked and saw that the people were in various colours -- yellow, white, blue. At the same time, I beheld the sun spinning at great speed and very near me. I at once thought: I am going to die.”.

Joaquim Lourenco, a schoolboy, was in the village of Alburitel, a few miles from Fátima.. He later became canon lawyer of the diocese of Leiria.
“… I looked fixedly at the sun, which seemed pale and did not hurt my eyes.
“Looking like a ball of snow, revolving on itself, it suddenly seemed to come down in a zigzag, menacing the earth.
“Terrified, I ran and hid myself among the people, who were weeping and expecting the end of the world at any moment. It was a crowd which had gathered outside our local village school, and we had all left classes and run into the streets because of the cries and surprised shouts of men and women who were in the street in front of the school when the miracle began.
“There was an unbeliever there who had spent the morning mocking the 'simpletons' who had gone off to Fátima just to see an ordinary girl. He now seemed paralyzed, his eyes fixed on the sun. He began to tremble from head to foot, and lifting up his arms, fell on his knees in the mud, crying out to God.
“But meanwhile the people continued to cry out and to weep, asking God to pardon their sins. We all ran to the two chapels in the village, which were soon filled to overflowing. During those long moments of the solar prodigy, objects around us turned all colours of the rainbow.

Abano Barros (a building contractor, who later became a U.S. citizen) witnessed the apparition from the village of Minde, eight miles away…
“I was watching sheep, as was my daily task, and suddenly, there in the direction of Fátima, I saw the sun fall from the sky. I thought it was the end of the world.”

Poet Alfonso Lopes Viera saw the miracle from a distance of 30 miles at the ocean-side town of San Pedro der Muel.

The miracle was also seen in Pombal, 32 miles north of Fátima.

The total land-area of visibility, based on witness interviews, was approximately 32 by 20 miles.

No records of the solar phenomena were recorded by any of the world's observatories

Summation by a Scientist...

Fr. Pio Sciatizzi, professor of algebra and trigonometry at the Gregorian University, Rome, author of Fátima in the Light of Faith and Science in the 1940s wrote this:

“Of the historic reality of this event there can be no doubt whatsoever. That it was outside and against known laws can be proved by certain simple scientific considerations… Given the indubitable reference to God and the general context of the event, it seems that we must attribute to Him alone the most obvious and colossal miracle of history.”

NOTE: The above reports and others were published in 1961 in Meet the Witnesses, by John Haffert, International Lay Delegate of the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fátima. (A.M.I. Press, Washington, N.J., U.S.A.).
Sorry I don't buy it

Nice story though.

But I think this is more accurate

The Lady of F tima the Miracle of the Sun

So that is what you believe instead? Lovely. Here is what you believe based on the link you submitted:

Nickell suggested that the crowd saw a sundog, a patch of light that sometimes appears beside the sun. Sundogs are stationary, however, so that doesn't explain why people thought they saw the sun moving. So perhaps the "sun dance" appeared in the minds and perceptions of those pilgrims present — not in the skies above them.

Ok, let us consider your belief in light of some facts.

Fact: On July 13, 1917 a large crowd heard the three shepherd children say that the Virgin Mary told them she would perform a miracle on October 13th for all present to see so they would know these messages are coming from God.

Fact: Somewhere close to 70,000 people arrived in the torrents of rain and mud to the very location on that very day as predicted which included journalists from the largest Lisbon newspaper “O Seculo” which is anti-Catholic and marxist. Also in the gathering are agnostics and men of science and untold numbers of unbelievers.

Fact: It is only at the hour the three shepherd children arrive that the steady rain stops and moments later the gray skies part. A very lucky coincidence for your sundog theory wouldn’t you say?

Fact: The vast majority of the 70,000 all claim to see something very similar, not very different! How strange if this were some psychological trick or mass hallucination these “imagined” events would coincide so closely with so many thousands. I mean, they all claimed the sun danced. They all claimed it gave off multi-colored hues that covered the entire landscape, the skies, their faces and clothes. They all claimed it turned blood red, very large and charged the earth. Even those who saw nothing witnessed the entire crowd go into a panic all at once. How in the world if this were imagined, could they all have imagined the very same thing of the sun charging the earth at the very same time?

Fact: There are written testimonies and filmed testimonies of so many witnesses the unbeliever most likely does not want to investigate. The unbeliever most assuredly does not want to know of the medical doctor and science professors who were not believers who gave clear and cogent testimonies of the facts, the very facts the rest of the crowd only imagined. The unbeliever cannot explain with any reasonableness why a marxist newspaper reported the events as a miracle which they witnessed for themselves when in fact they were their to mock it and cause the faithful to doubt their faith.

Fact: The testimonies speak of everyone present being soaked to the bone because of the hours of rain, and yet, after the 10 minute solar phenomenon, they reported the ground was dry and their clothes were dry. Imagined?

Fact: This solar phenomenon was also seen and reported on by numerous witnesses who did not go to Fatima that day but were anywhere from 10 – 20 miles away. Seen because they could not help but notice, not because they were sitting in their lawn chairs staring in that direction waiting for a fireworks show. The skeptic really shows his desperation when their only defense is to say “eye witnesses can never be trusted” or words to that effect.

Fact: The odds of three young children predicting a miracle 90 days in advance to the exact day they claimed! and for it to be witnessed or testified to by 50,000 or more is beyond calculation. The odds some “sundog” appeared on that exact day and moment and fooled 50,000 or more to report seeing the same imagined phenomenon are not even worth discussing.

“When man stops believing in God he then does not believe in nothing… he will believe in anything.” (G.K. Chesterton)
Nice cherry picking.

There are most likely more than one psychological phenomenon that happened.

Like I said just because 70K people were there does not mean they all same the same thing.

It's kind of like the grilled cheese Mary or the window condensation Jesus. People need to believe and desperately want to believe they were witness to a miracle.
I had my searching years, when I was looking for proof of God.

I found out about the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, which happened in a small village in Portugal, in the year 1917.

Three children has visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and two of them heard her voice.

She predicted a great miracle would happen on her final visit, so a crowd of 70,000 people gathered.

Among the crowd were many devout Catholics, but there were also Freemasons who hated the Catholic Church, and atheists.

Most of these reported seeing something miraculous happen in the sky, the sun moved, and spun like a top, and changed colors.

The miracle was reported in Portugese newspapers, by reporters who were unbelievers.

The purpose of this miracle was so that modern people, in the 20th century, would have proof positive that God exists and intervenes in the affairs of mankind.

I have brought this up on several occasions, and it is amazing how atheist refuse to look at this proof, or explain it away with excuses.

But I'm doing it again -- here is the proof of God you seek.

Don't ask for it again, because here it is.

What you do with it is your business.


Our Lady of F tima - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Message of Fatima

So the Atheists are claiming the miracle you seek.

Are you sure they were atheists? Where is the proof that these "Atheists" claimed the same thing and were Atheists before hand and not an attempt by the Catholic Church to garner believers?

You do have the documents, right. Or is this just another set of vacuous claims?

We don't want claims, we want actual proof. You are still giving us claims and claiming it as proof.

You might want proof, but your coharts surely do not. If we give them 50,000 witnesses they want 100,000. If we give them 2 miracles, they want 3. If we give them a scientist eye witness, they don't mention science any longer. And we should stand in awe of their reasoning and courage?

Kosta de Alhabaite Ainda F tima Jornal O S culo de Outubro de 1917...
The above link is the actual reproduction of the article from O Seculo (English translation “The Century”) the largest newspaper in Portugal. It is an anti-clerical, anti-Catholic, Marxist newspaper. If you read secular history you will note that at those times Portugal was under the influence of an anti-Catholic government seeking to eradicate Church influence. Very much the same as to what the rebels were seeking to do in the Spanish Civil War a couple of decades later. Government officials were so opposed to what was happening at Fatima that they jailed these three children and interrogated them for three days prior to the date of this miracle. The childrens’ ages were 7 – 9 years old. What is below is the English translation of the O Seculo report witnessed by their journalists on October 13, 1917. It is not what they came for or expected, but they probably had the fear of God in them and realized they better report the truth, albeit downplayed, in their paper.
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First: An excerpt from Wikipedia ---
"Before the astonished eyes of the crowd, whose aspect was biblical as they stood bare-headed, eagerly searching the sky, the sun trembled, made sudden incredible movements outside all cosmic laws — the sun 'danced' according to the typical expression of the people." ― Avelino de Almeida, writing for O Século. O Século was Portugal's most widely circulated[ and influential newspaper. It was pro-government and anti-clerical at the time. Almeida's previous articles had been to satirize the previously reported events at Fátima.

"The Century" (O Seculo) reports: THE MIRACLE OF THE SUN

The newspaper "The Century" is an article by Avelino deAlmeida, where it describes what he witnessed in the Cova da Iria on the 13th of October 1917.

Thing of wonder!
AS the sun danced noon to FATIMA

The apparitions of the Virgin - What are the signs of heaven - Many thousands of people claim to have produced a miracle - War and peace
Lucia, age 10, Francisco, 9, and Jacinta, 7, that the moor of Fatima, Vila Nova de fatima, say they have spoken with the Virgin Mary

OUREM, 13 October
When jumping, after a long trip, the sixteen hours of honor at the station Floor of Apples, where he dismounted also religious people coming from distant lands to watch the "miracle" I asked, suddenly, a young man from "char will -bancs "career if he had seen the Lady. With his smile and look skewed sardoico did not hesitate to answer me:

- Here I only saw there rocks, cars, cars, horses and people!

For an easy mistake, the train that we should lead, Judah Ruah and me to the village, did not appear and decide to calcoffiar boldly about two leagues because there is no place for us in the investigation and are, since many of afreguezadas the carriotas awaiting passengers. Along the way, we run the first ranches that followed into the holy place, far more than twenty kilometers and measured.Men and women go barefoot almost all - of them with bundles on their heads, surmounted by dolphinfish; accosted them with thick sticks and stick-bearing also cautiously umbrella. It would Hiam generally oblivious of what is happening around them, in "a great lack of Paizagem and other travelers, as if immersed in a dream, praying n" a sad melody the third. A woman breaks with the first part of the Hail Mary, the greeting, the companions, in chorus, continue with the second part, to beg. N "a right step in quick succession, to tread the dusty road between nut and olive groves, to arrive before that night to clench the site's appearance, where, under the dew and the cold light of stars, projected to sleep, keeping the first play together the oak blessed - to this day to see better.

At the entrance, women of the people to whom the means already infected with the virus of skepticism, comment, in a tone of mockery, the case of the day:

- So vaes the holy see tomorrow?

- I do not. If she does come here!

And laugh at it with gusto, while his devotees proceed indifferent to everything that is not the purpose of their pilgrimage. In Hour only by an extreme kindness is retirement. During the night, meet in the village square a wide variety of vehicles leading believers and curious without missing old ladies dressed in black, already sagging under the weight of years, but flashing their eyes burning the fire of faith that encouraged the courageous act of abandoning one day inseparable corner of your home. By breaking d "white, new ranches appear bold and go through without stopping a moment, the town, whose silence break the harmony of the songs that women's voices, very military, sing n" a striking contrast to the harshness of a kind ...

The sun rises, but the nature of heaven storm threat. The dark clouds castellated precisely on the bands of Fatima. Nothing, however, retains that all the way and making use of all means of transportation to converge there. The luxury cars sliding sharply, blasting horns, the ox-carts to creep slowly to one side of the road, and the galleys, the victories, the closed carriages, carts in whom they were improvised seats Ajoujado most can not. Almost all lead with Farnés, more or less modest, for the mouths to feed Christians to the shale irracionaes that "poverelo" of Assisi called our brothers and courageously fulfilling their task ... Tinkling either guiseira, we see a wagon decorated with boxwood; in emtanto, the festive air is mild, the ways are made and absolute order ... Choute donkeys by the roadside and cyclists, very many, do wonders for not bumping against the cars.

About ten o'clock, the sky is completely obscures and soon the rain would have come at a good rain. The strings of water, hit by a harsh wind, the scourge of faces, soaking the tarmac and passing to the bone hikers devoid of hats and any others screens. But no one is eager to keep up or give up and if some are sheltered under the canopies of trees along the walls of the farms or in the distant houses huddled along the way, others continue to march with an impressive resistance, noting some ladies whose dresses glued to the bodies, the effect of the impetus and the pertinacity of the rain, they draw the shapes as if they had left the bathroom!

Heath Point of Fatima, where he said the Virgin appeared to the children of the hamlet of Aljustrel, is dominated n "a huge area that runs along the road to Porto, and along which the vehicles are posted there that led pilgrims and on-lookers. More than one hundred cars and someone told more than a hundred bikes, and it would be impossible to count the number of cars blocking the road, an d "they self-omnibus de Torres Novas, within which coalesced people of all conditions sociaes .

But the bulk of the pilgrims, thousands of creatures that were in many leagues around the faithful who joined back in several provinces, and alemtejanos Algarve, £ o and Beira Minho, congregate in volume of the little oak that, in the words of the shepherds, the view chosen for its pedestal and could be considered as the center of a large circle on whose edge other spectators and other devotees settle. Seen from the road, the set is simply fantastic. The prudent peasant, barrack under enormous hats, accompanying many d "them, the thinning of the scarce farneis with the conduit of spiritual and sacred hymns of the tens of rosario.

There are no people fear to bury their feet soaked in clay, to be told to get close to the oak on which erected a rough portico where two lanterns wobbles ... Altena, the groups that sing the praises of the Virgin, and a hare, terrified, who climbs into dry out, just divert attention from half a dozen Zagaleta who reach the prostrate and Vadivelu ...

And the shepherds? Lucia, age 10, the seer, and their small companions, Francisco, 9, and Jacinta, 7, has not yet arrived. Their presence points to perhaps half an hour before being given as to the appearance. Lead the young girls, crowned with garlands of flowers, the place where stands the portico. Rain cae incessantly but no despair. Cars with stragglers reach the road. Groups friars kneel in the mud and Lucia asks them, ordering them to close their hats. Transmit the order, which is obeyed at once, without the slightest reluctance. Ha people, many people, as if in ecstasy, we moved on whose lips dry prayer paralyzed, stunned us with folded hands and eyes bubbly, people who seem to feel, touch the supernatural ...

The child says the Lord spoke to him again, and the sky still caliginosa, begins suddenly to clear at the top, the rain stops and this is when the sun is going to flood light Paizagem that wintry morning also took sad ...

The ancient time "is what regulates this crowd, that dispassionate calculations of educated people and the whole point other than the mystical influences compute in thirty or forty thousand creatures ... The miraculous manifestation, the visible sign advertised is about to occur if - provide many pilgrims ... and there is then a performance unique and unbelievable to those who did not witness d "it. From the top of the road, where cars were crowded together and where hundreds of people, whom sufficient courage to stick to the clay, to see the immense crowd turn towards the sun, which appears free of clouds, overhead. It looked like a plate of dull silver and it is possible to stare at it hard without the least effort. Not burning, not blind. It would be hia is straightening an eclipse. But behold, a huge fuss arises, and the viewers who are closer to hear you scream:

- Miracle, miracle! Marvel!In the eyes dazzled d "the people, whose attitude takes us to the biblical times and, pale with amazement, with her head uncovered, faces the blue, the sun trembled, the sun had never seen sharp movements outside all cosmic laws - the sun 'danced' according to the typical expression of the peasants .. Perched on the step of self-omnibus de Torres Novas, an old man whose stature and whose face, yet sweet and energetic, reminiscent of Paul Déroulède, recites while facing the sun, in a loud voice, from beginning to end, the Creed. Ask who is and tell me to be Mr.. Maria Amado João de Melo Ramalho da Cunha Vasconcelos.

See you then go to those who surround him, and who had kept the hat on his head, pleading with them, once again, to uncover the face of such an extraordinary demonstration of the existence of God. Similar scenes are repeated n "elsewhere and a woman cries, bathed in tears distressing and almost n" a choke:

- Que lastima! Yet there are men who do not discover Deante so stupendous miracle!

And then they ask each other if they saw and what they saw. The largest number confesses that he saw the flickering, the ballet of the sun, but others claim to have seen the smiling face of the Virgin, swear that the sun has turned on itself like a wheel of fireworks, it fell almost to the point to burn the earth with its rays ... Commentators say the change has seen successively colored ...

Are close to fifteen hours.

The sky is swept with clouds and sun follows its course with the usual splendor that no one dares to face the front. And the shepherds? Lucia, who spoke with the Virgin, today, with teatrai gestures, the collar of a man who transports from group to group, as the war ended and our soldiers would return ... Such new, however, does not increase the exultation of the hearer. The signal was all heavenly. There is an intense curiosity to see the two little girls with their garlands of roses, some search osculate hands of 'santinhas', one of which, Jacinta, is to pass more than to dance, "but what that all ANCI -- the signal from the sky - was enough to gratify them, the radical them in their faith in Ecuador. Street vendors offer pictures of children in postai tickets and other tickets representing a soldier of the Expeditionary Corps Portuguez "thinking on aid for its protective salvation of the Fatherland "and even an image of the Virgin as the figure of the vision ...

This was good business and certainly more cents in his pocket came from vendors and trunk of handouts for the children than in the outstretched hands and open the lepers and the blind, acotevelando with the pilgrims, fired into the air shrieking their .. .

The scattering is done quickly, smoothly, without a disorder, without it being necessary that the regulating any patrol guard. Pilgrims soon retire, the road running out, are those who first arrived on foot and barefoot with shoes on head or hanging on poles. Go with the soul in lausperene, bring good news to the hamlet that is not depopulated at all. And the priests? Some showed up on, smiling, rowing with the more bystanders than with pilgrims eager to heavenly favors. Perhaps one or another failed to hide the satisfaction on the faces of the victors often translates into ...It remains that the authorities say his justice on the macabre dance of the sun today, in Fatima, hosanna blew up the breasts of the faithful and of course left impressed - assured me that the subject trusted the freethinkers and others worry that a religious have flocked to the now celebrated Heath.

Avelino de Almeida
Publ.: "The Century", Lisbon (morning edition) 37 (l2.876) 15 Oct. 1917, p. 1, cols. 6-7, p. 2, col. 1.
I had my searching years, when I was looking for proof of God.

I found out about the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, which happened in a small village in Portugal, in the year 1917.

Three children has visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and two of them heard her voice.

She predicted a great miracle would happen on her final visit, so a crowd of 70,000 people gathered.

Among the crowd were many devout Catholics, but there were also Freemasons who hated the Catholic Church, and atheists.

Most of these reported seeing something miraculous happen in the sky, the sun moved, and spun like a top, and changed colors.

The miracle was reported in Portugese newspapers, by reporters who were unbelievers.

The purpose of this miracle was so that modern people, in the 20th century, would have proof positive that God exists and intervenes in the affairs of mankind.

I have brought this up on several occasions, and it is amazing how atheist refuse to look at this proof, or explain it away with excuses.

But I'm doing it again -- here is the proof of God you seek.

Don't ask for it again, because here it is.

What you do with it is your business.


Our Lady of F tima - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Message of Fatima

I needn't any exceptional event to believe in God.

The miracles are happening everywhere and every time around us. every new born that was created from a single cell is a miracle. every huge tree that grew from a tiny seed is a miracle.

so it is my advice to you not to base you belief in God on exceptional phenomena.

I can neither accept neither reject such story, it seems a strange phenomena but strange doesn't necessarily mean wrong.

in my opinion it may be related to not yet well understood phenomena that may affect visual sensors of people (some jinns or devils for example). or some weather effects.

there is also the possibility of being a lie propagated by the spanish government for some political reason.
I saw the sun move this morning. At first, I could not see it, because it was behind the Santa Rita Mountains, but then it moved to above the mountains. Hell, by the end of the day, it was all the way over to the West....
Eyewitness testimony isn't proof of anything. People have claimed to see many things the world doesn't accept as being real be it the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, fairies, aliens, etc.
Notice to:
C-Clayton-Jones, The Old School, Hollie, Delta4Embassy, Skull Pilot, Guno, amrchaos, JoeB131, rightwinger, Pinqy, et al.

Some of these well-documented posts we produce assume there will be responses from open-minded, educated observers. Based on your “reasons” against or your cavalier dismissals, I am still in search of an honest, educated, unbiased observer.

Did I mention?.... “When man stops believing in God he then does not believe in nothing… he will believe in anything.” (G.K. Chesterton)

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