70% of Americans says their finances are hopeless

70% of Americans say that their economic future is abysmal and are giving up hope.

Even though in power, the Left will use this to try and push more government control and intervention because they are not the problem rather, the problem is they simply don'th have enough power over our lives.
Interest rates are at historic highs.

You people have very short memories or all under 30 and were not alive in the 80 or before.


Depends on what point you're attempting to make. If you are hinting that we should take from the haves and freely give to the have-nots, then no. That's Socialism!

What's your thought when we take from the have nots and give to the haves? Is that your idea how Capitalism is supposed to work?

If you mean that we need to encourage the free market and reduce the restrictions that the government puts on small businesses as a means to help their rich and powerful, Fortune 500 donors, then, yes, we need a more fair economic system.

I'm all for bringing down the "Fortune 500 donors".
Drill baby drill....
The rig count is dropping under Biden,
Permits are dropping
Pipelines are being held up
ANWR was stopped
Oil companies can see Biden's "war on energy" means why spend capital to keep up with demand? (why build/expsnd refineries?)

Oil is a worldwide traded commodity. Simply repealing Biden's restrictions will do very little in terms of bringing down the price of gas.

How is he going to reduce inflation or restore law and order?
The median income in the US is $56k.

The average house is $430k.

Interest rates are at historic highs.

When my parents bought the house in Boston in 1980 that I grew up in interest rates were in the teens.
Oil is a worldwide traded commodity. Simply repealing Biden's restrictions will do very little in terms of bringing down the price of gas.

Not to mention we are averaging more oil produced per day this year than any point in our history
What's your thought when we take from the have nots and give to the haves? Is that your idea how Capitalism is supposed to work?

I'm all for bringing down the "Fortune 500 donors".
There are two versions of "capitalism."

Version one (which I call capital "C" capitalism) is the version where the top, most powerful corporations are able to monopolize the market by buying government officials who are used as pawns to protect the interests of these mega corporations. It's literal fascism, and I'm opposed to it. Interestingly, most of these same organizations are pushing the "woke" agenda. This group would step on their mother's graves to make a profit.

Version two is what I call small "c" capitalism, which allows the common man to flourish by allowing him to invent, produce, and sell his ideas or products with little hindrance from the government. I'm all for this type of free market, capitalism. Unfortunately, schemes like the Covid Hoax mixed with government red tape make it almost impossible for the common man to succeed. Especially if he poses a threat to the giant companies running the show.
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There are two versions of "capitalism."

Version one (which I call capital "C" capitalism) is the version where the top, most powerful corporations are able to monopolize the market by buying government officials who are used as pawns to protect the interests of these mega corporations. It's literal fascism, and I'm opposed to it. Interestingly, most of these same organizations are pushing the "woke" agenda.

Version two is what I call small "c" capitalism, which allows the common man to flourish by allowing them to invent, produce, and sell their ideas or products with little hindrance of the government. I'm all for this type of capitalism. Unfortunately, schemes like the Covid Hoax mixed with government red tape makes it almost impossible for the common man to succeed. Especially if they pose a threat to the giant companies running the show.

Not going to happen. The giant companies run the country.

70% of Americans say that their economic future is abysmal and are giving up hope.

Even though in power, the Left will use this to try and push more government control and intervention because they are not the problem rather, the problem is they simply don'th have enough power over our lives.

Well, I think that God is punishing us. I would say I know that, but that sounds a bit presumptuous. In any case, America has been a wealthy nation for a long time. Sure, we helped others and all, but Americans in general have gotten fat and selfish and greedy. Why do we have homeless people (not talking about druggies) all over the place, and way more since 2020? I mean, we have all this wealth and we pay all the taxes and yet, we cannot put a simple roof over people's heads? How do we know God himself wanted the tent cities... maybe that was the only thing the dims did "right"(?).. remind us of poverty in America. A lot of homeless people who live in their vehicles do not want anyone to know they do so. But the tent cities put the issue of poverty right there in our faces. But still, it seems all most people can do is hate the homeless and dismiss them as lazy, irresponsible, probably drug addicted... etc. They don't even want to discuss the HIGH rent that keeps some under-employed people out of housing. In the Bible it says to house the homeless. But no one cares what God thinks anymore and most people do NOT believe the Bible is the Word of God.

Hence the demise of our country...
70% of Americans also feel like our health care system has failed them according to a survey conducted earlier this year.

My impression is 70% of Americans want more free stuff.
Oil is a worldwide traded commodity. Simply repealing Biden's restrictions will do very little in terms of bringing down the price of gas.
How is he going to reduce inflation or restore law and order?
1. If the US pumps all the oil it needs, it doesn't matter what the rest of the world does. If Russia, the Sauds, and Iran cap their wells, so what?
2. The price of gas and diesel affects the price of everything, gas was $2+ under Trump, now it's approaching $4
3. Trump and Republicans support the police, democrats are lawless, they support flash mobs, and DAs that don't prosecute criminals, not to mention open borders.
The fix for the problem with Americans finances are:

Unionization and strikes to force a living wage.

Increases in workers salaries & wages everywhere.

Employees moving to higher paying jobs

Extreme decreases in executive compensation.

Boycotts of high over-priced goods and services.

It seems like the MAGA crowd blames the government, and therefore wants government intervention in the market to fix everything. Price & rent fixing perhaps. How Socialist!

The only thing the government should do is to create tax policies that put extreme taxes on the super wealthy and make it advantageous to increase lower level employee compensation and reinvestment - like setting the capitol gains tax back to what it was before the GW Bush administration.

The wealthy like to screw the workers by raising prices whenever there's a Democrat in the White house. It ain't gonna work this time.

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