70% of Americans says their finances are hopeless

1. If the US pumps all the oil it needs, it doesn't matter what the rest of the world does. If Russia, the Sauds, and Iran cap their wells, so what?
2. The price of gas and diesel affects the price of everything, gas was $2+ under Trump, now it's approaching $4
3. Trump and Republicans support the police, democrats are lawless, they support flash mobs, and DAs that don't prosecute criminals, not to mention open borders.

Clamoring again for the low covid prices.

Why would anyone want that back?
Everything you're seeing is the result of stolen elections. We're in the midst of a long, excruciating "I told you so".... we need to get the humans back in charge, and then cull thru them and optimize.

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Every day the Marxists/Demofascist in power wake up and say to each other "How can we fuck the US citizens even more". At first it was just raising food and fuel prices. Then it was letting the flood gates of Diseased Illegals to come across the southern border. Then it was flying them all over the US so red states could eventually turn blue. Now it is overwhelm the schools with diseased anchors and crash the medical system by having those diseased anchors born in the ER's and US citizens have to foot the bill. What is next on the list of fucking the US citizens? Food shortages?...coming soon. Electrical black outs?..Coming soon. Rioting all over the US?...Coming soon.

70% of Americans say that their economic future is abysmal and are giving up hope.

Even though in power, the Left will use this to try and push more government control and intervention because they are not the problem rather, the problem is they simply don'th have enough power over our lives.

Drill baby drill....
The rig count is dropping under Biden,
Permits are dropping
Pipelines are being held up
ANWR was stopped
Oil companies can see Biden's "war on energy" means why spend capital to keep up with demand? (why build/expsnd refineries?)
Energy is everything, it's the #1 advantage we have over other countries to remain competitive even with our higher standard of living. Democrat idiots want to wreck that, God they are dumb.
Hmm, if I said that you’d be calling me a Commie! :cool-45:
Even Commies can stumble around and be right about some things.

Commies are for big government regulations. Commies want others to pay for the underprivileged.

Constitutionalists want small government and individual freedom. Constitutionalists believe in personal responsibility and the need for everyone to pull their own weight.
We're being reverted to a feudal system. Nobility and land barons vs. serfs and peasants. The foundation for revolutions.

But we're making 'progress' in having the lowest degenerates and every miniscule minority labeled as victims and being 'accepted' every where they go. Who cares about the rest of it? :cuckoo:
Oil is a worldwide traded commodity. Simply repealing Biden's restrictions will do very little in terms of bringing down the price of gas.

How is he going to reduce inflation or restore law and order?
I keep hearing that same old Marxist Talking point, but when the US almost became energy independent and was putting out our oil onto the market, OPEC and Russia couldnt do shit but play along. Morons like you wont pull your head out of Uranus, get the rug pulled out from under you by the Marxists leaders you so adore.

I know this is my waste of time putting this up, but you dumbasses cant say "Link"?
Where is your evidence that this particular EO caused prices to rise?
RIght here dumbass..

Like what, specifically?
Executive Order 13766 of January 24, 2017

Executive Order 13778 of February 28, 2017

Executive Order 13783 of March 28, 2017

Executive Order13792 of April 26, 2017

Executive Order 13795 of April 28, 2017

Executive Order 13868 of April 10, 2019

Executive Order13927 of June 4, 2020

Executive Order 13834 of May 17, 2018

Executive Order 13807 of August 15, 2017

Executive Order 13920 of May 1, 2020

"The Presidential Memorandum of April 12, 2018 (Promoting DomesticManufacturing and Job Creation Policies and Procedures Relating to Implementation of Air Quality Standards), the Presidential Memorandum of October 19, 2018 (Promoting the Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water inthe West), and the Presidential Memorandum of February 19, 2020 (Developing and Delivering More Water Supplies in California), are hereby revoked."

^Lumping CA water supply security into the revocations. What a guy that Joe is! :D

You can look up the EOs and read them yourself.

Unlike Sloe Joe's, they're short and to the point.

This is one of the main ones about energy, there are several:

Biden revoked all those on day 1, and then some!
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