70% of Americans says their finances are hopeless

More butt-hurt cream is needed for you.
If they want to get an increase in their pay, let them go negotiate like the UNION'S are doing.
It is so funny how the followers of P01135809 think they are about the REAL WORKING class, but as soon as they want their share of the
profits, they are against the UNION'S.
You are such a joke!

How many other non autoworkers are getting a raise? Or demanding a 32 hour workweek? Fuck the unions, i hope they get busted real good.
The fix for the problem with Americans finances are:
Unionization and strikes to force a living wage.
Increases in workers salaries & wages everywhere.
Employees moving to higher paying jobs
Extreme decreases in executive compensation.
Boycotts of high over-priced goods and services.
It seems like the MAGA crowd blames the government, and therefore wants government intervention in the market to fix everything. Price & rent fixing perhaps. How Socialist!
The only thing the government should do is to create tax policies that put extreme taxes on the super wealthy and make it advantageous to increase lower level employee compensation and reinvestment - like setting the capitol gains tax back to what it was before the GW Bush administration.
The wealthy like to screw the workers by raising prices whenever there's a Democrat in the White house. It ain't gonna work this time.
1. Unions price companies into bankruptcy
2. Decreasing exec pay just gets them to take their talents elsewhere. I can support one change, I do like the Japan law where the CEO pay cannot exceed a multiple of the lowest paid employee.
3. The MAGA crowd does blame government, for open borders, the war on energy, the "green new deal lite", and running up a $32T DEBT and it $1.5T annual interest bill, more than defense!
4. Not socialism, free market capitalism, but with free and fair trade.
5. You can put the tax rate up to 90% and still not get enough revenue. I like calling capital gains regular income. It helps.
Here's a post from this morning how I would balance the Budget:
  • 1. Add a 4% Federal Sales Tax on all sales (gains ~400b/yr)
  • 2. Add a 0.1%? financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains 777b/yr)
  • 3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (gains ~$150b/yr, see below)
  • 4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
  • 5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare
  • 6. Add a co-pay for Medicaid
  • 7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the $1T Budget Deficit would become a $350b surplus to start paying down the $32T Debt

70% of Americans say that their economic future is abysmal and are giving up hope.

Even though in power, the Left will use this to try and push more government control and intervention because they are not the problem rather, the problem is they simply don'th have enough power over our lives.
Are yours?

Or anyone here's?

Anyone having a hard time in this economy?


70% of Americans say that their economic future is abysmal and are giving up hope.

Even though in power, the Left will use this to try and push more government control and intervention because they are not the problem rather, the problem is they simply don'th have enough power over our lives.
Since when did you min wage haters care about the incomes of people?
More butt-hurt cream is needed for you.
If they want to get an increase in their pay, let them go negotiate like the UNION'S are doing.
It is so funny how the followers of P01135809 think they are about the REAL WORKING class, but as soon as they want their share of the
profits, they are against the UNION'S.
You are such a joke!
Bwaahhhaaaaa.....I was in a union for 1 year, made a dollar more than the steam fitters because of my special skills of electronics/Pneumatics. After i left i was paid 10 dollars more per hour than a sorry ass steam fitter, because that was what my skill set was worth. If you are a onion(another term for smelly union) pensioner, you also have to pay full taxes on your pension as it is an income, while my stocks that i have been invested in, only pay 20% in taxes. I laugh at your stupidity....
There is no correlation between the price of oil and gas and who the president is. The price of oil was in decline two years before Trump even took office. It shot back up after the plague came. It hit a high in 2022 and has been slowly coming back down since.
There is also little correlation between the amount of American drilling and whether the price of oil rises or falls.

No, Trump and his cult do not support the police. They've done nothing but demonize them since the attempted insurrection. They brutally assaulted the police at the Capitol and have accused those who were assaulted, like Officer Michael Fanone, of being a liar and a traitor when he talks about how he was tortured by Trump supporters.

And while I agree that the Democrats don't take law and order seriously what is Trump going to do about it? Are you suggesting the federal government get involved in local law enforcement? The same federal government that you all say is corrupt and part of the Deep State?
1. Its called the "Law of Supply and Demand" for a reason. The government needs to end the "war on energy" to lower fuel costs.
2. You can't point to J6 as how Trump and Republicans view the police. Look at how cops are leaving blue states for red ones.
3. Democrats do not take law and order seriously, QED. The Federal government can oust Soros DAs who refuse to prosecute criminals.
1. Unions price companies into bankruptcy
2. Decreasing exec pay just gets them to take their talents elsewhere. I can support one change, I do like the Japan law where the CEO pay cannot exceed a multiple of the lowest paid employee.
3. The MAGA crowd does blame government, for open borders, the war on energy, the "green new deal lite", and running up a $32T DEBT and it $1.5T annual interest bill, more than defense!
4. Not socialism, free market capitalism, but with free and fair trade.
5. You can put the tax rate up to 90% and still not get enough revenue. I like calling capital gains regular income. It helps.
Here's a post from this morning how I would balance the Budget:
  • 1. Add a 4% Federal Sales Tax on all sales (gains ~400b/yr)
  • 2. Add a 0.1%? financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains 777b/yr)
  • 3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (gains ~$150b/yr, see below)
  • 4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
  • 5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare
  • 6. Add a co-pay for Medicaid
  • 7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the $1T Budget Deficit would become a $350b surplus to start paying down the $32T Debt
I say we cut the non essential "workers" of the federal government by 90% the first year. That would save over 1 trillion dollars in costs. The following year, cut the other 10% of non essential "workers" and the US would be in a surplus.

70% of Americans say that their economic future is abysmal and are giving up hope.

Even though in power, the Left will use this to try and push more government control and intervention because they are not the problem rather, the problem is they simply don'th have enough power over our lives.

How many threads are you planning to make on this one obscure poll????

Your poll said that households under $50,000 are being pummelled. Well DUH!!! Why do you think Biden is pushing for minimum wage increases???? Who do you think is making under $50,000 per year if not minimum wage workers???

What solutions are you offering? Republicans promised if elected they'd fix this but they're way to busy impeaching Hunter Biden, so you on your own, Fuck Boi!!!

Quit bitch whining about everything, and stop waiting for someone else to dig your ass out of this.
I say we cut the non essential "workers" of the federal government by 90% the first year. That would save over 1 trillion dollars in costs. The following year, cut the other 10% of non essential "workers" and the US would be in a surplus.
I suggested a new "Grace Commission" to do Process Mapping of the Federal Government and recommend how to cut it in half.
How many threads are you planning to make on this one obscure poll????

Your poll said that households under $50,000 are being pummelled. Well DUH!!! Why do you think Biden is pushing for minimum wage increases???? Who do you think is making under $50,000 per year if not minimum wage workers???

What solutions are you offering? Republicans promised if elected they'd fix this but they're way to busy impeaching Hunter Biden, so you on your own, Fuck Boi!!!

Quit bitch whining about everything, and stop waiting for someone else to dig your ass out of this.
When you are going to stop following him and bitching about his posts? You really are a dumbass Marxist.
How many threads are you planning to make on this one obscure poll????

Your poll said that households under $50,000 are being pummelled. Well DUH!!! Why do you think Biden is pushing for minimum wage increases???? Who do you think is making under $50,000 per year if not minimum wage workers???

What solutions are you offering? Republicans promised if elected they'd fix this but they're way to busy impeaching Hunter Biden, so you on your own, Fuck Boi!!!

Quit bitch whining about everything, and stop waiting for someone else to dig your ass out of this.
Waiting for someone else to dig your ass out of this? Hell, only thing we're waiting for is you ass-wipes to stop digging the damn hole deeper....dumbass.
Like what, specifically?
OMG... Trump's economic team got energy prices down to the lowest point in years which brought down the price of everything since everything is shipped by trucks planes and ships... he gave black universities reoccurring subsidies which allowed more students to attend and so they didn't have to come to DC and beg each year... he placed into the inner city enterprise zones which created jobs... the unemployment rate for minorities was lower than anytime in Obama's tenure...
Trumps policies created jobs by lowering taxes which caused companies to invest... loans were cheap since he brought down interest rates... homes were selling with a lower interest rate cars were selling... come on man when were you born?... last year?...

I can keep going Taz me if you would like...
Trump was the first president in decades that didn't get us into an expensive deadly war... two months after Biden took office we lost one war than began to fund another war which we are losing.... And Then Biden undid every good thing Trump did and this is the result... a recession with striking unions and heightened inflation...

70% of Americans say that their economic future is abysmal and are giving up hope.

Even though in power, the Left will use this to try and push more government control and intervention because they are not the problem rather, the problem is they simply don'th have enough power over our lives.
Hopelessness…welcome to xiden’s american
1. Its called the "Law of Supply and Demand" for a reason. The government needs to end the "war on energy" to lower fuel costs.
2. You can't point to J6 as how Trump and Republicans view the police. Look at how cops are leaving blue states for red ones.
3. Democrats do not take law and order seriously, QED. The Federal government can oust Soros DAs who refuse to prosecute criminals.

How many times do we need to post the oil production numbers before you stop posting that lie?

Nothing you've posted has any basis in fact.

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