70% of Americans says their finances are hopeless

How many threads are you planning to make on this one obscure poll????

Your poll said that households under $50,000 are being pummelled. Well DUH!!! Why do you think Biden is pushing for minimum wage increases???? Who do you think is making under $50,000 per year if not minimum wage workers???

What solutions are you offering? Republicans promised if elected they'd fix this but they're way to busy impeaching Hunter Biden, so you on your own, Fuck Boi!!!

Quit bitch whining about everything, and stop waiting for someone else to dig your ass out of this.
For a real laugh we should have 500 threads on Leftard homo Trudeau’s economy in KKKanada.
OMG... Trump's economic team got energy prices down to the lowest point in years which brought down the price of everything since everything is shipped by trucks planes and ships...
How? What did he do? Energy prices were already on the decline two years before he became president.

he gave black universities reoccurring subsidies which allowed more students to attend and so they didn't have to come to DC and beg each year... he placed into the inner city enterprise zones which created jobs... the unemployment rate for minorities was lower than anytime in Obama's tenure...
I thought you guys were opposed to the federal government picking winners and losers. Additionally, aren't subsidies to black universities considered socialism?

Trumps policies created jobs by lowering taxes which caused companies to invest... loans were cheap since he brought down interest rates... homes were selling with a lower interest rate cars were selling... come on man when were you born?... last year?...
And this is something that I have given Trump credit for. I supported his corporate tax cuts, but then he and his party screwed us with more debt after they jacked up spending and that was BEFORE COVID came along.

As far as interest rates, that's the purview of The Fed, not the president.

I can keep going Taz me if you would like...
Trump was the first president in decades that didn't get us into an expensive deadly war...

Another thing I have given him credit for.

two months after Biden took office we lost one war than began to fund another war which we are losing.... And Then Biden undid every good thing Trump did and this is the result... a recession with striking unions and heightened inflation...
You'll never hear me claim that Biden is a good president. He's not. I have repeatedly stated that neither of those two belong in the White House. We need new and younger leadership, which is why I'm backing Haley.
The so called producers you so willingly worship only want cheap labor. That's anti american.
1. Its called the "Law of Supply and Demand" for a reason. The government needs to end the "war on energy" to lower fuel costs.
We export more petroleum than we use. We also did that during Trump's administration with the exception of a short period of time in 2020 after the plague came.

How about we stop doing that? Why didn't Trump put a stop to it?

2. You can't point to J6 as how Trump and Republicans view the police. Look at how cops are leaving blue states for red ones.
I absolutely can point to it. The Republicans are no longer in any position to call themselves the law and order party after the way they treated LEOs at the capitol. My brother is a cop. I take that issue very seriously.

3. Democrats do not take law and order seriously, QED. The Federal government can oust Soros DAs who refuse to prosecute criminals.
What law allows the federal government to oust local DAs? I'm not claiming you're wrong, but I'm not aware of any. I know governors have the power in some states, like Florida, but do you really want the federal government doing that? Remember, the pendulum of power swings back and forth. What you do to them they can turn around and do to you down the road.
How? What did he do? Energy prices were already on the decline two years before he became president.

I thought you guys were opposed to the federal government picking winners and losers. Additionally, aren't subsidies to black universities considered socialism?

And this is something that I have given Trump credit for. I supported his corporate tax cuts, but then he and his party screwed us with more debt after they jacked up spending and that was BEFORE COVID came along.

As far as interest rates, that's the purview of The Fed, not the president.

Another thing I have given him credit for.

You'll never hear me claim that Biden is a good president. He's not. I have repeatedly stated that neither of those two belong in the White House. We need new and younger leadership, which is why I'm backing Haley.
Give me a break dude... I told you what he did... opening up Anwar and approving drilling sites on public lands and oceans... and approving the Keystone pipeline... which Biden stopped and later regretted it.... you are way too uniformed for me to waste my time on you...

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