70% of Americans says their finances are hopeless

1. If the US pumps all the oil it needs, it doesn't matter what the rest of the world does. If Russia, the Sauds, and Iran cap their wells, so what?
2. The price of gas and diesel affects the price of everything, gas was $2+ under Trump, now it's approaching $4
There is no correlation between the price of oil and gas and who the president is. The price of oil was in decline two years before Trump even took office. It shot back up after the plague came. It hit a high in 2022 and has been slowly coming back down since.

There is also little correlation between the amount of American drilling and whether the price of oil rises or falls.

3. Trump and Republicans support the police, democrats are lawless, they support flash mobs, and DAs that don't prosecute criminals, not to mention open borders.

No, Trump and his cult do not support the police. They've done nothing but demonize them since the attempted insurrection. They brutally assaulted the police at the Capitol and have accused those who were assaulted, like Officer Michael Fanone, of being a liar and a traitor when he talks about how he was tortured by Trump supporters.

And while I agree that the Democrats don't take law and order seriously what is Trump going to do about it? Are you suggesting the federal government get involved in local law enforcement? The same federal government that you all say is corrupt and part of the Deep State?
There is no correlation between the price of oil and gas and who the president is. The price of oil was in decline two years before Trump even took office. It shot back up after the plague came. It hit a high in 2022 and has been slowly coming back down since.

There is also little correlation between the amount of American drilling and whether the price of oil rises or falls.

No, Trump and his cult do not support the police. They've done nothing but demonize them since the attempted insurrection. They brutally assaulted the police at the Capitol and have accused those who were assaulted, like Officer Michael Fanone, of being a liar and a traitor when he talks about how he was tortured by Trump supporters.

And while I agree that the Democrats don't take law and order seriously what is Trump going to do about it? Are you suggesting the federal government get involved in local law enforcement? The same federal government that you all say is corrupt and part of the Deep State?

NPR.........Funded by the government so will say what ever the government tells them to say. Got it.
How is Marxism involved?

RIght here dumbass..

That article does not answer my question. It in no way addresses the EO that was referenced.
So you have no rebuttal. Glad we cleared that up.

You're now dismissed.

Still got your head up Uranus i see, one day it will be severed and you will never see it coming by your Marxist leaders...
It undid in one fell swoop all the good Trump did to secure America's fuel supply, and then some.

It attacks water security in CA and appliances, too.

You're claiming Biden is threatening our fuel supply while one of your fellow cult members provides a link from a Forbes article noting we're exporting more petroleum than we are using, which was true for almost all of Trump's term as well.

So, which is it?
That article does not answer my question. It in no way addresses the EO that was referenced.
Of course you deny that the US energy independence would affect our gasoline prices, because then you would have to accede that you are a bold face liar.

Just like the rest of the Marxist who live in the US.
You're claiming Biden is threatening our fuel supply while one of your fellow cult members provides a link from a Forbes article noting we're exporting more petroleum than we are using, which was true for almost all of Trump's term as well.

So, which is it?
That is a lie....
And today,9/5, a group of hard-working Americans are trying to rectify the problem.
UAW workers want an adequate raise, not 4%, not 6%, something more appropriate with the earnings of the corporation.

70% of Americans say that their economic future is abysmal and are giving up hope.

Even though in power, the Left will use this to try and push more government control and intervention because they are not the problem rather, the problem is they simply don'th have enough power over our lives.
You're claiming Biden is threatening our fuel supply while one of your fellow cult members provides a link from a Forbes article noting we're exporting more petroleum than we are using, which was true for almost all of Trump's term as well.

So, which is it?
I'm not claiming, I'm showing what, where, and how. Not threatening, attacking on Day 1 is what happened.

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At first glance, I thought the title said “70% of Americans say their fiancé is hopeless”…lol

And today,9/5, a group of hard-working Americans are trying to rectify the problem.
UAW workers want an adequate raise, not 4%, not 6%, something more appropriate with the earnings of the corporation.
How many other non autoworkers are getting a raise? Or demanding a 32 hour workweek? Fuck the unions, i hope they get busted real good.
Factually wrong in Biden's case as his administration has been waging war on fossil fuels since day one.

It is not factually wrong, as the graph in the article I linked to shows it.

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