70% of those infected with Kung Flu wore masks, followed CDC guidelines.

Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

.......I have a thread on this also.....in my link, it says the most common way of getting C19 is touching your hands on something......I went to get tested for C19 at the Urgent Care--where MANY people have C19 symptoms and get tested---I waited outside for about an hour and just about everyone touched the door handle with their bare hands
...I saw the same thing at a strip mall---the masks are useless if you are touching common items----then you get in your car/house/etc and it's all over the place

Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
If they “greatly lower the risk “ of getting infected, why is it that 70% of those infected wore masks?
They reduce the risk of passing it on to other people idiot. More importantly, no one ever said wearing masks would eliminate the spread completely. They said it would CONTROL how much it spreads. The CDC has already established this with their findings. Just because you’re a child who cherry picks studies to fit your narrative doesn’t mean these studies don’t exist.
The fact 70% of those infected wore masks AND followed CDC guidelines proves your talking points wrong.
Uh no because no one ever said the idea was perfect because nothing is. Either way, the science shows it helps CURB the spread.
If masks helped curb the spread 70% of those infected wouldn’t report being avid mask wearers

Why not? They don't want to appear irresponsible like you dickheads!
I don't give a shit about "appearances" asswipe. The science isn't there to require masks.

The science says otherwise. You are dumbshit who doesn't understand statistics. I suggest getting an education.
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

.......I have a thread on this also.....in my link, it says the most common way of getting C19 is touching your hands on something......I went to get tested for C19 at the Urgent Care--where MANY people have C19 symptoms and get tested---I waited outside for about an hour and just about everyone touch the door handle with their bare hands
...I saw the same thing at a strip mall---the masks are useless if you are touching common items----then you get in your car/house/etc and it's all over the place
I guess a glove mandate is next.

Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
If they “greatly lower the risk “ of getting infected, why is it that 70% of those infected wore masks?
They reduce the risk of passing it on to other people idiot. More importantly, no one ever said wearing masks would eliminate the spread completely. They said it would CONTROL how much it spreads. The CDC has already established this with their findings. Just because you’re a child who cherry picks studies to fit your narrative doesn’t mean these studies don’t exist.
The fact 70% of those infected wore masks AND followed CDC guidelines proves your talking points wrong.
Uh no because no one ever said the idea was perfect because nothing is. Either way, the science shows it helps CURB the spread.
If masks helped curb the spread 70% of those infected wouldn’t report being avid mask wearers

Why not? They don't want to appear irresponsible like you dickheads!
I don't give a shit about "appearances" asswipe. The science isn't there to require masks.

The science says otherwise. You are dumbshit who doesn't understand statistics. I suggest getting an education.
Your misguided opinions aren't of any interest to me.

The surge we are having across the country proves masks aren't working.
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

.......I have a thread on this also.....in my link, it says the most common way of getting C19 is touching your hands on something......I went to get tested for C19 at the Urgent Care--where MANY people have C19 symptoms and get tested---I waited outside for about an hour and just about everyone touch the door handle with their bare hands
...I saw the same thing at a strip mall---the masks are useless if you are touching common items----then you get in your car/house/etc and it's all over the place
I guess a glove mandate is next.
..I use rubber gloves at the gas station....I am super sanitary disciplined--but I got C19....I'd like to know how

Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
If they “greatly lower the risk “ of getting infected, why is it that 70% of those infected wore masks?
They reduce the risk of passing it on to other people idiot. More importantly, no one ever said wearing masks would eliminate the spread completely. They said it would CONTROL how much it spreads. The CDC has already established this with their findings. Just because you’re a child who cherry picks studies to fit your narrative doesn’t mean these studies don’t exist.
The fact 70% of those infected wore masks AND followed CDC guidelines proves your talking points wrong.
Uh no because no one ever said the idea was perfect because nothing is. Either way, the science shows it helps CURB the spread.
If masks helped curb the spread 70% of those infected wouldn’t report being avid mask wearers

Why not? They don't want to appear irresponsible like you dickheads!
I don't give a shit about "appearances" asswipe. The science isn't there to require masks.

The science says otherwise. You are dumbshit who doesn't understand statistics. I suggest getting an education.
Your misguided opinions aren't of any interest to me.

The surge we are having across the country proves masks aren't working.

The surge is occurring because people are NOT wearing mask you dickhead!

Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

The logic is obvious actually. Masks don’t eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus. What they do, however, is greatly lower the risk of someone Infected passing it on. This matters because half of the people with the virus are asymptotic. Anyone else with the virus doesn’t have symptoms the first week.

I also want to call out how pathetic you people are with scientific research. You ignore any research that doesn’t fit your narrative and cherry pick shit like this that does. You’re all children.
If they “greatly lower the risk “ of getting infected, why is it that 70% of those infected wore masks?
They reduce the risk of passing it on to other people idiot. More importantly, no one ever said wearing masks would eliminate the spread completely. They said it would CONTROL how much it spreads. The CDC has already established this with their findings. Just because you’re a child who cherry picks studies to fit your narrative doesn’t mean these studies don’t exist.
The fact 70% of those infected wore masks AND followed CDC guidelines proves your talking points wrong.
Uh no because no one ever said the idea was perfect because nothing is. Either way, the science shows it helps CURB the spread.
If masks helped curb the spread 70% of those infected wouldn’t report being avid mask wearers

Why not? They don't want to appear irresponsible like you dickheads!
I don't give a shit about "appearances" asswipe. The science isn't there to require masks.

The science says otherwise. You are dumbshit who doesn't understand statistics. I suggest getting an education.
Your misguided opinions aren't of any interest to me.

The surge we are having across the country proves masks aren't working.

The surge is occurring because people are NOT wearing mask you dickhead!
Once again, I'm not interested in your misguided opinions. CDC says othewise.
......a LOT of humans are not disciplined enough to be sanitary safe --especially 24/7......- the Germans are known for being very disciplined and sanitary---but look at Germany and C19 now.......
Your rhetoric has already "burned" 300,000 people moron
Not at all

the chinese virus killed some of them but other causes killed the rest that libs blamed on the wuflu

but in any case lib censorship by Big Brother is not the answer
Yes, other causes killed many, and the virus weakened their system so that so they could not effectively fight the other causes that they were dealing with. The covid virus is indeed responsible.
Could that be a disclaimer to avoid lawsuits? Not only could it be, but it is because masks are a big help but not a catch-all as any idiot knows. Any medications that you see advertised have disclaimers.
It is the law of the land. What an uninformed and naive analysis!
Weird how hand sanitizers and disinfectants aren't worried about lawsuits.

You lose again.

The covid virus is indeed responsible.
Indirectly in some cases

the wuflu is real but so are thousands of other diseases

what happened is that it burst on the world suddenly and scared the living crap out of everybody

conservatives soon recovered and figured out that the chinese bug has limitations and it is not the sure death that yellow journalists tell us it is

But liberals still have not regained their senses and maybe never will
If only our betters (mayors, governors, presidents, medical "experts," etc.) would be honest with us and tell us that they do not actually know what works & what doesn't.

Then maybe we would be more liable to follow their "guesses."

Do masks help?
Do lockdowns help?
Is 6 feet apart enough?
Does the vaccine have serious side effects?
Do we have to take the vaccine very year?
Is there some way to keep the economy open so that people can work and make some money?
Is there any danger of the virus being on the mail and packages that we receive?
Can infected restaurant workers pass along the disease when they prepare food?

Is the situation hopeless, and no matter what we do, some of us will contract the virus, and some will not?

P.S. I think that it would help if people would stop accusing the Dems of exaggerating the horror of this virus so that they can better control us. Maybe some are. I do not know. But surely all the suffering that we see on TV cannot all be fake. Surely, most healthcare workers are not lying about the dreadful conditions in overcrowded hospitals.

I really, really, really hope that President Biden (and his advisers, of course) can find some rational way to stop this nightmare.
Covid-19 are bad. However, Dems needed to push Trump out. I am telling you that we will hear nothing about covid-19 death numbers after Biden in the WH unless the vaccine works.. At the end, it is what it is., just like BLM, when was the last time you hear them on the news?
The garbage you spew is dangerous. People read that and it reinforces the stupid things they think, and do stupid shit and they get sick and DIE

And the virus rages on...screwing everything up

Again, more typical lib anti democratic nonsense

like the man said, societies that burn books eventually burn people
Your rhetoric has already "burned" 300,000 people moron
According to the CDC, that number is 18K. That's less than the common flu. Just because you choose to sensationalize it doesn't make it so. The sky is NOT falling and the emperor is naked.
If only our betters (mayors, governors, presidents, medical "experts," etc.) would be honest with us and tell us that they do not actually know what works & what doesn't.

Then maybe we would be more liable to follow their "guesses."

Do masks help?
Do lockdowns help?
Is 6 feet apart enough?
Does the vaccine have serious side effects?
Do we have to take the vaccine very year?
Is there some way to keep the economy open so that people can work and make some money?
Is there any danger of the virus being on the mail and packages that we receive?
Can infected restaurant workers pass along the disease when they prepare food?

Is the situation hopeless, and no matter what we do, some of us will contract the virus, and some will not?

P.S. I think that it would help if people would stop accusing the Dems of exaggerating the horror of this virus so that they can better control us. Maybe some are. I do not know. But surely all the suffering that we see on TV cannot all be fake. Surely, most healthcare workers are not lying about the dreadful conditions in overcrowded hospitals.

I really, really, really hope that President Biden (and his advisers, of course) can find some rational way to stop this nightmare.
Sure, Biden will find a way out--as soon as he finds the door of his basement. He can't keep you from contracting ANY disease. I can't believe you follow him just like he was the pied piper. SMH
Could the problem be that we have never had a clear mandate on dealing with the virus? That our financial concerns have overridden our safety concerns? Close everything, open just some, open everything, this rule- no that rule. One fact is clear, the more densely populated areas are going have a more difficult time controlling it, and in less populated areas the virus will start to spread faster where there are no guide lines. and the infection rate numbers support this line of thinking.
Tell me again how we have to wear masks......

Masks are not a panacea but you do have to follow certain procedures

Most people I see using them have their noses hanging out or they touch the outside of the mask then rub their eyes or touch their faces.

So don't touch the mask then touch your face. when you take the mask off you have to thoroughly wash your hands before you touch your face.

It ain't rocket science

When required to wear the mask EVERYWHERE AND ALLDAY it is a literal impossibility to never touch the mask or to wash your hands every time you do.

Rejoin us in reality.

Of course you are wrong.

And no one is required to wear a mask everywhere all day long. You don't have to wear a mask in your car or your home or even outside if you can distance

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