70% Of U.S. Spending Is Writing Checks To Individuals


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
this is sad and scary all rolled into ONE...Not only are we working to support our family, but everyone else's too...I miss the days when people would use TAXPAYERS as the last resort


Posted 03/10/2014 06:21 PM ET

Buried deep in a section of President Obama's budget, released this week, is an eye-opening fact: This year, 70% of all the money the federal government spends will be in the form of direct payments to individuals, an all-time high.

In effect, the government has become primarily a massive money-transfer machine, taking $2.6 trillion from some and handing it back out to others. These government transfers now account for 15% of GDP, another all-time high. In 1991, direct payments accounted for less than half the budget and 10% of GDP.

What's more, the cost of these direct payments is exploding. Even after adjusting for inflation, they've shot up 29% under Obama.

ObamaCare, Medicare...

Where do these checks go? The biggest chunk, 38.6%, goes to pay health bills, either through Medicare, Medicaid or ObamaCare. A third goes out in the form of Social Security checks. Only 21% goes toward poverty programs — or "income security" as it's labeled in the budget — and a mere 5% ends up in the hands of veterans.

Interestingly, despite Obama's frequent pledges to reduce income inequality, the share of direct payments going toward "income security" has dropped from 25% in 2009 to 20% in 2014. (The average share from 1980 to 2008 was 25.4%.)

Obama's Fiscal Year 2015 budget calls for this share to drop to just 17% by 2019, as his programs devote more and more federal tax money to middle-class entitlement programs such as ObamaCare.

Here's another way to look at it: If all these federal direct payments went only to the poor, every person living in poverty today would receive an annual check worth $55,900.

The 1% Handouts

70% Of U.S. Government Spending Is Writing Checks To Individuals - Investors.com
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Does this include some govt office that hires a guy to paint the building or fix the plumbing, and writes him a check for his work? That's a "direct payment to an individual", isn't it?
Most of the red areas on this chart (made with U.S. Govt re[orted statistics) are what you described: Govt taking in money fromsome people an dhanding it to others. And in these cases, the people the govt is handing the money to, are NOT doing any work to earn it.

And this was mostly BEFORE Obama showed up.

I made this chart in 2011, with the latest data available at the time. It's time to update it. And that will make it look even worse.

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1. Welfare
2. Defense

Look how little we spend on real investment in our country? (Science, tech, r&D and infrastructure). Those two area's above need to be slashed big time and some of that money needs to go into real investments and the rest needs to go into paying down some of the debt. We can bring our troops home and cut 200 billion from defense and reform welfare!
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What a colossal waste of money.
1. Welfare
2. Defense

Look how little we spend on real investment in our country? (Science, tech, r&D and infrastructure). Those two area's above need to be slashed big time and some of that money needs to go into real investments and the rest needs to go into paying down some of the debt. We can bring out troops home and cut 200 billion from defense and reform welfare!

You are an idiot. National Defense is a proper function of the government.

Infrastructure spending is not. Most of it is local, and should be handled as such.
1. Welfare
2. Defense

Look how little we spend on real investment in our country? (Science, tech, r&D and infrastructure). Those two area's above need to be slashed big time and some of that money needs to go into real investments and the rest needs to go into paying down some of the debt. We can bring out troops home and cut 200 billion from defense and reform welfare!

You are an idiot. National Defense is a proper function of the government.

Infrastructure spending is not. Most of it is local, and should be handled as such.

You're a fucking idiot. Piece of crap.

Defense is proper but we shouldn't be defending the entire effin world. Also we been spending on infrastructure for the past 150 years from the federal level. Investment is always good you 18th century piece of trash!
1. Welfare
2. Defense

Look how little we spend on real investment in our country? (Science, tech, r&D and infrastructure). Those two area's above need to be slashed big time and some of that money needs to go into real investments and the rest needs to go into paying down some of the debt. We can bring out troops home and cut 200 billion from defense and reform welfare!

You are an idiot. National Defense is a proper function of the government.

Infrastructure spending is not. Most of it is local, and should be handled as such.

You're a fucking idiot. Piece of crap.

Defense is proper but we shouldn't be defending the entire effin world. Also we been spending on infrastructure for the past 150 years from the federal level. Investment is always good you 18th century piece of trash!

There is a good point in this.

Just as infrastructure is local, so should defense be local. We should not be paying for the defense of other countries.
this is sad and scary all rolled into ONE...Not only are we working to support our family, but everyone else's too...I miss the days when people would use TAXPAYERS as the last resort


Posted 03/10/2014 06:21 PM ET

Buried deep in a section of President Obama's budget, released this week, is an eye-opening fact: This year, 70% of all the money the federal government spends will be in the form of direct payments to individuals, an all-time high.

In effect, the government has become primarily a massive money-transfer machine, taking $2.6 trillion from some and handing it back out to others. These government transfers now account for 15% of GDP, another all-time high. In 1991, direct payments accounted for less than half the budget and 10% of GDP.

What's more, the cost of these direct payments is exploding. Even after adjusting for inflation, they've shot up 29% under Obama.

ObamaCare, Medicare...

Where do these checks go? The biggest chunk, 38.6%, goes to pay health bills, either through Medicare, Medicaid or ObamaCare. A third goes out in the form of Social Security checks. Only 21% goes toward poverty programs — or "income security" as it's labeled in the budget — and a mere 5% ends up in the hands of veterans.

Interestingly, despite Obama's frequent pledges to reduce income inequality, the share of direct payments going toward "income security" has dropped from 25% in 2009 to 20% in 2014. (The average share from 1980 to 2008 was 25.4%.)

Obama's Fiscal Year 2015 budget calls for this share to drop to just 17% by 2019, as his programs devote more and more federal tax money to middle-class entitlement programs such as ObamaCare.

Here's another way to look at it: If all these federal direct payments went only to the poor, every person living in poverty today would receive an annual check worth $55,900.

The 1% Handouts

70% Of U.S. Government Spending Is Writing Checks To Individuals - Investors.com

where is my check?....
You are an idiot. National Defense is a proper function of the government.

Infrastructure spending is not. Most of it is local, and should be handled as such.

You're a fucking idiot. Piece of crap.

Defense is proper but we shouldn't be defending the entire effin world. Also we been spending on infrastructure for the past 150 years from the federal level. Investment is always good you 18th century piece of trash!

There is a good point in this.

Just as infrastructure is local, so should defense be local. We should not be paying for the defense of other countries.

I agree with what you're saying. America first for now on!
It would be interesting to re-do a chart like this, and divide it into colors showing payments made in exchange for people working for, or selling things to, the Fed govt, versus people who recveive the money while doing nothing or providing nothing to earn it.

How much is paid to people building Federal buildings, standing watch on army posts, selling food or ammo or aircraft etc. to the armed forces, doctors helping patients in the VA, etc.?

Versus, how much is paid to people for Social Sec, Medicare, and now Obamacare subsidies etc.?

This was mostly BEFORE Obama showed up.

I made this chart in 2011, with the latest data available at the time. It's time to update it. And that will make it look even worse.

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Most of the red areas on this chart (made with U.S. Govt re[orted statistics) are what you described: Govt taking in money fromsome people an dhanding it to others. And in these cases, the people the govt is handing the money to, are NOT doing any work to earn it.

And this was mostly BEFORE Obama showed up.

I made this chart in 2011, with the latest data available at the time. It's time to update it. And that will make it look even worse.


Thank you for the chart as this proves what I've been saying for months on this board. You have a rep coming ;)
Most of the red areas on this chart (made with U.S. Govt re[orted statistics) are what you described: Govt taking in money fromsome people an dhanding it to others. And in these cases, the people the govt is handing the money to, are NOT doing any work to earn it.

And this was mostly BEFORE Obama showed up.

I made this chart in 2011, with the latest data available at the time. It's time to update it. And that will make it look even worse.


According to your chart, interest on the national debt is unconstitutional. That is obviously bullshit. Nor is general welfare spending unconstitutional.
You are an idiot. National Defense is a proper function of the government.

Infrastructure spending is not. Most of it is local, and should be handled as such.

You're a fucking idiot. Piece of crap.

Defense is proper but we shouldn't be defending the entire effin world. Also we been spending on infrastructure for the past 150 years from the federal level. Investment is always good you 18th century piece of trash!

There is a good point in this.

Just as infrastructure is local, so should defense be local. We should not be paying for the defense of other countries.

I wonder how that would have turned out if we simply retaliated against the Japanese for Pearl Harbor and let Europe fend for itself.

Something tells me we would need a much larger military than we have right now.

Be careful what you wish for.
I took it as those on some form of Government program such as, welfare, Food stamps, etc

Little Acorn I tried to direct this to you but couldn't

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