70 Percent of Young Americans Are Unfit for Military Duty

Yeah, kids don't go out and play so much now, do they?

Seen it with mine and everybody's else's kids too.

My (1950s) generation played, and played hard, every minute we could.

We were never in the house because there was nothing to do in the house.

We didn't have TV worth watching (24/7), no computers, no internet, no computer games, so we were left to find our own entertainment and that mostly meant doing something physical.

Here's another thing...that also meant doing things with our imagiations that today's kids do'nt really have to use, either.

Do you guys remember when the leader of your pack was generally not the big guys, but the guys who could come up with the best scenarios for what you were collectively going to be pretending?

Nobody talks about this that I know of, but I think that not oly are our kids in less physcial shape, but I suspect that their creative ability to imagine stuff is ALSO fading.

If you're sitting in front a computer terminal playing a game, you don't NEED to exercise your IMAGINATIVE CREATIVITY.

I suspect in the long run?

This will mean that our kids turned adults will NOT ghave the same amount of creativity as previous geerations.

The above is pure editecian theory, of course.

I have no proof that this is true, but it seems logical that children who are forced to think creatively in play, are more likely to be adults who can think outside the box.

And those most capable of thinking outside the box are typically society's most creative adults.
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I didn't know every boy's bicycle didn't come with a baseball glove on the handle bars until I bought my son his first two wheeler...LOL!

When was the last time you walked down a sidewalk and saw this?


Try pedaling this around the block...you'll me in shape...

When I was a kid, one of my proudest moments was when I was awarded th Presidential physical fitness award

It actually had a profound affect on my mindset concerning physical fitness, and as a result, I am very healthy, and can run circles around people half my age

Schools tend to focus more on politics/PC these days.

Playing sports in school, and becoming part of a team and good old fashioned competition should be encouraged. Instead, everyone gets awards even if they don't succeed.

Hey kids play volleyball, softball, baseball, basketball, go out for gymnastics, join the track team. You will sleep better at night

Or maybe we could outsource our military to China.

Their kids aren't too fat, there's plenty of them, and they work cheap.

It worked with our manufacturing base, why not the military?

And we could get Wal-Mart (call it Wal-Mil) to run the whole operation and maybe even turn a profit.
Hey, the Byzantine Empire hired Viking Mercenaries, calling them the Varangian Guard.

Not to mention, our government is already byzantine.

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Joining the Military:

The best "Get in Shape" Program out there.

Forget Fat Camps and Spas, I bet basic training would get any lazy fat ass in shape.

Indeed it is. Unforunately they have shortened many of the services bootcamps to 8 weeks.
You can be hard on them early on and make them hungry to prove you wrong or at least get away from you. Or you can kill them with kindness and cripple them for life.
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