70% support Voter ID Laws


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Another bit of bad news for Liberals. 7 of 10 voters support Voter ID laws.

The survey found majorities of every demographic support the law. Ninety-one percent of Republicans offer support, and 66 percent of independents feel the same.

Fifty-five percent of Democrats support the laws, while 43 percent oppose them.

Opposition to the laws is highest among black respondents, but even there a bare majority, 51 percent, support them. Forty-six percent of African Americans oppose the laws.

Many Democratic lawmakers are opposed to strict voter identification laws, arguing they are largely unnecessary and discourage minority voting. Republicans argue they are necessary to cut down on voter fraud, though very few cases have been reported.

The poll asked, "Supporters of these laws say they are necessary to stop ineligible people from voting illegally. Opponents say these laws are unnecessary and mostly discourage legal voters from voting. What do you think?"

The poll surveyed 1,025 registered voters and margin of error of plus or minus 3 percent.

Read more: Poll: 70 percent support voter ID laws | TheHill
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Man those koch brothers are paying everyone off.......i mean who would want voters to be legit?
The citizens can see that the arguments against voter I. D. are specious and an insult to their intelligence.

But, "Vote Early and Often" has become one of the Tenets of The Democratic Party Faith...and they cannot give it up.
now only if congress will act

Why would congress act? Voting laws are left to the states, although the feds provide money for voting machines and such.

I've never seen evidence supporting finding fraud of such magnitude as to require ID, and in fact it seems easier to manipulate voting counts electronically, but that too can be detected.

But, if people want ID's, and if ID's are free and easy to get, with nothing more that a DL or a picture ID .. who cares. I will say that when I vote here in Miss, the poll workers are nice old black ladies who I suspect have seen bad shit that I can't imagine, and they are very sweet. Still .... whatever.
70% support Voter ID Laws
I hope the GOP takes advantage of voter ID popularity once it takes over the senate after the midterms.

Ideally, proof of citizenship along with a photo ID should be required to vote. I'm not surprised that many democratic lawmakers are opposed to voter ID. Forcing voters to show photo ID would essentially eliminate the illegal vote. The overwhelming majority of illegals support the democrats.

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