71% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track.

So decline is your first choice then.

interesting but not surprising
The perennial Republican solution is more tax cuts for the rich, and never mind the national debt. Republicans used to value balanced budgets. What happened to that?
The perennial Republican solution is more tax cuts for the rich, and never mind the national debt. Republicans used to value balanced budgets. What happened to that?
Trump tax cuts were across the board, and revenues went up.

So WTF are you babbling about?
Trump tax cuts were across the board, and revenues went up.

So WTF are you babbling about?
The national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) rose from 104% to 129% under Trump. Under Biden it has declined to 123%.

They are still arresting people for smuggling fentanyl. NBo one takes drugs because of politics.

A dictatorship is a dictatorship when either voters are not allowed or it is made difficult to vote. It also happens when a district is gerrymandered so that only your supporters have a legitimate choice. Case in point. Wisconsin is a swing state yet Republicans hold a nearly 2/3rds majority in both houses. In 2020, a lot of Republican states cancelled primaries and instituted delegate selection methods to ensure Trump's opponents could not get a single delegate. No election results have been changed.

You are really numb from the neck up. Where did I ever say anybody took drugs because of politics? It's your party letting these people in with drugs so they can distribute those drugs to Americans that kill them, and Dementia could care less. All he cares about is making white people a minority ASAP.

It's not a dictatorship expecting people to vote the way we have for centuries. It's understood that Democrats are lazy lowlife welfare types, but that doesn't mean our elections should cater to them. If you're too lazy to vote, stay home and we'll vote instead. It's obviously not that important to you.
America knows Biden is a disaster for the country

could be the GOP obstruction and the continuing pandemic thanks to them also. they might be talking about the 25% of the country that believes GOP conspiracy theories on every subject- every country in the world has had inflation problems because of Putin screwing up the oil and grain markets and we're doing better than most under Biden. Hater Dupes!
You are really numb from the neck up. Where did I ever say anybody took drugs because of politics? It's your party letting these people in with drugs so they can distribute those drugs to Americans that kill them, and Dementia could care less. All he cares about is making white people a minority ASAP.

It's not a dictatorship expecting people to vote the way we have for centuries. It's understood that Democrats are lazy lowlife welfare types, but that doesn't mean our elections should cater to them. If you're too lazy to vote, stay home and we'll vote instead. It's obviously not that important to you.
more people than ever are being arrested by Biden at the border with drugs. it has nothing to do with the asylum problem... And the wall is stupid and still won't work..
The perennial Republican solution is more tax cuts for the rich, and never mind the national debt. Republicans used to value balanced budgets. What happened to that?

The "Rich" being......
The owner of Facebook
The owner of Google
The owner of Intel
The owner of Amazon
The heads of ATT, CNN, Delta Airlines, Disney etc etc etc etc etc......
Far too many Democrat politicians......

Yeah...I wonder why "Republicans" are so eager to make all those far Left Marxist Democrats so rich with all those imaginary tax cuts?
Financial statements do not lie. If a company's profits are at record highs then they are raising prices above what they are paying. Wages have risen somewhat but only so much. Spending has nothing to do with spending. The stimulus money ran out long ago. Spending rose when Republicans had complete control.

Company profits rise when they sell a lot of products or services which is the case since Dementia created this labor shortage. Now that we are getting caught up and warehouses are getting stocked we are headed for a recession.
The "Rich" being......
The owner of Facebook
The owner of Google
The owner of Intel
The owner of Amazon
The heads of ATT, CNN, Delta Airlines, Disney etc etc etc etc etc......
Far too many Democrat politicians......

Yeah...I wonder why "Republicans" are so eager to make all those far Left Marxist Democrats so rich with all those imaginary tax cuts?
trying to Bribe them to be mega Rich greedy Republican swine... Super Duper.
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They did no such thing. Twitter allowed it after several days of discussion. The fact is that the story was well known. The NY Post had questions about the story as several writers refused to allow it to be done on their byline. Fox and WSJ examined them and found no link to Biden.

Bullshit. A large group of people get their news from social media. At the time Twitter was in bed with the FBI so to the point they hired former FBI people to help run their organization. That's why a lot of people had no idea what was going on with Hunter. This was all verified by Musk after he purchased the company.
We don't need to go back to like 1910 or anything but America needs to go back to it's American values, pride, morals and standards that made us great.

I strongly disagree.
About the worst turn the country took was the Spanish American war.
That was the worst propaganda takeover of the media, the worst lies, the worst murder from an illegal war of aggression, etc.
It continued with out genocide of the Filipinos in the Moro Rebellion, where we perfected using machineguns to slaughter people armed only with spears and clubs.
The national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) rose from 104% to 129% under Trump. Under Biden it has declined to 123%.

They'll call that fake news.
That is a phony survey. Trump would not have been re-elected. Hunter Biden is not running. It was Russian disinformation. They did the same thing with the DNC e-mails in 2016. Take genuine e-mails and mix in fake e-mails. The fact that it happened to come out a few weeks before the election is telling. The story is ridiculous.

Nope, it's just that showing truth to a Democrat is like showing a cross to Dracula. How is it Russia disinformation when the videos clearly show Hunter talking about the shady deals he and his father were in on and smoking crack right in front of the camera?

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