71% Say Another 9/11 is Likely To Happen

Do you predict a terror attack within the decade?

  • Very likely

    Votes: 16 57.1%
  • Likely

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • Not likely

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • I hope so because America deserves it

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
Today is the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and 71% of Americans think it’s at least somewhat likely another event this devastating will happen within the next decade. This includes 39% who say it's Very Likely.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 22% of Adults believe it’s not very or not at all likely another 9/11 will take place in America in the next 10 years.

The number of adults who feel another terrorist attack is possible is up five points from last year when 66% of Americans felt that way.

71% Say Another 9/11 is Likely To Happen In Next 10 Years - Rasmussen Reports

I'd be interested to see who would agree/disagree with this report. I believe an attempt is "very likely". A successful attack? I pray not.
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I don't see the 0bama people taking the issue seriously, which was one of the problems of the Clinton administration as well, the systems we have in place are mostly either chinese fire drill or worse, a useless burden on normal folks, and the terrorists have learned a few darwinian lessons over the last 9 nears, I am pretty sure that A) we are going to get something similar or worse and B) I think the time frame is closer to 5 years than 10
I agree. And if one is thwarted, I expect it to be by accident by a vigilant citizen just like at Times Square. If anyone has used public transportation in NY, they have seen reminders everywhere "If you see something; say something". I'm not sure if that's what people do elsewhere, but denying the possibilities will ensure a successful attack.
With every anniversary of 9-11 that passes, I am amazed that another attack hasn't occurred.
does anyone know how many children were killed that day? cause the differece from past wars i think, is that those muslims targeted civilians, women and children and men non military. of course japan nuked notwithstanding... was the al qaeda/taliban intent to end the war?
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"The dead included 8 children: 5 on American 77 ranging in age from 3 to 11, 3 on United 175 ages 2, 3, and 4. The youngest victim was a 2 year-old child on Flight 175, the oldest an 82 year-old passenger on Flight 11. In the buildings, the youngest victim was 17 and the oldest was 79."

If it had happened an hour later, I believe it would have been 10 fold.
don't think the western world is used to having war served up as religion. there is protestant against catholic in ireland, that's terrorism, and of course the one million year old battle between arab and jew. christians tend not to take religion to the battlefield (in modern times... since the holy wars). i've never heard a christian say "we must kill the infidels" however team christian touts "thou shall have no other god before me". religion can be confusing
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Thinking your religion is "better" is not the quite same thing as wanting to kill non-believers or setting up a religious theocracy. I'm not aware of any other religion that would want that in the U.S. except for the Muslims. Or maybe the atheists. :eusa_whistle:
I doubt if they have the ability to duplicate an attack of the magnitude of 9-11. Planes are no longer available and security is much tighter than ten years ago. The command structure of AlQaida has been severely compromised and their access to funding has been cut.
More importantly, they do not have the support of the Islamic world they once did. I believe there was a romantic view towards jihadists as freedom fighters and martyrs. They are now seen as the terrorists they are.
Recent attempts at attacks have been amateurish blunders showing how far they have fallen in terms of preparation and execution.

Will there be attacks in the future? Probably yes, but they will be relatively minor
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I doubt if they have the ability to duplicate an attack of the magnitude of 9-11. Planes are no longer available and security is much tighter than ten years ago. The command structure of AlQaida has been severely compromised and their access to funding has been cut.
More importantly, they do not have the support of the Islamic world they once did. I believe there was a romantic view towards jihadists as freedom fighters and martyrs. They are now seen as the terrorists they are.
Recent attempts at attacks have been amateurish blunders showing how far they have fallen in terms of preparation and execution.

Will there ber attacks in the future? Probably yes, but they will be relatively minor

You took the words out of my mouth. I think 9/11 made it clear we are not immune and sooner or later another attack will happen. But another attack on the same scale? I doubt it. Look also at the level of vigilance in the public and the fact that law enforcement takes citizen reports seriously. Before 9/11, would the would-be Times Square bombers have been reported? Would the people reporting it have been laughed off? If somebody were taking pilot lessons now and didn't want to learn how to land, would it be shrugged off? It's a whole different attitude and awareness. That makes a difference.
Today is the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and 71% of Americans think it’s at least somewhat likely another event this devastating will happen within the next decade. This includes 39% who say it's Very Likely.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 22% of Adults believe it’s not very or not at all likely another 9/11 will take place in America in the next 10 years.

The number of adults who feel another terrorist attack is possible is up five points from last year when 66% of Americans felt that way.

71% Say Another 9/11 is Likely To Happen In Next 10 Years - Rasmussen Reports

I'd be interested to see who would agree/disagree with this report. I believe an attempt is "very likely". A successful attack? I pray not.

Well, Timmy McVeigh is dead, Eric Rudolph is in jail, so the odds begin to reduce. However the rhetoric of hate and fear dominates our news and the internet, suggesting that those predisposed by mental illness are getting permission to murder innocents and commit random & planned acts of violence.
Even possibly sane people continue the hate and fear rhetoric, daily on this MB for all the world to see. Is it undiagnosed paranoia, or simply the 'dutch' courage of saying hateful things behind the safety of a keyboard?
I suppose it matters not; terrorism has been around as long as humanity, and will exist as long as ignorance, hate, fear, greed and cowardice are characteristic of of the lower caste of man.
I doubt if they have the ability to duplicate an attack of the magnitude of 9-11. Planes are no longer available and security is much tighter than ten years ago. The command structure of AlQaida has been severely compromised and their access to funding has been cut.
More importantly, they do not have the support of the Islamic world they once did. I believe there was a romantic view towards jihadists as freedom fighters and martyrs. They are now seen as the terrorists they are.
Recent attempts at attacks have been amateurish blunders showing how far they have fallen in terms of preparation and execution.

Will there ber attacks in the future? Probably yes, but they will be relatively minor

You took the words out of my mouth. I think 9/11 made it clear we are not immune and sooner or later another attack will happen. But another attack on the same scale? I doubt it. Look also at the level of vigilance in the public and the fact that law enforcement takes citizen reports seriously. Before 9/11, would the would-be Times Square bombers have been reported? Would the people reporting it have been laughed off? If somebody were taking pilot lessons now and didn't want to learn how to land, would it be shrugged off? It's a whole different attitude and awareness. That makes a difference.

I think the next significant terrorist attack will probably come from domestic terrorism rather than international terrorism. There has been a dramatic increase in the amount of anti-government rhetoric in the past few years.
I think a Tim McVeigh type attack has a better chance of success than one from outside the US, but there is much more vigilance in reporting suspicious activity making a major event more unlikely
I think the next significant terrorist attack will probably come from domestic terrorism rather than international terrorism. There has been a dramatic increase in the amount of anti-government rhetoric in the past few years.
I think a Tim McVeigh type attack has a better chance of success than one from outside the US, but there is much more vigilance in reporting suspicious activity making a major event more unlikely

Domestic loonies are more likely to fly under the radar, no pun intended. (Thinking of the Austin pilot here) People tend to trust their neighbors. I'm not sure even they would be able to pull off much in the way of "significant" attacks when compared to 9/11 though, that would require a level of planning and sophistication that would likely trigger an alarm in more vigilant times. It's possible any old goon squad could get lucky I guess, but do you honestly think a McVeigh would have been successful in the post-9/11 environment? I doubt it.
While it may be much more difficult for them to plot another attack on a high profile target, there is still much damage they could inflict. A wave of simultaneous attacks on much smaller targets, such as McD's or WalMarts, would be devastating.
I think the next significant terrorist attack will probably come from domestic terrorism rather than international terrorism. There has been a dramatic increase in the amount of anti-government rhetoric in the past few years.
I think a Tim McVeigh type attack has a better chance of success than one from outside the US, but there is much more vigilance in reporting suspicious activity making a major event more unlikely

Domestic loonies are more likely to fly under the radar, no pun intended. (Thinking of the Austin pilot here) People tend to trust their neighbors. I'm not sure even they would be able to pull off much in the way of "significant" attacks when compared to 9/11 though, that would require a level of planning and sophistication that would likely trigger an alarm in more vigilant times. It's possible any old goon squad could get lucky I guess, but do you honestly think a McVeigh would have been successful in the post-9/11 environment? I doubt it.

Again, I would doubt anyone pulling off an explosive type attack of the magnitude of McVeigh. However, it is easier for a McVeigh type to rent a van and acquire materials than someone with an islamic name.
I still see the greatest threat to be a single nut obsessed withabortion, taxes or thinking his guns will be taken away initiating an attack. I think a Columbine type terrorist attack is more likely than Oklahoma City
Even dicounting the threat of a foreign Islamic terror attack, I think the probabilty of homegrown terrorists (regardless of what motivates them) is virtually guaranteed.

There's a lot of nutters out there.
While it may be much more difficult for them to plot another attack on a high profile target, there is still much damage they could inflict. A wave of simultaneous attacks on much smaller targets, such as McD's or WalMarts, would be devastating.

I hate to make it sound trivial, it's not, but random McDonalds and stores being shot up isn't exactly new in modern American life. It wouldn't attract enough attention to be appealing, most likely. Remember the goal of the terrorist. It's not just random mayhem, they want to get as much attention as possible for their agenda in order to affect policy that meets their goals. Or the person doing it is just plain loony with wild delusions of grandeur but probably is so paranoid he or she doesn't work well with others, take your pick.

If you're talking abut a coordinated effort, then you're again talking about a level of coordination and sophistication that makes it much more difficult to pull off and avoid detection. If you're talking about not just a shootout but blowing stuff up, you add the element of obtaining, manufacturing and placing the devices. The more complication and conspiracy you add, the less likely it will succeed. Especially in the post-9/11 environment. Not impossible, but insanely difficult IMO.
The militant type RWers who have major problems with the administration are much more likely and able to commit a mass terror attack on American soil.

Muslims have to be on Ps & Qs in comparison.

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