74% of Republicans think Obama tapped Trumps phones

The reason that trump gave up on repealing ACA was because he has been winning so much, he got tired of winning. Also, health insurance is very complicated, and for him to understand it, he would have to actually listen to someone who understands it, and refrain form golf long enough to understand it, at least for one day. But, now that Ryan says that he isn't going to quit trying to repeal it, trump says that health insurance is very simple, and he is going to try again (traslation, Ryan is going to try again, and if it works, Trump will take the credit). He is so excited about this turn of events that he is going to celebrate by playing golf this weekend.
The real reason DJ Trump gave up on Trumpcare is because it does not affect him personally.

But tax reform affects him personally.

He wants his $31 million dollar tax rebate for the repeal of Jimmy Carter's 1979 Alt Min Tax on the rich. Otherwise Trump pays -0- tax.

So lets stop beating around the bush on Trumpcare and move onto tax reform -- which DOES personally affect Trump.
Same sample of Republicans that believes Obama was born in Kenya, there is no Global Warming, Evolution is a myth and the earth is flat

Republicans blame bill, not Trump, for health care defeat


This is another marker of how Republicans live in a fake bubble created for them by conservative media. These people do not live in reality.

Says the retard promoting conspiracy theories, sans even a hint of evidence, about DA RUSSIANS. :lmao:
That's the job of the NSA, to monitor what the bad agents in the world are up to. Whether it's Putin, the Russian ambassador, or terrorists like Osama BinLaden.
Well ... ok, but how could Mr. Trump have known that!!??? (joking at the Trumpsters)

Trump may know more about ISIS than the generals, but his associates knew less about the governments monitoring programs.
His own Biography says "Born in Kenya". His relatives are on record saying "Born in Kenya". Michelle slipped and said "His home country of Kenya" recorded on audio. The Sheriff and other say Phony Birth Certificate. College records sealed. Either he was born in Kenya or he lied about it (when helpful) until they needed to use him Manchurian style. All DemWitts lie 100%.

GW? WTH? The earth goes up in Temp....it goes down. Stuff happens. Be Pollution free? sure. nice goal, but no matter how much Tax dollars you give to alGore, they can never control the weather.

Late 2016 Trump said ------ Obama was born in US. Are you saying Trump lied again?
"74% of Republicans think Obama tapped Trumps phones"

Why am I not surprised? LOL

They also believed 3 to 5 millions of illegals voted last election. Not sure of the percentage but I estimate in the 90%.
Like Trump says.......Its not a lie if the suckers believe it

Hope & Change!
Keep your plan if you like it.
$2500 savings a year for most every family!

We had Hope and Change...Obama Delivered
I liked my plan AND I kept it
I saved $3000
"74% of Republicans think Obama tapped Trumps phones"

Why am I not surprised? LOL

They also believed 3 to 5 millions of illegals voted last election. Not sure of the percentage but I estimate in the 90%.
Like Trump says.......Its not a lie if the suckers believe it

Hope & Change!
Keep your plan if you like it.
$2500 savings a year for most every family!

We had Hope and Change...Obama Delivered
I liked my plan AND I kept it
I saved $3000

Where did everyone else's savings go?
When did the oceans stop rising?
100% of liberals think Russia hacked the election and that Hillary won.

Liberals don't think, they are a hive drone culture.

Did you notice that everyone of these responses involve mind reading. I.e. liberals think.

You don't even know what you think about it. Go on and tell everyone you don't believe Obama tapped Trump's phone.

If you cant, you proved the OP correct.

I hate liberals guts and put no value in their opinions, make a note.

Lol...told you that you believe that bullshit too. Throwing a tantrum is a lame deflection.
Fortunately, the OBM told us the truth about the GOP plan, which was that within 10 years, there would be over 20 million uninsureds, and that it would cost more than ACA, while delivering fewer benefits, and lowering money available for Medicaid, while decreasing taxes for the rich, and giving Donny a trillion dollars in savings on the backs of the poor, with which to give yet more unneeded money to the military, who are in a budget crunch because they are buying F-35's at a cost of $300 million per plane.
"74% of Republicans think Obama tapped Trumps phones"

Why am I not surprised? LOL

They also believed 3 to 5 millions of illegals voted last election. Not sure of the percentage but I estimate in the 90%.
Like Trump says.......Its not a lie if the suckers believe it

Hope & Change!
Keep your plan if you like it.
$2500 savings a year for most every family!

We had Hope and Change...Obama Delivered
I liked my plan AND I kept it
I saved $3000

Where did everyone else's savings go?
When did the oceans stop rising?



Apparently nowhere seeing as it's roughly right back where it was in 2010.
Last edited:
This is a common but wrong meme. The people tried to elect Clinton by a 3 million vote margin. The EC elected Trump. Not the people.

Your pathetic attempt at excuse making is noted lib. 30 states elected Trump president in a landslide including 3 blue states PA, MI, and WI. Tissue?

You're talking about territory, land mass, acreage, just plain dirt. Not people. You can post how the EC elected Trump, or now more states elected Trump, but you've been told on more than one occasion that the people, did not elect Trump, and Trumps vision of 3-5 million illegal votes is as crazy as his belief that Obama ordered the bugging of Trumps telephones in Trump Tower.

Since you are an ignorant moron I'll explain it to you. We do not elect a president by popular vote. The EC makes sure ALL the people have a voice and that a handful of large states do not dictate and oppress the rest of the country. Hillary knew this going into the election she has no excuse, never mind she couldn't even carry her own blue states of MI, PA, and WI.
This is a common but wrong meme. The people tried to elect Clinton by a 3 million vote margin. The EC elected Trump. Not the people.

Your pathetic attempt at excuse making is noted lib. 30 states elected Trump president in a landslide including 3 blue states PA, MI, and WI. Tissue?

You're talking about territory, land mass, acreage, just plain dirt. Not people. You can post how the EC elected Trump, or now more states elected Trump, but you've been told on more than one occasion that the people, did not elect Trump, and Trumps vision of 3-5 million illegal votes is as crazy as his belief that Obama ordered the bugging of Trumps telephones in Trump Tower.

Since you are an ignorant moron I'll explain it to you. We do not elect a president by popular vote. The EC makes sure ALL the people have a voice and that a handful of large states do not dictate and oppress the rest of the country. Hillary knew this going into the election she has no excuse, never mind she couldn't even carry her own blue states of MI, PA, and WI.

good summary. the dims and libs cannot get over the fact that the American voters rejected: Hillary, Obama, democrats, and liberalism in general. They are so fricken butthurt that they are willing to risk the destruction of this country in a failed attempt to regain democrat power. Tyranny and treason = democrats of today. The party of Truman and Kennedy is dead, destroyed by Clinton and Obama.
This is a common but wrong meme. The people tried to elect Clinton by a 3 million vote margin. The EC elected Trump. Not the people.

Your pathetic attempt at excuse making is noted lib. 30 states elected Trump president in a landslide including 3 blue states PA, MI, and WI. Tissue?

You're talking about territory, land mass, acreage, just plain dirt. Not people. You can post how the EC elected Trump, or now more states elected Trump, but you've been told on more than one occasion that the people, did not elect Trump, and Trumps vision of 3-5 million illegal votes is as crazy as his belief that Obama ordered the bugging of Trumps telephones in Trump Tower.

Since you are an ignorant moron I'll explain it to you. We do not elect a president by popular vote. The EC makes sure ALL the people have a voice and that a handful of large states do not dictate and oppress the rest of the country. Hillary knew this going into the election she has no excuse, never mind she couldn't even carry her own blue states of MI, PA, and WI.

good summary. the dims and libs cannot get over the fact that the American voters rejected: Hillary, Obama, democrats, and liberalism in general. They are so fricken butthurt that they are willing to risk the destruction of this country in a failed attempt to regain democrat power. Tyranny and treason = democrats of today. The party of Truman and Kennedy is dead, destroyed by Clinton and Obama.

The people also rejected the corrupt GOP establishment which frequently acts no differently than the Democrats. Trump offered the people an opportunity to take back our country from the corrupt politicians and parties in DC. Lets hope we make the most of it because the politicians are going to try to regain their power at the first opportunity I'm telling you. They are livid that Trump has disrupted the status quo.
Same sample of Republicans that believes Obama was born in Kenya, there is no Global Warming, Evolution is a myth and the earth is flat

Republicans blame bill, not Trump, for health care defeat


And those Repubs who believed the Hillary is sick and dying and pizzagate and anything Alex Jones and Sean Hannity puts out there....

You don't think Hillary is sick and dying?

She will dance on Trump's grave

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