74% of Republicans think Obama tapped Trumps phones

One would have to have an IQ under 20 not to grasp that Obama bugged the Trump campaign.
Link to proof Mother Trucker lol

An FBI spokesperson told CNN on Wednesday that House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) is not telling the truth when he says that Director James Comey declined his committee’s invitation to attend House hearings investigating ties between Pres. Donald Trump’s team and the Russian government before and after the 2016 election.

CNN: FBI ‘directly contradicts’ Nunes’ statements about Comey and House Russia hearings

I have evidence, something you fascists lack with your Russia conspiracy idiocy.

Former CIA officer Col. Tony Shaffer said the basics of President Trump's claim to have been "wiretapped" are likely true, and that the incident is "worse than Watergate."

Noting it has been exactly two weeks since Trump tweeted that President Obama wiretapped his namesake tower, Shaffer said the "basic fundamental idea and claim is true."

He said that Trump was not physically wiretapped, with a wire into his phone, and it may not have physically been Trump Tower, but his campaign apparatus instead.

Shaffer said that due to the simplicity required to "mask" an American's name during an incidental wiretap, that the leak of Gen. Michael Flynn's name was "accidental on purpose."

"Clearly they were after gossip because it was political," Shaffer said, maintaining that the alleged wiretap had nothing to do with Russia.

The "political appointees" in the intelligence community knew exactly what they were surveilling for, Shaffer said, adding that the case is "much worse than Watergate by an order of magnitude."

He said that even if the surveillance was done legally, the "unmasking" of Americans' names and the leaking of the information are felonies.}

Shaffer: Trump Wiretap Case 'Worse Than Watergate'

Yet, this is the same Barack Obama who spent eight years in the White House politicizing every imaginable aspect of the federal government in order to punish his enemies and reward his friends.

The massive stimulus program turned into a boondoggle for his friends in the environmental jihad. His IRS became weaponized to go after political enemies.

Mr. Obama’s Justice Department went so far pushing a political agenda against lawful gun ownership that they put thousands of illegal guns into the hands of criminals. Even after it was revealed that these guns were used to kill a U.S. Border Patrol agent, the Obama administration was unrepentant.

This is the same Barack Obama who ordered the federal government to take over the entire health care industry — one-sixth of the U.S. economy — in a brazen attempt to advance his own partisan, political agenda.

This guy is so overtly and nakedly political that he spent every ounce of his political capital during his presidency to turn community policing into a political agenda. Remember, only Black Lives Matter.

Even race could not escape the clutches of his political maw. “You know, if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” Mr. Obama once said. Barf.

Now we read reports in The New York Times that the Obama administration left “bread crumbs” in hopes of tying the Trump campaign to the Russians after Mr. Obama left office. And U.S. intelligence agents spied on Mr. Trump’s national security adviser and leaked the results of that spying.

And you expect the American people now to believe that Mr. Obama didn’t bug Trump Tower because, well, that would just be too political? As Mr. Obama’s old Chicago preacher once famously said: “America’s chickens are coming home to roost.”}
Obama wiretapping Trump evidence of former president’s agenda
Farkas responded by admitting her colleagues worked to preserve intelligence on Trump’s staff before President Obama left the White House.}

Hmm: Did This Former Obama Official Just Disclose That Trump's Team Was Spied On?

That you fascists bugged the Trump team is established fact.

You are fast approaching the kind of stupid that only you can match. Nothing there leads to that conclusion, and in fact says the opposite. Obama preserving information is akin to the Louvre preserving 15th century paintings.

DERP. brilliant retort.
This is a common but wrong meme. The people tried to elect Clinton by a 3 million vote margin. The EC elected Trump. Not the people.

Your pathetic attempt at excuse making is noted lib. 30 states elected Trump president in a landslide including 3 blue states PA, MI, and WI. Tissue?

You're talking about territory, land mass, acreage, just plain dirt. Not people. You can post how the EC elected Trump, or now more states elected Trump, but you've been told on more than one occasion that the people, did not elect Trump, and Trumps vision of 3-5 million illegal votes is as crazy as his belief that Obama ordered the bugging of Trumps telephones in Trump Tower.
The people elected Trump president, I see that eats at you like an acid poor snowflake.

This is a common but wrong meme. The people tried to elect Clinton by a 3 million vote margin. The EC elected Trump. Not the people.

Your pathetic attempt at excuse making is noted lib. 30 states elected Trump president in a landslide including 3 blue states PA, MI, and WI. Tissue?

Oh boy! Trump lost the popular vote and his Electoral College victory ranks 46th out of 58 elections.
Man, you Trumpsters live in a world of illusions!
He said that Trump was not physically wiretapped, with a wire into his phone, and it may not have physically been Trump Tower, but his campaign apparatus instead.

He pretty much confirmed that when Trump said that Obama wiretaped his phone in Trump Tower, he too, could find no proof to support such a statement. Only by changing the definition of a wiretap, and the location of Trump Tower could you stretch Trumps statement to even approach anything with a smidgen of truth in it.
Farkas responded by admitting her colleagues worked to preserve intelligence on Trump’s staff

That you fascists bugged the Trump team is established fact.

Carrier Unveils Innovative Solution to Preserve Michelangelo’s Frescoes in the Sistine Chapel

Carrier announced Wednesday the completed installation of an innovative heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) solution for the Sistine Chapel, developed to help preserve Michelangelo’s masterpieces against deterioration caused by increasing numbers of visitors.

Preservation is not bugging.

But but what legal or moral right did the FBI NSA have to intercept calls in which people in the Trump campaign spoke to Russian spies! And possibly get FISA warrants for their own phone numbers! How could the Trump campaign know this might occur? Tyranny. #allfuckedup
This is another marker of how Republicans live in a fake bubble created for them by conservative media. These people do not live in reality.
They rely on alternative facts
They don't just rely on alternative facts, they invented the term. Kellyanne Conway used it to explain Trumps claim his inauguration had the largest personal attendance
of any inauguration in history.
But but what legal or moral right did the FBI NSA have to intercept calls in which people in the Trump campaign spoke to Russian spies!

That's the job of the NSA, to monitor what the bad agents in the world are up to. Whether it's Putin, the Russian ambassador, or terrorists like Osama BinLaden.
But but what legal or moral right did the FBI NSA have to intercept calls in which people in the Trump campaign spoke to Russian spies!

That's the job of the NSA, to monitor what the bad agents in the world are up to. Whether it's Putin, the Russian ambassador, or terrorists like Osama BinLaden.
Well ... ok, but how could Mr. Trump have known that!!??? (joking at the Trumpsters)
The reason that trump gave up on repealing ACA was because he has been winning so much, he got tired of winning. Also, health insurance is very complicated, and for him to understand it, he would have to actually listen to someone who understands it, and refrain form golf long enough to understand it, at least for one day. But, now that Ryan says that he isn't going to quit trying to repeal it, trump says that health insurance is very simple, and he is going to try again (traslation, Ryan is going to try again, and if it works, Trump will take the credit). He is so excited about this turn of events that he is going to celebrate by playing golf this weekend.
Details of Ryan's new health insurance plan have been leaked. It will be the same as the last one that failed, but everyone gets a Tootsie Roll when they leave their doctor's office.
He said that Trump was not physically wiretapped, with a wire into his phone, and it may not have physically been Trump Tower, but his campaign apparatus instead.

He pretty much confirmed that when Trump said that Obama wiretaped his phone in Trump Tower, he too, could find no proof to support such a statement. Only by changing the definition of a wiretap, and the location of Trump Tower could you stretch Trumps statement to even approach anything with a smidgen of truth in it.

Oooh look, a fascist lying, must be a day ending in "y"

Physical "taps" are no longer used. Signals are intercepted. And we already know that the Obama NSA as intercepting EVERY telephone signal and conversation.

NSA Spying on Americans Is Illegal

So yes, your little gay god was indeed tapping Trumps phone.
Think about the total pieces of shit that these Conservatives Trump whores are

How Ironic Is It That the Same People Who Are Adamantly Opposed to Releasing Trump's Tax Returns
have voted to give everyone access to everyone else's Internet browsing histories? It appears that personal privacy exists only for the one person who seems to have a lot to hide, and whose financial history affects all of us.
Farkas responded by admitting her colleagues worked to preserve intelligence on Trump’s staff

That you fascists bugged the Trump team is established fact.

Carrier Unveils Innovative Solution to Preserve Michelangelo’s Frescoes in the Sistine Chapel

Carrier announced Wednesday the completed installation of an innovative heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) solution for the Sistine Chapel, developed to help preserve Michelangelo’s masterpieces against deterioration caused by increasing numbers of visitors.

Preservation is not bugging.

Intelligence gathering IS spying though.

Try again.

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