75% of America wants to keep innocent men locked up

Their rights weren't obtained by treaty - the U.S. Courts have jurisdiction over any area the U.S. has jurisdiction, regardless of how or why we have jurisdiction, whether it be because of a treaty, or because its our sovereign land, or whatever.

Outside of the U.S. Law argument - its all just wrong to keep people locked up indefinitely without trial. its against everything our Founding Fathers stood for.

SpidermanTUba in Exile

that is not true...

Eisentrager...read that case
you should also know that during the Revolutionary war,the POW's were not given trials....some were shot the others were kept in shitty conditions until the war was over....
you should also know that during the Revolutionary war,the POW's were not given trials....some were shot the others were kept in shitty conditions until the war was over....

The difference is that the Revolutionary War was a real war.

The war on terror is a bit different. It's like the war on drugs. It won't ever end because it's designed specifically not to ever end.

Hey, corporations that make missiles and bombs have to lean on someone to create demand for their products. Presidents and Congress create that demand by conjuring up imaginary enemies.

Going to war and declaring it legally (you know, like the Constitution demands by law) is too neat and tidy, and forces an ending.

If we don't go to war once in a while, how are those companies that make WMD going to stay in business?
you should also know that during the Revolutionary war,the POW's were not given trials....some were shot the others were kept in shitty conditions until the war was over....

It's just so politically incorrect to call them pow's. If they were truly pow's, the Geneva conventions would apply to them.

The Bush administration legal eagles justifiers jumped through hoops to avoid having them classified as pow's. I'm still a bit confused as to what their legal classification actually is, which I believe was the whole point.
I know it may sound a bit hokey, but I'm of the belief that one is innocent until proven guilty.

Fair enough - but there is also a difference between being presumed innocent and actually being innocent.

Not under the law there isn't. And we are a nation of laws.

Yes under the law there is. You can be presumed innocent but still arrested, and detained till trial.

But I wasn't speaking strictly legally or the presumption. The title says "innocent men" and that may very well not be true. If fact for many of them I'd guess its not.
these folks were on us soil should they have gotten a trial.....

America's World War II Prison Camps

I never quite understood the distinction. If we fundamentally hold that people should not be locked away indefinitely without hearings or trial, we should apply that to all. Because that's what we believe in.

Our forfathers founded our nation on the proposition that all are created equal. Not just citizens or those on our soil.
Listen no uniform,you do not represent a country, no government admits you are part of there army---your a spy and you shoot spy's.

Not enemy combatants--no government claims them,not terrorists there spies bullet in the head, less than a buck and through them all in a hole..
Their rights weren't obtained by treaty - the U.S. Courts have jurisdiction over any area the U.S. has jurisdiction, regardless of how or why we have jurisdiction, whether it be because of a treaty, or because its our sovereign land, or whatever.

Outside of the U.S. Law argument - its all just wrong to keep people locked up indefinitely without trial. its against everything our Founding Fathers stood for.

SpidermanTUba in Exile

WRONG, The US Courts do NOT have Jurisdiction over Military bases. The Military has Jurisdiction. And the original plan was to hold Military tribunals, which the Courts have illegally blocked. Thanks to dumb ass retards like you.
Listen no uniform,you do not represent a country, no government admits you are part of there army---your a spy and you shoot spy's.

Not enemy combatants--no government claims them,not terrorists there spies bullet in the head, less than a buck and through them all in a hole..

So our Govt has the right to nab anyone in the world and lock them away forever just because they are not wearing a uniform? I've been overseas, and I saw lots of people not wearing uniforms. Few do, actually. How do you know that the person arrested was not wearing a uniform? Or that he was doing anything wrong?

Just because he's been accused?
SpidermanTUba in Exile

75% Oppose Release of Guantanamo Inmates in the US
This is a response to IbalLSUfaninVA's post here

I think if you would have phrased the question "Should we keep people who have committed no crime locked up indefinitely because no country wants to take them", you would have gotten a different response. I don't think we should release them, either, I think we should give them each $100,000 for each year we've unjustly kept them locked up and instead of "releasing them into the U.S." we should put them on a private plane, and then on a limo, to the U.S. location of their choice, and offer them free security details for the next 10 years to ensure no idiot rednecks decide to kill them.

That's what I think. But then again, I guess I hate America since I don't want to keep innocents locked up for the rest of their lives simply because its unpopular to "release" them.

Well why on earth would we want to release terrorist trained individuals into the United States. That seems stupid.
I know it may sound a bit hokey, but I'm of the belief that one is innocent until proven guilty.

So am I. But innocent people are locked up all the time if they are a danger to themselves and others.
So our Govt has the right to nab anyone in the world and lock them away forever just because they are not wearing a uniform? I've been overseas, and I saw lots of people not wearing uniforms. Few do, actually. How do you know that the person arrested was not wearing a uniform? Or that he was doing anything wrong?

Just because he's been accused?

Not sure if you are keeping up, but the government doesnt want to lock them away forever. They simply dont have anywhere to release them to and releasing people trained in terror camps into the United States is just insane.
Do you have any other ideas on how to destoy America?

You. YA You sissy. Lets see we have about 3 million in prisons in the US. I'll bet ya dollars to donuts that a few thousand of em are more dangerous than any or all of the gitmo guys even IF they were legitimate Al Quaida. Our super criminals are more dangerous than ANY in the world. Listening to you though one would think they were cub scouts and we can barely contain them.
Spiderman my boy if you try to enforce your laws in some one else's country that usually constitutes and act of war. These men are not citizens of our country. They were not captured in our country. And in the majority of the cases remaining the countries of Origin don't want them back in any case. And in a very few cases the men in question wqould likely be publically executed for various and sundry crimes if they were returned to their country of origin. Huggy you may not be the most retarded poster hear but those comments give you a strong claim to second place.
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Listen no uniform,you do not represent a country, no government admits you are part of there army---your a spy and you shoot spy's.

Not enemy combatants--no government claims them,not terrorists there spies bullet in the head, less than a buck and through them all in a hole..

So our Govt has the right to nab anyone in the world and lock them away forever just because they are not wearing a uniform? I've been overseas, and I saw lots of people not wearing uniforms. Few do, actually. How do you know that the person arrested was not wearing a uniform? Or that he was doing anything wrong?

Just because he's been accused?

Been overseas also and the fact that Viet cong did not wear uniforms
made that war impossible and the enemy knows this my solution if in a combat area out of uniform but viewed acting like the enemy you are and should be shot
Our super criminals are more dangerous than ANY in the world. Listening to you though one would think they were cub scouts and we can barely contain them.

SUPER CRIMINALS!!!!.....somebody better call SUPERMAN.....I would,but i dont have his number.....:eusa_eh:
Spiderman my boy if you try to enforce your laws in some one else's country that usually constitutes and act of war. These men are not citizens of our country. They were not captured in our country. And in the majority of the cases remaining the countries of Origin don't want them back in any case. And in a very few cases the men in question wqould likely be publically executed for various and sundry crimes if they were returned to their country of origin. Huggy you may not be the most retarded poster hear but those comments give you a strong claim to second place.

Missed it by >< much! Damn!
So our Govt has the right to nab anyone in the world and lock them away forever just because they are not wearing a uniform? I've been overseas, and I saw lots of people not wearing uniforms. Few do, actually. How do you know that the person arrested was not wearing a uniform? Or that he was doing anything wrong?

Just because he's been accused?

Not sure if you are keeping up, but the government doesnt want to lock them away forever. They simply dont have anywhere to release them to and releasing people trained in terror camps into the United States is just insane.

I'm trying to keep up. I got the impression a number of posters were more than happy keeping them locked up. Sorry.

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