75% of Silicon Workers are Foreign Born

75% of Silicon Workers are Foreign Born

Joint Venture Silicon Valley's annual economic study found that 2015 was a year of record-breaking growth and prosperity, but it cautioned that there are perils associated with this kind of break-neck trajectory. It cautioned that a fourth-quarter slowdown, raised the question of whether it marks the beginning of the burst of a bubble.

The area's ethnic demographics related to jobs is also shifting. Thirty-seven percent of the population in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties are foreign born, compared to 13 percent in the U.S. overall. Among the working population, 45 percent are foreign born, but in the tech, computer and STEM industries, that number rises to 75 percent, according to the Index.

Silicon Valley's year: 'amazing' but with 'perils'

Would you say immigrants are taking American jobs?

Are there enough Americans smart enough to fill those roles?

Like I said in another thread we need to
1. Get one of the top 5 systems on earth(all public of course)!
2. Make it easier to fire a teacher for failing to educate their students.
3. Cut the h1b and workers programs from other countries and put our workers first.

Loserteriansim doesn't offer shit. In fact it turns its back on our workers.

The Democratic Party will NEVER move against the Teachers Union.

Liberalism doesn't offer shit. IN fact it turns its back on our students.

Trump is the only candidate promising anything on #3 (that I know of).
75% of Silicon Workers are Foreign Born

Joint Venture Silicon Valley's annual economic study found that 2015 was a year of record-breaking growth and prosperity, but it cautioned that there are perils associated with this kind of break-neck trajectory. It cautioned that a fourth-quarter slowdown, raised the question of whether it marks the beginning of the burst of a bubble.

The area's ethnic demographics related to jobs is also shifting. Thirty-seven percent of the population in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties are foreign born, compared to 13 percent in the U.S. overall. Among the working population, 45 percent are foreign born, but in the tech, computer and STEM industries, that number rises to 75 percent, according to the Index.

Silicon Valley's year: 'amazing' but with 'perils'

Would you say immigrants are taking American jobs?

That is sad.
Like I said in another thread we need to
1. Get one of the top 5 systems on earth(all public of course)!
2. Make it easier to fire a teacher for failing to educate their students.
3. Cut the h1b and workers programs from other countries and put our workers first.

Loserteriansim doesn't offer shit. In fact it turns its back on our workers.

We need #3
Are there enough Americans smart enough to fill those roles?
Lol, yes, there are millions.

The company in question might need to retrain a C++ programmer to use JAVA and that sort of thing, but the syntax and peculiarities of any specific language or tool is nothing compared to the experience and knowledge of the overall engineering process of developing software.

The Myth of the Science and Engineering Shortage

Anyone that thinks that they can hire a high school 'code monkey' to pound out code and use that over the course of years deserves the shit that they get.

And yet the unemployment rate for experienced software engineers over the age of 50 is easily twice that of other age categories because morons in HR dont understand what is involved in software engineering and they think it is more important to check off that Word Perfect requirement than take a person with 20 years of Experience with no training in Word Perfect.

HR departments are probably half the problem of getting hired that older software engineers in America face, and the other half are the lyhing flesh mongers that bring in numbskulls from India and match their dudes resume to match the job openings, then give the poor guy cram courses on the software in transit from Hyderabad.

I once met an Oracle DBA with a doctorate, supposedly, from Hyderabad India who did not know how to do an SQL query on the command line to see what accounts had locks on a specific set of records. If he couldnt do it through TOAD he was helpless. The guy had a bullshit resume and his buddies from India helped him as much as they could, but anyone that pointed out the dudes shortcomings got the slander mill treatment till they got drubbed from the job. They then started winnowing people off the maintenance side of the project just somehow leaving only Hyderabad Brahamin caste engineers on the project.

These H1-B frauds are cramming out American engineers at every opportunity.

The H1-B, L2 and similar guest worker programs need to be completely shut down and scrapped until AMERICAN engineers reach full employment.
Are there enough Americans smart enough to fill those roles?
Lol, yes, there are millions.

The company in question might need to retrain a C++ programmer to use JAVA and that sort of thing, but the syntax and peculiarities of any specific language or tool is nothing compared to the experience and knowledge of the overall engineering process of developing software.

The Myth of the Science and Engineering Shortage

Anyone that thinks that they can hire a high school 'code monkey' to pound out code and use that over the course of years deserves the shit that they get.

And yet the unemployment rate for experienced software engineers over the age of 50 is easily twice that of other age categories because morons in HR dont understand what is involved in software engineering and they think it is more important to check off that Word Perfect requirement than take a person with 20 years of Experience with no training in Word Perfect.

HR departments are probably half the problem of getting hired that older software engineers in America face, and the other half are the lyhing flesh mongers that bring in numbskulls from India and match their dudes resume to match the job openings, then give the poor guy cram courses on the software in transit from Hyderabad.

I once met an Oracle DBA with a doctorate, supposedly, from Hyderabad India who did not know how to do an SQL query on the command line to see what accounts had locks on a specific set of records. If he couldnt do it through TOAD he was helpless. The guy had a bullshit resume and his buddies from India helped him as much as they could, but anyone that pointed out the dudes shortcomings got the slander mill treatment till they got drubbed from the job. They then started winnowing people off the maintenance side of the project just somehow leaving only Hyderabad Brahamin caste engineers on the project.

These H1-B frauds are cramming out American engineers at every opportunity.

The H1-B, L2 and similar guest worker programs need to be completely shut down and scrapped until AMERICAN engineers reach full employment.

They are probably helping to keep wages stagnant also. Our economy does not need to be bringing in workers, these should be stopped.
Would Trump stop HB1 visas importing foreign workers for American jobs, like the one his Foreign wife got, to come here and work here?
That is what he says.

This is from January 2016
H1B visas and US Presidential Candidates: A primer | ZDNet

It is an understatement to say that Trump is against the H1B visa. He positively loathes it, and has withering criticism for Marco Rubio, whom he considers a lackey to Silicon Valley and Mark Zuckerberg in particular, calling him the Facebook founder's "personal senator". What really gets his goat about Rubio is the Florida Senator's past plan to triple H1Bs, which he says would "decimate women and minorities".

Trump thinks that the STEM (people in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math) shortage is a malicious myth. "We graduate two times more Americans with STEM degrees each year than find STEM jobs, yet as much as two-thirds of entry-level hiring for IT jobs is accomplished through the H1B program," the campaign's position paper said. It also maintained that more than half of H1B visas are issued for the program's lowest allowable wage level, and more than 80 percent for its bottom two, the Trump campaign said, although there's plenty of heated debate around this issue.

Consequently, Trump proposes to raise the minimum wage for foreign H1B hires to "force companies to give these coveted entry-level jobs to the existing domestic pool of unemployed native and immigrant workers in the US, instead of flying in cheaper workers from overseas", a stance that he underscored during his most recent presidential debate.

Now Trump has said in the past that if there is a real need for STEM people then American companies should be able to get them, and I agree. But the American companies are abusing the system and Trump swears he will end that. So if the American company can prove that they have looked all over the place for American workers and cant find any, then the H1-B visa would be OKed, is how I interpret his words. But as the article said, he loathes the abuse of the H1-B visa.

I am convinced that Trumps opposition to the H1-B visa and his intentions to end black market labor are the core of why the establishment hates him so badly.
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Obama's economy, good for immigrants, bad for native born Americans:mad:
That's because Obama isn't a natural born Citizen.

Not according to his birth certificate.
The birth certificate was found to be a 100% forgery after a lengthy forensic investigation by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Department.
It wasnt a forgery, it was a compilation of images, which is how computer imaging is done today.
The Democratic Party will NEVER move against the Teachers Union.

Liberalism doesn't offer shit. IN fact it turns its back on our students.

Trump is the only candidate promising anything on #3 (that I know of).
That is partly because all the bean counter Democrats think that throwing more money at a problem fixes it, so they increase the education budget but do nothing to remedy the underlying issues that wreck our public schools educational efforts.

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