75 percent of NYC arrests are illegals

Disgusting but not surprising.

It's all part of the destruction of a nation....and it IS going very well.

In midtown Manhattan at that.

Midtown is one of the nicest sections of Manhattan. Juliani had cleaned it up so much....such a shame it's back to crap again. Probably not safe to visit the "Chef"s office around the corner" AKA Houlihan's on 7th @56th.
I used to buy rounds in there....I'd buy the first one and next thing you know I'm buried in shot glasses stacked up but I'm blitzed already for the train ride back to Poughkeepsie. I'm gonna sleep the whole way home.
I got drunk training in that bar. I got to where I could still walk and cook after downing a fifth.

Too bad....but i hear its going Red instead of blue due to this mess.

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