
I'm not sure why you feel the need to misrepresent the issue but if it makes you feel better.

People regularly don't report to the government when they move to get taken off the roles.
That’s how many illegal (democrat) voters were removed
Nice try moron.

Removals were because voters died, failed to vote the last two cycles, moved out of state, committed felonies, or changed addresses without re-registering.
Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 4.51.05 PM.png

Where is the mention of "Illegal Democrat Voters"
What a Lying SOS.
I'm not sure why you feel the need to misrepresent the issue but if it makes you feel better.

People regularly don't report to the government when they move to get taken off the roles.
750,000 in one year. That doesn’t sound excessive to you?
Democrats are champions in the war against dead voter suppression.

It says it removed voters just because they haven't voted in two cycles. That is just plain wrong. That's why things like this get countered.

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