75th Anniversary

The atomic bomb saved a million lives, including both American and Japanese
That tired old story is banal speculation meant to avoid a difficult moral issue.

There was no moral issue for America. ....

Then you don't understand morality, and you don't understand what America stands for.

I understand both very well. Japan gave us no choice. Japan was the aggressor, not America. There would be a moral issue on our part had we awakened one morning and decided to declare war on Japan and dropped a bomb on them.
We had lost enough young men and women because of the arrogant, aggressive, murdering Japanese.
Their fault, not ours. They asked for it and got it. Their immorality, not ours. If Japan cared about its own people they wouldn't have needed a second bomb to give up their quest to dominate my country. How many more Americans would you have liked to see killed? We voted ~ no more...
Not true, The Irish Ram.

that’s only if you go by what our corrupt school system teaches
In our corrupt history classes,the truth is America the so called beautifull,was the aggressor and murderer,they provoked japen into attacking pearl harbour and Dirty Harry Truman,the mass murderer of japenses women and children,dropped the bomb on them when they made several attempts to surrender that Truman ignored,mike Griffith took everybody to school on thst over on his thread with the help of gipper.

You've been fed a Golden Pot of Raw Horse shit....and you vigorously lapped up every drop
This is what happens when ignorant people are eager to believe propaganda and history books are written especially for them.
You are being fed propaganda and you apparently love the taste of it.

Mike Griffith is an imbecile just like you.
Bs and your full of crap,unlike you,he and myself are open minded and not afraid to look at the facts,you are the imbecile the fact your not open minded to unlearn what you have learned and believe eveything our corrupt school system taught you.comedy gold,

So loud and SO WRONG.

Germany and japan were the military powers at the start of WW2. NOT the USA
What profound ignorance. America had a policy of Isolationism.
You fools have absolutely no clue what you're talking about but you don't care as long as......

"America sucks"
"Orange man Bad"

I'm debating with pure imbeciles who have nothing but hatred and ignorance in their arsenals
You need to look in the mirror when calling someone an imbecile the fact that only imbeciles are closed minded,too arrogant to admit when they are wrong,and non objective,you have not looked at documented sources as mike Griffith did when he took everyone to school nor have read several hundreds of books on it as he did,you get so angry over the truth you engage in name calling frustrated over hearing the truth you don’t want to hear and do the exact same thing they all did to mike on his thread calling me an American hater and crap like that just for exposing facts about a hero of yours that was a freaking mass murderer of women and children,boy the truth sure hurts.

Just because you won’t look at the evidence does not support your warped view I don’t know what I’m talking about,that’s you making these absurd claims that I hate America and crap like that,I like an America where the government follows the constitution,we have not had one of those since 1913 Einstein and boy your really babbling now,Germany and japen being allies had NOTHING to do with America cutting off oil supply’s to japen Einstein,yeah that would be best,quit while you can before you embarrass yourself further.lol

I have several high ranking people in the military as sources I can list that opposed Truman in nuking them thst are on record stating so which always goes ignored everytime I list them by you revisionists apologists who have only our corrupt textbooks from our corrupt school system to use as your source.lol

You keep saying the US cut off Japan's oil supply.
Do you think that might have been done because the Axis powers were threatening Europe?
Do you realize your argument is about as ignorant as saying that the US should supply China with Aircraft carriers and F35 fighter jets?

It is so obvious to anyone who knows the dynamics of WWI and WW2 (who is not utterly biased) that America was trying
to keep out of WW2. Like I said, the US had a policy of ISOLATIONISM. Look up the meaning.

Whatever measures the US took against Japan was to hamper Japan and Germany's success.

What you are saying in essence is that you believe Hitler and Japan's success in WW2 would;d have been a better outcome.
Further proof you are completely ignorant to the horrors of Nazi Germany. Are you one of those Holocaust deniers also?

you keep embarrassing yourself even more so,japen would have had no success had dirty Harry Truman Not dropped the bomb on them murdering millions of women and children ignoring how they tried to surrender but that mass murderer ignored them,a fact you keep evading,the only biased one is you the fact that is bullshit that FDR was trying to keep us out of WWII, that’s grasping at straws that they cut off their oil supply because the axis powers were threatening Europe the FACT that murderer FDR wanted to enter the war and had to use the excuse of selling it to the people by deliberately letting them bomb japen the fucking traiter,oh and there are many high ranking military people that came out that are on record about FDRs treason,

I am not going to keep repeating the source over and over again just to watch you ignore it,mike took everyone to school,your so biased and closed minded though that your clearly not going to read it though so I refuse to go any further with someone so closed minded that they won’t even look at the evidence of thst I have referred to them too many times to remember.its tiresome repeating it over and over just to watch you ignore it sense it does not support your warped opinions and then i git to listen to a bunch of crap and bs from you thst I am anti American for talking about two presidents who should also have been tried for war crimes against humanity at Nuremberg.


With such a deep hatred for America, it begs the question....why do you stay ?

And why would I want to read your obviously biased information when I know it's biased and inaccurate?

You have refused to address the question several times ......
Do you think Japan or Germany would have used the atomic bomb if they beat America to it?
Further, Germany was very close to creating an atomic bomb. Do you think Germany would have used it against America?

Because you have been taught only America was interested in atomic weapons.....look up "Operation Gunnerside"
If you read this, and honestly answer the questions above, ANY "reasonable" person would begin to have doubts about what you say.

That’s it,I’m tired of your bullshit,you keep making false accusations saying I’m anti American just because I tell facts of the atrocities of a hero of yours you don’t want to hear,that’s just completely asinine and stupid beyond words to falsely accuse someone of being anti American just for telling facts about our history our corrupt school system left out and did not tell us especially when I corrected that bullshit of yours that I love America I just hate our government because it’s so fucking corrupt,the fact both parties are corrupt and has been that way sense 1913.you are too dense to see that of course obviously that the constitution of the United States has been burned for DECADES now,you obviously are so freaking dense you don’t even see that or that our country is not what our forefathers faught for,that the government does not serve the people as they are suppose to as stated in the constitution,that we serve THEM.

Truman and FDR did not give a shit about the constitution.most importantly if anybody is anti American it is YOU the fact that you believe two fucking traiter presidents Over patriotic high ranking military officers like mcarthur and others who viciously opposed the actions of that bastard Truman, trolls like you in my experience when these facts are pointed out then start getting desperate and make up lies these military officers like them never said that and it’s not on record and shit like that,they did that on mike griffiths thread after he owned their sorry asses but they were a bunch of babies to immature to admit that he checkmated them never addressing his evidence he gave so you’ll do the same no doubt.

Again I gave you the thread with the resources and told you to read all his posts but as we both know,you are too arrogant,closed minded,and biased to unlearn what you have learned so you clearly can’t be reasoned with so I’m done with you,

Just as I got done with that other troll who had reading comprehension problems who talks to himself all the time,

I'll take that as your surrender......
You were cornered with these questions and it blew your line of propaganda.

You have refused to address the question several times ......
Do you think Japan or Germany would have used the atomic bomb if they beat America to it?
Further, Germany was very close to creating an atomic bomb. Do you think Germany would have used it against America?

These questions forced you to admit that America was not the only one advancing or planning to use atomic weapons.
You could not answer this honestly without admitting America simply beat others to it....but was not alone in plans to use it.
Thanks for playing.
Thanks for playing your dodgeball game proving you are willing to unlearn what you have learned only seeeing what you want to see and like all revisionist troll,have to get into name calling being a sore loser when getting checkmated,lol
The atomic bomb saved a million lives, including both American and Japanese
That tired old story is banal speculation meant to avoid a difficult moral issue.

There was no moral issue for America. ....

Then you don't understand morality, and you don't understand what America stands for.

I understand both very well. Japan gave us no choice. Japan was the aggressor, not America. There would be a moral issue on our part had we awakened one morning and decided to declare war on Japan and dropped a bomb on them.
We had lost enough young men and women because of the arrogant, aggressive, murdering Japanese.
Their fault, not ours. They asked for it and got it. Their immorality, not ours. If Japan cared about its own people they wouldn't have needed a second bomb to give up their quest to dominate my country. How many more Americans would you have liked to see killed? We voted ~ no more...
Not true, The Irish Ram.

that’s only if you go by what our corrupt school system teaches
In our corrupt history classes,the truth is America the so called beautifull,was the aggressor and murderer,they provoked japen into attacking pearl harbour and Dirty Harry Truman,the mass murderer of japenses women and children,dropped the bomb on them when they made several attempts to surrender that Truman ignored,mike Griffith took everybody to school on thst over on his thread with the help of gipper.

You've been fed a Golden Pot of Raw Horse shit....and you vigorously lapped up every drop
This is what happens when ignorant people are eager to believe propaganda and history books are written especially for them.
You are being fed propaganda and you apparently love the taste of it.

Mike Griffith is an imbecile just like you.
Bs and your full of crap,unlike you,he and myself are open minded and not afraid to look at the facts,you are the imbecile the fact your not open minded to unlearn what you have learned and believe eveything our corrupt school system taught you.comedy gold,

So loud and SO WRONG.

Germany and japan were the military powers at the start of WW2. NOT the USA
What profound ignorance. America had a policy of Isolationism.
You fools have absolutely no clue what you're talking about but you don't care as long as......

"America sucks"
"Orange man Bad"

I'm debating with pure imbeciles who have nothing but hatred and ignorance in their arsenals
You need to look in the mirror when calling someone an imbecile the fact that only imbeciles are closed minded,too arrogant to admit when they are wrong,and non objective,you have not looked at documented sources as mike Griffith did when he took everyone to school nor have read several hundreds of books on it as he did,you get so angry over the truth you engage in name calling frustrated over hearing the truth you don’t want to hear and do the exact same thing they all did to mike on his thread calling me an American hater and crap like that just for exposing facts about a hero of yours that was a freaking mass murderer of women and children,boy the truth sure hurts.

Just because you won’t look at the evidence does not support your warped view I don’t know what I’m talking about,that’s you making these absurd claims that I hate America and crap like that,I like an America where the government follows the constitution,we have not had one of those since 1913 Einstein and boy your really babbling now,Germany and japen being allies had NOTHING to do with America cutting off oil supply’s to japen Einstein,yeah that would be best,quit while you can before you embarrass yourself further.lol

I have several high ranking people in the military as sources I can list that opposed Truman in nuking them thst are on record stating so which always goes ignored everytime I list them by you revisionists apologists who have only our corrupt textbooks from our corrupt school system to use as your source.lol

You keep saying the US cut off Japan's oil supply.
Do you think that might have been done because the Axis powers were threatening Europe?
Do you realize your argument is about as ignorant as saying that the US should supply China with Aircraft carriers and F35 fighter jets?

It is so obvious to anyone who knows the dynamics of WWI and WW2 (who is not utterly biased) that America was trying
to keep out of WW2. Like I said, the US had a policy of ISOLATIONISM. Look up the meaning.

Whatever measures the US took against Japan was to hamper Japan and Germany's success.

What you are saying in essence is that you believe Hitler and Japan's success in WW2 would;d have been a better outcome.
Further proof you are completely ignorant to the horrors of Nazi Germany. Are you one of those Holocaust deniers also?

you keep embarrassing yourself even more so,japen would have had no success had dirty Harry Truman Not dropped the bomb on them murdering millions of women and children ignoring how they tried to surrender but that mass murderer ignored them,a fact you keep evading,the only biased one is you the fact that is bullshit that FDR was trying to keep us out of WWII, that’s grasping at straws that they cut off their oil supply because the axis powers were threatening Europe the FACT that murderer FDR wanted to enter the war and had to use the excuse of selling it to the people by deliberately letting them bomb japen the fucking traiter,oh and there are many high ranking military people that came out that are on record about FDRs treason,

I am not going to keep repeating the source over and over again just to watch you ignore it,mike took everyone to school,your so biased and closed minded though that your clearly not going to read it though so I refuse to go any further with someone so closed minded that they won’t even look at the evidence of thst I have referred to them too many times to remember.its tiresome repeating it over and over just to watch you ignore it sense it does not support your warped opinions and then i git to listen to a bunch of crap and bs from you thst I am anti American for talking about two presidents who should also have been tried for war crimes against humanity at Nuremberg.


With such a deep hatred for America, it begs the question....why do you stay ?

And why would I want to read your obviously biased information when I know it's biased and inaccurate?

You have refused to address the question several times ......
Do you think Japan or Germany would have used the atomic bomb if they beat America to it?
Further, Germany was very close to creating an atomic bomb. Do you think Germany would have used it against America?

Because you have been taught only America was interested in atomic weapons.....look up "Operation Gunnerside"
If you read this, and honestly answer the questions above, ANY "reasonable" person would begin to have doubts about what you say.

That’s it,I’m tired of your bullshit,you keep making false accusations saying I’m anti American just because I tell facts of the atrocities of a hero of yours you don’t want to hear,that’s just completely asinine and stupid beyond words to falsely accuse someone of being anti American just for telling facts about our history our corrupt school system left out and did not tell us especially when I corrected that bullshit of yours that I love America I just hate our government because it’s so fucking corrupt,the fact both parties are corrupt and has been that way sense 1913.you are too dense to see that of course obviously that the constitution of the United States has been burned for DECADES now,you obviously are so freaking dense you don’t even see that or that our country is not what our forefathers faught for,that the government does not serve the people as they are suppose to as stated in the constitution,that we serve THEM.

Truman and FDR did not give a shit about the constitution.most importantly if anybody is anti American it is YOU the fact that you believe two fucking traiter presidents Over patriotic high ranking military officers like mcarthur and others who viciously opposed the actions of that bastard Truman, trolls like you in my experience when these facts are pointed out then start getting desperate and make up lies these military officers like them never said that and it’s not on record and shit like that,they did that on mike griffiths thread after he owned their sorry asses but they were a bunch of babies to immature to admit that he checkmated them never addressing his evidence he gave so you’ll do the same no doubt.

Again I gave you the thread with the resources and told you to read all his posts but as we both know,you are too arrogant,closed minded,and biased to unlearn what you have learned so you clearly can’t be reasoned with so I’m done with you,

Just as I got done with that other troll who had reading comprehension problems who talks to himself all the time,

I'll take that as your surrender......
You were cornered with these questions and it blew your line of propaganda.

You have refused to address the question several times ......
Do you think Japan or Germany would have used the atomic bomb if they beat America to it?
Further, Germany was very close to creating an atomic bomb. Do you think Germany would have used it against America?

These questions forced you to admit that America was not the only one advancing or planning to use atomic weapons.
You could not answer this honestly without admitting America simply beat others to it....but was not alone in plans to use it.
Thanks for playing.
Thanks for playing your dodgeball game proving you are willing to unlearn what you have learned only seeeing what you want to see and like all revisionist troll,have to get into name calling being a sore loser when getting checkmated,lol

You have refused to address the question several times ......
Do you think Japan or Germany would have used the atomic bomb if they beat America to it?
Further, Germany was very close to creating an atomic bomb. Do you think Germany would have used it against America?

These questions forced you to admit that America was not the only one advancing or planning to use atomic weapons.
You could not answer this honestly without admitting America simply beat others to it....but was not alone in plans to use it.
Thanks for playing.
The atomic bomb saved a million lives, including both American and Japanese
That tired old story is banal speculation meant to avoid a difficult moral issue.

There was no moral issue for America. ....

Then you don't understand morality, and you don't understand what America stands for.

I understand both very well. Japan gave us no choice. Japan was the aggressor, not America. There would be a moral issue on our part had we awakened one morning and decided to declare war on Japan and dropped a bomb on them.
We had lost enough young men and women because of the arrogant, aggressive, murdering Japanese.
Their fault, not ours. They asked for it and got it. Their immorality, not ours. If Japan cared about its own people they wouldn't have needed a second bomb to give up their quest to dominate my country. How many more Americans would you have liked to see killed? We voted ~ no more...
Not true, The Irish Ram.

that’s only if you go by what our corrupt school system teaches
In our corrupt history classes,the truth is America the so called beautifull,was the aggressor and murderer,they provoked japen into attacking pearl harbour and Dirty Harry Truman,the mass murderer of japenses women and children,dropped the bomb on them when they made several attempts to surrender that Truman ignored,mike Griffith took everybody to school on thst over on his thread with the help of gipper.

You've been fed a Golden Pot of Raw Horse shit....and you vigorously lapped up every drop
This is what happens when ignorant people are eager to believe propaganda and history books are written especially for them.
You are being fed propaganda and you apparently love the taste of it.

Mike Griffith is an imbecile just like you.
Bs and your full of crap,unlike you,he and myself are open minded and not afraid to look at the facts,you are the imbecile the fact your not open minded to unlearn what you have learned and believe eveything our corrupt school system taught you.comedy gold,

So loud and SO WRONG.

Germany and japan were the military powers at the start of WW2. NOT the USA
What profound ignorance. America had a policy of Isolationism.
You fools have absolutely no clue what you're talking about but you don't care as long as......

"America sucks"
"Orange man Bad"

I'm debating with pure imbeciles who have nothing but hatred and ignorance in their arsenals
You need to look in the mirror when calling someone an imbecile the fact that only imbeciles are closed minded,too arrogant to admit when they are wrong,and non objective,you have not looked at documented sources as mike Griffith did when he took everyone to school nor have read several hundreds of books on it as he did,you get so angry over the truth you engage in name calling frustrated over hearing the truth you don’t want to hear and do the exact same thing they all did to mike on his thread calling me an American hater and crap like that just for exposing facts about a hero of yours that was a freaking mass murderer of women and children,boy the truth sure hurts.

Just because you won’t look at the evidence does not support your warped view I don’t know what I’m talking about,that’s you making these absurd claims that I hate America and crap like that,I like an America where the government follows the constitution,we have not had one of those since 1913 Einstein and boy your really babbling now,Germany and japen being allies had NOTHING to do with America cutting off oil supply’s to japen Einstein,yeah that would be best,quit while you can before you embarrass yourself further.lol

I have several high ranking people in the military as sources I can list that opposed Truman in nuking them thst are on record stating so which always goes ignored everytime I list them by you revisionists apologists who have only our corrupt textbooks from our corrupt school system to use as your source.lol

You keep saying the US cut off Japan's oil supply.
Do you think that might have been done because the Axis powers were threatening Europe?
Do you realize your argument is about as ignorant as saying that the US should supply China with Aircraft carriers and F35 fighter jets?

It is so obvious to anyone who knows the dynamics of WWI and WW2 (who is not utterly biased) that America was trying
to keep out of WW2. Like I said, the US had a policy of ISOLATIONISM. Look up the meaning.

Whatever measures the US took against Japan was to hamper Japan and Germany's success.

What you are saying in essence is that you believe Hitler and Japan's success in WW2 would;d have been a better outcome.
Further proof you are completely ignorant to the horrors of Nazi Germany. Are you one of those Holocaust deniers also?

you keep embarrassing yourself even more so,japen would have had no success had dirty Harry Truman Not dropped the bomb on them murdering millions of women and children ignoring how they tried to surrender but that mass murderer ignored them,a fact you keep evading,the only biased one is you the fact that is bullshit that FDR was trying to keep us out of WWII, that’s grasping at straws that they cut off their oil supply because the axis powers were threatening Europe the FACT that murderer FDR wanted to enter the war and had to use the excuse of selling it to the people by deliberately letting them bomb japen the fucking traiter,oh and there are many high ranking military people that came out that are on record about FDRs treason,

I am not going to keep repeating the source over and over again just to watch you ignore it,mike took everyone to school,your so biased and closed minded though that your clearly not going to read it though so I refuse to go any further with someone so closed minded that they won’t even look at the evidence of thst I have referred to them too many times to remember.its tiresome repeating it over and over just to watch you ignore it sense it does not support your warped opinions and then i git to listen to a bunch of crap and bs from you thst I am anti American for talking about two presidents who should also have been tried for war crimes against humanity at Nuremberg.


With such a deep hatred for America, it begs the question....why do you stay ?

And why would I want to read your obviously biased information when I know it's biased and inaccurate?

You have refused to address the question several times ......
Do you think Japan or Germany would have used the atomic bomb if they beat America to it?
Further, Germany was very close to creating an atomic bomb. Do you think Germany would have used it against America?

Because you have been taught only America was interested in atomic weapons.....look up "Operation Gunnerside"
If you read this, and honestly answer the questions above, ANY "reasonable" person would begin to have doubts about what you say.

That’s it,I’m tired of your bullshit,you keep making false accusations saying I’m anti American just because I tell facts of the atrocities of a hero of yours you don’t want to hear,that’s just completely asinine and stupid beyond words to falsely accuse someone of being anti American just for telling facts about our history our corrupt school system left out and did not tell us especially when I corrected that bullshit of yours that I love America I just hate our government because it’s so fucking corrupt,the fact both parties are corrupt and has been that way sense 1913.you are too dense to see that of course obviously that the constitution of the United States has been burned for DECADES now,you obviously are so freaking dense you don’t even see that or that our country is not what our forefathers faught for,that the government does not serve the people as they are suppose to as stated in the constitution,that we serve THEM.

Truman and FDR did not give a shit about the constitution.most importantly if anybody is anti American it is YOU the fact that you believe two fucking traiter presidents Over patriotic high ranking military officers like mcarthur and others who viciously opposed the actions of that bastard Truman, trolls like you in my experience when these facts are pointed out then start getting desperate and make up lies these military officers like them never said that and it’s not on record and shit like that,they did that on mike griffiths thread after he owned their sorry asses but they were a bunch of babies to immature to admit that he checkmated them never addressing his evidence he gave so you’ll do the same no doubt.

Again I gave you the thread with the resources and told you to read all his posts but as we both know,you are too arrogant,closed minded,and biased to unlearn what you have learned so you clearly can’t be reasoned with so I’m done with you,

Just as I got done with that other troll who had reading comprehension problems who talks to himself all the time,

I'll take that as your surrender......
You were cornered with these questions and it blew your line of propaganda.

You have refused to address the question several times ......
Do you think Japan or Germany would have used the atomic bomb if they beat America to it?
Further, Germany was very close to creating an atomic bomb. Do you think Germany would have used it against America?

These questions forced you to admit that America was not the only one advancing or planning to use atomic weapons.
You could not answer this honestly without admitting America simply beat others to it....but was not alone in plans to use it.
Thanks for playing.
Thanks for playing your dodgeball game proving you are willing to unlearn what you have learned only seeeing what you want to see and like all revisionist troll,have to get into name calling being a sore loser when getting checkmated,lol

You have refused to address the question several times ......
Do you think Japan or Germany would have used the atomic bomb if they beat America to it?
Further, Germany was very close to creating an atomic bomb. Do you think Germany would have used it against America?

These questions forced you to admit that America was not the only one advancing or planning to use atomic weapons.
You could not answer this honestly without admitting America simply beat others to it....but was not alone in plans to use it.
Thanks for playing.
The atomic bomb saved a million lives, including both American and Japanese
That tired old story is banal speculation meant to avoid a difficult moral issue.

There was no moral issue for America. ....

Then you don't understand morality, and you don't understand what America stands for.

I understand both very well. Japan gave us no choice. Japan was the aggressor, not America. There would be a moral issue on our part had we awakened one morning and decided to declare war on Japan and dropped a bomb on them.
We had lost enough young men and women because of the arrogant, aggressive, murdering Japanese.
Their fault, not ours. They asked for it and got it. Their immorality, not ours. If Japan cared about its own people they wouldn't have needed a second bomb to give up their quest to dominate my country. How many more Americans would you have liked to see killed? We voted ~ no more...
Not true, The Irish Ram.

that’s only if you go by what our corrupt school system teaches
In our corrupt history classes,the truth is America the so called beautifull,was the aggressor and murderer,they provoked japen into attacking pearl harbour and Dirty Harry Truman,the mass murderer of japenses women and children,dropped the bomb on them when they made several attempts to surrender that Truman ignored,mike Griffith took everybody to school on thst over on his thread with the help of gipper.

You've been fed a Golden Pot of Raw Horse shit....and you vigorously lapped up every drop
This is what happens when ignorant people are eager to believe propaganda and history books are written especially for them.
You are being fed propaganda and you apparently love the taste of it.

Mike Griffith is an imbecile just like you.
Bs and your full of crap,unlike you,he and myself are open minded and not afraid to look at the facts,you are the imbecile the fact your not open minded to unlearn what you have learned and believe eveything our corrupt school system taught you.comedy gold,

So loud and SO WRONG.

Germany and japan were the military powers at the start of WW2. NOT the USA
What profound ignorance. America had a policy of Isolationism.
You fools have absolutely no clue what you're talking about but you don't care as long as......

"America sucks"
"Orange man Bad"

I'm debating with pure imbeciles who have nothing but hatred and ignorance in their arsenals
You need to look in the mirror when calling someone an imbecile the fact that only imbeciles are closed minded,too arrogant to admit when they are wrong,and non objective,you have not looked at documented sources as mike Griffith did when he took everyone to school nor have read several hundreds of books on it as he did,you get so angry over the truth you engage in name calling frustrated over hearing the truth you don’t want to hear and do the exact same thing they all did to mike on his thread calling me an American hater and crap like that just for exposing facts about a hero of yours that was a freaking mass murderer of women and children,boy the truth sure hurts.

Just because you won’t look at the evidence does not support your warped view I don’t know what I’m talking about,that’s you making these absurd claims that I hate America and crap like that,I like an America where the government follows the constitution,we have not had one of those since 1913 Einstein and boy your really babbling now,Germany and japen being allies had NOTHING to do with America cutting off oil supply’s to japen Einstein,yeah that would be best,quit while you can before you embarrass yourself further.lol

I have several high ranking people in the military as sources I can list that opposed Truman in nuking them thst are on record stating so which always goes ignored everytime I list them by you revisionists apologists who have only our corrupt textbooks from our corrupt school system to use as your source.lol

You keep saying the US cut off Japan's oil supply.
Do you think that might have been done because the Axis powers were threatening Europe?
Do you realize your argument is about as ignorant as saying that the US should supply China with Aircraft carriers and F35 fighter jets?

It is so obvious to anyone who knows the dynamics of WWI and WW2 (who is not utterly biased) that America was trying
to keep out of WW2. Like I said, the US had a policy of ISOLATIONISM. Look up the meaning.

Whatever measures the US took against Japan was to hamper Japan and Germany's success.

What you are saying in essence is that you believe Hitler and Japan's success in WW2 would;d have been a better outcome.
Further proof you are completely ignorant to the horrors of Nazi Germany. Are you one of those Holocaust deniers also?

you keep embarrassing yourself even more so,japen would have had no success had dirty Harry Truman Not dropped the bomb on them murdering millions of women and children ignoring how they tried to surrender but that mass murderer ignored them,a fact you keep evading,the only biased one is you the fact that is bullshit that FDR was trying to keep us out of WWII, that’s grasping at straws that they cut off their oil supply because the axis powers were threatening Europe the FACT that murderer FDR wanted to enter the war and had to use the excuse of selling it to the people by deliberately letting them bomb japen the fucking traiter,oh and there are many high ranking military people that came out that are on record about FDRs treason,

I am not going to keep repeating the source over and over again just to watch you ignore it,mike took everyone to school,your so biased and closed minded though that your clearly not going to read it though so I refuse to go any further with someone so closed minded that they won’t even look at the evidence of thst I have referred to them too many times to remember.its tiresome repeating it over and over just to watch you ignore it sense it does not support your warped opinions and then i git to listen to a bunch of crap and bs from you thst I am anti American for talking about two presidents who should also have been tried for war crimes against humanity at Nuremberg.


With such a deep hatred for America, it begs the question....why do you stay ?

And why would I want to read your obviously biased information when I know it's biased and inaccurate?

You have refused to address the question several times ......
Do you think Japan or Germany would have used the atomic bomb if they beat America to it?
Further, Germany was very close to creating an atomic bomb. Do you think Germany would have used it against America?

Because you have been taught only America was interested in atomic weapons.....look up "Operation Gunnerside"
If you read this, and honestly answer the questions above, ANY "reasonable" person would begin to have doubts about what you say.

That’s it,I’m tired of your bullshit,you keep making false accusations saying I’m anti American just because I tell facts of the atrocities of a hero of yours you don’t want to hear,that’s just completely asinine and stupid beyond words to falsely accuse someone of being anti American just for telling facts about our history our corrupt school system left out and did not tell us especially when I corrected that bullshit of yours that I love America I just hate our government because it’s so fucking corrupt,the fact both parties are corrupt and has been that way sense 1913.you are too dense to see that of course obviously that the constitution of the United States has been burned for DECADES now,you obviously are so freaking dense you don’t even see that or that our country is not what our forefathers faught for,that the government does not serve the people as they are suppose to as stated in the constitution,that we serve THEM.

Truman and FDR did not give a shit about the constitution.most importantly if anybody is anti American it is YOU the fact that you believe two fucking traiter presidents Over patriotic high ranking military officers like mcarthur and others who viciously opposed the actions of that bastard Truman, trolls like you in my experience when these facts are pointed out then start getting desperate and make up lies these military officers like them never said that and it’s not on record and shit like that,they did that on mike griffiths thread after he owned their sorry asses but they were a bunch of babies to immature to admit that he checkmated them never addressing his evidence he gave so you’ll do the same no doubt.

Again I gave you the thread with the resources and told you to read all his posts but as we both know,you are too arrogant,closed minded,and biased to unlearn what you have learned so you clearly can’t be reasoned with so I’m done with you,

Just as I got done with that other troll who had reading comprehension problems who talks to himself all the time,

I'll take that as your surrender......
You were cornered with these questions and it blew your line of propaganda.

You have refused to address the question several times ......
Do you think Japan or Germany would have used the atomic bomb if they beat America to it?
Further, Germany was very close to creating an atomic bomb. Do you think Germany would have used it against America?

These questions forced you to admit that America was not the only one advancing or planning to use atomic weapons.
You could not answer this honestly without admitting America simply beat others to it....but was not alone in plans to use it.
Thanks for playing.
Thanks for playing your dodgeball game proving you are willing to unlearn what you have learned only seeeing what you want to see and like all revisionist troll,have to get into name calling being a sore loser when getting checkmated,lol
Again thanks for playing your dodgeball game,you evade facts with questions that are irreverent
The atomic bomb saved a million lives, including both American and Japanese
That tired old story is banal speculation meant to avoid a difficult moral issue.

There was no moral issue for America. ....

Then you don't understand morality, and you don't understand what America stands for.

I understand both very well. Japan gave us no choice. Japan was the aggressor, not America. There would be a moral issue on our part had we awakened one morning and decided to declare war on Japan and dropped a bomb on them.
We had lost enough young men and women because of the arrogant, aggressive, murdering Japanese.
Their fault, not ours. They asked for it and got it. Their immorality, not ours. If Japan cared about its own people they wouldn't have needed a second bomb to give up their quest to dominate my country. How many more Americans would you have liked to see killed? We voted ~ no more...
Not true, The Irish Ram.

that’s only if you go by what our corrupt school system teaches
In our corrupt history classes,the truth is America the so called beautifull,was the aggressor and murderer,they provoked japen into attacking pearl harbour and Dirty Harry Truman,the mass murderer of japenses women and children,dropped the bomb on them when they made several attempts to surrender that Truman ignored,mike Griffith took everybody to school on thst over on his thread with the help of gipper.

You've been fed a Golden Pot of Raw Horse shit....and you vigorously lapped up every drop
This is what happens when ignorant people are eager to believe propaganda and history books are written especially for them.
You are being fed propaganda and you apparently love the taste of it.

Mike Griffith is an imbecile just like you.
Bs and your full of crap,unlike you,he and myself are open minded and not afraid to look at the facts,you are the imbecile the fact your not open minded to unlearn what you have learned and believe eveything our corrupt school system taught you.comedy gold,

So loud and SO WRONG.

Germany and japan were the military powers at the start of WW2. NOT the USA
What profound ignorance. America had a policy of Isolationism.
You fools have absolutely no clue what you're talking about but you don't care as long as......

"America sucks"
"Orange man Bad"

I'm debating with pure imbeciles who have nothing but hatred and ignorance in their arsenals
You need to look in the mirror when calling someone an imbecile the fact that only imbeciles are closed minded,too arrogant to admit when they are wrong,and non objective,you have not looked at documented sources as mike Griffith did when he took everyone to school nor have read several hundreds of books on it as he did,you get so angry over the truth you engage in name calling frustrated over hearing the truth you don’t want to hear and do the exact same thing they all did to mike on his thread calling me an American hater and crap like that just for exposing facts about a hero of yours that was a freaking mass murderer of women and children,boy the truth sure hurts.

Just because you won’t look at the evidence does not support your warped view I don’t know what I’m talking about,that’s you making these absurd claims that I hate America and crap like that,I like an America where the government follows the constitution,we have not had one of those since 1913 Einstein and boy your really babbling now,Germany and japen being allies had NOTHING to do with America cutting off oil supply’s to japen Einstein,yeah that would be best,quit while you can before you embarrass yourself further.lol

I have several high ranking people in the military as sources I can list that opposed Truman in nuking them thst are on record stating so which always goes ignored everytime I list them by you revisionists apologists who have only our corrupt textbooks from our corrupt school system to use as your source.lol

You keep saying the US cut off Japan's oil supply.
Do you think that might have been done because the Axis powers were threatening Europe?
Do you realize your argument is about as ignorant as saying that the US should supply China with Aircraft carriers and F35 fighter jets?

It is so obvious to anyone who knows the dynamics of WWI and WW2 (who is not utterly biased) that America was trying
to keep out of WW2. Like I said, the US had a policy of ISOLATIONISM. Look up the meaning.

Whatever measures the US took against Japan was to hamper Japan and Germany's success.

What you are saying in essence is that you believe Hitler and Japan's success in WW2 would;d have been a better outcome.
Further proof you are completely ignorant to the horrors of Nazi Germany. Are you one of those Holocaust deniers also?

you keep embarrassing yourself even more so,japen would have had no success had dirty Harry Truman Not dropped the bomb on them murdering millions of women and children ignoring how they tried to surrender but that mass murderer ignored them,a fact you keep evading,the only biased one is you the fact that is bullshit that FDR was trying to keep us out of WWII, that’s grasping at straws that they cut off their oil supply because the axis powers were threatening Europe the FACT that murderer FDR wanted to enter the war and had to use the excuse of selling it to the people by deliberately letting them bomb japen the fucking traiter,oh and there are many high ranking military people that came out that are on record about FDRs treason,

I am not going to keep repeating the source over and over again just to watch you ignore it,mike took everyone to school,your so biased and closed minded though that your clearly not going to read it though so I refuse to go any further with someone so closed minded that they won’t even look at the evidence of thst I have referred to them too many times to remember.its tiresome repeating it over and over just to watch you ignore it sense it does not support your warped opinions and then i git to listen to a bunch of crap and bs from you thst I am anti American for talking about two presidents who should also have been tried for war crimes against humanity at Nuremberg.


With such a deep hatred for America, it begs the question....why do you stay ?

And why would I want to read your obviously biased information when I know it's biased and inaccurate?

You have refused to address the question several times ......
Do you think Japan or Germany would have used the atomic bomb if they beat America to it?
Further, Germany was very close to creating an atomic bomb. Do you think Germany would have used it against America?

Because you have been taught only America was interested in atomic weapons.....look up "Operation Gunnerside"
If you read this, and honestly answer the questions above, ANY "reasonable" person would begin to have doubts about what you say.

That’s it,I’m tired of your bullshit,you keep making false accusations saying I’m anti American just because I tell facts of the atrocities of a hero of yours you don’t want to hear,that’s just completely asinine and stupid beyond words to falsely accuse someone of being anti American just for telling facts about our history our corrupt school system left out and did not tell us especially when I corrected that bullshit of yours that I love America I just hate our government because it’s so fucking corrupt,the fact both parties are corrupt and has been that way sense 1913.you are too dense to see that of course obviously that the constitution of the United States has been burned for DECADES now,you obviously are so freaking dense you don’t even see that or that our country is not what our forefathers faught for,that the government does not serve the people as they are suppose to as stated in the constitution,that we serve THEM.

Truman and FDR did not give a shit about the constitution.most importantly if anybody is anti American it is YOU the fact that you believe two fucking traiter presidents Over patriotic high ranking military officers like mcarthur and others who viciously opposed the actions of that bastard Truman, trolls like you in my experience when these facts are pointed out then start getting desperate and make up lies these military officers like them never said that and it’s not on record and shit like that,they did that on mike griffiths thread after he owned their sorry asses but they were a bunch of babies to immature to admit that he checkmated them never addressing his evidence he gave so you’ll do the same no doubt.

Again I gave you the thread with the resources and told you to read all his posts but as we both know,you are too arrogant,closed minded,and biased to unlearn what you have learned so you clearly can’t be reasoned with so I’m done with you,

Just as I got done with that other troll who had reading comprehension problems who talks to himself all the time,

I'll take that as your surrender......
You were cornered with these questions and it blew your line of propaganda.

You have refused to address the question several times ......
Do you think Japan or Germany would have used the atomic bomb if they beat America to it?
Further, Germany was very close to creating an atomic bomb. Do you think Germany would have used it against America?

These questions forced you to admit that America was not the only one advancing or planning to use atomic weapons.
You could not answer this honestly without admitting America simply beat others to it....but was not alone in plans to use it.
Thanks for playing.
Thanks for playing your dodgeball game proving you are willing to unlearn what you have learned only seeeing what you want to see and like all revisionist troll,have to get into name calling being a sore loser when getting checkmated,lol

You have refused to address the question several times ......
Do you think Japan or Germany would have used the atomic bomb if they beat America to it?
Further, Germany was very close to creating an atomic bomb. Do you think Germany would have used it against America?

These questions forced you to admit that America was not the only one advancing or planning to use atomic weapons.
You could not answer this honestly without admitting America simply beat others to it....but was not alone in plans to use it.
Thanks for playing.
The atomic bomb saved a million lives, including both American and Japanese
That tired old story is banal speculation meant to avoid a difficult moral issue.

There was no moral issue for America. ....

Then you don't understand morality, and you don't understand what America stands for.

I understand both very well. Japan gave us no choice. Japan was the aggressor, not America. There would be a moral issue on our part had we awakened one morning and decided to declare war on Japan and dropped a bomb on them.
We had lost enough young men and women because of the arrogant, aggressive, murdering Japanese.
Their fault, not ours. They asked for it and got it. Their immorality, not ours. If Japan cared about its own people they wouldn't have needed a second bomb to give up their quest to dominate my country. How many more Americans would you have liked to see killed? We voted ~ no more...
Not true, The Irish Ram.

that’s only if you go by what our corrupt school system teaches
In our corrupt history classes,the truth is America the so called beautifull,was the aggressor and murderer,they provoked japen into attacking pearl harbour and Dirty Harry Truman,the mass murderer of japenses women and children,dropped the bomb on them when they made several attempts to surrender that Truman ignored,mike Griffith took everybody to school on thst over on his thread with the help of gipper.

You've been fed a Golden Pot of Raw Horse shit....and you vigorously lapped up every drop
This is what happens when ignorant people are eager to believe propaganda and history books are written especially for them.
You are being fed propaganda and you apparently love the taste of it.

Mike Griffith is an imbecile just like you.
Bs and your full of crap,unlike you,he and myself are open minded and not afraid to look at the facts,you are the imbecile the fact your not open minded to unlearn what you have learned and believe eveything our corrupt school system taught you.comedy gold,

So loud and SO WRONG.

Germany and japan were the military powers at the start of WW2. NOT the USA
What profound ignorance. America had a policy of Isolationism.
You fools have absolutely no clue what you're talking about but you don't care as long as......

"America sucks"
"Orange man Bad"

I'm debating with pure imbeciles who have nothing but hatred and ignorance in their arsenals
You need to look in the mirror when calling someone an imbecile the fact that only imbeciles are closed minded,too arrogant to admit when they are wrong,and non objective,you have not looked at documented sources as mike Griffith did when he took everyone to school nor have read several hundreds of books on it as he did,you get so angry over the truth you engage in name calling frustrated over hearing the truth you don’t want to hear and do the exact same thing they all did to mike on his thread calling me an American hater and crap like that just for exposing facts about a hero of yours that was a freaking mass murderer of women and children,boy the truth sure hurts.

Just because you won’t look at the evidence does not support your warped view I don’t know what I’m talking about,that’s you making these absurd claims that I hate America and crap like that,I like an America where the government follows the constitution,we have not had one of those since 1913 Einstein and boy your really babbling now,Germany and japen being allies had NOTHING to do with America cutting off oil supply’s to japen Einstein,yeah that would be best,quit while you can before you embarrass yourself further.lol

I have several high ranking people in the military as sources I can list that opposed Truman in nuking them thst are on record stating so which always goes ignored everytime I list them by you revisionists apologists who have only our corrupt textbooks from our corrupt school system to use as your source.lol

You keep saying the US cut off Japan's oil supply.
Do you think that might have been done because the Axis powers were threatening Europe?
Do you realize your argument is about as ignorant as saying that the US should supply China with Aircraft carriers and F35 fighter jets?

It is so obvious to anyone who knows the dynamics of WWI and WW2 (who is not utterly biased) that America was trying
to keep out of WW2. Like I said, the US had a policy of ISOLATIONISM. Look up the meaning.

Whatever measures the US took against Japan was to hamper Japan and Germany's success.

What you are saying in essence is that you believe Hitler and Japan's success in WW2 would;d have been a better outcome.
Further proof you are completely ignorant to the horrors of Nazi Germany. Are you one of those Holocaust deniers also?

you keep embarrassing yourself even more so,japen would have had no success had dirty Harry Truman Not dropped the bomb on them murdering millions of women and children ignoring how they tried to surrender but that mass murderer ignored them,a fact you keep evading,the only biased one is you the fact that is bullshit that FDR was trying to keep us out of WWII, that’s grasping at straws that they cut off their oil supply because the axis powers were threatening Europe the FACT that murderer FDR wanted to enter the war and had to use the excuse of selling it to the people by deliberately letting them bomb japen the fucking traiter,oh and there are many high ranking military people that came out that are on record about FDRs treason,

I am not going to keep repeating the source over and over again just to watch you ignore it,mike took everyone to school,your so biased and closed minded though that your clearly not going to read it though so I refuse to go any further with someone so closed minded that they won’t even look at the evidence of thst I have referred to them too many times to remember.its tiresome repeating it over and over just to watch you ignore it sense it does not support your warped opinions and then i git to listen to a bunch of crap and bs from you thst I am anti American for talking about two presidents who should also have been tried for war crimes against humanity at Nuremberg.


With such a deep hatred for America, it begs the question....why do you stay ?

And why would I want to read your obviously biased information when I know it's biased and inaccurate?

You have refused to address the question several times ......
Do you think Japan or Germany would have used the atomic bomb if they beat America to it?
Further, Germany was very close to creating an atomic bomb. Do you think Germany would have used it against America?

Because you have been taught only America was interested in atomic weapons.....look up "Operation Gunnerside"
If you read this, and honestly answer the questions above, ANY "reasonable" person would begin to have doubts about what you say.

That’s it,I’m tired of your bullshit,you keep making false accusations saying I’m anti American just because I tell facts of the atrocities of a hero of yours you don’t want to hear,that’s just completely asinine and stupid beyond words to falsely accuse someone of being anti American just for telling facts about our history our corrupt school system left out and did not tell us especially when I corrected that bullshit of yours that I love America I just hate our government because it’s so fucking corrupt,the fact both parties are corrupt and has been that way sense 1913.you are too dense to see that of course obviously that the constitution of the United States has been burned for DECADES now,you obviously are so freaking dense you don’t even see that or that our country is not what our forefathers faught for,that the government does not serve the people as they are suppose to as stated in the constitution,that we serve THEM.

Truman and FDR did not give a shit about the constitution.most importantly if anybody is anti American it is YOU the fact that you believe two fucking traiter presidents Over patriotic high ranking military officers like mcarthur and others who viciously opposed the actions of that bastard Truman, trolls like you in my experience when these facts are pointed out then start getting desperate and make up lies these military officers like them never said that and it’s not on record and shit like that,they did that on mike griffiths thread after he owned their sorry asses but they were a bunch of babies to immature to admit that he checkmated them never addressing his evidence he gave so you’ll do the same no doubt.

Again I gave you the thread with the resources and told you to read all his posts but as we both know,you are too arrogant,closed minded,and biased to unlearn what you have learned so you clearly can’t be reasoned with so I’m done with you,

Just as I got done with that other troll who had reading comprehension problems who talks to himself all the time,

I'll take that as your surrender......
You were cornered with these questions and it blew your line of propaganda.

You have refused to address the question several times ......
Do you think Japan or Germany would have used the atomic bomb if they beat America to it?
Further, Germany was very close to creating an atomic bomb. Do you think Germany would have used it against America?

These questions forced you to admit that America was not the only one advancing or planning to use atomic weapons.
You could not answer this honestly without admitting America simply beat others to it....but was not alone in plans to use it.
Thanks for playing.
Thanks for playing your dodgeball game proving you are willing to unlearn what you have learned only seeeing what you want to see and like all revisionist troll,have to get into name calling being a sore loser when getting checkmated,lol
Have to say it again the fact it is so true.

your just deflecting ignoring the facts with Irrelevent questions refusing to admit Truman and FDR we’re mass murderers of women and children bombing civilians Murdering women and children instead of bombing a military installation blatantly trolling ignoring that japen was willing to surrender Which warmonger traiter Dirty Harry had no interest in looking like an idiot with irrelevent drivel that do not refute the FACTS that Truman was a fucking mass murderer of women and children and should have been hung up by the balls put on trial at Nuremberg for IGNORING the many times japen offered surrender,ignoring many senior military officials and soldiers that have called out what a traiter mass murderer that motherfucker was.

Facts you would. KNOW if you stopped being so freaking Arrogant acting like a know it all and be objective willing to Unlearn what you have learned and read all the excellent documented evidence that mike Griffith talked about on his thread which you have proved in spades you are not open minded enough to look at.

Oh and Truman were fucking traiters because stalin was as evil as Hitler and that mass murderer FDR palled around with him as seen in photos. Patton even said in his letters,he could have taken Russia and they were the major enemy America should go after.considering all the atrocities Stalin committed,he was correct.He said in his letters he was not allowed to take them down as he should have been able to by his superior meaning mass murderer tratiter FDR.

You just keep speculating what japen or Germany WOULD have done which is all irreverent to the traitorous actions of child murderer Dirty Harry.so in your own words,thanks for playing.lol
Last edited:
Chris Wallace thinks Truman did the right thing.

Chris Wallace thinks Truman did the right thing.

Well of course he thinks that,the Mainstream media as you know is a tool for the government,a mouthpiece for them,mike on his thread documented Chris is a liar.that lady knows more than he does,she is a patriot,have not read that book but it sounds like a government book like case closed written by that CIA shill Gerald posner.i know you know what subject im talking about.lol
Do you think Japan or Germany would have used the atomic bomb if they beat America to it?
Of course, but the fact is that this was not an option for them. So, this is frivolous fantasizing.

This whole thread, all 468 posts, is frivolous fantasizing. How is including whether or not Germany or Japan would have used the atom bomb if they got it first any different? Including that very plausible fact destroys your whole spiel.
Last edited:
The atomic bomb saved a million lives, including both American and Japanese
That tired old story is banal speculation meant to avoid a difficult moral issue.

There was no moral issue for America. ....

Then you don't understand morality, and you don't understand what America stands for.

I understand both very well. Japan gave us no choice. Japan was the aggressor, not America. There would be a moral issue on our part had we awakened one morning and decided to declare war on Japan and dropped a bomb on them.
We had lost enough young men and women because of the arrogant, aggressive, murdering Japanese.
Their fault, not ours. They asked for it and got it. Their immorality, not ours. If Japan cared about its own people they wouldn't have needed a second bomb to give up their quest to dominate my country. How many more Americans would you have liked to see killed? We voted ~ no more...
Not true, The Irish Ram.

that’s only if you go by what our corrupt school system teaches
In our corrupt history classes,the truth is America the so called beautifull,was the aggressor and murderer,they provoked japen into attacking pearl harbour and Dirty Harry Truman,the mass murderer of japenses women and children,dropped the bomb on them when they made several attempts to surrender that Truman ignored,mike Griffith took everybody to school on thst over on his thread with the help of gipper.

You've been fed a Golden Pot of Raw Horse shit....and you vigorously lapped up every drop
This is what happens when ignorant people are eager to believe propaganda and history books are written especially for them.
You are being fed propaganda and you apparently love the taste of it.

Mike Griffith is an imbecile just like you.
Bs and your full of crap,unlike you,he and myself are open minded and not afraid to look at the facts,you are the imbecile the fact your not open minded to unlearn what you have learned and believe eveything our corrupt school system taught you.comedy gold,

So loud and SO WRONG.

Germany and japan were the military powers at the start of WW2. NOT the USA
What profound ignorance. America had a policy of Isolationism.
You fools have absolutely no clue what you're talking about but you don't care as long as......

"America sucks"
"Orange man Bad"

I'm debating with pure imbeciles who have nothing but hatred and ignorance in their arsenals
You need to look in the mirror when calling someone an imbecile the fact that only imbeciles are closed minded,too arrogant to admit when they are wrong,and non objective,you have not looked at documented sources as mike Griffith did when he took everyone to school nor have read several hundreds of books on it as he did,you get so angry over the truth you engage in name calling frustrated over hearing the truth you don’t want to hear and do the exact same thing they all did to mike on his thread calling me an American hater and crap like that just for exposing facts about a hero of yours that was a freaking mass murderer of women and children,boy the truth sure hurts.

Just because you won’t look at the evidence does not support your warped view I don’t know what I’m talking about,that’s you making these absurd claims that I hate America and crap like that,I like an America where the government follows the constitution,we have not had one of those since 1913 Einstein and boy your really babbling now,Germany and japen being allies had NOTHING to do with America cutting off oil supply’s to japen Einstein,yeah that would be best,quit while you can before you embarrass yourself further.lol

I have several high ranking people in the military as sources I can list that opposed Truman in nuking them thst are on record stating so which always goes ignored everytime I list them by you revisionists apologists who have only our corrupt textbooks from our corrupt school system to use as your source.lol

You keep saying the US cut off Japan's oil supply.
Do you think that might have been done because the Axis powers were threatening Europe?
Do you realize your argument is about as ignorant as saying that the US should supply China with Aircraft carriers and F35 fighter jets?

It is so obvious to anyone who knows the dynamics of WWI and WW2 (who is not utterly biased) that America was trying
to keep out of WW2. Like I said, the US had a policy of ISOLATIONISM. Look up the meaning.

Whatever measures the US took against Japan was to hamper Japan and Germany's success.

What you are saying in essence is that you believe Hitler and Japan's success in WW2 would;d have been a better outcome.
Further proof you are completely ignorant to the horrors of Nazi Germany. Are you one of those Holocaust deniers also?

you keep embarrassing yourself even more so,japen would have had no success had dirty Harry Truman Not dropped the bomb on them murdering millions of women and children ignoring how they tried to surrender but that mass murderer ignored them,a fact you keep evading,the only biased one is you the fact that is bullshit that FDR was trying to keep us out of WWII, that’s grasping at straws that they cut off their oil supply because the axis powers were threatening Europe the FACT that murderer FDR wanted to enter the war and had to use the excuse of selling it to the people by deliberately letting them bomb japen the fucking traiter,oh and there are many high ranking military people that came out that are on record about FDRs treason,

I am not going to keep repeating the source over and over again just to watch you ignore it,mike took everyone to school,your so biased and closed minded though that your clearly not going to read it though so I refuse to go any further with someone so closed minded that they won’t even look at the evidence of thst I have referred to them too many times to remember.its tiresome repeating it over and over just to watch you ignore it sense it does not support your warped opinions and then i git to listen to a bunch of crap and bs from you thst I am anti American for talking about two presidents who should also have been tried for war crimes against humanity at Nuremberg.


With such a deep hatred for America, it begs the question....why do you stay ?

And why would I want to read your obviously biased information when I know it's biased and inaccurate?

You have refused to address the question several times ......
Do you think Japan or Germany would have used the atomic bomb if they beat America to it?
Further, Germany was very close to creating an atomic bomb. Do you think Germany would have used it against America?

Because you have been taught only America was interested in atomic weapons.....look up "Operation Gunnerside"
If you read this, and honestly answer the questions above, ANY "reasonable" person would begin to have doubts about what you say.

That’s it,I’m tired of your bullshit,you keep making false accusations saying I’m anti American just because I tell facts of the atrocities of a hero of yours you don’t want to hear,that’s just completely asinine and stupid beyond words to falsely accuse someone of being anti American just for telling facts about our history our corrupt school system left out and did not tell us especially when I corrected that bullshit of yours that I love America I just hate our government because it’s so fucking corrupt,the fact both parties are corrupt and has been that way sense 1913.you are too dense to see that of course obviously that the constitution of the United States has been burned for DECADES now,you obviously are so freaking dense you don’t even see that or that our country is not what our forefathers faught for,that the government does not serve the people as they are suppose to as stated in the constitution,that we serve THEM.

Truman and FDR did not give a shit about the constitution.most importantly if anybody is anti American it is YOU the fact that you believe two fucking traiter presidents Over patriotic high ranking military officers like mcarthur and others who viciously opposed the actions of that bastard Truman, trolls like you in my experience when these facts are pointed out then start getting desperate and make up lies these military officers like them never said that and it’s not on record and shit like that,they did that on mike griffiths thread after he owned their sorry asses but they were a bunch of babies to immature to admit that he checkmated them never addressing his evidence he gave so you’ll do the same no doubt.

Again I gave you the thread with the resources and told you to read all his posts but as we both know,you are too arrogant,closed minded,and biased to unlearn what you have learned so you clearly can’t be reasoned with so I’m done with you,

Just as I got done with that other troll who had reading comprehension problems who talks to himself all the time,

I'll take that as your surrender......
You were cornered with these questions and it blew your line of propaganda.

You have refused to address the question several times ......
Do you think Japan or Germany would have used the atomic bomb if they beat America to it?
Further, Germany was very close to creating an atomic bomb. Do you think Germany would have used it against America?

These questions forced you to admit that America was not the only one advancing or planning to use atomic weapons.
You could not answer this honestly without admitting America simply beat others to it....but was not alone in plans to use it.
Thanks for playing.
Thanks for playing your dodgeball game proving you are willing to unlearn what you have learned only seeeing what you want to see and like all revisionist troll,have to get into name calling being a sore loser when getting checkmated,lol

You have refused to address the question several times ......
Do you think Japan or Germany would have used the atomic bomb if they beat America to it?
Further, Germany was very close to creating an atomic bomb. Do you think Germany would have used it against America?

These questions forced you to admit that America was not the only one advancing or planning to use atomic weapons.
You could not answer this honestly without admitting America simply beat others to it....but was not alone in plans to use it.
Thanks for playing.
It was War. In case you did not read that on your iPhone history book.

Now you get to ask all the hypotheticals, and second guess, and be a badass on the interwebs.
The atomic bomb saved a million lives, including both American and Japanese
That tired old story is banal speculation meant to avoid a difficult moral issue.

There was no moral issue for America. ....

Then you don't understand morality, and you don't understand what America stands for.

I understand both very well. Japan gave us no choice. Japan was the aggressor, not America. There would be a moral issue on our part had we awakened one morning and decided to declare war on Japan and dropped a bomb on them.
We had lost enough young men and women because of the arrogant, aggressive, murdering Japanese.
Their fault, not ours. They asked for it and got it. Their immorality, not ours. If Japan cared about its own people they wouldn't have needed a second bomb to give up their quest to dominate my country. How many more Americans would you have liked to see killed? We voted ~ no more...
Not true, The Irish Ram.

that’s only if you go by what our corrupt school system teaches
In our corrupt history classes,the truth is America the so called beautifull,was the aggressor and murderer,they provoked japen into attacking pearl harbour and Dirty Harry Truman,the mass murderer of japenses women and children,dropped the bomb on them when they made several attempts to surrender that Truman ignored,mike Griffith took everybody to school on thst over on his thread with the help of gipper.

You've been fed a Golden Pot of Raw Horse shit....and you vigorously lapped up every drop
This is what happens when ignorant people are eager to believe propaganda and history books are written especially for them.
You are being fed propaganda and you apparently love the taste of it.

Mike Griffith is an imbecile just like you.
I agree with you 100% on this topic

After WWII anti America revisionist historians became thick as flies at our universities

and they have poisoned the minds of many into believing the lie that we are the bad guys in recent world history

thats bunk
Germany and japan were the military powers at the start of WW2. NOT the USA
WWII is an example of what happens when America is not the dominant military power

shen America’s enemies such as russia, china, iran, north korea and possibly germany think they are strong enough to defeat us the choice for America and our friends - few as they may be - will become surrender or die
The atomic bomb saved a million lives, including both American and Japanese
That tired old story is banal speculation meant to avoid a difficult moral issue.

There was no moral issue for America. ....

Then you don't understand morality, and you don't understand what America stands for.

I understand both very well. Japan gave us no choice. Japan was the aggressor, not America. There would be a moral issue on our part had we awakened one morning and decided to declare war on Japan and dropped a bomb on them.
We had lost enough young men and women because of the arrogant, aggressive, murdering Japanese.
Their fault, not ours. They asked for it and got it. Their immorality, not ours. If Japan cared about its own people they wouldn't have needed a second bomb to give up their quest to dominate my country. How many more Americans would you have liked to see killed? We voted ~ no more...
Not true, The Irish Ram.

that’s only if you go by what our corrupt school system teaches
In our corrupt history classes,the truth is America the so called beautifull,was the aggressor and murderer,they provoked japen into attacking pearl harbour and Dirty Harry Truman,the mass murderer of japenses women and children,dropped the bomb on them when they made several attempts to surrender that Truman ignored,mike Griffith took everybody to school on thst over on his thread with the help of gipper.

You've been fed a Golden Pot of Raw Horse shit....and you vigorously lapped up every drop
This is what happens when ignorant people are eager to believe propaganda and history books are written especially for them.
You are being fed propaganda and you apparently love the taste of it.

Mike Griffith is an imbecile just like you.
I agree with you 100% on this topic

After WWII anti America revisionist historians became thick as flies at our universities

and they have poisoned the minds of many into believing the lie that we are the bad guys in recent world history

thats bunk

Thank you for that.
I say that we (Constitutional Patriots) are in deep trouble.
Forces looking to tear the USA and our Constitution apart have a stronghold on our system that is taking over.
Long ago they cleverly took control of the education system and entertainment / News industries.

We have an entire generation now who was fed the REVISED history of America and believe it and hate America passionately.
Marxist are having a field day, week, month, year, decade

I do not believe this Marxist Revolution will be stopped under the current response.
It was too well planned and allowed to flourish unobstructed for too long.
What will shock all these pseudo Marxist swallowing the lies is how incredibly bad
their own life situations will become once they have "won"
The atomic bomb saved a million lives, including both American and Japanese
That tired old story is banal speculation meant to avoid a difficult moral issue.

There was no moral issue for America. ....

Then you don't understand morality, and you don't understand what America stands for.

I understand both very well. Japan gave us no choice. Japan was the aggressor, not America. There would be a moral issue on our part had we awakened one morning and decided to declare war on Japan and dropped a bomb on them.
We had lost enough young men and women because of the arrogant, aggressive, murdering Japanese.
Their fault, not ours. They asked for it and got it. Their immorality, not ours. If Japan cared about its own people they wouldn't have needed a second bomb to give up their quest to dominate my country. How many more Americans would you have liked to see killed? We voted ~ no more...
Not true, The Irish Ram.

that’s only if you go by what our corrupt school system teaches
In our corrupt history classes,the truth is America the so called beautifull,was the aggressor and murderer,they provoked japen into attacking pearl harbour and Dirty Harry Truman,the mass murderer of japenses women and children,dropped the bomb on them when they made several attempts to surrender that Truman ignored,mike Griffith took everybody to school on thst over on his thread with the help of gipper.

You've been fed a Golden Pot of Raw Horse shit....and you vigorously lapped up every drop
This is what happens when ignorant people are eager to believe propaganda and history books are written especially for them.
You are being fed propaganda and you apparently love the taste of it.

Mike Griffith is an imbecile just like you.
I agree with you 100% on this topic

After WWII anti America revisionist historians became thick as flies at our universities

and they have poisoned the minds of many into believing the lie that we are the bad guys in recent world history

thats bunk

Thank you for that.
I say that we (Constitutional Patriots) are in deep trouble.
Forces looking to tear the USA and our Constitution apart have a stronghold on our system that is taking over.
Long ago they cleverly took control of the education system and entertainment / News industries.

We have an entire generation now who was fed the REVISED history of America and believe it and hate America passionately.
Marxist are having a field day, week, month, year, decade

I do not believe this Marxist Revolution will be stopped under the current response.
It was too well planned and allowed to flourish unobstructed for too long.
What will shock all these pseudo Marxist swallowing the lies is how incredibly bad
their own life situations will become once they have "won"
What does that have to do with this thread?
This whole thread, all 468 posts, is frivolous fantasizing. How is including whether or not Germany or Japan would have used the atom bomb if they got it first any different?
None of this thread involves creating a fantasy reality before the bombs were dropped. That's how it is different.
The atomic bomb saved a million lives, including both American and Japanese
That tired old story is banal speculation meant to avoid a difficult moral issue.

There was no moral issue for America. ....

Then you don't understand morality, and you don't understand what America stands for.

I understand both very well. Japan gave us no choice. Japan was the aggressor, not America. There would be a moral issue on our part had we awakened one morning and decided to declare war on Japan and dropped a bomb on them.
We had lost enough young men and women because of the arrogant, aggressive, murdering Japanese.
Their fault, not ours. They asked for it and got it. Their immorality, not ours. If Japan cared about its own people they wouldn't have needed a second bomb to give up their quest to dominate my country. How many more Americans would you have liked to see killed? We voted ~ no more...
Not true, The Irish Ram.

that’s only if you go by what our corrupt school system teaches
In our corrupt history classes,the truth is America the so called beautifull,was the aggressor and murderer,they provoked japen into attacking pearl harbour and Dirty Harry Truman,the mass murderer of japenses women and children,dropped the bomb on them when they made several attempts to surrender that Truman ignored,mike Griffith took everybody to school on thst over on his thread with the help of gipper.

You've been fed a Golden Pot of Raw Horse shit....and you vigorously lapped up every drop
This is what happens when ignorant people are eager to believe propaganda and history books are written especially for them.
You are being fed propaganda and you apparently love the taste of it.

Mike Griffith is an imbecile just like you.
I agree with you 100% on this topic

After WWII anti America revisionist historians became thick as flies at our universities

and they have poisoned the minds of many into believing the lie that we are the bad guys in recent world history

thats bunk

Thank you for that.
I say that we (Constitutional Patriots) are in deep trouble.
Forces looking to tear the USA and our Constitution apart have a stronghold on our system that is taking over.
Long ago they cleverly took control of the education system and entertainment / News industries.

We have an entire generation now who was fed the REVISED history of America and believe it and hate America passionately.
Marxist are having a field day, week, month, year, decade

I do not believe this Marxist Revolution will be stopped under the current response.
It was too well planned and allowed to flourish unobstructed for too long.
What will shock all these pseudo Marxist swallowing the lies is how incredibly bad
their own life situations will become once they have "won"
What an embarrassingly stupid post by an amateur fascist. You are not clever or original. This is the same garbage we heard from idiots regarding women's suffrage, social security, even public education. Same garbage, different century.
This whole thread, all 468 posts, is frivolous fantasizing. How is including whether or not Germany or Japan would have used the atom bomb if they got it first any different?
None of this thread involves creating a fantasy reality before the bombs were dropped. That's how it is different.
Yes it does, at NO time did the Government of Japan offer to surrender, that is a fantasy.
Atomic bomb dropped on Japan's Hiroshima 75 years ago still reverberates
Murderous attack on USA's Pearl Harbor 79 years ago still reverberates. As do Japan's unspeakable atrocities against Korea and China. I hope they remember it for a long time, not to mention the fact that it saved them from an invasion that would have killed millions more of their own people.
/—-/ I tell the people who say it was a mistake to read The Rape of Nanking.
Atomic bomb dropped on Japan's Hiroshima 75 years ago still reverberates
Murderous attack on USA's Pearl Harbor 79 years ago still reverberates. As do Japan's unspeakable atrocities against Korea and China. I hope they remember it for a long time, not to mention the fact that it saved them from an invasion that would have killed millions more of their own people.
/—-/ I tell the people who say it was a mistake to read The Rape of Nanking.
/——-/ Why??? Seriously, if you read it ...

I know all about it. What does it have to do with truman's decision to use the atom bomb?
/——/ The Japanese would have fought to ghe last person defending Japan, the bombs save millions of lives on both sides.
That’s pure propaganda and you are an idiot for believing it. Stop being an idiot and get informed.
/—-/ You call it propaganda, but you can’t prove it: https://exhibits.lib.pacificu.edu/exhibits/show/world-war-ii-propaganda/japanese-homeland
I’ve proven it multiple times on this board. Now I’m just tired of dealing with idiots like you, who haven’t progressed in their learning past second grade.
As did mike Griffith on his thread,yeah it gets tiresome dealing with them when you list all the books and links out there that document it all just to watch them ignore it not wanting to unlearn what they have learned.
... The Japanese would have fought to ghe last person defending Japan, the bombs save millions of lives on both sides.

That is the soothing story you are expected to swallow and then never think about again.
/—-/ We have film of Japanese civilians committing suicide rather than surrrender to Allied forces.

LOL NOW you deny that on Saipan and Tinian the Japanese civilians committed suicide rather then be captured by the US, at the order of the Japanese Government? God you are truly pathetic. Did you know on Okinawa the Japanese troops killed their own civilians rather then let them be captured?

Did you know Truman mass murdered hundreds of thousands of defenseless women and children, merely to impress the Soviets and the world?
Wrong you lying piece of HUMAN Garbage. You wouldn't know history or facts if they chewed off your face. I keep asking for you to LINK to any actual offer from the ACTUAL Government of Japan to the US to surrender. You can not link to one because they never offered one. I keep pointing out that the fact is after 2 atomic BOMBS and an invasion by the Soviets the GOVERNMENT of Japan REFUSED to surrender and when the Emperor over rode them the Army staged a Coup to stop it. I have provided facts that the feelers to the Soviets were in fact an offer to ALLY with the Soviets AGAINST the US if the Soviets CONVINCED the allies to accept a cease fire NOT a surrender. What do you have? Not a single link not a single provable fact.
The grunt and his limp wrested “I got a link.” I’ve given you numerous links, but your low IQ prevents you from reading and comprehending.

What Dirty Harry did was very much like what Hitler and Stalin did.

You’re blinded by ignorance and what you think is patriotism, and unable to see the truth.
Exactly,you nailed it word for word,that’s what I said over a hundred times in mike griffiths thread that Truman was no differerent than Stalin and Hitler,for someone to keep ignoring facts how he could have avoided mass murdering millions of women and children easily and say he is different than hitler and Stalin is just plain asinine and being retarded.
Again after the second BOMB and an invasion they still voted NOT to surrender.
That was because they weren't ready yet, but were already negotiating surrender via Russia. 4 Army members? Wha? As I understand it, it was the Navy minister who may have been the lone military member on the council to be against not surrendering.

Again, point being, an extra delay may have rendered the second bomb unnecessary.
You are wrong and the Japanese were trying to make an alliance with the Soviets AGAINST the US. They were not trying to surrender.
Would be nice if these history revisionists would actually give us some credit instead of the enemy.
History revionists are the government who wrote their version of events they wanted you to hear instead of telling the facts of what really happened.,got news for you,our government lied about EVERYTHING in our history classes in our corrupt school system,a fact many here obviously are clueless on.lol
Again after the second BOMB and an invasion they still voted NOT to surrender.
That was because they weren't ready yet, but were already negotiating surrender via Russia. 4 Army members? Wha? As I understand it, it was the Navy minister who may have been the lone military member on the council to be against not surrendering.

Again, point being, an extra delay may have rendered the second bomb unnecessary.
You are wrong and the Japanese were trying to make an alliance with the Soviets AGAINST the US. They were not trying to surrender.
Would be nice if these history revisionists would actually give us some credit instead of the enemy.
History revionists are the government who wrote their version of events they wanted you to hear instead of telling the facts of what really happened.,got news for you,our government lied about EVERYTHING in our history classes in our corrupt school system,a fact many here obviously are clueless on.lol


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