78 million millennial's hate unions

Speaking of unions read that they lost another vote in Houston yesterday and at The SC Boeing plant, The unions vote may be postpone that was scheduled for April 22 for 6 months, to much opposition to them at the plant.

On a side note in most debates on political forums boards over the past 10 years the pro union vote always brings out we are faux news sheep

So do 78 million kids now watch fox? Great news they get The real facts of unions today :)
Damn the police unions!!!

Police, like all public employees, should not be permitted to unionize.
Say it ain't so..
They don't want to pay union dues?
They don't want to fund bloated unfunded pensions?

Mostly what it has to do with is the ability to use brown-nosing and fraternizaation to get ahead in their careers. That doesn't work in a Union enviroenment. It can in a non-Union environment.

I dealt with this back between 2007-09 when we were Unionizing the Engineering/Design Department at the utility company I work for. The anti-Union individuals were all younger individuals who felt that they could "get ahead" in a non-Union environment by being buddies with the boss and kissing ass, even though they had no idea how to really do the work. One went so far as to tell me that he knew he could get ahead by doing 10 hours of unpaid OT each week. I told him that the 10 hours each week he spent fellating his boss didn't count as OT. To an individual, those people didn't want an environment where work would be distributed evenly and where time in grade was more important than being best friends with the boss.

Translation: you are terrified that you might have to compete with someone that has a WORK ETHIC, and therefore can no longer sleep on the clock..
Say it ain't so..
They don't want to pay union dues?
They don't want to fund bloated unfunded pensions?

Mostly what it has to do with is the ability to use brown-nosing and fraternizaation to get ahead in their careers. That doesn't work in a Union enviroenment. It can in a non-Union environment.

I dealt with this back between 2007-09 when we were Unionizing the Engineering/Design Department at the utility company I work for. The anti-Union individuals were all younger individuals who felt that they could "get ahead" in a non-Union environment by being buddies with the boss and kissing ass, even though they had no idea how to really do the work. One went so far as to tell me that he knew he could get ahead by doing 10 hours of unpaid OT each week. I told him that the 10 hours each week he spent fellating his boss didn't count as OT. To an individual, those people didn't want an environment where work would be distributed evenly and where time in grade was more important than being best friends with the boss.

Translation: you are terrified that you might have to compete with someone that has a WORK ETHIC, and therefore can no longer sleep on the clock..
Try that shit on a union bricklaying crew on a commercial job...
Translation: you are terrified that you might have to compete with someone that has a WORK ETHIC, and therefore can no longer sleep on the clock..

I don't sleep on the clock. The Company gets 40 hours worth of work from me every week. What they will not get is 40 hours and 1 minute of work from me..... because that is not what they're paying me for.

ANY individual, Union, Management or Self-Employed that does even the slightest bit more work than they are being compensated for is an idiot.

I get paid for my work and my time. I don't give it away for free. Not to my employer, not to my friends, not even to my family.
The dude with the most seniority gets his pick of spots, I expect? The unofficial motto being: "Don't kill the job!"

The dude who has put in the most time gets to use that experience to ensure less senior employees are properly trained under their guidance.

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