79% of Omicron cases are fully vaccinated.


Take your 4th and 5th shot and drop dead like the vermin you’re
I've had the first two and the booster.

No ill effects and no covid.

YOU need to go sniffing in the covid ward and YOU need to leave this world. It'll be be better without you.
I've had the first two and the booster.

No ill effects and no covid.

YOU need to go sniffing in the covid ward and YOU need to leave this world. It'll be be better without you.
Dr Lesh. Why do the hardest hit areas have the strictest measures. Thank You Dr Lesh
I already had the booster ya covidiot
Excellent, your clock is ticking down to zero, remember America, the only good democrats submit to covid boosters and wear their little masks..... o_O Oh my, what have we here,

Excellent, your clock is ticking down to zero, remember America, the only good democrats submit to covid boosters and wear their little masks..... o_O Oh my, what have we here,

If you ain't vaccinated I'd say YOUR clock is ticking.

See ya
If you ain't vaccinated I'd say YOUR clock is ticking.

See ya
You're in for a woeful wake up call sweetie-pie, the odds are good you're dead by summer, won't that be sad, I'm sure someone will be sad, but they'll get over it.... 40-90 days following third jab and that jab's effacy turns negative, you have a three times greater risk of infection then I do and I have never been, nor ever will be, stupid enough to submit to a jab, further real data in real scientific study, reveals that if you develop an infection, and you will, that if it is a particularly virulent dose which requires hospitalization, your mortality rate sprouts upward to 6.3%, which is a huge increase over the risk I face as an unjabbed high IQ, yes the unjabbed mortality rate just continues on at 0.03-0.05%!

Mask up sweetie-pie, you now really need that mask....

You're in for a woeful wake up call sweetie-pie, the odds are good you're dead by summer, won't that be sad, I'm sure someone will be sad, but they'll get over it.... 40-90 days following third jab and that jab's effacy turns negative, you have a three times greater risk of infection then I do and I have never been, nor ever will be, stupid enough to submit to a jab, further real data in real scientific study, reveals that if you develop an infection, and you will, that if it is a particularly virulent dose which requires hospitalization, your mortality rate sprouts upward to 6.3%, which is a huge increase over the risk I face as an unjabbed high IQ, yes the unjabbed mortality rate just continues on at 0.03-0.05%!

Mask up sweetie-pie, you now really need that mask....

15% of America has gotten the booster.

You're claiming that there will be 45 million people dropping dead by July?

Dense populations and a lot of unvaxxed...even there
Fauxi juice doesn't work, moonbat.

You're in for a woeful wake up call sweetie-pie, the odds are good you're dead by summer, won't that be sad, I'm sure someone will be sad, but they'll get over it.... 40-90 days following third jab and that jab's effacy turns negative, you have a three times greater risk of infection then I do and I have never been, nor ever will be, stupid enough to submit to a jab, further real data in real scientific study, reveals that if you develop an infection, and you will, that if it is a particularly virulent dose which requires hospitalization, your mortality rate sprouts upward to 6.3%, which is a huge increase over the risk I face as an unjabbed high IQ, yes the unjabbed mortality rate just continues on at 0.03-0.05%!

Mask up sweetie-pie, you now really need that mask....

And since they are all vaxxed...no one got seriously sick
He invented the mRNA treatment, which is the basis for the vax that doesn't work.

Once again, you're too fucking stupid for words.
He did no such thing. 30 years ago he worked as a member of a team on research that EVENTUALLY became mRNA vaccines.

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One should consider...

the vaccinated are almost 100% not dying from Omnicron...
the non-vaccinated....not so much...

Those are the facts and now back to the USMB endorsed mis-information campaign. Shocking the mods let shit like this stay in zone one.
CDC figures.
wheels are falling off the propaganda machine.

Not at all. The vaccinations are working, deaths are much reduced.

200,000 people a day getting the virus and 200 deaths a day. Last year between 150,000 and 250,000 cases a day and 2,500 deaths a day.

If you can't see the vaccine is working... it's because you don't want to see it.
Apparently Hurd immunity can only be reached when Wuhan has run its course, sort of
Like what happened with the Spanish flu.

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