8 common dating lines — decoded


Silver Member
Aug 16, 2008
8 common dating lines — decoded

It’s no secret that the language of love isn’t always the most, well, direct. That’s why so many single people spend hours analyzing emails from dates trying to figure out if “I’m busy at work” is a brush-off, or wondering whether that invitation of “I’ll make dinner for you” indicates a desire to share a whole lot more than a favorite garlic chicken recipe. How can you suss out what someone’s really trying to say? To help you out, we got a bevy of dating experts to decode eight common lines so you’ll spend less time scratching your head and more time communicating.

8 common dating lines
Shadow, that's an interesting article there. Generally my relationships don't reach the point of any of those.

Then again my current pickup line is.... "Hey, have you ever seen anyone with as ugly a face as this one?"
Shadow, that's an interesting article there. Generally my relationships don't reach the point of any of those.

Then again my current pickup line is.... "Hey, have you ever seen anyone with as ugly a face as this one?"
Chicks dig the self depreciating humor, shows confidence.

As far as the article is concerned, my wife did #7 to me. I did #8 to her.

(Sorta sounds like I'm reading from a sex manual! :lol:)
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My favorite pick-up line was, "I've got lots of money." Worked every time.
I think they have # 1 all wrong. See...you made it past #6...the "lets go out for coffee...so I can see if I like you". fake date. I think when they want to rush you through dinner because they can't be out late. That is a just code for "I Have another date later,with a girlfriend I haven't dumped yet...And I'm going to get lucky". :cool:

And how stupid is it that people need a "line" to find out if you are seeing someone else...why is..."so...have you checked out match.com lately" so much better? Kinda dumb to me. :)
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Shadow, that's an interesting article there. Generally my relationships don't reach the point of any of those.

Then again my current pickup line is.... "Hey, have you ever seen anyone with as ugly a face as this one?"

Probably made the girl either feel uncomfortable...or like you were already assuming she was shallow. Some subjects are better eased into...not everyone is comfortable discussing such personal issues right off the bat.
Probably made the girl either feel uncomfortable...or like you were already assuming she was shallow. Some subjects are better eased into...not everyone is comfortable discussing such personal issues right off the bat.

Shadow, my face is unmistakeable. I have a full facial birthmark. It's purple from ear to ear and from the corners of my lips up well over the top of my head.....


There is no way that it ISN'T the first topic of conversation, whether I bring it up or not. At this point in my life I assume that any woman I approach is going to be shallow and turned off by my face. After 25 years of being told that I have a face that even a mother couldn't love, it kind of becomes engrained.
Probably made the girl either feel uncomfortable...or like you were already assuming she was shallow. Some subjects are better eased into...not everyone is comfortable discussing such personal issues right off the bat.

Shadow, my face is unmistakeable. I have a full facial birthmark. It's purple from ear to ear and from the corners of my lips up well over the top of my head.....


There is no way that it ISN'T the first topic of conversation, whether I bring it up or not. At this point in my life I assume that any woman I approach is going to be shallow and turned off by my face. After 25 years of being told that I have a face that even a mother couldn't love, it kind of becomes engrained.

I don't know what the best way to approach the subject would be. But putting the women on the spot with a line like "have you ever seen anyone with a face as ugly as this"? is definately not it...that just puts both parties on the defensive right out of the gate. Where is there to go after that? No place good IMO.
I don't know what the best way to approach the subject would be. But putting the women on the spot with a line like "have you ever seen anyone with a face as ugly as this"? is definately not it...that just puts both parties on the defensive right out of the gate. Where is there to go after that? No place good IMO.

After more than 20 years in the dating pool I've come to the belief that when you look like I do there is no good place to start, because no matter where you start it's going to end the moment she sees the face. Period. Full stop. Hell, I've had women tell me they'd rather date and mate with their DOG than go out with me because of my face. So at this point, on those rare occasions when I do get talked into approaching a woman I'd rather make it short, sweet, and to the point rather than wasting both of our time.
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