8 dead, including gunman, at multiple homes in Missouri

Some of the fire arm instructors I read recommend carrying at home....just for situations like these...at a minimum...I will not answer the door at night without a gun in hand or on my person.......and I don't open my door to any strangers.........and if I go to the front door....I am listening to the back door......that is how criminals roll........

You are one paranoid guy. You need to stop talking to these instructors. They just want all your money.

Not paranoid......would you open your door at 2 a.m. to a stranger......on this show a few years ago a bank manager opened his door at 3 a.m........and was confronted by 3 masked men.....they chased him through his house and captured him...they forced him to open his bank's vault......then the took him to a bridge....duct taped him and a cinder block to a chair and tossed him into a river....he drowned.....

Do you know how they caught the three assholes........when his body decayed, the gases made it float...and it was seen by some guys fishing......they then found a decent finger print on the duct tape they used to tie him to the chair.....one of the jerks had a record.....

so no....I don't answer my door without being armed....too many people find out why they should have been armed....like...say...the people murdered in the story in this post.....for example.......

Yes you are quite paranoid. How many is too many really? Statistically you are quite unlikely to be murdered, especially if you are not involved in criminal activity. Are you involved in criminal activity?

are you a federal, state, or local law enforcement agent.....? Be honest......
Were you a Boy Scout.......? Be honest....

I was. I think that motto really go to me. BE PREPARED!

You can't use a gun unless it's in your hand. You never can tell when you'll run into a need to use a gun. Carry a gun.

I live alone. I wear shorts around the house. Shorts have pockets. I have several guns that fit easily into the pockets. Why not have one at all times?....thereby being prepared for whatever develops.

...and I won't have to "run get a gun".

Call that paranoia if you will. I call it good sense.

How many times have you needed one?
What I'd like to know is how this affects his pathetic life unless he lives in Missouri?

the left just loves dancing on dead people except all those aborted... for some reason that never bothers them. how amazing isn't it?
No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were:
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.
~John Donne

The OP is about violence in America, whether it is white or black or based on any personal agenda or mental illness. Instead of attacking the OP (and essentially deflecting from the main point of the thread) and instead of just taking such violence for granted, you ought to be discussing the prevalence of violence in the good old USA. Does this kind of thing happen elsewhere? Yes, but in much lower numbers in respect to population numbers. America has become a VERY violent country. Why????

America is more violent in only certain parts of the country.....most of the gun violence occurs in small, multi block areas of inner cities, the worst of these cities controlled for decades by democrats and their governing and social policies. they create single female headed households, so that generation after generation children are raising children with no adult role models....so that the passions of children are the main motivator of these poor souls as adults, the only real role models being young adults with no adult moral compass, and gang members and drug dealers. these young single parent families create the violent young men who use violence as the primary means of dealing with problems.

the democrats then destroy the infrastructure of these cities by massive taxation on any and all businesses, and they regulate them with massive red tape, and increase fines and fees and corruption to the point that small businesses cannot succeed, so their legitimate job base disappears, and only large, crony industry, with fewer jobs can survive. there is no legitimate hope of getting a decent paying job....this fueling the gangs and drug dealing as the only means of making money.

The democrats support public sector unions,that donate massive amounts of money to democrat politicians who then use their political position to vote unions massively excessive pay and benefits not in line with the work they do....and this cycle keeps repeating itself until the public coffers are not only empty but filled with unpaid IOUs...again forcing the typical democrat reaction to no money......raise taxes......lather, rinse repeat......over and over again....

the democrats also block any and all true education reform because the teachers unions donate massive amounts of money to them.....and therefore the democrats place Union teacher jobs over educating the children in those schools......which leads to graduation rates of 50% in high school and leads to those actually graduating from these Union controlled schools being uneducated, and unable to read, and unable to get what jobs are still left in the city.....

and these uneducated, ignorant, hopeless young people go on to vote in the 98% range for the very people who have created the situation of hopeless desperation they find themselves in because the media, their teachers, and the entertainers they watch.......blame republicans for all of their problems

and again...these hopeless, desperate young people turn to gangs and drugs to exist.....

then....the democrats, who hate the police, underfund, under staff, and undermine the police....so that they have only enough police to protect the rich, white democrat areas of the cities......leaving the poor, hopeless minorities at the mercy of the violent, angry, hostile young people created by the democrats.....and as long as the police can keep those violent people contained in the small, multi block areas........the democrats don't care what happens....as long as those same hopeless people show up each Election Day to vote political power to the democrats....

that is why we have more violence in the United States......guns are not the issue.......
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Strange how none of the victims were protected by their own guns.

1) you know they had guns

2) they may have broken the cardinal rule about answering the door to a stranger without a gun in your hand

3) and where exactly were the police....with their guns.......you know...the guys who are the only ones you anti gun nuts want to have guns......

4) if they had been carrying guns.....would they have had a better or worse chance of stopping the gun armed attacker?

5) since they were unarmed in the face of an armed attacker........did that help them survive the attack?

Now for the questions that you anti gun nuts never, ever answer....

6) If you could go back in time to just before the attack....would you give those people a gun?

Isn't the gun fetishist's whole argument that they need their precious guns in order to protect themselves because the cops aren't around?

This was in rural Texas, right? The very heart of gun fetishist country. So it is no big stretch to say that there would have been at least one gun in at least one of those 3 locations. And since the killer could only shoot one of them at a time why couldn't any of the others have reached their gun and defended themselves?

The reality is that your bogus myth that "guns protect people" has just been exposed as BS. Even if you had given all of them guns beforehand they would all still be just as dead because none of them were expecting to be killed so they weren't ready.

Guns DON'T protect people. Period.
Because most gun owners don't carry while at home. We don't sit watching TV, each will a hand gun at the ready. We don't expect any family member to come in blasting away his loved ones.

This does not support your argument that guns do not protect people.
Most libtards arguments are hollow.
What I'd like to know is how this affects his pathetic life unless he lives in Missouri?

the left just loves dancing on dead people except all those aborted... for some reason that never bothers them. how amazing isn't it?
No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were:
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.
~John Donne

The OP is about violence in America, whether it is white or black or based on any personal agenda or mental illness. Instead of attacking the OP (and essentially deflecting from the main point of the thread) and instead of just taking such violence for granted, you ought to be discussing the prevalence of violence in the good old USA. Does this kind of thing happen elsewhere? Yes, but in much lower numbers in respect to population numbers. America has become a VERY violent country. Why????

America is more violent in only certain parts of the country.....most of the gun violence occurs in small, multi block areas of inner cities, the worst of these cities controlled for decades by democrats and their governing and social policies. they create single female headed households, so that generation after generation children are raising children with no adult role models....so that the passions of children are the main motivator of these poor souls as adults, the only real role models being young adults with no adult moral compass, and gang members and drug dealers. these young single parent families create the violent young men who use violence as the primary means of dealing with problems.

the democrats then destroy the infrastructure of these cities by massive taxation on any and all businesses, and they regulate them with massive red tape, and increase fines and fees and corruption to the point that small businesses cannot succeed, so their legitimate job base disappears, and only large, crony industry, with fewer jobs can survive. there is no legitimate hope of getting a decent paying job....this fueling the gangs and drug dealing as the only means of making money.

The democrats support public sector unions,that donate massive amounts of money to democrat politicians who then use their political position to vote unions massively excessive pay and benefits not in line with the work they do....and this cycle keeps repeating itself until the public coffers are not only empty but filled with unpaid IOUs...again forcing the typical democrat reaction to no money......raise taxes......lather, rinse repeat......over and over again....

the democrats also block any and all true education reform because the teachers unions donate massive amounts of money to them.....and therefore the democrats place Union teacher jobs over educating the children in those schools......which leads to graduation rates of 50% in high school and leads to those actually graduating from these Union controlled schools being uneducated, and unable to read, and unable to get what jobs are still left in the city.....

and these uneducated, ignorant, hopeless young people go on to vote in the 98% range for the very people who have created the situation of hopeless desperation they find themselves in because the media, their teachers, and the entertainers they watch.......blame republicans for all of their problems

and again...these hopeless, desperate young people turn to gangs and drugs to exist.....

then....the democrats, who hate the police, underfund, under staff, and undermine the police....so that they have only enough police to protect the rich, white democrat areas of the cities......leaving the poor, hopeless minorities at the mercy of the violent, angry, hostile young people created by the democrats.....and as long as the police can keep those violent people contained in the small, multi block areas........the democrats don't care what happens....as long as those same hopeless people show up each Election Day to vote political power to the democrats....

that is why we have more violence in the United States......guns are not the issue.......

I am always amazed when someone thinks one party is so different from the other. Look at history, they are both pretty much the same....
What I'd like to know is how this affects his pathetic life unless he lives in Missouri?

the left just loves dancing on dead people except all those aborted... for some reason that never bothers them. how amazing isn't it?
No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were:
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.
~John Donne

The OP is about violence in America, whether it is white or black or based on any personal agenda or mental illness. Instead of attacking the OP (and essentially deflecting from the main point of the thread) and instead of just taking such violence for granted, you ought to be discussing the prevalence of violence in the good old USA. Does this kind of thing happen elsewhere? Yes, but in much lower numbers in respect to population numbers. America has become a VERY violent country. Why????

America is more violent in only certain parts of the country.....most of the gun violence occurs in small, multi block areas of inner cities, the worst of these cities controlled for decades by democrats and their governing and social policies. they create single female headed households, so that generation after generation children are raising children with no adult role models....so that the passions of children are the main motivator of these poor souls as adults, the only real role models being young adults with no adult moral compass, and gang members and drug dealers. these young single parent families create the violent young men who use violence as the primary means of dealing with problems.

the democrats then destroy the infrastructure of these cities by massive taxation on any and all businesses, and they regulate them with massive red tape, and increase fines and fees and corruption to the point that small businesses cannot succeed, so their legitimate job base disappears, and only large, crony industry, with fewer jobs can survive. there is no legitimate hope of getting a decent paying job....this fueling the gangs and drug dealing as the only means of making money.

The democrats support public sector unions,that donate massive amounts of money to democrat politicians who then use their political position to vote unions massively excessive pay and benefits not in line with the work they do....and this cycle keeps repeating itself until the public coffers are not only empty but filled with unpaid IOUs...again forcing the typical democrat reaction to no money......raise taxes......lather, rinse repeat......over and over again....

the democrats also block any and all true education reform because the teachers unions donate massive amounts of money to them.....and therefore the democrats place Union teacher jobs over educating the children in those schools......which leads to graduation rates of 50% in high school and leads to those actually graduating from these Union controlled schools being uneducated, and unable to read, and unable to get what jobs are still left in the city.....

and these uneducated, ignorant, hopeless young people go on to vote in the 98% range for the very people who have created the situation of hopeless desperation they find themselves in because the media, their teachers, and the entertainers they watch.......blame republicans for all of their problems

and again...these hopeless, desperate young people turn to gangs and drugs to exist.....

then....the democrats, who hate the police, underfund, under staff, and undermine the police....so that they have only enough police to protect the rich, white democrat areas of the cities......leaving the poor, hopeless minorities at the mercy of the violent, angry, hostile young people created by the democrats.....and as long as the police can keep those violent people contained in the small, multi block areas........the democrats don't care what happens....as long as those same hopeless people show up each Election Day to vote political power to the democrats....

that is why we have more violence in the United States......guns are not the issue.......

I am always amazed when someone thinks one party is so different from the other. Look at history, they are both pretty much the same....

yes...I wrote all of that because I haven't given any thought to the issue.........
What I'd like to know is how this affects his pathetic life unless he lives in Missouri?

the left just loves dancing on dead people except all those aborted... for some reason that never bothers them. how amazing isn't it?
No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were:
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.
~John Donne

The OP is about violence in America, whether it is white or black or based on any personal agenda or mental illness. Instead of attacking the OP (and essentially deflecting from the main point of the thread) and instead of just taking such violence for granted, you ought to be discussing the prevalence of violence in the good old USA. Does this kind of thing happen elsewhere? Yes, but in much lower numbers in respect to population numbers. America has become a VERY violent country. Why????

America is more violent in only certain parts of the country.....most of the gun violence occurs in small, multi block areas of inner cities, the worst of these cities controlled for decades by democrats and their governing and social policies. they create single female headed households, so that generation after generation children are raising children with no adult role models....so that the passions of children are the main motivator of these poor souls as adults, the only real role models being young adults with no adult moral compass, and gang members and drug dealers. these young single parent families create the violent young men who use violence as the primary means of dealing with problems.

the democrats then destroy the infrastructure of these cities by massive taxation on any and all businesses, and they regulate them with massive red tape, and increase fines and fees and corruption to the point that small businesses cannot succeed, so their legitimate job base disappears, and only large, crony industry, with fewer jobs can survive. there is no legitimate hope of getting a decent paying job....this fueling the gangs and drug dealing as the only means of making money.

The democrats support public sector unions,that donate massive amounts of money to democrat politicians who then use their political position to vote unions massively excessive pay and benefits not in line with the work they do....and this cycle keeps repeating itself until the public coffers are not only empty but filled with unpaid IOUs...again forcing the typical democrat reaction to no money......raise taxes......lather, rinse repeat......over and over again....

the democrats also block any and all true education reform because the teachers unions donate massive amounts of money to them.....and therefore the democrats place Union teacher jobs over educating the children in those schools......which leads to graduation rates of 50% in high school and leads to those actually graduating from these Union controlled schools being uneducated, and unable to read, and unable to get what jobs are still left in the city.....

and these uneducated, ignorant, hopeless young people go on to vote in the 98% range for the very people who have created the situation of hopeless desperation they find themselves in because the media, their teachers, and the entertainers they watch.......blame republicans for all of their problems

and again...these hopeless, desperate young people turn to gangs and drugs to exist.....

then....the democrats, who hate the police, underfund, under staff, and undermine the police....so that they have only enough police to protect the rich, white democrat areas of the cities......leaving the poor, hopeless minorities at the mercy of the violent, angry, hostile young people created by the democrats.....and as long as the police can keep those violent people contained in the small, multi block areas........the democrats don't care what happens....as long as those same hopeless people show up each Election Day to vote political power to the democrats....

that is why we have more violence in the United States......guns are not the issue.......

I am always amazed when someone thinks one party is so different from the other. Look at history, they are both pretty much the same....

yes...I wrote all of that because I haven't given any thought to the issue.........

And republicans would do what differently? What great republican city is your example of how things should be?
Here you go brain....the 25 most dangerous cities in the U.S.....tell me how many of thos cities have democrat mayors........then add Chicago, New York and Washington D.C........

Most Dangerous Cities In America - Business Insider

And then watch this video...he lists the most dangerous cities in the U.S.....democrat controlled....that is at the 3:40 mark on the video.....

He even points out that the most dangerous countries in the world are all governed with lefty policies......
Last edited:
Esmeralda, mental illness is not cured by gun control. Vote for Biillary. She'll try to get rid of our guns for you.
Obama was backed by Soros, Clinton is backed by Islam. Ask Clinton why Muslims are backing her play for the White House, and what she promised them in return. Gun control? A weak military?

And while I'm at it, Greenies, Obama doesn't give a shit about your environment. Cap and trade was a lic. to pollute. Shooting down the pipeline is a gift to Obama's 1%er, Warren Buffett, who owns the railroads that ships the oil and gas.
And in case Jeb is looking good to you, Bush's prefer a New World Order that trumps our constitution. They have told us as much, in plain English. We just don't listen........
Removing any possibility for America to fight back is a UN dream , not an American one. The only interest Hillary has is to turn a sovereign nation into a global consortium. Our Constitution is being eroded by globalists, and we are voting for it. Stop voting for it. Leave our rights alone, beginning with the right to protect ourselves.
Another example...New York city...before Republican Rudy Guiliani.....
Here is the list of most dangerous cities in the U.S. 2013.....tell me how many are run by democrats......

Detroit - In Photos Most Dangerous Cities 2013 - Forbes

For another example....Tennessee...a red state....the six largest cities in the state...run by democrats....and 2 of those cities make the top most dangerous..........

Our right to bear arms is not a repub/demo thingy. Stop trying to make it one. It is a Constitutional right. It is an American vs UN thingy. Vote for America, not the global initiative.
Esmeralda, mental illness is not cured by gun control. Vote for Biillary. She'll try to get rid of our guns for you.
Obama was backed by Soros, Clinton is backed by Islam. Ask Clinton why Muslims are backing her play for the White House, and what she promised them in return. Gun control? A weak military?

And while I'm at it, Greenies, Obama doesn't give a shit about your environment. Cap and trade was a lic. to pollute. Shooting down the pipeline is a gift to Obama's 1%er, Warren Buffett, who owns the railroads that ships the oil and gas.
And in case Jeb is looking good to you, Bush's prefer a New World Order that trumps our constitution. They have told us as much, in plain English. We just don't listen........
Removing any possibility for America to fight back is a UN dream , not an American one. The only interest Hillary has is to turn a sovereign nation into a global consortium. Our Constitution is being eroded by globalists, and we are voting for it. Stop voting for it. Leave our rights alone, beginning with the right to protect ourselves.

Muslims are backing Clinton? Link please.
Here is the list of most dangerous cities in the U.S. 2013.....tell me how many are run by democrats......

Detroit - In Photos Most Dangerous Cities 2013 - Forbes

For another example....Tennessee...a red state....the six largest cities in the state...run by democrats....and 2 of those cities make the top most dangerous..........

Our right to bear arms is not a repub/demo thingy. Stop trying to make it one. It is a Constitutional right. It is an American vs UN thingy. Vote for America, not the global initiative.

Democrats as a party are anti gun.....if gun control comes from anywhere it will come from them....ask people trying to by AR-15 ammo.........

the democrats support the U.N. small arms treaty......
Cleveland.........democrat mayors since 2001...before that since 1942.....only 2 republian mayors...the rest...democrats.....
Here you go brain....the 25 most dangerous cities in the U.S.....tell me how many of thos cities have democrat mayors........then add Chicago, New York and Washington D.C........

Most Dangerous Cities In America - Business Insider

And then watch this video...he lists the most dangerous cities in the U.S.....democrat controlled....that is at the 3:40 mark on the video.....

He even points out that the most dangerous countries in the world are all governed with lefty policies......

What is your example of a Republican doing it better?
Cleveland.........democrat mayors since 2001...before that since 1942.....only 2 republian mayors...the rest...democrats.....

I'm aware most cities like Democrats. I'm unaware of any Republicans doing better.
The boy most likely went off his meds. Be interesting to find out what anti depressents he was on
You are one paranoid guy. You need to stop talking to these instructors. They just want all your money.

Not paranoid......would you open your door at 2 a.m. to a stranger......on this show a few years ago a bank manager opened his door at 3 a.m........and was confronted by 3 masked men.....they chased him through his house and captured him...they forced him to open his bank's vault......then the took him to a bridge....duct taped him and a cinder block to a chair and tossed him into a river....he drowned.....

Do you know how they caught the three assholes........when his body decayed, the gases made it float...and it was seen by some guys fishing......they then found a decent finger print on the duct tape they used to tie him to the chair.....one of the jerks had a record.....

so no....I don't answer my door without being armed....too many people find out why they should have been armed....like...say...the people murdered in the story in this post.....for example.......

Yes you are quite paranoid. How many is too many really? Statistically you are quite unlikely to be murdered, especially if you are not involved in criminal activity. Are you involved in criminal activity?

are you a federal, state, or local law enforcement agent.....? Be honest......
Were you a Boy Scout.......? Be honest....

I was. I think that motto really go to me. BE PREPARED!

You can't use a gun unless it's in your hand. You never can tell when you'll run into a need to use a gun. Carry a gun.

I live alone. I wear shorts around the house. Shorts have pockets. I have several guns that fit easily into the pockets. Why not have one at all times?....thereby being prepared for whatever develops.

...and I won't have to "run get a gun".

Call that paranoia if you will. I call it good sense.

How many times have you needed one?
Excluding the times I decided to go to the gun range and the times I have displayed my collection, none.

When a time that I do need one comes along, I'll most likely have one ready. It might not be enough to counter the threat, but I'll have something that I wouldn't have if the Marxist Obama gets his way.

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