8 dead, including gunman, at multiple homes in Missouri

Who is anti-gun? I'm just saying something needs to be done about these white savages that are shooting up 8 - 10 people at a time.
Seems to me they either kill themselves, the police kill them, or they wind up in prison.
What do you suggest we do about them?
Change your white culture so you dont breed more of these killers.
Exactly...the first step is to stop blaming blacks for white failure. Quit giving trophies to white losers for last place. Quit telling white kids that they are somebody...just because the color of their skin. Quit blaming white failure on Affirmative Acton. The list goes on...I guess it is the true conservative mantra...you have no one to lame but yourself. Negro got you down...try harder. Quit listening to country music...stay at home with the family instead of smoking meth and alcohol. Quit spending all of your money at bars.
How, specifically, will white people simply admitting that there are crazy white people, as you suggest, affect the situation in some positive way?
Still waiting for an answer.
Do thugs like you stand on a street corner hoping a little old lady with a fat purse walks by while dealing your crack?
What makes you think I sale crack? I'm not white.
Exactly, crack is a blacks drug. And it is sell you friggin illiterate idiot.
Sorry but crack is a white drug. Whites do and sell more crack and meth than Blacks. Check your stats.
Link or stfu thug.
You do your own work and lets see you make me stfu cave chimp.
The chimp is you thug. I don't need to do the work, crack is a black drug, developed by black thugs.
Who is anti-gun? I'm just saying something needs to be done about these white savages that are shooting up 8 - 10 people at a time.
Seems to me they either kill themselves, the police kill them, or they wind up in prison.
What do you suggest we do about them?
Change your white culture so you dont breed more of these killers.
Your black culture is a bigger problem thug.
You should tell your white children to quit adopting it. So many punk white thugs wearing their hats sideways, pants sagging, listening to that jungle bunny rap music...dating negroes.
Who is anti-gun? I'm just saying something needs to be done about these white savages that are shooting up 8 - 10 people at a time.
Seems to me they either kill themselves, the police kill them, or they wind up in prison.
What do you suggest we do about them?
Change your white culture so you dont breed more of these killers.
Exactly...the first step is to stop blaming blacks for white failure. Quit giving trophies to white losers for last place. Quit telling white kids that they are somebody...just because the color of their skin. Quit blaming white failure on Affirmative Acton. The list goes on...I guess it is the true conservative mantra...you have no one to lame but yourself. Negro got you down...try harder. Quit listening to country music...stay at home with the family instead of smoking meth and alcohol. Quit spending all of your money at bars.
How, specifically, will white people simply admitting that there are crazy white people, as you suggest, affect the situation in some positive way?
Still waiting for an answer.
Thats just another excuse. Everytime whites commit these crimes you guys claim its because they are crazy. I'm not buying that all whites are just crazy. its obviously a culture thing. You guys feel embattled and frightened. You guys need to get some white leaders to lead you out of crime, drugs, and mass murder.
What makes you think I sale crack? I'm not white.
Exactly, crack is a blacks drug. And it is sell you friggin illiterate idiot.
Sorry but crack is a white drug. Whites do and sell more crack and meth than Blacks. Check your stats.
Link or stfu thug.
You do your own work and lets see you make me stfu cave chimp.
The chimp is you thug. I don't need to do the work, crack is a black drug, developed by black thugs.
You replied to me cave monkey. If you want the stats you should have asked in a respectful manner. Since you didnt you go find them yourself. I'm not here to convince you. Just letting you know monkey.
Who is anti-gun? I'm just saying something needs to be done about these white savages that are shooting up 8 - 10 people at a time.
Seems to me they either kill themselves, the police kill them, or they wind up in prison.
What do you suggest we do about them?
Change your white culture so you dont breed more of these killers.
Your black culture is a bigger problem thug.
You should tell your white children to quit adopting it. So many punk white thugs wearing their hats sideways, pants sagging, listening to that jungle bunny rap music...dating negroes.
I would love to stop white kids from adopting that lowlife style.
Who is anti-gun? I'm just saying something needs to be done about these white savages that are shooting up 8 - 10 people at a time.
Seems to me they either kill themselves, the police kill them, or they wind up in prison.
What do you suggest we do about them?
Change your white culture so you dont breed more of these killers.
Exactly...the first step is to stop blaming blacks for white failure. Quit giving trophies to white losers for last place. Quit telling white kids that they are somebody...just because the color of their skin. Quit blaming white failure on Affirmative Acton. The list goes on...I guess it is the true conservative mantra...you have no one to lame but yourself. Negro got you down...try harder. Quit listening to country music...stay at home with the family instead of smoking meth and alcohol. Quit spending all of your money at bars.
How, specifically, will white people simply admitting that there are crazy white people, as you suggest, affect the situation in some positive way?
Still waiting for an answer.
Just like alcoholics anonymous...the first step to fixing your problem is admitting that you have a problem. It is not my fault you don't recognize that. Your ilk just likes to blame everyone else instead of addressing your problems head on.
Who is anti-gun? I'm just saying something needs to be done about these white savages that are shooting up 8 - 10 people at a time.
Seems to me they either kill themselves, the police kill them, or they wind up in prison.
What do you suggest we do about them?
Change your white culture so you dont breed more of these killers.
Your black culture is a bigger problem thug.
You should tell your white children to quit adopting it. So many punk white thugs wearing their hats sideways, pants sagging, listening to that jungle bunny rap music...dating negroes.
I would love to stop white kids from adopting that lowlife style.
Stop whining and do something. Whats wrong with your white parents? Your culture is circling the drain and taking America down with it.
Exactly, crack is a blacks drug. And it is sell you friggin illiterate idiot.
Sorry but crack is a white drug. Whites do and sell more crack and meth than Blacks. Check your stats.
Link or stfu thug.
You do your own work and lets see you make me stfu cave chimp.
The chimp is you thug. I don't need to do the work, crack is a black drug, developed by black thugs.
You replied to me cave monkey. If you want the stats you should have asked in a respectful manner. Since you didnt you go find them yourself. I'm not here to convince you. Just letting you know monkey.
Why would anybody respect a thug?
Seems to me they either kill themselves, the police kill them, or they wind up in prison.
What do you suggest we do about them?
Change your white culture so you dont breed more of these killers.
Your black culture is a bigger problem thug.
You should tell your white children to quit adopting it. So many punk white thugs wearing their hats sideways, pants sagging, listening to that jungle bunny rap music...dating negroes.
I would love to stop white kids from adopting that lowlife style.
Stop whining and do something. Whats wrong with your white parents? Your culture is circling the drain and taking America down with it.
That would be the black culture doing it for years.
Sorry but crack is a white drug. Whites do and sell more crack and meth than Blacks. Check your stats.
Link or stfu thug.
You do your own work and lets see you make me stfu cave chimp.
The chimp is you thug. I don't need to do the work, crack is a black drug, developed by black thugs.
You replied to me cave monkey. If you want the stats you should have asked in a respectful manner. Since you didnt you go find them yourself. I'm not here to convince you. Just letting you know monkey.
Why would anybody respect a thug?
Because they could kick your ass for one.
Who is anti-gun? I'm just saying something needs to be done about these white savages that are shooting up 8 - 10 people at a time.
Seems to me they either kill themselves, the police kill them, or they wind up in prison.
What do you suggest we do about them?
Change your white culture so you dont breed more of these killers.
Your black culture is a bigger problem thug.
You should tell your white children to quit adopting it. So many punk white thugs wearing their hats sideways, pants sagging, listening to that jungle bunny rap music...dating negroes.
I would love to stop white kids from adopting that lowlife style.
Whites have been assimilating to black culture since the end of jim crow.
Change your white culture so you dont breed more of these killers.
Your black culture is a bigger problem thug.
You should tell your white children to quit adopting it. So many punk white thugs wearing their hats sideways, pants sagging, listening to that jungle bunny rap music...dating negroes.
I would love to stop white kids from adopting that lowlife style.
Stop whining and do something. Whats wrong with your white parents? Your culture is circling the drain and taking America down with it.
That would be the black culture doing it for years.
Black culture is doing fine. For example I was an engineer now I have my own businesses. Thank you Black culture.
criminals may not have committed any crime during the defense.

Brain...brain....if they have a criminal record...they can't touch a gun, just touching the gun is a crime for a criminal...for any reason.....or they go to jail...even if they are using it for an actual defense....the criminal attacking them is arrested, and they are arrested....I have read the stories......

Unlawful gun possession is a crime also. So those people are admitting to a crime on the survey. Also many criminals aren't yet felons. A drug dealer who has not yet been convicted of anything is not a felon and I'm sure will defend his drugs with a gun.

Also I don't believe they get the persons name when surveying. So nobody can really get in trouble...

Also I don't believe they get the persons name when surveying. So nobody can really get in trouble...

Brain...if you are a criminal, you know the unknown person on the phone asking you if you used a gun for self defense...knows your phone number........and if it happens to be the police...or your parole officer.....in disguise as a survey taker....you will have just admitted to using a gun.......
Link or stfu thug.
You do your own work and lets see you make me stfu cave chimp.
The chimp is you thug. I don't need to do the work, crack is a black drug, developed by black thugs.
You replied to me cave monkey. If you want the stats you should have asked in a respectful manner. Since you didnt you go find them yourself. I'm not here to convince you. Just letting you know monkey.
Why would anybody respect a thug?
Because they could kick your ass for one.
Really doubt that.
Seems to me they either kill themselves, the police kill them, or they wind up in prison.
What do you suggest we do about them?
Change your white culture so you dont breed more of these killers.
Your black culture is a bigger problem thug.
You should tell your white children to quit adopting it. So many punk white thugs wearing their hats sideways, pants sagging, listening to that jungle bunny rap music...dating negroes.
I would love to stop white kids from adopting that lowlife style.
Whites have been assimilating to black culture since the end of jim crow.
Even before that. Lacking any real culture they copied pretty much everything not understanding and misinterpreting. They always take it too far and mess it up. Hence you have the situation we have today.
You do your own work and lets see you make me stfu cave chimp.
The chimp is you thug. I don't need to do the work, crack is a black drug, developed by black thugs.
You replied to me cave monkey. If you want the stats you should have asked in a respectful manner. Since you didnt you go find them yourself. I'm not here to convince you. Just letting you know monkey.
Why would anybody respect a thug?
Because they could kick your ass for one.
Really doubt that.
Sure you do.
Who is anti-gun? I'm just saying something needs to be done about these white savages that are shooting up 8 - 10 people at a time.
Seems to me they either kill themselves, the police kill them, or they wind up in prison.
What do you suggest we do about them?
Change your white culture so you dont breed more of these killers.
Exactly...the first step is to stop blaming blacks for white failure. Quit giving trophies to white losers for last place. Quit telling white kids that they are somebody...just because the color of their skin. Quit blaming white failure on Affirmative Acton. The list goes on...I guess it is the true conservative mantra...you have no one to lame but yourself. Negro got you down...try harder. Quit listening to country music...stay at home with the family instead of smoking meth and alcohol. Quit spending all of your money at bars.
How, specifically, will white people simply admitting that there are crazy white people, as you suggest, affect the situation in some positive way?
Still waiting for an answer.
Just like alcoholics anonymous...the first step to fixing your problem is admitting that you have a problem.
So, lets say everyone in the US understands and admits that there are crazy white people - After all, out of a population of about 225,000,000 people. there have to be some - right?
Now what?
Seems to me they either kill themselves, the police kill them, or they wind up in prison.
What do you suggest we do about them?
Change your white culture so you dont breed more of these killers.
Exactly...the first step is to stop blaming blacks for white failure. Quit giving trophies to white losers for last place. Quit telling white kids that they are somebody...just because the color of their skin. Quit blaming white failure on Affirmative Acton. The list goes on...I guess it is the true conservative mantra...you have no one to lame but yourself. Negro got you down...try harder. Quit listening to country music...stay at home with the family instead of smoking meth and alcohol. Quit spending all of your money at bars.
How, specifically, will white people simply admitting that there are crazy white people, as you suggest, affect the situation in some positive way?
Still waiting for an answer.
Just like alcoholics anonymous...the first step to fixing your problem is admitting that you have a problem.
So, lets say everyone in the US understands and admits that there are crazy white people - After all, out of a population of about 225,000,000 people. there have to be some - right?
Now what?
Your hypothetical will never happen because whites will always deflect by pointing their fingers at minorities. Just look at your compatriots in this very thread.

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