8 dead, including gunman, at multiple homes in Missouri

So a mentally unstable guy, with attachment issues and family issues with his mom, has his mother die, and then, the only balancing force in his life is gone. Pretty easy to figure out what went down.

The mass murder in Missouri may have been sparked by the killer finding his dead mother

Read more: 8 people are dead in Missouri and the police aren t answering questions about what happened - Business Insider

Always an excuse for white crimes ain't it?

Why you gotta be like that? I thought liberals were supposed to have a heart?

When it is minority crime, we seek to understand the circumstance that drove the person to the circumstances they are in. Like, "why did society produce such a person that would commit such a crime?"

I don't understand why you can't just lay don't your partisanship and free your mind for just one minute. Apply the same standards to everyone?

Not making excuses, just searching for reasons. The same as we would do in any crime. Right?
Who is anti-gun? I'm just saying something needs to be done about these white savages that are shooting up 8 - 10 people at a time.
Seems to me they either kill themselves, the police kill them, or they wind up in prison.
What do you suggest we do about them?
Well, it is rare that the cops kill them. When white savages break the law or are violent, cops seem to show an amazing amount of restraint. A white person can point a gun at a LEO...they don't shoot them.
And so... What do -you- suggest we do about them?
Who is anti-gun? I'm just saying something needs to be done about these white savages that are shooting up 8 - 10 people at a time.
Seems to me they either kill themselves, the police kill them, or they wind up in prison.
What do you suggest we do about them?
Well, it is rare that the cops kill them. When white savages break the law or are violent, cops seem to show an amazing amount of restraint. A white person can point a gun at a LEO...they don't shoot them.
And so... What do -you- suggest we do about them?
Addressing it is an issue is first and foremost. As long as whites excuse white violence and drug addiction by pointing their fingers at blacks, the problem will continue. Or, here is an idea...how about addressing the rise in crime, violence and drug addiction absent the racial bullshit and excuses.
Who is anti-gun? I'm just saying something needs to be done about these white savages that are shooting up 8 - 10 people at a time.
Seems to me they either kill themselves, the police kill them, or they wind up in prison.
What do you suggest we do about them?
Well, it is rare that the cops kill them. When white savages break the law or are violent, cops seem to show an amazing amount of restraint. A white person can point a gun at a LEO...they don't shoot them.
And so... What do -you- suggest we do about them?
Addressing it is an issue is first and foremost.
By doing what, specifically?
Who is anti-gun? I'm just saying something needs to be done about these white savages that are shooting up 8 - 10 people at a time.
Seems to me they either kill themselves, the police kill them, or they wind up in prison.
What do you suggest we do about them?
Well, it is rare that the cops kill them. When white savages break the law or are violent, cops seem to show an amazing amount of restraint. A white person can point a gun at a LEO...they don't shoot them.
And so... What do -you- suggest we do about them?
Addressing it is an issue is first and foremost.
By doing what, specifically?
Apparently nothing if all you can do is ask the same question over and over without acknowledging the issue.
Seems to me they either kill themselves, the police kill them, or they wind up in prison.
What do you suggest we do about them?
Well, it is rare that the cops kill them. When white savages break the law or are violent, cops seem to show an amazing amount of restraint. A white person can point a gun at a LEO...they don't shoot them.
And so... What do -you- suggest we do about them?
Addressing it is an issue is first and foremost.
By doing what, specifically?
Apparently nothing if all you can do is ask the same question over and over without acknowledging the issue.
Hardly. You speak in generalities; i was specifics.
Or do you think that white people simply admitting that there are crazy white people will affect the situation in some positive way?
If so, how?
Well, it is rare that the cops kill them. When white savages break the law or are violent, cops seem to show an amazing amount of restraint. A white person can point a gun at a LEO...they don't shoot them.
And so... What do -you- suggest we do about them?
Addressing it is an issue is first and foremost.
By doing what, specifically?
Apparently nothing if all you can do is ask the same question over and over without acknowledging the issue.
Hardly. You speak in generalities; i was specifics.
Or do you think that white people simply admitting that there are crazy white people will affect the situation in some positive way?
If so, how?
I see, all you want to do is excuse white behavior and blame all of the ills of the world on blacks. Of course, the answer could always be to make sure EVERYONE has a gun so when a white savage goes on a shooting spree...we can shoot back. Perhaps stop and frisk all white people, make sure they don't have a gun???? (As many of your ilk support for blacks). Perhaps justify pulling people over because they are driving while white...or walking while white...I mean a white person walking, they must be a threat if they can't afford a car. Perhaps more cops in trailer parks. Or perhaps counseling services and drug testing for all of the white welfare recipients.

Treat whites the same way they treat n!ggers...that should solve the problem, right?
criminals may not have committed any crime during the defense.

Brain...brain....if they have a criminal record...they can't touch a gun, just touching the gun is a crime for a criminal...for any reason.....or they go to jail...even if they are using it for an actual defense....the criminal attacking them is arrested, and they are arrested....I have read the stories......

Unlawful gun possession is a crime also. So those people are admitting to a crime on the survey. Also many criminals aren't yet felons. A drug dealer who has not yet been convicted of anything is not a felon and I'm sure will defend his drugs with a gun.

Also I don't believe they get the persons name when surveying. So nobody can really get in trouble...
I see, all you want to do is excuse white behavior and blame all of the ills of the world on blacks.
Nothing in what I said supports this charcterization, and you know it.
I asked you how 'raising awareness', as you suggest, will positively affect the situation you describe - do you have a specific answer or not?
How, specifically, will white people simply admitting that there are crazy white people will affect the situation in some positive way?
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Well.........irrational anti gun nuts just want police to have guns......that worked here didn't it? hmmmm...where were the police as he was murdering all these people?

But...it sounds like the anti gunners got their wish.....it seems as if no law abiding, innocent person who was murdered had a gun to stop it....yay gun grabbers...you got your wish for no guns......congratulations........

doubly good for you guys....you have plenty of bodies to drag in front of the cameras......wear old shoes, the blood you have to wade through to get your propaganda shots will ruin your shoes.....

Sadly for you guys.....your best tool for pushing your anti gun phobia....dead kids....didn't't happen here.......but the story is still developing...you may get your wish as the story develops.....
Do gun nuts just sit around with their guns by their sides hoping someone attacks them? How do you take a piss or cook?
Do thugs like you stand on a street corner hoping a little old lady with a fat purse walks by while dealing your crack?
What makes you think I sale crack? I'm not white.

I have to hand it to you guno, you are one grade A professional Troll. One sentence, one link, that is all, and you have spurred on 19 pages of hate and division. You haven't even suggested that the nation pass any gun laws that would curtail these incidents, or even a Constitutional Amendment. Just coming round here to Troll things up.

Have you even posted anything constructive AT ALL?
Well.........irrational anti gun nuts just want police to have guns......that worked here didn't it? hmmmm...where were the police as he was murdering all these people?

But...it sounds like the anti gunners got their wish.....it seems as if no law abiding, innocent person who was murdered had a gun to stop it....yay gun grabbers...you got your wish for no guns......congratulations........

doubly good for you guys....you have plenty of bodies to drag in front of the cameras......wear old shoes, the blood you have to wade through to get your propaganda shots will ruin your shoes.....

Sadly for you guys.....your best tool for pushing your anti gun phobia....dead kids....didn't't happen here.......but the story is still developing...you may get your wish as the story develops.....
Do gun nuts just sit around with their guns by their sides hoping someone attacks them? How do you take a piss or cook?
Do thugs like you stand on a street corner hoping a little old lady with a fat purse walks by while dealing your crack?
What makes you think I sale crack? I'm not white.
Exactly, crack is a blacks drug. And it is sell you friggin illiterate idiot.
Well.........irrational anti gun nuts just want police to have guns......that worked here didn't it? hmmmm...where were the police as he was murdering all these people?

But...it sounds like the anti gunners got their wish.....it seems as if no law abiding, innocent person who was murdered had a gun to stop it....yay gun grabbers...you got your wish for no guns......congratulations........

doubly good for you guys....you have plenty of bodies to drag in front of the cameras......wear old shoes, the blood you have to wade through to get your propaganda shots will ruin your shoes.....

Sadly for you guys.....your best tool for pushing your anti gun phobia....dead kids....didn't't happen here.......but the story is still developing...you may get your wish as the story develops.....
Do gun nuts just sit around with their guns by their sides hoping someone attacks them? How do you take a piss or cook?
Do thugs like you stand on a street corner hoping a little old lady with a fat purse walks by while dealing your crack?
What makes you think I sale crack? I'm not white.
Exactly, crack is a blacks drug. And it is sell you friggin illiterate idiot.
Sorry but that may have been true 10 years ago but now whites are the crack hoes. Whites do and sell more crack and meth than Blacks. Check your stats.
Well.........irrational anti gun nuts just want police to have guns......that worked here didn't it? hmmmm...where were the police as he was murdering all these people?

But...it sounds like the anti gunners got their wish.....it seems as if no law abiding, innocent person who was murdered had a gun to stop it....yay gun grabbers...you got your wish for no guns......congratulations........

doubly good for you guys....you have plenty of bodies to drag in front of the cameras......wear old shoes, the blood you have to wade through to get your propaganda shots will ruin your shoes.....

Sadly for you guys.....your best tool for pushing your anti gun phobia....dead kids....didn't't happen here.......but the story is still developing...you may get your wish as the story develops.....
Do gun nuts just sit around with their guns by their sides hoping someone attacks them? How do you take a piss or cook?
Do thugs like you stand on a street corner hoping a little old lady with a fat purse walks by while dealing your crack?
What makes you think I sale crack? I'm not white.
Exactly, crack is a blacks drug. And it is sell you friggin illiterate idiot.
Sorry but crack is a white drug. Whites do and sell more crack and meth than Blacks. Check your stats.
Link or stfu thug.
Do gun nuts just sit around with their guns by their sides hoping someone attacks them? How do you take a piss or cook?
Do thugs like you stand on a street corner hoping a little old lady with a fat purse walks by while dealing your crack?
What makes you think I sale crack? I'm not white.
Exactly, crack is a blacks drug. And it is sell you friggin illiterate idiot.
Sorry but crack is a white drug. Whites do and sell more crack and meth than Blacks. Check your stats.
Link or stfu thug.
You do your own work and lets see you make me stfu cave chimp.
Who is anti-gun? I'm just saying something needs to be done about these white savages that are shooting up 8 - 10 people at a time.
Seems to me they either kill themselves, the police kill them, or they wind up in prison.
What do you suggest we do about them?
Change your white culture so you dont breed more of these killers.
Exactly...the first step is to stop blaming blacks for white failure. Quit giving trophies to white losers for last place. Quit telling white kids that they are somebody...just because the color of their skin. Quit blaming white failure on Affirmative Acton. The list goes on...I guess it is the true conservative mantra...you have no one to lame but yourself. Negro got you down...try harder. Quit listening to country music...stay at home with the family instead of smoking meth and alcohol. Quit spending all of your money at bars.

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