8 million baby boomers go hungry amid health and economic challenges


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
In US 8 million baby boomers go hungry amid health and economic challenges Life and style The Guardian
Well it's not like it's something unexpected. Baby boomers deserved it. They turned America into that liberal cesspit we are living in now. It was the greatest country in the world back in 50s and they ruined everything with their dumb hippy movements and sexual liberation. I wish I could go back in time and change everything.
And now they are starving. Good thing.
So 10 year olds ruined the 1950's, how insightful...
In US 8 million baby boomers go hungry amid health and economic challenges Life and style The Guardian
Well it's not like it's something unexpected. Baby boomers deserved it. They turned America into that liberal cesspit we are living in now. It was the greatest country in the world back in 50s and they ruined everything with their dumb hippy movements and sexual liberation. I wish I could go back in time and change everything.
And now they are starving. Good thing.

wow, are you ungrateful. and this is from a Foreign rag. what do they know about us?
8 million baby boomers go hungry amid health and economic challenges

Good, they are the ones who caused all of this shit in the first place. Worst generation EVER.
8 million baby boomers go hungry amid health and economic challenges

Good, they are the ones who caused all of this shit in the first place. Worst generation EVER.
Don't worry, you will have a younger generation to incorrectly evaluate you some day......
On occasion, you can be quite a sage little fucker. :thup:

Oops, almost forgot... :slap:
They don't know shit, they want to, but they haven't been there yet....It just as bad as the old folks that talk about how stupid kids are..I heard it then, and I hear it now, it's all nonsense...
OBAMAS FAULT. what a hell of a President eh?
Well, it's not an Obama's fault but he definitely didn't anything to improve things. We are going right to the hell with his help. I bet the next presidents will be even worse than Obama. A one legged transgender asian would be a good one.
Obama's fault. he was supposed to have SAVED us all and the whole WORLD by now. WTF ?????????
Something to think about this holiday season...

New York City Faces Epidemic of Working Hungry
December 18, 2015 — It's Christmastime at the South Bronx apartment of Jose and Oleyda Gutierrez. While their spirits are high, their food budget is low. The household's sole income producer, Jose works at a restaurant for minimum wage plus minimal tips.
"The money we make is not enough,” he says. “We cannot afford to buy enough food because at the end of the month, sometimes even at the end of the week, Thursday or Friday, the refrigerator is almost empty or sometimes completely empty. We cannot afford to have meat or different things. We have basic things like beans, rice, milk, eggs. We want to have something else like a little treat. It is not possible." The federal nutritional "food stamp" assistance program, or SNAP, helps the Gutierrez family with some basics. A report released earlier this month by the White House Council of Economic Advisers showed that the program is highly effective in reducing food insecurity.


A meal is served in a New York City soup kitchen.​

However, more than 48 million people in the United States live in food-insecure households, including more than 15 million children, according to the advocacy group World Hunger.Org. In New York City alone, 1.5 million residents cannot adequately feed themselves and their families, reports show. And, with the potential for significant cuts looming in the federal budget, some fear a nutritious diet may be a thing of the past for more and more of the country’s working poor.

Working ‘not enough’

"Even though they are working, they still need food stamps because it's not enough,” says Philomena Acebedo, coordinator for the New York City Coalition Against Hunger. “Whatever they earn, they have to pay their rent, and, whatever they have left, it's not enough to put on their table." In West Harlem, the poor and the hungry line up outside the Food Bank for New York City's community kitchen and food pantry.


Clients wait in line to shop for food at the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry in Indianapolis, Indiana​

"We serve families,” says Margarette Purvis, president and CEO of the food bank. “And to be in the city, most of those families are going to have to work, and they do. They work every day. They work hard for their living. Unfortunately, they don't make enough to actually cover the rent and the food and the child care expenses." Across the city, Food Bank for New York City distributes 120 free meals every minute. Previous cuts to the federal nutrition program two years ago cost the city 5.3 meals a month. Many of those meals were targeted for working families.

Tough choices ahead

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