8 year old girl climbs Trump wall in 40 seconds

Do you think you could climb Trump's wall?

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Perhaps this string should be renamed?

Only a true idiot would think that girl's climb proved the wall as designed was easily scaled!
Can anyone show me a video of someone climbing that wall without cheating and using the side of the top panel?

What's embarrassing is the list of media outlets that went with that story! Either they didn't watch the video...or they don't have a clue what they were looking at!

They don't have a clue, nor do they care. They are now merely propagandists. Just like bullpoopy here, she can't think for herself, and the rest of the progtards here likewise think a video of people "climbing" while ignoring the obvious cheating going on to climb it, will help their cause. They are idiots.
You really have to be a fucking retard to look at the design of that wall and believe most illegals will easily be able to scale it, making it serve no purpose. How many out of shape people can climb that? People over 40? Sick or injured people? People that aren't fucking prime athletes? I'm very healthy and I am not confident that I could climb the real thing. That bit where there's nothing to fucking grab seems like it would make it a bit of a challenge.

She's climbing up the side of the panel...how does she do THAT when the panels are connected? The answer is SHE CAN'T! This whole narrative is bogus! Whoever the editor was at these media outlets should be ashamed of themselves!
I'm not vouching for this video. I'm saying immigrants, especially the big strong murdering raping kind will not be shimmying up the wall. They'll come prepared. They will dig under, cut through, or go over the wall. They have many methods for doing all three.

You're not vouching for the video because it's obvious that the video is bullshit!
It's not relevant, imo. Funny, but not relevant.

Only relevant to the fact that experienced climbers, adult climbers, could get over the wall despite Trump's moronic claims.

They did not climb the real wall, dumbass!

Special operations troops who are probably the world's experts at scaling walls could not do it. Why should we believe that some amatuer could?
Why do any of you think the immigrants will start their climb from the ground? Because they do not follow that rule, lmao!

They use box trucks, ladders, ropes, all kinds of shit to help them get over.


Which would be easier to cross.

A: An imaginary line separating one country from the other ?

B: A wall, fence, barrier separating one country from the other ?

Think reeeeeeeeeeal hard !
You really have to be a fucking retard to look at the design of that wall and believe most illegals will easily be able to scale it, making it serve no purpose. How many out of shape people can climb that? People over 40? Sick or injured people? People that aren't fucking prime athletes? I'm very healthy and I am not confident that I could climb the real thing. That bit where there's nothing to fucking grab seems like it would make it a bit of a challenge.

Keep in mind, the people you're arguing with, were, hmmmmm, shall we say former short-bus riders.
You really have to be a fucking retard to look at the design of that wall and believe most illegals will easily be able to scale it, making it serve no purpose. How many out of shape people can climb that? People over 40? Sick or injured people? People that aren't fucking prime athletes? I'm very healthy and I am not confident that I could climb the real thing. That bit where there's nothing to fucking grab seems like it would make it a bit of a challenge.
Those people don't go over the wall. Most of those show up and ask for asylum. Either that, or they are smuggled in by coyotes under the wall, through the wall or smuggled in through a legal border crossing.

In addition, those people are not likely to rape and murder Meemaw. Isn't that the crisis? The rapists/murderers?
They are idiots.

The left isn't dumb. I'd say they tend to be less practical. In my opinion the left wing in general is far more empathetic than the right, meaning their emotions play a much larger role in their views and decision making. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's often not a good thing too. Conversely the right being more practical and less emotional is not necessarily a good thing either. It can create selfishness and ruthlessness in my opinion.
Trump claimed his silly wall couldn't be climbed, even by the top mountain climbers. I guess nobody told this 8 year old girl it couldn't be done.

Trump Boasted That His Border Wall Was 'Virtually Impenetrable.' Then an 8-Year-Old Girl Climbed a Replica
View attachment 283807

Did you even watch the video, BULLSHIT? The girl climbs the wall by grasping the side of the top panel. That won't work when sections of the wall are welded together. I watched her think about doing a dyno...totally bailing on that and climbing up the side of the top panel. All of which proves to me that the design is a good one.

I agree the design sucks, but no, the sections aren't welded together. Somebody should mention that to Trump.
Several people have already managed to climb up the wall replica

Do you think the fact that it can't be an impassible barrier means it doesn't serve as a deterrent? Surely a wall would hinder somebody at some point, right? Why not have a conversation about how much of an impact it would actually have rather than act like it would have none at all?

If it can't stop an 8 year old girl, how much impact could it have? One guy got over it in 40 seconds.

Show me the video of the guy who climbed it in 40 seconds, BULLSHIT...I want to see it done WITHOUT cheating and using the edge of the top panel!

I don't have that video, but you might be able to find it online. I'm sure there will be plenty available when the competition starts. Those panels aren't welded to the one next to it, and there are pictures of the installed fence that shows a gap between some of the panels, (I posted some in this thread) so that would be a valid way to climb it.
Not one single mile of new wall has been built. Only replacement wall.

My favorite part of the wall is where it ends at the Pacific Ocean. Walls are more effective when they actually enclose something. A freestanding wall has to end somewhere.

I've personally swam around the end of that wall to Mexico, and back. No problemos.

Why do you lie? You just keep regurgitating the libtard talking points lies.

Where has a new wall been built?

Trump was at a new section of wall being built just last week, dumbass!

Where? I'm aware of a section of replacement fence he visited.

You are such a fucking retard. Even if I showed you and shoved your head between the bars, it would not matter.

If you point out a verifiable location where there is a new wall, I would have no choice but to believe it. You haven't been able to do that so far.
Trump claimed his silly wall couldn't be climbed, even by the top mountain climbers. I guess nobody told this 8 year old girl it couldn't be done.

Trump Boasted That His Border Wall Was 'Virtually Impenetrable.' Then an 8-Year-Old Girl Climbed a Replica
View attachment 283807
So what's the structure above the scaled down wall? There is nothing like that on the real wall.

And why is the fake wall in the shade? The Real Wall is in the Blazing Hot Sun on The Southern Border in a Desert Environment.

The wall does not have anchor points above it for the climbers to cheat like that, and it is twice as high as that, and also is designed to get hot and radiate enough heat that it makes it extremely difficult for any climber to get a hand hold or foothold on.

Chalk this up to just more Leftist Partisan Propaganda.

You keep playing these games thinking we are all stupid, all the while proving your own stupidity.

The section of fence will be used for a competition to see who can climb it the fastest.
The structure is for a safety belay in case some of the competitors fall.
The real fence is the same height in many areas
Whining about it being in the shade is just grabbing at straws,

Trump said it was unclimbable, even by a team of 20 professional climbers.
It's unclimable just as you are undateable.

The Little DemTard Pawn is using your Fake Safety Structure to Scale the wall.

One look at the photo would tell anyone with moronic intelligence that's the case. It's not our fault you fall below that line.

Why did you think you could get this past us?

You fail at all your other lies, so why did you think this one would fly?

Why have you devoted your life to lies at the expense of your soul?

Do you think I'm trying to convince you of anything? It's obvious that facts mean nothing to the right, so there is no need to try convincing you of anything. I'm here to point out your dumb beliefs, and laugh at you. Using facts just happens to be the best way to do that.

As stated over and over, the wall is not going to stop every illegal that tries to sneak into my country. It will make it more difficult to do so.
Barriers will help, but as I mentioned earlier, you fucks will protest ANY action taken to reduce illegal immigration.

And Mexico will pay for it, and the check is in the mail. and I will just put the tip in. Your credibility isn't very high.
Doesn't matter if I can climb it. It was sold as unclimbable. That just isn't the case.
With a rope and grappling hook I could. And I was trained by 5th SFG and fast-roped many a time from a Huey that couldn't put skids down. I'd try it if a cougar was chasing me....otherwise, I'd tunnel under it and take my chances with the sensors.

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