8 year old girl climbs Trump wall in 40 seconds

Do you think you could climb Trump's wall?

  • Total voters
I couldn't, and I'm in pretty good shape.

No way in my current condition but if it's done right with sharpshooters picking them off as they try to get over, none of the assholes are gonna get in. They make too easy of a target if and when they near the top.
And Mexico will pay for it.

You are so fucking bland it's unbelievable.

Did the check come yet?
In answer to your title. That was what the Dems demanded.

A “30-foot concrete wall, 30-foot steel spikes, that's not the smart way, and that's what all the experts on the border tell us,“ said Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) on Sunday’s “This Week“ on ABC in discussing the distinction.
Mexicans must be geniuses. Five million voted without getting caught.

And here they are, employing incredibly advanced technology to defeat Trump's fence:


Breaking: Illegal dies after falling 30 feet off the American side of the border wall.
Yeah, they're as dumb as Trumptards and didn't think to bring a ladder to climb down.


You mean the ladder that broke in half under the weight of that liberal on the 2nd step?
With a rope and grappling hook I could. And I was trained by 5th SFG and fast-roped many a time from a Huey that couldn't put skids down. I'd try it if a cougar was chasing me....otherwise, I'd tunnel under it and take my chances with the sensors.

You don't need a grappling hook since the bottom is open and you can tie off the rope you throw over.
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This topic just proved Mexicans are smarter than Trump supporters. :lol:


"Gosh, no one's smart enough to get over that!"
Doesn't matter if I can climb it. It was sold as unclimbable. That just isn't the case.
No one ever sold it is unclimbable. That is total bullshit as always. The very best prisons are broken out of, the very best walls, scaled. The point is that you are not going to get over it unless you are young, fit, very determined, and make a concerted effort likely with some sort of big ladder or other special gear or help. Or you will try digging under it.

Women and children and older men won't be getting over it. It will take planned, organized effort and hordes of caravans are not going to just waltz in. Meantime, while they are doing all that, they will be spotted by a camera or passing patrol. Personally I don't like the design, I would have gone another way, at least 5 feet taller too, but I realize there is an economy here, and part of that is the trouble Trump has had getting the Congress to give him the funding he needs.

So if the wall is climbable by 1-5% of the attempted illegal invaders, you can lay the blame squarely at the feet of the Democrats, for had they allocated the 20B, Trump could have certainly gone deluxe.
I like the fact that they left slit in the fence so illegals could see America, but can't get in.

Next-level trolling.

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