80 Year Old Nazi Pelosi Dresses in Black for the Democrat Funeral

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
She knows this ain't gonna go well for her dying party

Nancy Pelosi Wears All Black on 'Somber Day' of Impeachment

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God is behind this. He's hardening their hearts so they can't even see reason, so they will be destroyed.
House Democrats have issued more Subpoenas than they have passed laws.

No One Is Above The Law!

  • Well, Unless you are an Illegal Immigrant
  • Well, Unless you are a drug mule crossing The Southern Border
  • Well, Unless you are Hunter Biden serving as a Bribery Mule for dear old dad.
  • Well, Unless you are a Sanctuary City
  • Well, Unless you are releasing a Murderer, Rapist, Pedophile, Drug Dealer who is an Illegal Alien in a Sanctuary City
  • Well, Unless you are The FBI out to Get Trump and want to lie, perjure yourself, manufacture false evidence, and file false affidavits to violate The Civil Rights of Americans
  • Well. Unless you are Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Page, Ohr, Baker, Yates, Rosenstein, Steele, Misfud, Podesta, Clinton, Obma, Rice, Lynch, Holder, Powers, Jarret, Kerry, Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, Wates, Swallwell, and Schummer
  • Well, Unless you are The Unaccountable FISA Court which is completely unconstitutional and suspends the Civil Rights of ALL AMERICANS.
  • Well, Unless you are Adolph Schiffler, Nazi Nadler, and Emperor Nasty Pelosi, and deny Due Process, Refuse to wait on Court Rulings, and need to Rush through a Sham Impeachment so you can lay an illegitimate Impeachment Turd Under The Christmas Trees of 70 Million Americans.
  • Well, Unless you are Bob Mueller wiping Strozk and Page's phones and lying to The IG that text messages on those phones were irretrievably lost.
  • Well, Unless you are Hillary Clinton, running an Illegal Secret Server to communitcate with her friends and pass along classified information for purposes of insider trading and communicating with President Obama who lied about using an alias for such communications, and then Bleach Bit Your Server and Take a Hammer to 17 Devices, to Obstruct Justice, while Your Pakistani Hacker Friends Destroy 40 Hard Drives while they flee the country to also help you Obstruct Justice.
  • Well, Unless you are Joe Biden Extorting Ukraine to fire The Prosecutor investigating your Coke Head Son.
  • Well, Unless you want to murder 60 Million Babies, most of them African Americans
  • Well, unless you want to Impeach Trump, then Impeach Pence, and then install yourself as Emperor Pelosi of a New American Banana Republic.
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That's her costume to help push their 'this is solemn' message, which is designed to deflect criticism that this is politically motivated.

Crappy actors in a Kabuki play.

Fuckers should be wearing bags on their heads like fans of lousy sports teams at this point. would make more sense....
The Russian Cabal is becoming more and more unhinged each and every day now.

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