82% of terror victims are in 5 Muslim countries

It makes you wonder how many more terror victims there are going to be unless there is some kind of Reformation in Islam so that the ones doing the killing don't feel like they are doing their good deeds for Allah.
What you should be wondering about is why John McCain and other US war whores are constantly supporting the terrorists in the Middle East.

"While the mainstream media admonishes John McCain for playing a poker game on his iPhone during the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearings on Syria last Wednesday, (9/13) no one seems to have noticed that the Republican Senator has, for several years, been supporting and mingling with Al Qaeda commanders in the field in blatant violation of international law as well as in breach of US anti-terrorism legislation."

"In April 2011, Senator John McCain described the Al Qaeda affiliated rebels in Libya as follows:

“'I have met with these brave fighters, and they are not Al-Qaeda. To the contrary: They are Libyan patriots who want to liberate their nation. We should help them do it.'” – Senator John McCain in Benghazi, Libya April 22, 2011.

"One of the rebels’ leading figures was Abdel Hakim Belhaj (picture below), a member of the defunct Libyan Islamic Fighting Group LIFG), a terrorist organization on both the UN Security Council and the US State Department lists."

Senator John McCain Foreign Relations Adviser to Al Qaeda Death Squads Libya 360
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It makes you wonder how many more terror victims there are going to be unless there is some kind of Reformation in Islam so that the ones doing the killing don't feel like they are doing their good deeds for Allah.
What you should be wondering about is why John McCain and other US war whores are constantly supporting the terrorists in the Middle East.

"While the mainstream media admonishes John McCain for playing a poker game on his iPhone during the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearings on Syria last Wednesday, (9/13) no one seems to have noticed that the Republican Senator has, for several years, been supporting and mingling with Al Qaeda commanders in the field in blatant violation of international law as well as in breach of US anti-terrorism legislation."

"In April 2011, Senator John McCain described the Al Qaeda affiliated rebels in Libya as follows:

“'I have met with these brave fighters, and they are not Al-Qaeda. To the contrary: They are Libyan patriots who want to liberate their nation. We should help them do it.'” – Senator John McCain in Benghazi, Libya April 22, 2011.

"One of the rebels’ leading figures was Abdel Hakim Belhaj (picture below), a member of the defunct Libyan Islamic Fighting Group LIFG), a terrorist organization on both the UN Security Council and the US State Department lists."

Senator John McCain Foreign Relations Adviser to Al Qaeda Death Squads Libya 360

Oh, please -- Julie Lévesque!!!

Where Gaza George finds all this nonsense is beyond me. I am surprised that he is still living in a country that he hates, unless he likes the perks he gets -- like subsidized housing. One would think that he would give up his citizenship and move to a country which would fit in more with his ideals, such as Venezuela or Cuba where he can enjoy the whore leaders there. Meanwhile, I think the viewers are smart enough to realize that Gaza George has no interest in the tens of thousands his new friends have murdered, not even when they have murdered their own kind.
Meanwhile, I think the viewers are smart enough to realize that Gaza George has no interest in the tens of thousands his new friends have murdered, not even when they have murdered their own kind.
George has no interest in furthering the lies of war whores like John McCain, and Ha$bara $al."
In 2011, McCain was calling on his country to arm the Al Qaeda affiliated rebels in Benghaz

"McCain called on all nations, especially the U.S., to recognize the National Transitional Council in Benghazi.

"He said some of the Gadhafi regime’s frozen assets should be redirected to the rebels and the U.S. should facilitate the delivery of weapons to rebel fighters.

"He clarified that by facilitate he meant not directly arming the rebels, but ensuring that they receive weapons as the U.S. did in the 1980s with the mujahideen battling the Russians in Afghanistan.

"Such a call raises alarm bells in some circles.

"Critics recall that some of those fighters Washington helped arm and train in Afghanistan later joined al-Qaida.

"McCain dismissed questions about who the rebel leaders are, saying their histories are clear and none of them has any record of supporting radical Islam
. (Peter Kenyon, McCain On Libyan Rebels: ‘They Are My Heroes’, NPR, April 22, 2011)

Senator John McCain Foreign Relations Adviser to Al Qaeda Death Squads Libya 360
Meanwhile, I think the viewers are smart enough to realize that Gaza George has no interest in the tens of thousands his new friends have murdered, not even when they have murdered their own kind.
George has no interest in furthering the lies of war whores like John McCain, and Ha$bara $al."
In 2011, McCain was calling on his country to arm the Al Qaeda affiliated rebels in Benghaz

"McCain called on all nations, especially the U.S., to recognize the National Transitional Council in Benghazi.

"He said some of the Gadhafi regime’s frozen assets should be redirected to the rebels and the U.S. should facilitate the delivery of weapons to rebel fighters.

"He clarified that by facilitate he meant not directly arming the rebels, but ensuring that they receive weapons as the U.S. did in the 1980s with the mujahideen battling the Russians in Afghanistan.

"Such a call raises alarm bells in some circles.

"Critics recall that some of those fighters Washington helped arm and train in Afghanistan later joined al-Qaida.

"McCain dismissed questions about who the rebel leaders are, saying their histories are clear and none of them has any record of supporting radical Islam
. (Peter Kenyon, McCain On Libyan Rebels: ‘They Are My Heroes’, NPR, April 22, 2011)

Senator John McCain Foreign Relations Adviser to Al Qaeda Death Squads Libya 360

I can understand why Gaza George had to stay in during the Thanksgiving holidays and is still using the dollar sign to let us know why. He was short of money, and losers like him have to always blame something or other on other entities. Meanwhile, you worry about what you want to, Gaza George, while others worry more about the Muslim radicals roaming this earth and what they are doing to innocent people in Nigeria, Mali, Kenya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the Middle East, etc. I know you are under the impression that none of these radicals would ever slit your throat the way they do other Infidels. Meanwhile, does anyone think that Gaza George is keeping up with what is happening regarding even innocent Muslim people who were killed just the previous week by Gaza George's newfound friends?.
George the Islamist donkey, who's fault is it that Muslims keep slaughtering other Muslims, like a bunch of wild animals?

Denial isn't a river in Egypt. But for some Muslims, it is.

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