85-Year Pro-Life Protester Kicked and Beaten at Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic, San Francisco

Should Pro-Lifers who are attacked be eligible for Hate crimes justice?

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While beating anyone is wrong....what does an 85 year old man have to do with what women decide to do with their own bodies?

does not really matter, he has the right to sit there with a sign and protest.
He does, I just inquire why he thinks he has a say in women and how they control their own bodies....young adults can also protest at a geriatric clinic.....but why?

You don't plan on reproducing, what the fuck do you care? You're a dyke, what business is it of yours what pregnant women do?
San Francisco is occupied territory and now behind the enemy lines. But they still get a steady stream of your and my money.
While beating anyone is wrong....what does an 85 year old man have to do with what women decide to do with their own bodies?

And what was he doing at a Planned Parenthood clinic?

Was he there for treatment?

Was he escorting someone there for treatment?

Did he just stumble into the clinic because he is suffering from dementia?

Protesting, I have no sue with protesting, we are all allowed to participate and should not be physically harmed while protesting.
It's brutal. Do not watch this mauling of an elderly if you are under 18 or have a heart or other health condition.

Communists are violent. They assault and rape as part of the means of intimidation In all honesty, this women is extremely lucky she wasn't raped as part of the leftist attack on her. These are democrats, they are vile people who seek to do the maximum damage to others.

This is no surprise. Look at North Korea and Venezuela, these things happen all the time. democrats here are no different than the Communist there, they employ the use of violence and terror to control the public.
I will not watch, but at least in my state, abusing the elderly is a felony all its own.

I don't believe in the "Hate Crimes" and "Hatespeech" bullshit.

All men are created equal and a crime is a crime. Punish the offender from anywhere in the minimum to maximum punishment for it.

Will your state apply laws to democrats assaulting enemies of party?

Mine won't.
That's why we should have mandatory military service once out of high school.

Are you kidding?
These entitlement minded, hedonistic little shits will no doubt sue every time a drill Sgt tells them to do the PFT's.
The military will be so racked with lawsuits from their lawyers that the Army will spend 90% of it's budget on lawsuits over these shitballs.

All I know is, this madness MUST stop, or this nation will.
Pro-Life Activist Attacked Outside San Francisco Planned Parenthood | National Review

The Abortion Clinic expropriated his sign after his attacker tried to steal it. They refused to give it back to the police, unless I read this wrong, it sure sounds crazy

But it's from the National Review, if you'd like to know what happened to the 85-year-old man. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not getting how a Planned Parenthood group won't turn over potential evidence to the police.
It's brutal. Do not watch this mauling of an elderly if you are under 18 or have a heart or other health condition.

Communists are violent. They assault and rape as part of the means of intimidation In all honesty, this women is extremely lucky she wasn't raped as part of the leftist attack on her. These are democrats, they are vile people who seek to do the maximum damage to others.

This is no surprise. Look at North Korea and Venezuela, these things happen all the time. democrats here are no different than the Communist there, they employ the use of violence and terror to control the public.

These abortionist folks have the Democrat Party on their side, and they would not exist without Dems, as a national yoke to carry the heavy burdens of dead unborn Americans.
These little unborn people have dna from two people and are neither their father nor are they their mother, though they may get similar characteristics from either of them or some like any of four natural grandparents. I feel so sorry for the way they kill them inside their mother's living body.- and also their first sepulcher. :crying: America's people don't have scruples any more. I'm reading estimates between 54,000,000 to 66,000,000 Americans have died because of Roe v. Wade, since then.
That's why we should have mandatory military service once out of high school.

Are you kidding?
These entitlement minded, hedonistic little shits will no doubt sue every time a drill Sgt tells them to do the PFT's.
The military will be so racked with lawsuits from their lawyers that the Army will spend 90% of it's budget on lawsuits over these shitballs.

All I know is, this madness MUST stop, or this nation will.
Well, the elderly man goes there on a regular basis to pray and counsel the young women who are being herded into these kill-America centers. He was doing the best any man could do, BHU. I pray for our little lost ones every night when I retire. God will answer our prayers some day. I'm hardly smart enough to convince people they need to turn away from this kind of a belief system that freedom means you can kill your own babies. It's ruining people, and destroying the next generation.
I will not watch, but at least in my state, abusing the elderly is a felony all its own.

I don't believe in the "Hate Crimes" and "Hatespeech" bullshit.

All men are created equal and a crime is a crime. Punish the offender from anywhere in the minimum to maximum punishment for it.

Will your state apply laws to democrats assaulting enemies of party?

Mine won't.

Hell yes it will, the law is the law here. Just ask them cockroaches that came here from NO, LA after the hurricane and thought they could run their bullshit here. They're still in the prison system with years to go. FL law does not play. Not ary a bit. It gets applied equally mostly, too.

Pam Bondi was chief prosecutor last I checked. White,black, Democrat, Republican, none of that matters if you break the law and get caught here. You're gonna pay!

Ain't ary a bit of them NO cockroaches free here since 2005.

They're probably getting a bad time up the road, too. They're not from here.

Locals don't cotton much to that.
Thank you, Grandpa Murked U. I guess I thought hate crimes were now the rule of law, and if ever there were a hate crime, this was it. However, we've had some very, very good advocates defending just regular laws, no extras, the same justice for all. What was I thinking? You all deserve the truism of the day award, because it would be so nice if justice just ruled in terms of how long rehabilitation from a life of crime to a life of productivity without harming themselves or somebody else was likely.

BTW Thanks, Marion Morrison for being the first one to call that to my attention. I'm indebted to you and all of you who brought that up, because it's true. Equality has to be based on equal laws. Period. There were quite a few others, too. Thanks to all who spoke up, and thanks to those who spoke up in spite of my unthinking manner of treating this crime differently from any other.

It's just that I get so mad when I hear of a young athletic person kicking the hell out of someone who is 85 years old, has white hair, and still rides his bike to get around. What a man. Just like people of his generation, he refused medical care. That's not so good,

Rodney Dangerfield made us laugh when he used to start off his comedy time with "I don't get no respect."

This disrespect for someone 85 years old is numbing. And every week, a man or a woman up in years gets sacked hard.. What's wrong with these people? Oh, wait. They kill babies who can't hurt them back for the convenience of being irresponsible for their habits. If they'd kill an unborn kid, I guess people who are elderly are no contest as well, especially if they disagree with their opinions. :(
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I will not watch, but at least in my state, abusing the elderly is a felony all its own.

I don't believe in the "Hate Crimes" and "Hatespeech" bullshit.

All men are created equal and a crime is a crime. Punish the offender from anywhere in the minimum to maximum punishment for it.

Will your state apply laws to democrats assaulting enemies of party?

Mine won't.

Hell yes it will, the law is the law here. Just ask them cockroaches that came here from NO, LA after the hurricane and thought they could run their bullshit here. They're still in the prison system with years to go. FL law does not play. Not ary a bit. It gets applied equally mostly, too.

Pam Bondi was chief prosecutor last I checked.

In California, the "law" is just a club to beat commoners into submission with. There is no law in this state, only the party.
Nobody should ever be charged with a hate crime because the very concept is stupid
Hate crimes against White people is rampant across the country.

No, it's not.
Oh yes it is. Minorities have a seething rage against White people since we're the privilege race in America. Blacks constantly attack White people. They do it out of hate!
Where do you live? I'm white and live in an incredibly diverse community near DC. All races, nationalities, and religions live here and nobody seems to have a "seething rage" against anyone.
Great government job area!
It-s a great area to live. Lots to do and see.Museums, tneaters, monuments, restaurants of every cuisine, clubs, the whole bit. I only worked for the government once, the National Science Foundation. However, it is ground zero. I'm glad that I held off going to work on 9/11 because I would have been on the road by the Pentagon when the plane hit. My apartment did shake, though, and the explosion was enormous.
Sad, but we have had violence in the anti-abortion/pro-choice debate for a long time.I don't conddone this, but I don't condone bombings, arsons, and shootings, either.
No one supports bombings, arsons and shootings. What a useless point to make. Are you trying to deflect or something?
Thank you, Grandpa Murked U. I guess I thought hate crimes were now the rule of law, and if ever there were a hate crime, this was it. However, we've had some very, very good advocates defending just regular laws, no extras, the same justice for all. What was I thinking? You all deserve the truism of the day award, because it would be so nice if justice just ruled in terms of how long rehabilitation from a life of crime to a life of productivity without harming themselves or somebody else was likely.

BTW Thanks, Marion Morrison for being the first one to call that to my attention. I'm indebted to you and all of you who brought that up, because it's true. Equality has to be based on equal laws. Period. There were quite a few others, too. Thanks to all who spoke up, and thanks to those who spoke up in spite of my unthinking manner of treating this crime differently from any other.

It's just that I get so mad when I hear of a young athletic person kicking the hell out of someone who is 85 years old, has white hair, and still rides his bike to get around. What a man. Just like people of his generation, he refused medical care. That's not so good,

Rodney Dangerfield made us laugh when he used to start off his comedy time with "I don't get no respect."

This disrespect for someone 85 years old is numbing. And every week, a man or a woman up in years gets sacked hard.. What's wrong with these people? Oh, wait. They kill babies who can't hurt them back for the convenience of being irresponsible for their habits. If they'd kill an unborn kid, I guess people who are elderly are no contest as well, especially if they disagree with their opinions. :(

There is an extra law here, called "abusing the elderly". Not sure what kind of felony, but it's a felony.

What that young man did is a 1st-degree felony here. The worst kind, as it should be.

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