86% of companies do not plan to hire in 2014


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Globally, 86% of companies do not plan to hire in 2014

Do not expect to see too many 'Help Wanted' signs in windows next year. While 41 percent of U.S. companies expect an improvement in economic activity in 2014, only 19 percent of them say they expect to hire anyone.

Add to that the recent accusations suggesting a Census Bureau employee faked jobs numbers and the perennial complaint that jobs numbers do not count everyone who is unemployed, and 2014 could still be hard on a lot of hands eager for work.

Who cares ? Obama will take care of you ...:lol::lol::lol:

They should import Chinese people to work ;) This way they could pay a buck a hour!

What's that got to do with anything?

Well, if the only way they're going to hire is if they can pay slave wages. Makes a lot of sense.:eusa_boohoo:

You didn't answer my question.
I will make it simple for you.
Who is "they"?
What level of pay do you consider 'slave wages'? How you can even make that distinction is a mystery. The definition of 'slave' is one who is indentured to serve and is held in bondage and considered chattel.
Care to change your whine?
How bout no phony crises and an infrastructure bill this year, shytteheads...

Infrastructure bill? You mean another one of those "we really have no shovel ready jobs but are telling you there are" bills?
No thanks.
Not unless you are willing to fund them yourself. Go get your checkbook
This is why these corporations CAN afford to hire.

Greed is stopping them.
Or maybe they don't need all need people?

If you own a company and because of improvements in automation you have increased production/profitability without needing new workers, are you thinking you should hire some anyway or else you're just being greedy? You should be CEO and follow this gameplan, see how you do.
Well just continue to put up with it America, don't secede or nothing.

Just go to the FEMA Camps, Obama will take care of you there.

Don't forget to keep voting in Bilderberg candidates and ensure America's demise. After all a 3rd party vote is a wasted vote. Gotta keep the Globalist Agenda going strong.
Boy that analysis was puddle deep.

So if your company had to turn away business that could bring huge profits because you didn't have enough staff to fill the orders you'd just stay the course because of unknowns about Obamacare? Hiring is a simple function of revenue they'd generate versus their costs, and even with some unknowns it can be a clear win for additional hiring.
Boy that analysis was puddle deep.

So if your company had to turn away business that could bring huge profits because you didn't have enough staff to fill the orders you'd just stay the course because of unknowns about Obamacare? Hiring is a simple function of revenue they'd generate versus their costs, and even with some unknowns it can be a clear win for additional hiring.
Given the availability of temps and automation that is rarely true any more.

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