8Hr workday? Weekends? Thank Henry Ford and Capitalism!

Have Lower Wages
Report • By Elise Gould and Will Kimball • April 22, 2015

Briefing Paper #395
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Press release

Introduction and executive summary
Under federal law, no one can be forced to join a union as a condition of employment, and the Supreme Court has made clear that workers cannot be forced to pay dues used for political purposes. So-called right-to-work (RTW) legislation goes one step further and entitles employees to the benefits of a union contract—including the right to have the union take up their grievance if their employer abuses them—without paying any of the cost.

This means that if an employer mistreats a worker who does not pay a union representation fee, the union must prosecute that worker’s grievance just as it would a dues-paying member’s, even if it costs tens of thousands of dollars. Non-dues-paying workers would also receive the higher wages and benefits their dues-paying coworkers enjoy. RTW laws have nothing to do with whether people can be forced to join a union or contribute to a political cause they do not support; that is already illegal.

Can you believe this shit. The ignorant flash who wants to work for less is hiding behind FEDERAL law to screw their fellow workers.

That's right punks. You get union pay and benefits and don't pay for it BECAUSE of the hated federal government.

Welfare for the cheap asses who want to work for less. Use the law to make your fellow workers get you more money. You don't mind that union pay. Just to cheap to pay for it.

This is not 1910,, only losers and slackers need a union in 2016.

Btw 2018 is coming up fast, how is that getting a waiver for the Union caddilac health care plans coming :)

You bite the hand that fed you fucktard. Piece of shit. You know how people say most people are dumb? Yea, you're most people.

The fact is bitch, you can't work for a union company and not be in a union because that union is going to protect your sorry ass and get you raises you don't deserve because you didn't negotiate those wages for yourself. You benefitted from collective bargaining. In fact YOU are probably worth $5 less than you actually make. Thank a fucking union you piece of shit.

The fact is I have never belonged to a shithass union and never will. I have always negotiated my own salary and never have needed an union.

You are wrong about working and having to join the union because that is what right to work is all about.

In the right to work states where they value Liberty you don't have to join an union if you don't want to. Nobody can fire you because of that decision. Liberty like that is a good thing. It is oppression when you don't have the choice. Who wants to be force to join something that they don't want to join or be fired from their job? That is major oppression, isn't it?

The only reason we have anti right to work states is because the filthy ass unions paid off the corrupt politicians to give them government protection. That is a bad thing.

The shitheads are the greedy unions that forces you to join their commie club and forces you to pay them tribute each payday so they can pay off the filthy ass politicians that enable them.

We should all hate the greedy bloated unions and the damage they have done to manufacturing in this country. We should hate their greed and their corruption and their communist mindset.

They are the scum of America and any decent American would say piss on them.

“Right-to-Work” States Still Have Lower Wages

So you put up a funny note whenever you can't answer something right?

If you can't answer don't bother doing anything because I don't need all the extra alerts popping up
You bite the hand that fed you fucktard. Piece of shit. You know how people say most people are dumb? Yea, you're most people.

The fact is bitch, you can't work for a union company and not be in a union because that union is going to protect your sorry ass and get you raises you don't deserve because you didn't negotiate those wages for yourself. You benefitted from collective bargaining. In fact YOU are probably worth $5 less than you actually make. Thank a fucking union you piece of shit.

The fact is I have never belonged to a shithass union and never will. I have always negotiated my own salary and never have needed an union.

You are wrong about working and having to join the union because that is what right to work is all about.

In the right to work states where they value Liberty you don't have to join an union if you don't want to. Nobody can fire you because of that decision. Liberty like that is a good thing. It is oppression when you don't have the choice. Who wants to be force to join something that they don't want to join or be fired from their job? That is major oppression, isn't it?

The only reason we have anti right to work states is because the filthy ass unions paid off the corrupt politicians to give them government protection. That is a bad thing.

The shitheads are the greedy unions that forces you to join their commie club and forces you to pay them tribute each payday so they can pay off the filthy ass politicians that enable them.

We should all hate the greedy bloated unions and the damage they have done to manufacturing in this country. We should hate their greed and their corruption and their communist mindset.

They are the scum of America and any decent American would say piss on them.

“Right-to-Work” States Still Have Lower Wages

So you put up a funny note whenever you can't answer something right?

If you can't answer don't bother doing anything because I don't need all the extra alerts popping up

You have been answered many times. It is funny you continue to embarrass yourself.
The 8 hour day as law did not come from Henry Ford. What nonsense.
And too bad more Corporations today don't follow Henry Ford's idea that he pays his employees enough money so that they can afford to buy his products and raise a family. The Walmart Walton's are nothing like Henry Ford.
Yeah despite the hype that wasnt the reason. The actual reason was he couldn't get people to work on assembly lines because the work was considered demeaning and dehumanizing. SO people preferred to work in the local machine shops.
Another lib belief down the crapper.

The right just can't figure out we need lots of people with money to spend for a strong economy. Too much inequality slows an economy.

Righties suffer from

cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
  1. the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, performs an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas, or values, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.

They bash obama because wages aren't higher but they certainly don't want higher wages, right?

Why wouldn't we want to make more?

More of the same old tired nonsense like we want to breathe polluted air, drink polluted water, eat poisoned food, etc.
Because that's not good for consumers or shareholders remember?

Omg I sense a flip flop coming
And too bad more Corporations today don't follow Henry Ford's idea that he pays his employees enough money so that they can afford to buy his products and raise a family. The Walmart Walton's are nothing like Henry Ford.
Yeah despite the hype that wasnt the reason. The actual reason was he couldn't get people to work on assembly lines because the work was considered demeaning and dehumanizing. SO people preferred to work in the local machine shops.
Another lib belief down the crapper.

The right just can't figure out we need lots of people with money to spend for a strong economy. Too much inequality slows an economy.

Righties suffer from

cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
  1. the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, performs an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas, or values, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.

They bash obama because wages aren't higher but they certainly don't want higher wages, right?

Why wouldn't we want to make more?

More of the same old tired nonsense like we want to breathe polluted air, drink polluted water, eat poisoned food, etc.
Because that's not good for consumers or shareholders remember?

Omg I sense a flip flop coming

Not sure what you mean here Skippy.
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The 8 hour day as law did not come from Henry Ford. What nonsense.
And too bad more Corporations today don't follow Henry Ford's idea that he pays his employees enough money so that they can afford to buy his products and raise a family. The Walmart Walton's are nothing like Henry Ford.
Yeah despite the hype that wasnt the reason. The actual reason was he couldn't get people to work on assembly lines because the work was considered demeaning and dehumanizing. SO people preferred to work in the local machine shops.
Another lib belief down the crapper.
Where do you find this stuff in rightwingafuckapedia?
Its called an education, you ignorant twat.
Yup, labor unions have done nothing for America but eroded jobs and wages, raising them for select union workers but lowering them for everyone else. Capitalism is responsible for the high standard of living here. Socialism is responsible for its reverse. This is indisputable.
Does the 8-hour day and the 40-hour week come from Henry Ford, or labor unions?

LOL- your own citation disagrees with you.

Ford wasn't the first company to offer a 40 hour work week.
Nor did Ford's policy result in most workers in America getting a 40 hour work week.

Capitalism certainly is responsible for much of the innovation in the United States- including the shipping of American jobs overseas.

But it was the action of workers- and the government- to achieve a 40 hour work week for the majority of Americans.
Yup, labor unions have done nothing for America but eroded jobs and wages, raising them for select union workers but lowering them for everyone else. Capitalism is responsible for the high standard of living here. Socialism is responsible for its reverse. This is indisputable.
Does the 8-hour day and the 40-hour week come from Henry Ford, or labor unions?

LOL- your own citation disagrees with you.

Ford wasn't the first company to offer a 40 hour work week.
Nor did Ford's policy result in most workers in America getting a 40 hour work week.

Capitalism certainly is responsible for much of the innovation in the United States- including the shipping of American jobs overseas.

But it was the action of workers- and the government- to achieve a 40 hour work week for the majority of Americans.

There is no law regarding a 40 hour work week other than overtime laws or laws determining full-time status. I think now that is an average of 30; or at least I know it is regarding FT status for the ACA. Shit, I couldn't tell you the last time I worked a strict 40 hour week.
The 8 hour day as law did not come from Henry Ford. What nonsense.
Funny - when it suits your ideology - "PolitiFact" is the gospel. When it doesn't, suddenly the site is unreliable "nonsense".

CEO's don't make legislation into law idiot.
Funny....I've heard you personally bitch about CEO's and Wall Street controlling Congress, the government, and the U.S. Now, suddenly when that doesn't suite the needs of your current argument, it magically disappears.
The 8 hour day as law did not come from Henry Ford. What nonsense.
And too bad more Corporations today don't follow Henry Ford's idea that he pays his employees enough money so that they can afford to buy his products and raise a family. The Walmart Walton's are nothing like Henry Ford.
Yeah despite the hype that wasnt the reason. The actual reason was he couldn't get people to work on assembly lines because the work was considered demeaning and dehumanizing. SO people preferred to work in the local machine shops.
Another lib belief down the crapper.
Where do you find this stuff in rightwingafuckapedia?
Its called an education, you ignorant twat.

Not likely.
Yup, labor unions have done nothing for America but eroded jobs and wages, raising them for select union workers but lowering them for everyone else. Capitalism is responsible for the high standard of living here. Socialism is responsible for its reverse. This is indisputable.
Does the 8-hour day and the 40-hour week come from Henry Ford, or labor unions?

Henry Ford was a great businessman.

But in the US politicians are always looking for power. So they catered to labor Unions and interfered with the employee-employer relation. So it is not CAPITALISM but socialism which prevailed.

The 8 hour day as law did not come from Henry Ford. What nonsense.
Funny - when it suits your ideology - "PolitiFact" is the gospel. When it doesn't, suddenly the site is unreliable "nonsense".

CEO's don't make legislation into law idiot.
Funny....I've heard you personally bitch about CEO's and Wall Street controlling Congress, the government, and the U.S. Now, suddenly when that doesn't suite the needs of your current argument, it magically disappears.

Come back when you know how a bill becomes law.

They are making less. Seems as though those unions are great for wages.

Then how come some many companies go bankrupt having to pay extorted union wages?

How come so many American companies are forced to go elsewhere to get their labor?

Some of them even have to get bailed out by the fucking government.

Greed always works out to be a bad thing and just remember Moon Bat, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

Bloated union wages, higher than the free labor market wages, creates a false unsustainable economy that is always destined for failure. If you don't believe me ask General Motors.

How many big Democrat controlled cities in non right to work states are in serious trouble because of bloated union wages?

Despicable unions create an artificial bloated labor rate, especially when they are protected by a corrupt government whose leaders are in the back pocket of the filthy unions. You know like Obama.

Only an asshole would join an union. Are you an asshole?
Yup, labor unions have done nothing for America but eroded jobs and wages, raising them for select union workers but lowering them for everyone else. Capitalism is responsible for the high standard of living here. Socialism is responsible for its reverse. This is indisputable.
Does the 8-hour day and the 40-hour week come from Henry Ford, or labor unions?

Henry Ford was a great businessman.

But in the US politicians are always looking for power. So they catered to labor Unions and interfered with the employee-employer relation. So it is not CAPITALISM but socialism which prevailed.


Government regulation of business is now socialism? That makes every single person who supports any government regulation of business a socialist?

Including yourself?
You bite the hand that fed you fucktard. Piece of shit. You know how people say most people are dumb? Yea, you're most people.

The fact is bitch, you can't work for a union company and not be in a union because that union is going to protect your sorry ass and get you raises you don't deserve because you didn't negotiate those wages for yourself. You benefitted from collective bargaining. In fact YOU are probably worth $5 less than you actually make. Thank a fucking union you piece of shit.

The fact is I have never belonged to a shithass union and never will. I have always negotiated my own salary and never have needed an union.

You are wrong about working and having to join the union because that is what right to work is all about.

In the right to work states where they value Liberty you don't have to join an union if you don't want to. Nobody can fire you because of that decision. Liberty like that is a good thing. It is oppression when you don't have the choice. Who wants to be force to join something that they don't want to join or be fired from their job? That is major oppression, isn't it?

The only reason we have anti right to work states is because the filthy ass unions paid off the corrupt politicians to give them government protection. That is a bad thing.

The shitheads are the greedy unions that forces you to join their commie club and forces you to pay them tribute each payday so they can pay off the filthy ass politicians that enable them.

We should all hate the greedy bloated unions and the damage they have done to manufacturing in this country. We should hate their greed and their corruption and their communist mindset.

They are the scum of America and any decent American would say piss on them.

Why so angry ? You mad at Union people ?

I don't get cons , working Union folk earn livable wages and that makes them worse than Hitler. Top executives earn multi millions a year and they are national Heros !?

Right to work is just another Union busting ploy .

They are making less. Seems as though those unions are great for wages.

Then how come some many companies go bankrupt having to pay extorted union wages?

How come so many American companies are forced to go elsewhere to get their labor?

Some of them even have to get bailed out by the fucking government.

Greed always works out to be a bad thing and just remember Moon Bat, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

Bloated union wages, higher than the free labor market wages, creates a false unsustainable economy that is always destined for failure. If you don't believe me ask General Motors.

How many big Democrat controlled cities in non right to work states are in serious trouble because of bloated union wages?

Despicable unions create an artificial bloated labor rate, especially when they are protected by a corrupt government whose leaders are in the back pocket of the filthy unions. You know like Obama.

Only an asshole would join an union. Are you an asshole?

You are confused. They are forced while making huge profits? They are forced while the CEO keeps getting raises? They aren't forced, they choose to send jobs away and hurt our economy and country.

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