8Hr workday? Weekends? Thank Henry Ford and Capitalism!

I know, the last 7 years sure have sucked ass.

Make that the last 16 years.

Perhaps... whatever, my situation has remained quite good. Been gainfully employed since college.
I started my first job at 12 years old mowing lawns and delivering the Airfare times .. on base you could get a drivers license at 12 I'm a military brat from there I've always worked for whats ever I wanted ... I own my house, my cars, my motorcycle, the picture I have of the motor cycle on this page I bought when I turned 15 I'm 65 now... I own my boats they too are all completely paid for ... I never had to us any kind of government assistance to live ever .. I am liberals as can be, all my liberals friend have done the same and it seem for some reason people like you seem to have this notion is we all live off government assistance and never worked a day in our lives ... soooooo along with the Hillaruy question that Ive asked you, please tell us why are all the red states in this country the highest in welfare, food stamps, and you guessed it government assistance programs and the blue states not so much ... or are you going to look stupid here too

I already answered your Hillaruy question.

Serious question, have you been drinking?
I don't drink, I don't smoke, never have ... but I can understand your question ....as I said I apologize for going after you, when it should have been the flash ...

and yet you couldn't show us one crooked thing she has done ... now who its the brilliant one (Hint) its not soggy in nola

Who its?

English not your native tongue kid?

ah yes when auto spell kicks in were the dummy, and yet you still seem to keep from telling us what illegal thing Hillary has done ... isn't it funny when they are confronted by their own words now its how old are you??? or their fav., spelling or grammar ... do they evert stop showing us how stupid they are ... so tell us in your own words what crooked thing hillary has down ... we will wait ... instead of making a fool of yourself why don't you just come out an say you don't like her politics and leave it that ... then stop saying lies about her that you can't prover ... man up

What on Earth are you talking about? I never said one thing about Clinton.

OK, I don't like her politics. Happy now kid?

Oh, and it is Hillary, not hillary. And seriously, prover?
my apologies... when I look at the post there were so many in it I mistook you as the poster ... again my apology it should have been directed to Flash

It's cool....
The 8 hour day as law did not come from Henry Ford. What nonsense.
And too bad more Corporations today don't follow Henry Ford's idea that he pays his employees enough money so that they can afford to buy his products and raise a family. The Walmart Walton's are nothing like Henry Ford.
All those factory workers are able to tell their boss to fuck off and walk out and absolutely nothing will happen to them.

Nothing except poverty, maybe homelessness. And of course your kind's favorite: welfare.

Or a better job with more opportunity or perhaps being self employed

No one is forced to stay at any job. No one is told how much they can work, earn, spend save etc

It's all up to you but you people can't handle that freedom can you?

Our economy needs some work. We don't have good capitalism. Companies are colluding to hold wages down. Non competes are legal in some states.

Judge approves $415M settlement in Apple, Google wage case
Don't start with that shit again

Not being actively recruited did not stop any of those idiots from getting better paying jobs

You do know that any one of those people could have picked up a trade magazine, looked in the classifieds and applied for any job at any company don't you? The fact that they weren't actively looking for jobs but rather wanted companies to cold call them with offers is proof that they weren't looking to leve their current jobs to make more money

You are still pro collusion to hold down wages. You still don't understand good capitalism.

You have never proven that any of those people actually made less money because of the no cold calling agreement

The entire settlement was based on opinion
Yup, labor unions have done nothing for America but eroded jobs and wages, raising them for select union workers but lowering them for everyone else. Capitalism is responsible for the high standard of living here. Socialism is responsible for its reverse. This is indisputable.
Does the 8-hour day and the 40-hour week come from Henry Ford, or labor unions?

Yup, labor unions have done nothing for America but eroded jobs and wages, raising them for select union workers but lowering them for everyone else.


View attachment 73598
just a thought up to1968 unions made a climb in the numbers of jobs after that they started declining in jobs and wages ... is that do to the number of states that had passed laws right to work ??? where now unions jobs are about 10% of the jobs in the us, when they were 40% of the jobs before 1968 ... can we say they are running side be side in falling wages and union jobs because of certain laws that were passed ...
And some people like working and making money for themselves and family. Unthinkable to you, huh?
Any worker can stand up to his employer by threatening to quit for a better job. If workers get treated like shit then maybe that's what they are.

You support management being to organize, but not labor.

Conservatives want a permanent underclass of working poor, on the hope that their throw of the dice won't leave them in it.

It must be tough to be so mentally limited that you can't see that you have choices and staying at a shit job is a choice

I'm retired with 2 pensions from 2 40 hr. a week jobs. Idiot.

So what?

BTW how did you like being chained to your jobs? Were there whippings?

My jobs were regulated by the government. Remember? That thing you don't want to be able to control employers.

So you are collecting 2 government pensions?

And why on earth would I know what jobs you held? or why I would even care?

But could you have left any of those jobs any time you wanted?

Of course you could have
Since when does liberty mean not working to succeed?

Liberty has never been defined by an 8 hour work day or two weeks paid vacation.

Liberty is being able to choose to be the guy who only works just enough not to get fired, never leave any sick time unused, never work a holiday or leave a vacation day on the table and lives paycheck to paycheck or to be the guy who puts in the hours, gets the high paying upper echelon jobs or starts a business and employs other people because he chose to work more than 8 hours a day.

We have shit loads of liberty in this country

Nobody working in a factory 12 hours a day 6 days a week just to take care of his family has liberty.

Nice to see you've slipped up and revealed your true vision of how America should be.

Sounds like somebody made some poor choices. Sucks. Deal with it.

I don't have to. I'm not the dinosaur. I have the law and the People on my side.

What? You drinking already?

You people are arguing against the 8 hour day. Like it's 1910 or something. You're the dinosaurs.

We won. Get over it.
I'm not arguing against it at all

I'm saying no one that ever accomplished anything ever worked just 8 hours a day or just 40 hours a week

So those of you who don't want to be successful and only work your 8 hours a day take all your sick time and never improve your skills have nothing to whine about do you?

We need more laws so mr business man doesn't hurt our country. IT, CS, and Finance jobs should not be offshore. We need to tax those out if country services heavily.

No we don't need more laws. We have far too many already and that is the reason why so many of our business are going overseas.

It use to be where foreign businesses would come here but now our businesses are fleeing high taxation and a hostile business environment thaks to our oppressive big bloated Progressive government.

The economic entity in the world that has the most economic freedom and significant economic growth is Hong Kong with very few regulations. That should be our economic model rather than the Democratic Socialist Venezuela model that you Moon Bats crave so much.

We have seen the results of not enough laws. Jobs are flying out. CEOs are making record wages. Inequality is high and our economy is slow.
So you are saying the economy is slow because of CEO pay?

FYI CEO pay has no effect on your pay.

So you are saying the economy is slow because of CEO pay?

FYI CEO pay has no effect on your pay.

If any of these envious greedy little Moon Bats don't like the amount of money that CEO gets then all they have to do is not buy any goods or services from the company that pays the salary. Problem solved.

However, I find quite ironic that these Moon Bats bitch about CEO salaries but don't have a damn thing to say about Crooked Hillary scamming over a hundred million dollars off of that Clinton Foundation money laundering operation.
The 8 hour day as law did not come from Henry Ford. What nonsense.
And too bad more Corporations today don't follow Henry Ford's idea that he pays his employees enough money so that they can afford to buy his products and raise a family. The Walmart Walton's are nothing like Henry Ford.
Yeah despite the hype that wasnt the reason. The actual reason was he couldn't get people to work on assembly lines because the work was considered demeaning and dehumanizing. SO people preferred to work in the local machine shops.
Another lib belief down the crapper.

just a thought up to1968 unions made a climb in the numbers of jobs after that they started declining in jobs and wages ... is that do to the number of states that had passed laws right to work ??? where now unions jobs are about 10% of the jobs in the us, when they were 40% of the jobs before 1968 ... can we say they are running side be side in falling wages and union jobs because of certain laws that were passed ...

Right to work is Liberty.

Imagine how oppressive a government would be to require that you be a member of a greedy union and that you must pay them tribute each payday when you don't want to do it.

Oh wait, we don't have to imagine because that oppressiveness is already in several states.
Yup, labor unions have done nothing for America but eroded jobs and wages, raising them for select union workers but lowering them for everyone else. Capitalism is responsible for the high standard of living here. Socialism is responsible for its reverse. This is indisputable.
Does the 8-hour day and the 40-hour week come from Henry Ford, or labor unions?

Yup, labor unions have done nothing for America but eroded jobs and wages, raising them for select union workers but lowering them for everyone else.


View attachment 73598
just a thought up to1968 unions made a climb in the numbers of jobs after that they started declining in jobs and wages ... is that do to the number of states that had passed laws right to work ??? where now unions jobs are about 10% of the jobs in the us, when they were 40% of the jobs before 1968 ... can we say they are running side be side in falling wages and union jobs because of certain laws that were passed ...

Certainly a part of the equation.

The Decline Of Unions Is A Middle Class Problem
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just a thought up to1968 unions made a climb in the numbers of jobs after that they started declining in jobs and wages ... is that do to the number of states that had passed laws right to work ??? where now unions jobs are about 10% of the jobs in the us, when they were 40% of the jobs before 1968 ... can we say they are running side be side in falling wages and union jobs because of certain laws that were passed ...

Right to work is Liberty.

Imagine how oppressive a government would be to require that you be a member of a greedy union and that you must pay them tribute each payday when you don't want to do it.

Oh wait, we don't have to imagine because that oppressiveness is already in several states.

If u dOnt want to work at a union shop just leave and go elsewhere ! Hasn't that been the right wing theme in this thread?

If u dOnt want to work at a union shop just leave and go elsewhere ! Hasn't that been the right wing theme in this thread?

However, the oppression of the Blue States have it so that you are required to be in an union if you want a job.

The unions payoff the Libtard politicians to pass oppressive laws like that and people lose their Liberty.

Thank god I live in a right to work state. Piss on unions. If given a choice I never buy anything made by an union and I sure as hell would not have an union worker come to my house to do work.
The 8 hour day as law did not come from Henry Ford. What nonsense.
And too bad more Corporations today don't follow Henry Ford's idea that he pays his employees enough money so that they can afford to buy his products and raise a family. The Walmart Walton's are nothing like Henry Ford.
Yeah despite the hype that wasnt the reason. The actual reason was he couldn't get people to work on assembly lines because the work was considered demeaning and dehumanizing. SO people preferred to work in the local machine shops.
Another lib belief down the crapper.
Where do you find this stuff in rightwingafuckapedia?

If u dOnt want to work at a union shop just leave and go elsewhere ! Hasn't that been the right wing theme in this thread?

However, the oppression of the Blue States have it so that you are required to be in an union if you want a job.

The unions payoff the Libtard politicians to pass oppressive laws like that and people lose their Liberty.

Thank god I live in a right to work state. Piss on unions. If given a choice I never buy anything made by an union and I sure as hell would not have an union worker come to my house to do work.
You bite the hand that fed you fucktard. Piece of shit. You know how people say most people are dumb? Yea, you're most people.

The fact is bitch, you can't work for a union company and not be in a union because that union is going to protect your sorry ass and get you raises you don't deserve because you didn't negotiate those wages for yourself. You benefitted from collective bargaining. In fact YOU are probably worth $5 less than you actually make. Thank a fucking union you piece of shit.
Thank god I live in a right to work state. Piss on unions. If given a choice I never buy anything made by an union and I sure as hell would not have an union worker come to my house to do work.

Yep, thank God you live in a right to work state where you can make less than your blue state union counterpart for the same job.

Only in Conservatopia is making less somehow better than making more.
The 8 hour day as law did not come from Henry Ford. What nonsense.

All loserterians have is nonsense and word games. The truth is unions, the workers and people sick of being shit on by the super rich elected goverments and demanded these things. The super rich didn't just hand the 8 hour work day, end child labor or fight for safe working conditions..The poor and the workers had to fight for it themselves!

We see the truth in africa and asia as they haven't yet started to fight for their own rights.

The op is a fucking idiot.
Mocks others for word games while calling them loserterians.

You really are a unique special needs individual.

just a thought up to1968 unions made a climb in the numbers of jobs after that they started declining in jobs and wages ... is that do to the number of states that had passed laws right to work ??? where now unions jobs are about 10% of the jobs in the us, when they were 40% of the jobs before 1968 ... can we say they are running side be side in falling wages and union jobs because of certain laws that were passed ...

Right to work is Liberty.

Imagine how oppressive a government would be to require that you be a member of a greedy union and that you must pay them tribute each payday when you don't want to do it.

Oh wait, we don't have to imagine because that oppressiveness is already in several states.

God what a stupid fuck you are. Man do I wish you assholes got your fucking way and when all the union workers at Ford are celebrating Ford-UAW workers to get $9,300 total in profit sharing

You sit there and fucking cry because you didn't get shit! Why would a fucking company pay your sorry little stupid ass profit sharing? You get a god damn paycheck, right? So who the fuck are you to expect profit sharing? Individual unskilled laborers like you don't get fucking profit sharing. Profit sharing is something a union got for their members. Now go back to work you stupid manual laborer. You should be making Walmart wages bitch.
Thank god I live in a right to work state. Piss on unions. If given a choice I never buy anything made by an union and I sure as hell would not have an union worker come to my house to do work.

Yep, thank God you live in a right to work state where you can make less than your blue state union counterpart for the same job.

Only in Conservatopia is making less somehow better than making more.

And when he's let go at age 58, good luck finding another job. If they did that to a union worker, they'd have to pay him for the next 4 years.

And conservatives wonder why they have less money than they did back when Bush was president. They've said GO AHEAD and fire us, lower our wages, send our jobs overseas, hire illegal labor, take away our pensions and profit sharing. But then blame Democrats because we don't make as much as we used to.
And when he's let go at age 58, good luck finding another job. If they did that to a union worker, they'd have to pay him for the next 4 years.

And conservatives wonder why they have less money than they did back when Bush was president. They've said GO AHEAD and fire us, lower our wages, send our jobs overseas, hire illegal labor, take away our pensions and profit sharing. But then blame Democrats because we don't make as much as we used to.

They're masters at voting against their own best interests.

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