8Hr workday? Weekends? Thank Henry Ford and Capitalism!

Thank god I live in a right to work state. Piss on unions. If given a choice I never buy anything made by an union and I sure as hell would not have an union worker come to my house to do work.

Yep, thank God you live in a right to work state where you can make less than your blue state union counterpart for the same job.

Only in Conservatopia is making less somehow better than making more.
Just imagine where all the Ford, GM & Chrysler workers would have been if they didn't have collective bargaining. One employee goes in and says, "I think I should make $6 hr not $5 and the boss says, "fuck you, do you want to keep your job?", so the employee goes back and does not get a raise, EVER. This would happen to every Big 3 worker. None of them would be getting profit sharing or raises if not for the unions.

And Toyota and Honda would pay Walmart wages if it weren't for the unions. They pay what they do because they don't want their employees to organize. Thank a union for your wages if you work at Toyota or Honda. If it weren't for them you'd be making Walmart wages. You are unskilled and uneducated.

If u dOnt want to work at a union shop just leave and go elsewhere ! Hasn't that been the right wing theme in this thread?

However, the oppression of the Blue States have it so that you are required to be in an union if you want a job.

The unions payoff the Libtard politicians to pass oppressive laws like that and people lose their Liberty.

Thank god I live in a right to work state. Piss on unions. If given a choice I never buy anything made by an union and I sure as hell would not have an union worker come to my house to do work.
OMG wasn't it you right wingers who said I was being silly for boycotting Chic Fil A? Fucking hypocrites! LOL.

What do you do for a living?
And when he's let go at age 58, good luck finding another job. If they did that to a union worker, they'd have to pay him for the next 4 years.

And conservatives wonder why they have less money than they did back when Bush was president. They've said GO AHEAD and fire us, lower our wages, send our jobs overseas, hire illegal labor, take away our pensions and profit sharing. But then blame Democrats because we don't make as much as we used to.

They're masters at voting against their own best interests.
Ford-UAW workers to get $9,300 total in profit sharing
What people really don't know is that the work hour day actually lengthened the work day because the work day was already shortening. It wasn't a capitalist who said this either. It was Karl Marx. You can find it in the Communist manifesto and he thought it was a problem that needed to be fixed in this country. Thank you commie dick suckers!
Of course, the presence of the Union movement had no bearing on his decision. We can merely rely upon the boundless philanthropic spirit of the more successful to take care of the unfortunate and down trodden. History is so replete with examples.

The philanthrapic spirit of the people actually drives us to buy products and prop up the economy because if we didn't buy products our economy would fail. Thank God the common man is so generous. Does that sound stupid? It is no more stupid than assuming that the thing that drives better work conditions for workes is the generosity of employers.
Nothing except poverty, maybe homelessness. And of course your kind's favorite: welfare.

Or a better job with more opportunity or perhaps being self employed

No one is forced to stay at any job. No one is told how much they can work, earn, spend save etc

It's all up to you but you people can't handle that freedom can you?

Our economy needs some work. We don't have good capitalism. Companies are colluding to hold wages down. Non competes are legal in some states.

Judge approves $415M settlement in Apple, Google wage case
Don't start with that shit again

Not being actively recruited did not stop any of those idiots from getting better paying jobs

You do know that any one of those people could have picked up a trade magazine, looked in the classifieds and applied for any job at any company don't you? The fact that they weren't actively looking for jobs but rather wanted companies to cold call them with offers is proof that they weren't looking to leve their current jobs to make more money

You are still pro collusion to hold down wages. You still don't understand good capitalism.

You have never proven that any of those people actually made less money because of the no cold calling agreement

The entire settlement was based on opinion

The settlement, the DOJ, the judge, economists, and anyone who understands capitalism disagrees with you.
40 hours a week is to much. Full time should be 32.5 - 37.5 hours a week max. Anyone who wants to work more to get ahead is certainly welcome. And who's dumbass idea was it to have everybody and their brother drive to work at the same time and leave at the same time. We need to do much better to stagger hours and allow remote access.
The 8 hour day as law did not come from Henry Ford. What nonsense.
And too bad more Corporations today don't follow Henry Ford's idea that he pays his employees enough money so that they can afford to buy his products and raise a family. The Walmart Walton's are nothing like Henry Ford.
Yeah despite the hype that wasnt the reason. The actual reason was he couldn't get people to work on assembly lines because the work was considered demeaning and dehumanizing. SO people preferred to work in the local machine shops.
Another lib belief down the crapper.

The right just can't figure out we need lots of people with money to spend for a strong economy. Too much inequality slows an economy.
Thank god I live in a right to work state. Piss on unions. If given a choice I never buy anything made by an union and I sure as hell would not have an union worker come to my house to do work.

Yep, thank God you live in a right to work state where you can make less than your blue state union counterpart for the same job.

Only in Conservatopia is making less somehow better than making more.

And when he's let go at age 58, good luck finding another job. If they did that to a union worker, they'd have to pay him for the next 4 years.

And conservatives wonder why they have less money than they did back when Bush was president. They've said GO AHEAD and fire us, lower our wages, send our jobs overseas, hire illegal labor, take away our pensions and profit sharing. But then blame Democrats because we don't make as much as we used to.

They keep buying into all the lies. For a long time it was trickle down economics. That didn't work. Now unions are bad and right to work for less is good. Regulation is bad but nobody can give specifics of which ones are bad.

We need a strong middle class again.
The 8 hour day as law did not come from Henry Ford. What nonsense.
And too bad more Corporations today don't follow Henry Ford's idea that he pays his employees enough money so that they can afford to buy his products and raise a family. The Walmart Walton's are nothing like Henry Ford.
Yeah despite the hype that wasnt the reason. The actual reason was he couldn't get people to work on assembly lines because the work was considered demeaning and dehumanizing. SO people preferred to work in the local machine shops.
Another lib belief down the crapper.

The right just can't figure out we need lots of people with money to spend for a strong economy. Too much inequality slows an economy.

Righties suffer from

cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
  1. the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, performs an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas, or values, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.

They bash obama because wages aren't higher but they certainly don't want higher wages, right?
The 8 hour day as law did not come from Henry Ford. What nonsense.
And too bad more Corporations today don't follow Henry Ford's idea that he pays his employees enough money so that they can afford to buy his products and raise a family. The Walmart Walton's are nothing like Henry Ford.
Yeah despite the hype that wasnt the reason. The actual reason was he couldn't get people to work on assembly lines because the work was considered demeaning and dehumanizing. SO people preferred to work in the local machine shops.
Another lib belief down the crapper.

The right just can't figure out we need lots of people with money to spend for a strong economy. Too much inequality slows an economy.

Righties suffer from

cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
  1. the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, performs an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas, or values, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.

They bash obama because wages aren't higher but they certainly don't want higher wages, right?

Why wouldn't we want to make more?

More of the same old tired nonsense like we want to breathe polluted air, drink polluted water, eat poisoned food, etc.
You bite the hand that fed you fucktard. Piece of shit. You know how people say most people are dumb? Yea, you're most people.

The fact is bitch, you can't work for a union company and not be in a union because that union is going to protect your sorry ass and get you raises you don't deserve because you didn't negotiate those wages for yourself. You benefitted from collective bargaining. In fact YOU are probably worth $5 less than you actually make. Thank a fucking union you piece of shit.

The fact is I have never belonged to a shithass union and never will. I have always negotiated my own salary and never have needed an union.

You are wrong about working and having to join the union because that is what right to work is all about.

In the right to work states where they value Liberty you don't have to join an union if you don't want to. Nobody can fire you because of that decision. Liberty like that is a good thing. It is oppression when you don't have the choice. Who wants to be force to join something that they don't want to join or be fired from their job? That is major oppression, isn't it?

The only reason we have anti right to work states is because the filthy ass unions paid off the corrupt politicians to give them government protection. That is a bad thing.

The shitheads are the greedy unions that forces you to join their commie club and forces you to pay them tribute each payday so they can pay off the filthy ass politicians that enable them.

We should all hate the greedy bloated unions and the damage they have done to manufacturing in this country. We should hate their greed and their corruption and their communist mindset.

They are the scum of America and any decent American would say piss on them.

They keep buying into all the lies. For a long time it was trickle down economics. That didn't work. Now unions are bad and right to work for less is good. Regulation is bad but nobody can give specifics of which ones are bad.

We need a strong middle class again.

Trickle down economics?

Isn't that where you get to spend the money that you earned on things that you want rather than being forced to give it some stupid politician that was elected by special interest groups to spend it for you?

Only you stupid uneducated low information Gruberidiots think that you are better off giving your money to a bloated corrupt oppressive debt ridden out of control filthy ass government than spending it yourself.
Or a better job with more opportunity or perhaps being self employed

No one is forced to stay at any job. No one is told how much they can work, earn, spend save etc

It's all up to you but you people can't handle that freedom can you?

Our economy needs some work. We don't have good capitalism. Companies are colluding to hold wages down. Non competes are legal in some states.

Judge approves $415M settlement in Apple, Google wage case
Don't start with that shit again

Not being actively recruited did not stop any of those idiots from getting better paying jobs

You do know that any one of those people could have picked up a trade magazine, looked in the classifieds and applied for any job at any company don't you? The fact that they weren't actively looking for jobs but rather wanted companies to cold call them with offers is proof that they weren't looking to leve their current jobs to make more money

You are still pro collusion to hold down wages. You still don't understand good capitalism.

You have never proven that any of those people actually made less money because of the no cold calling agreement

The entire settlement was based on opinion

The settlement, the DOJ, the judge, economists, and anyone who understands capitalism disagrees with you.

And yet you still have no actual proof of any salary lost. All you have is people may have lost, might have lost thoguth they could have lost potential salaries

And you still haven't addressed the fact that any of those people could have applied for and if hired accepted any higher paying position at any of those companies. They could have gone to job fairs and put in their resumes. They could have sent in their resumes unsolicited. They could have sent their resumes as a response to an advertised position. They all had ample opportunity to get a job at any of those companies but they whine because those companies didn't actually call them first

And you have yet to show me the law where companies are required to actively recruit employees from their competitors

They keep buying into all the lies. For a long time it was trickle down economics. That didn't work. Now unions are bad and right to work for less is good. Regulation is bad but nobody can give specifics of which ones are bad.

We need a strong middle class again.

Trickle down economics?

Isn't that where you get to spend the money that you earned on things that you want rather than being forced to give it some stupid politician that was elected by special interest groups to spend it for you?

Only you stupid uneducated low information Gruberidiots think that you are better off giving your money to a bloated corrupt oppressive debt ridden out of control filthy ass government than spending it yourself.
You have to remember Flash....they have no money to spend on themselves. That's why they support 90% tax rates or higher. So that the government can take everything you have and give them a few paltry table scraps.
You bite the hand that fed you fucktard. Piece of shit. You know how people say most people are dumb? Yea, you're most people.

The fact is bitch, you can't work for a union company and not be in a union because that union is going to protect your sorry ass and get you raises you don't deserve because you didn't negotiate those wages for yourself. You benefitted from collective bargaining. In fact YOU are probably worth $5 less than you actually make. Thank a fucking union you piece of shit.

The fact is I have never belonged to a shithass union and never will. I have always negotiated my own salary and never have needed an union.

You are wrong about working and having to join the union because that is what right to work is all about.

In the right to work states where they value Liberty you don't have to join an union if you don't want to. Nobody can fire you because of that decision. Liberty like that is a good thing. It is oppression when you don't have the choice. Who wants to be force to join something that they don't want to join or be fired from their job? That is major oppression, isn't it?

The only reason we have anti right to work states is because the filthy ass unions paid off the corrupt politicians to give them government protection. That is a bad thing.

The shitheads are the greedy unions that forces you to join their commie club and forces you to pay them tribute each payday so they can pay off the filthy ass politicians that enable them.

We should all hate the greedy bloated unions and the damage they have done to manufacturing in this country. We should hate their greed and their corruption and their communist mindset.

They are the scum of America and any decent American would say piss on them.

“Right-to-Work” States Still Have Lower Wages
Have Lower Wages
Report • By Elise Gould and Will Kimball • April 22, 2015

Briefing Paper #395
Download PDF

Press release

Introduction and executive summary
Under federal law, no one can be forced to join a union as a condition of employment, and the Supreme Court has made clear that workers cannot be forced to pay dues used for political purposes. So-called right-to-work (RTW) legislation goes one step further and entitles employees to the benefits of a union contract—including the right to have the union take up their grievance if their employer abuses them—without paying any of the cost.

This means that if an employer mistreats a worker who does not pay a union representation fee, the union must prosecute that worker’s grievance just as it would a dues-paying member’s, even if it costs tens of thousands of dollars. Non-dues-paying workers would also receive the higher wages and benefits their dues-paying coworkers enjoy. RTW laws have nothing to do with whether people can be forced to join a union or contribute to a political cause they do not support; that is already illegal.

Can you believe this shit. The ignorant flash who wants to work for less is hiding behind FEDERAL law to screw their fellow workers.

That's right punks. You get union pay and benefits and don't pay for it BECAUSE of the hated federal government.

Welfare for the cheap asses who want to work for less. Use the law to make your fellow workers get you more money. You don't mind that union pay. Just to cheap to pay for it.
I'll give Ford credit for those giant anti-aircraft gun searchlights which used to be in every car lot when I was a kid. I miss those.

But I won't credit Ford for making the 8-hour workday universal throughout America.

That's dumb.


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