8Hr workday? Weekends? Thank Henry Ford and Capitalism!

Our economy needs some work. We don't have good capitalism. Companies are colluding to hold wages down. Non competes are legal in some states.

What we need are jobs that people with limited skills can hold down and have their piece of the "American Dream".

We don't have that anymore in this country thanks to Mr. Businessman and his never ending search for ever cheaper labor.
IOW free shit.
Why should people with limited skills get premium goods in return?
We never had that. And Mr Businessman has done a service by creating thousands of skilled high paying jobs that didnt exist a generation ago.
as I said you keep proving to us how ignorant you are, what else can I say... where are these skilled high paying jobs that didnt exist a generation ago... oh I know mr. thinker rabbi, they're over seas.. are you telling us here that people with less skills can't answer the phone for companies here in the the US ??? that these companies have to go to India for helping them to answering the phone ... really mr. rocket Rabbi scientist

How old are you, like, 5?
in other words you couldn't answer the question .. so like all of you fools you dodge it with sarcasm .... I get it how about you say you don't know where they went ...ius better then appearing stupid just like you did here...

If you think Hillary Clinton is no different than Donald Trump then vote for her.

I am not voting for either one because they are both big government liberals, which is terrible for our country.

However, you are a Moon Bat that can't help yourself but to vote for Crooked Hillary in November. You can't think for yourself so you will put a check by anybody that has a "D" by their name even if it is a dishonest corrupt lying incompetent bitch like Crooked Hillary.

We have a name for Moon Bats like you. Because you are low information and uneducated but yet believe everything the Democrats tell you we call you Gruberididots. The stupid Americans that always believe the Democrat horseshit, no matter how ridiculous it is.
give us one crooked thing she has done ... I realize you are told by your handlers she's crooked but when asked they just can't seem to come up with any crime she has done.. I'll wait for your brilliants to shine

And we see your brilliants. The irony.

and yet you couldn't show us one crooked thing she has done ... now who its the brilliant one (Hint) its not soggy in nola

Who its?

English not your native tongue kid?

Our economy needs some work. We don't have good capitalism. Companies are colluding to hold wages down. Non competes are legal in some states.

What we need are jobs that people with limited skills can hold down and have their piece of the "American Dream".

We don't have that anymore in this country thanks to Mr. Businessman and his never ending search for ever cheaper labor.

They have that in Cuba, go move there.
Yup, labor unions have done nothing for America but eroded jobs and wages, raising them for select union workers but lowering them for everyone else. Capitalism is responsible for the high standard of living here. Socialism is responsible for its reverse. This is indisputable.
Does the 8-hour day and the 40-hour week come from Henry Ford, or labor unions?

Yup, labor unions have done nothing for America but eroded jobs and wages, raising them for select union workers but lowering them for everyone else.


View attachment 73598

Cool.. now show us proof of causation.

This oughtta be good.

Why didn't you ask the OP that?

If you think Hillary Clinton is no different than Donald Trump then vote for her.

I am not voting for either one because they are both big government liberals, which is terrible for our country.

However, you are a Moon Bat that can't help yourself but to vote for Crooked Hillary in November. You can't think for yourself so you will put a check by anybody that has a "D" by their name even if it is a dishonest corrupt lying incompetent bitch like Crooked Hillary.

We have a name for Moon Bats like you. Because you are low information and uneducated but yet believe everything the Democrats tell you we call you Gruberididots. The stupid Americans that always believe the Democrat horseshit, no matter how ridiculous it is.
give us one crooked thing she has done ... I realize you are told by your handlers she's crooked but when asked they just can't seem to come up with any crime she has done.. I'll wait for your brilliants to shine

And we see your brilliants. The irony.

and yet you couldn't show us one crooked thing she has done ... now who its the brilliant one (Hint) its not soggy in nola

Who its?

English not your native tongue kid?

ah yes when auto spell kicks in were the dummy, and yet you still seem to keep from telling us what illegal thing Hillary has done ... isn't it funny when they are confronted by their own words now its how old are you??? or their fav., spelling or grammar ... do they evert stop showing us how stupid they are ... so tell us in your own words what crooked thing hillary has down ... we will wait ... instead of making a fool of yourself why don't you just come out an say you don't like her politics and leave it that ... then stop saying lies about her that you can't prover ... man up
It's funny this thread starts out with RWnut praising Henry Ford for the 8 hour day and ends up with half a dozen RWnuts condemning the 8 hour day.
I am not voting for either one because they are both big government liberals, which is terrible for our country.

However, you are a Moon Bat that can't help yourself but to vote for Crooked Hillary in November. You can't think for yourself so you will put a check by anybody that has a "D" by their name even if it is a dishonest corrupt lying incompetent bitch like Crooked Hillary.

We have a name for Moon Bats like you. Because you are low information and uneducated but yet believe everything the Democrats tell you we call you Gruberididots. The stupid Americans that always believe the Democrat horseshit, no matter how ridiculous it is.
give us one crooked thing she has done ... I realize you are told by your handlers she's crooked but when asked they just can't seem to come up with any crime she has done.. I'll wait for your brilliants to shine

And we see your brilliants. The irony.

and yet you couldn't show us one crooked thing she has done ... now who its the brilliant one (Hint) its not soggy in nola

Who its?

English not your native tongue kid?

ah yes when auto spell kicks in were the dummy, and yet you still seem to keep from telling us what illegal thing Hillary has done ... isn't it funny when they are confronted by their own words now its how old are you??? or their fav., spelling or grammar ... do they evert stop showing us how stupid they are ... so tell us in your own words what crooked thing hillary has down ... we will wait ... instead of making a fool of yourself why don't you just come out an say you don't like her politics and leave it that ... then stop saying lies about her that you can't prover ... man up

What on Earth are you talking about? I never said one thing about Clinton.

OK, I don't like her politics. Happy now kid?

Oh, and it is Hillary, not hillary. And seriously, prover?
I know, the last 7 years sure have sucked ass.

Make that the last 16 years.

Perhaps... whatever, my situation has remained quite good. Been gainfully employed since college.
I started my first job at 12 years old mowing lawns and delivering the Airfare times .. on base you could get a drivers license at 12 I'm a military brat from there I've always worked for whats ever I wanted ... I own my house, my cars, my motorcycle, the picture I have of the motor cycle on this page I bought when I turned 15 I'm 65 now... I own my boats they too are all completely paid for ... I never had to us any kind of government assistance to live ever .. I am liberals as can be, all my liberals friend have done the same and it seem for some reason people like you seem to have this notion is we all live off government assistance and never worked a day in our lives ... soooooo along with the Hillaruy question that Ive asked you, please tell us why are all the red states in this country the highest in welfare, food stamps, and you guessed it government assistance programs and the blue states not so much ... or are you going to look stupid here too
I know, the last 7 years sure have sucked ass.

Make that the last 16 years.

Perhaps... whatever, my situation has remained quite good. Been gainfully employed since college.
I started my first job at 12 years old mowing lawns and delivering the Airfare times .. on base you could get a drivers license at 12 I'm a military brat from there I've always worked for whats ever I wanted ... I own my house, my cars, my motorcycle, the picture I have of the motor cycle on this page I bought when I turned 15 I'm 65 now... I own my boats they too are all completely paid for ... I never had to us any kind of government assistance to live ever .. I am liberals as can be, all my liberals friend have done the same and it seem for some reason people like you seem to have this notion is we all live off government assistance and never worked a day in our lives ... soooooo along with the Hillaruy question that Ive asked you, please tell us why are all the red states in this country the highest in welfare, food stamps, and you guessed it government assistance programs and the blue states not so much ... or are you going to look stupid here too

I already answered your Hillaruy question.

Serious question, have you been drinking?
give us one crooked thing she has done ... I realize you are told by your handlers she's crooked but when asked they just can't seem to come up with any crime she has done.. I'll wait for your brilliants to shine

And we see your brilliants. The irony.

and yet you couldn't show us one crooked thing she has done ... now who its the brilliant one (Hint) its not soggy in nola

Who its?

English not your native tongue kid?

ah yes when auto spell kicks in were the dummy, and yet you still seem to keep from telling us what illegal thing Hillary has done ... isn't it funny when they are confronted by their own words now its how old are you??? or their fav., spelling or grammar ... do they evert stop showing us how stupid they are ... so tell us in your own words what crooked thing hillary has down ... we will wait ... instead of making a fool of yourself why don't you just come out an say you don't like her politics and leave it that ... then stop saying lies about her that you can't prover ... man up

What on Earth are you talking about? I never said one thing about Clinton.

OK, I don't like her politics. Happy now kid?

Oh, and it is Hillary, not hillary. And seriously, prover?
my apologies... when I look at the post there were so many in it I mistook you as the poster ... again my apology it should have been directed to Flash
It's funny this thread starts out with RWnut praising Henry Ford for the 8 hour day and ends up with half a dozen RWnuts condemning the 8 hour day.

Talk about selective reading, who said that?

You have alheimers or something?

I know, the last 7 years sure have sucked ass.

Make that the last 16 years.

Perhaps... whatever, my situation has remained quite good. Been gainfully employed since college.
I started my first job at 12 years old mowing lawns and delivering the Airfare times .. on base you could get a drivers license at 12 I'm a military brat from there I've always worked for whats ever I wanted ... I own my house, my cars, my motorcycle, the picture I have of the motor cycle on this page I bought when I turned 15 I'm 65 now... I own my boats they too are all completely paid for ... I never had to us any kind of government assistance to live ever .. I am liberals as can be, all my liberals friend have done the same and it seem for some reason people like you seem to have this notion is we all live off government assistance and never worked a day in our lives ... soooooo along with the Hillaruy question that Ive asked you, please tell us why are all the red states in this country the highest in welfare, food stamps, and you guessed it government assistance programs and the blue states not so much ... or are you going to look stupid here too

I already answered your Hillaruy question.

Serious question, have you been drinking?
I don't drink, I don't smoke, never have ... but I can understand your question ....as I said I apologize for going after you, when it should have been the flash ...

And we see your brilliants. The irony.

and yet you couldn't show us one crooked thing she has done ... now who its the brilliant one (Hint) its not soggy in nola

Who its?

English not your native tongue kid?

ah yes when auto spell kicks in were the dummy, and yet you still seem to keep from telling us what illegal thing Hillary has done ... isn't it funny when they are confronted by their own words now its how old are you??? or their fav., spelling or grammar ... do they evert stop showing us how stupid they are ... so tell us in your own words what crooked thing hillary has down ... we will wait ... instead of making a fool of yourself why don't you just come out an say you don't like her politics and leave it that ... then stop saying lies about her that you can't prover ... man up

What on Earth are you talking about? I never said one thing about Clinton.

OK, I don't like her politics. Happy now kid?

Oh, and it is Hillary, not hillary. And seriously, prover?
my apologies... when I look at the post there were so many in it I mistook you as the poster ... again my apology it should have been directed to Flash
Yup, labor unions have done nothing for America but eroded jobs and wages, raising them for select union workers but lowering them for everyone else. Capitalism is responsible for the high standard of living here. Socialism is responsible for its reverse. This is indisputable.
Does the 8-hour day and the 40-hour week come from Henry Ford, or labor unions?

Yup, labor unions have done nothing for America but eroded jobs and wages, raising them for select union workers but lowering them for everyone else.


View attachment 73598

Cool.. now show us proof of causation.

This oughtta be good.

It's self evident just as is your lack of understanding of the world.

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