8Hr workday? Weekends? Thank Henry Ford and Capitalism!


They are making less. Seems as though those unions are great for wages.

Then how come some many companies go bankrupt having to pay extorted union wages?

How come so many American companies are forced to go elsewhere to get their labor?

Some of them even have to get bailed out by the fucking government.

Greed always works out to be a bad thing and just remember Moon Bat, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

Bloated union wages, higher than the free labor market wages, creates a false unsustainable economy that is always destined for failure. If you don't believe me ask General Motors.

How many big Democrat controlled cities in non right to work states are in serious trouble because of bloated union wages?

Despicable unions create an artificial bloated labor rate, especially when they are protected by a corrupt government whose leaders are in the back pocket of the filthy unions. You know like Obama.

Only an asshole would join an union. Are you an asshole?

Ok, start a non-union business and bring back electronic manufacturing to the US. Build some American made televisions, for instance.
Why would anyone pay 5 times as much for a TV made here than the one they can already buy that was made in China?
You bite the hand that fed you fucktard. Piece of shit. You know how people say most people are dumb? Yea, you're most people.

The fact is bitch, you can't work for a union company and not be in a union because that union is going to protect your sorry ass and get you raises you don't deserve because you didn't negotiate those wages for yourself. You benefitted from collective bargaining. In fact YOU are probably worth $5 less than you actually make. Thank a fucking union you piece of shit.

The fact is I have never belonged to a shithass union and never will. I have always negotiated my own salary and never have needed an union.

You are wrong about working and having to join the union because that is what right to work is all about.

In the right to work states where they value Liberty you don't have to join an union if you don't want to. Nobody can fire you because of that decision. Liberty like that is a good thing. It is oppression when you don't have the choice. Who wants to be force to join something that they don't want to join or be fired from their job? That is major oppression, isn't it?

The only reason we have anti right to work states is because the filthy ass unions paid off the corrupt politicians to give them government protection. That is a bad thing.

The shitheads are the greedy unions that forces you to join their commie club and forces you to pay them tribute each payday so they can pay off the filthy ass politicians that enable them.

We should all hate the greedy bloated unions and the damage they have done to manufacturing in this country. We should hate their greed and their corruption and their communist mindset.

They are the scum of America and any decent American would say piss on them.

“Right-to-Work” States Still Have Lower Wages

So you put up a funny note whenever you can't answer something right?

If you can't answer don't bother doing anything because I don't need all the extra alerts popping up

You have been answered many times. It is funny you continue to embarrass yourself.

You have yet to prove anything I have asked you

You have not proven how much if any income was actually lost by any of the people who sued. This was all might have could have and possibly there were no hard numbers here it was all conjecture

You have yet to post the law that states rival companies must contact their competitors employees to offer them jobs

You have yet to prove any of those whiners would not have gotten a higher paying job at another company if they had actually applied for an open position

This suit is typical of our society today where you whiners want everyone to come to you.

Hey maybe you can sue every employer in your state for not calling you and offering you a job too.

Like I've already stated, the companies paid out hundreds of millions, the DOJ found them guilty, the judge increased the amount, economists agree it holds down wages... You just stupidly deny the facts, are you 5 years old?
Yeah despite the hype that wasnt the reason. The actual reason was he couldn't get people to work on assembly lines because the work was considered demeaning and dehumanizing. SO people preferred to work in the local machine shops.
Another lib belief down the crapper.

The right just can't figure out we need lots of people with money to spend for a strong economy. Too much inequality slows an economy.

Righties suffer from

cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
  1. the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, performs an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas, or values, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.

They bash obama because wages aren't higher but they certainly don't want higher wages, right?

Why wouldn't we want to make more?

More of the same old tired nonsense like we want to breathe polluted air, drink polluted water, eat poisoned food, etc.
Because that's not good for consumers or shareholders remember?

Omg I sense a flip flop coming

Not sure what you mean here Skippy.
You don't remember for the last 16 plus years you've been crying that us Americans are overpaid and not productive? Now you think the masses should get a raise? Now you are ok with Walmart giving raises? Why now?

Why so angry ? You mad at Union people ?

I don't get cons , working Union folk earn livable wages and that makes them worse than Hitler. Top executives earn multi millions a year and they are national Heros !?

Right to work is just another Union busting ploy .

Why don't I like unions?

They are greedy sonofabitches.

They have done tremendous damage to the American economy.

They finance shithead Democrats like Obama.

They have driven manufacturing jobs out of the US.

They have driven up the cost of goods and services and the especially the cost of government. The cost of government to the point of bankruptcy in several large cites and Blue states.

However, the biggest reason is that in my career I had union pukes working for me and I saw how the union protected sorriness, corruption, dishonesty and inefficiency.

That's funny, we had a much stronger economy when unions were stronger.

They are making less. Seems as though those unions are great for wages.

Then how come some many companies go bankrupt having to pay extorted union wages?

How come so many American companies are forced to go elsewhere to get their labor?

Some of them even have to get bailed out by the fucking government.

Greed always works out to be a bad thing and just remember Moon Bat, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

Bloated union wages, higher than the free labor market wages, creates a false unsustainable economy that is always destined for failure. If you don't believe me ask General Motors.

How many big Democrat controlled cities in non right to work states are in serious trouble because of bloated union wages?

Despicable unions create an artificial bloated labor rate, especially when they are protected by a corrupt government whose leaders are in the back pocket of the filthy unions. You know like Obama.

Only an asshole would join an union. Are you an asshole?

Ok, start a non-union business and bring back electronic manufacturing to the US. Build some American made televisions, for instance.
Why would anyone pay 5 times as much for a TV made here than the one they can already buy that was made in China?
Because we shouldn't be buying tv's made in china stupid. They don't buy tv's made here so why do we buy tv's that are made there? I understand why you do. Because you are a cheap ass who wants a cheap tv more than you do a booming economy.
The fact is I have never belonged to a shithass union and never will. I have always negotiated my own salary and never have needed an union.

You are wrong about working and having to join the union because that is what right to work is all about.

In the right to work states where they value Liberty you don't have to join an union if you don't want to. Nobody can fire you because of that decision. Liberty like that is a good thing. It is oppression when you don't have the choice. Who wants to be force to join something that they don't want to join or be fired from their job? That is major oppression, isn't it?

The only reason we have anti right to work states is because the filthy ass unions paid off the corrupt politicians to give them government protection. That is a bad thing.

The shitheads are the greedy unions that forces you to join their commie club and forces you to pay them tribute each payday so they can pay off the filthy ass politicians that enable them.

We should all hate the greedy bloated unions and the damage they have done to manufacturing in this country. We should hate their greed and their corruption and their communist mindset.

They are the scum of America and any decent American would say piss on them.

“Right-to-Work” States Still Have Lower Wages

So you put up a funny note whenever you can't answer something right?

If you can't answer don't bother doing anything because I don't need all the extra alerts popping up

You have been answered many times. It is funny you continue to embarrass yourself.

You have yet to prove anything I have asked you

You have not proven how much if any income was actually lost by any of the people who sued. This was all might have could have and possibly there were no hard numbers here it was all conjecture

You have yet to post the law that states rival companies must contact their competitors employees to offer them jobs

You have yet to prove any of those whiners would not have gotten a higher paying job at another company if they had actually applied for an open position

This suit is typical of our society today where you whiners want everyone to come to you.

Hey maybe you can sue every employer in your state for not calling you and offering you a job too.

Like I've already stated, the companies paid out hundreds of millions, the DOJ found them guilty, the judge increased the amount, economists agree it holds down wages... You just stupidly deny the facts, are you 5 years old?

I asked YOU to show me the actual income lost not what the court said they MIGHT have lost but you can't

I asked you to show me the law requiring companies to recruit the employees of their competitors but you can't

I asked you to prove that none of those people would have gotten a better paying job at any of those other companies if they actually applied for an open position and you can't

If that case actually went to a jury trial I don't think those whiners would have got anything

At least you don't have to give your money to the greedy unions. You can take more of it home to spend on your family. In case you don't know it that is a good thing.
At least you have a job and money to give. Without them you have no right to your job. And without unions your non union company would be paying you half as much as they do now.

But at least you can take the crumbs home to your family. That's a good thing right?

Walmart employees aren't union either. So after they work 40 hours they have to apply for food stamps. Now that's America for ya!

Why so angry ? You mad at Union people ?

I don't get cons , working Union folk earn livable wages and that makes them worse than Hitler. Top executives earn multi millions a year and they are national Heros !?

Right to work is just another Union busting ploy .

Why don't I like unions?

They are greedy sonofabitches.

They have done tremendous damage to the American economy.

They finance shithead Democrats like Obama.

They have driven manufacturing jobs out of the US.

They have driven up the cost of goods and services and the especially the cost of government. The cost of government to the point of bankruptcy in several large cites and Blue states.

However, the biggest reason is that in my career I had union pukes working for me and I saw how the union protected sorriness, corruption, dishonesty and inefficiency.

That's funny, we had a much stronger economy when unions were stronger.

It was only because the government was much smaller...

And unions themselves aren't despicable. It's when they commingle themselves with the government in an attempt to force everyone to join in. Then the union boss parasites rake in the fees that you have to pay for... and maybe the employees rake in the benefits that you have to pay for as well (in case of a public union).

This sort of unions are the ones the "honest" regressive democrats always stand for. Not the voluntary ones, coercion all the way!

No good can come from coercive parasitism.

They are making less. Seems as though those unions are great for wages.

Then how come some many companies go bankrupt having to pay extorted union wages?

How come so many American companies are forced to go elsewhere to get their labor?

Some of them even have to get bailed out by the fucking government.

Greed always works out to be a bad thing and just remember Moon Bat, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

Bloated union wages, higher than the free labor market wages, creates a false unsustainable economy that is always destined for failure. If you don't believe me ask General Motors.

How many big Democrat controlled cities in non right to work states are in serious trouble because of bloated union wages?

Despicable unions create an artificial bloated labor rate, especially when they are protected by a corrupt government whose leaders are in the back pocket of the filthy unions. You know like Obama.

Only an asshole would join an union. Are you an asshole?

Ok, start a non-union business and bring back electronic manufacturing to the US. Build some American made televisions, for instance.
Why would anyone pay 5 times as much for a TV made here than the one they can already buy that was made in China?
Because we shouldn't be buying tv's made in china stupid. They don't buy tv's made here so why do we buy tv's that are made there? I understand why you do. Because you are a cheap ass who wants a cheap tv more than you do a booming economy.

I want the best quality for the best price and that ain't a TV that is built here,

I would rather pay less and save more money for my retirement than pay 5 times as much for something that isn't as good just because it says made in the USA

So you put up a funny note whenever you can't answer something right?

If you can't answer don't bother doing anything because I don't need all the extra alerts popping up

You have been answered many times. It is funny you continue to embarrass yourself.

You have yet to prove anything I have asked you

You have not proven how much if any income was actually lost by any of the people who sued. This was all might have could have and possibly there were no hard numbers here it was all conjecture

You have yet to post the law that states rival companies must contact their competitors employees to offer them jobs

You have yet to prove any of those whiners would not have gotten a higher paying job at another company if they had actually applied for an open position

This suit is typical of our society today where you whiners want everyone to come to you.

Hey maybe you can sue every employer in your state for not calling you and offering you a job too.

Like I've already stated, the companies paid out hundreds of millions, the DOJ found them guilty, the judge increased the amount, economists agree it holds down wages... You just stupidly deny the facts, are you 5 years old?

I asked YOU to show me the actual income lost not what the court said they MIGHT have lost but you can't

I asked you to show me the law requiring companies to recruit the employees of their competitors but you can't

I asked you to prove that none of those people would have gotten a better paying job at any of those other companies if they actually applied for an open position and you can't

If that case actually went to a jury trial I don't think those whiners would have got anything

I'm sure their attorneys argued those points and lost.

You are confused. They are forced while making huge profits? They are forced while the CEO keeps getting raises? They aren't forced, they choose to send jobs away and hurt our economy and country.

If you don't like paying CEO salaries then you have the option of not buying anything made by the business that pays the wages.

However, Federal government services are all controlled under the infamous Davis Bacon rules where union wages are required.

If you drive on an American roads and pay for them with the fuel tax then you are forced to pay the Davis Bacon union wages and that is not right.

If you live in a non work to right state you are force to buy union goods and service because the greedy bastards are protected by the filthy ass government. The same for the despicable Democrat run big cities that where the Democrats are in the back pocket of the unions.

Stop the government protection of the greedy union and let the free market decide how Americans chose to buy union goods and services. Without the unions paying off the corrupt Democrats they would never be anything because nobody wants to pay bloated union wages.
So you put up a funny note whenever you can't answer something right?

If you can't answer don't bother doing anything because I don't need all the extra alerts popping up

You have been answered many times. It is funny you continue to embarrass yourself.

You have yet to prove anything I have asked you

You have not proven how much if any income was actually lost by any of the people who sued. This was all might have could have and possibly there were no hard numbers here it was all conjecture

You have yet to post the law that states rival companies must contact their competitors employees to offer them jobs

You have yet to prove any of those whiners would not have gotten a higher paying job at another company if they had actually applied for an open position

This suit is typical of our society today where you whiners want everyone to come to you.

Hey maybe you can sue every employer in your state for not calling you and offering you a job too.

Like I've already stated, the companies paid out hundreds of millions, the DOJ found them guilty, the judge increased the amount, economists agree it holds down wages... You just stupidly deny the facts, are you 5 years old?

I asked YOU to show me the actual income lost not what the court said they MIGHT have lost but you can't

I asked you to show me the law requiring companies to recruit the employees of their competitors but you can't

I asked you to prove that none of those people would have gotten a better paying job at any of those other companies if they actually applied for an open position and you can't

If that case actually went to a jury trial I don't think those whiners would have got anything

I'm sure their attorneys argued those points and lost.

Hey Idiot there wasn't a trial there was an out of court settlement so there were no arguments made
You have been answered many times. It is funny you continue to embarrass yourself.

You have yet to prove anything I have asked you

You have not proven how much if any income was actually lost by any of the people who sued. This was all might have could have and possibly there were no hard numbers here it was all conjecture

You have yet to post the law that states rival companies must contact their competitors employees to offer them jobs

You have yet to prove any of those whiners would not have gotten a higher paying job at another company if they had actually applied for an open position

This suit is typical of our society today where you whiners want everyone to come to you.

Hey maybe you can sue every employer in your state for not calling you and offering you a job too.

Like I've already stated, the companies paid out hundreds of millions, the DOJ found them guilty, the judge increased the amount, economists agree it holds down wages... You just stupidly deny the facts, are you 5 years old?

I asked YOU to show me the actual income lost not what the court said they MIGHT have lost but you can't

I asked you to show me the law requiring companies to recruit the employees of their competitors but you can't

I asked you to prove that none of those people would have gotten a better paying job at any of those other companies if they actually applied for an open position and you can't

If that case actually went to a jury trial I don't think those whiners would have got anything

I'm sure their attorneys argued those points and lost.

Hey Idiot there wasn't a trial there was an out of court settlement so there were no arguments made

No arguments? They just voluntarily settled and paid up?
Hmm, it seems they probably didn't want anyone digging any further.

They are making less. Seems as though those unions are great for wages.

Then how come some many companies go bankrupt having to pay extorted union wages?

How come so many American companies are forced to go elsewhere to get their labor?

Some of them even have to get bailed out by the fucking government.

Greed always works out to be a bad thing and just remember Moon Bat, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

Bloated union wages, higher than the free labor market wages, creates a false unsustainable economy that is always destined for failure. If you don't believe me ask General Motors.

How many big Democrat controlled cities in non right to work states are in serious trouble because of bloated union wages?

Despicable unions create an artificial bloated labor rate, especially when they are protected by a corrupt government whose leaders are in the back pocket of the filthy unions. You know like Obama.

Only an asshole would join an union. Are you an asshole?

Ok, start a non-union business and bring back electronic manufacturing to the US. Build some American made televisions, for instance.
Why would anyone pay 5 times as much for a TV made here than the one they can already buy that was made in China?
Because we shouldn't be buying tv's made in china stupid. They don't buy tv's made here so why do we buy tv's that are made there? I understand why you do. Because you are a cheap ass who wants a cheap tv more than you do a booming economy.

I want the best quality for the best price and that ain't a TV that is built here,

I would rather pay less and save more money for my retirement than pay 5 times as much for something that isn't as good just because it says made in the USA

So you admit that American workers would have to work at China wages to ever get that sort of manufacturing domestic again.
You have yet to prove anything I have asked you

You have not proven how much if any income was actually lost by any of the people who sued. This was all might have could have and possibly there were no hard numbers here it was all conjecture

You have yet to post the law that states rival companies must contact their competitors employees to offer them jobs

You have yet to prove any of those whiners would not have gotten a higher paying job at another company if they had actually applied for an open position

This suit is typical of our society today where you whiners want everyone to come to you.

Hey maybe you can sue every employer in your state for not calling you and offering you a job too.

Like I've already stated, the companies paid out hundreds of millions, the DOJ found them guilty, the judge increased the amount, economists agree it holds down wages... You just stupidly deny the facts, are you 5 years old?

I asked YOU to show me the actual income lost not what the court said they MIGHT have lost but you can't

I asked you to show me the law requiring companies to recruit the employees of their competitors but you can't

I asked you to prove that none of those people would have gotten a better paying job at any of those other companies if they actually applied for an open position and you can't

If that case actually went to a jury trial I don't think those whiners would have got anything

I'm sure their attorneys argued those points and lost.

Hey Idiot there wasn't a trial there was an out of court settlement so there were no arguments made

No arguments? They just voluntarily settled and paid up?
Hmm, it seems they probably didn't want anyone digging any further.

That's what an out of court settlement is , Genius. A settlement offered to the plaintiffs by the defendants that is either accepted or rejected BEFORE there is a trial
The 8 hour day as law did not come from Henry Ford. What nonsense.
Funny - when it suits your ideology - "PolitiFact" is the gospel. When it doesn't, suddenly the site is unreliable "nonsense".

CEO's don't make legislation into law idiot.
Funny....I've heard you personally bitch about CEO's and Wall Street controlling Congress, the government, and the U.S. Now, suddenly when that doesn't suite the needs of your current argument, it magically disappears.

Come back when you know how a bill becomes law.
The fact that you don't know is what is worrisome. You've spent years telling everyone here how the "evil" corporations are running the government. Now you're trying to back track on those statements since they don't fit your agenda this particular time. Why the lack of consistency? Either you were lying then or you are lying now. Care to tell us which time you were lying?
Then how come some many companies go bankrupt having to pay extorted union wages?

How come so many American companies are forced to go elsewhere to get their labor?

Some of them even have to get bailed out by the fucking government.

Greed always works out to be a bad thing and just remember Moon Bat, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

Bloated union wages, higher than the free labor market wages, creates a false unsustainable economy that is always destined for failure. If you don't believe me ask General Motors.

How many big Democrat controlled cities in non right to work states are in serious trouble because of bloated union wages?

Despicable unions create an artificial bloated labor rate, especially when they are protected by a corrupt government whose leaders are in the back pocket of the filthy unions. You know like Obama.

Only an asshole would join an union. Are you an asshole?

Ok, start a non-union business and bring back electronic manufacturing to the US. Build some American made televisions, for instance.
Why would anyone pay 5 times as much for a TV made here than the one they can already buy that was made in China?
Because we shouldn't be buying tv's made in china stupid. They don't buy tv's made here so why do we buy tv's that are made there? I understand why you do. Because you are a cheap ass who wants a cheap tv more than you do a booming economy.

I want the best quality for the best price and that ain't a TV that is built here,

I would rather pay less and save more money for my retirement than pay 5 times as much for something that isn't as good just because it says made in the USA

So you admit that American workers would have to work at China wages to ever get that sort of manufacturing domestic again.
Then how come some many companies go bankrupt having to pay extorted union wages?

How come so many American companies are forced to go elsewhere to get their labor?

Some of them even have to get bailed out by the fucking government.

Greed always works out to be a bad thing and just remember Moon Bat, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

Bloated union wages, higher than the free labor market wages, creates a false unsustainable economy that is always destined for failure. If you don't believe me ask General Motors.

How many big Democrat controlled cities in non right to work states are in serious trouble because of bloated union wages?

Despicable unions create an artificial bloated labor rate, especially when they are protected by a corrupt government whose leaders are in the back pocket of the filthy unions. You know like Obama.

Only an asshole would join an union. Are you an asshole?

Ok, start a non-union business and bring back electronic manufacturing to the US. Build some American made televisions, for instance.
Why would anyone pay 5 times as much for a TV made here than the one they can already buy that was made in China?
Because we shouldn't be buying tv's made in china stupid. They don't buy tv's made here so why do we buy tv's that are made there? I understand why you do. Because you are a cheap ass who wants a cheap tv more than you do a booming economy.

I want the best quality for the best price and that ain't a TV that is built here,

I would rather pay less and save more money for my retirement than pay 5 times as much for something that isn't as good just because it says made in the USA

So you admit that American workers would have to work at China wages to ever get that sort of manufacturing domestic again.

Ergo, Trump is full of shit.

Why so angry ? You mad at Union people ?

I don't get cons , working Union folk earn livable wages and that makes them worse than Hitler. Top executives earn multi millions a year and they are national Heros !?

Right to work is just another Union busting ploy .

Why don't I like unions?

They are greedy sonofabitches.

They have done tremendous damage to the American economy.

They finance shithead Democrats like Obama.

They have driven manufacturing jobs out of the US.

They have driven up the cost of goods and services and the especially the cost of government. The cost of government to the point of bankruptcy in several large cites and Blue states.

However, the biggest reason is that in my career I had union pukes working for me and I saw how the union protected sorriness, corruption, dishonesty and inefficiency.

That's funny, we had a much stronger economy when unions were stronger.

It was only because the government was much smaller...

And unions themselves aren't despicable. It's when they commingle themselves with the government in an attempt to force everyone to join in. Then the union boss parasites rake in the fees that you have to pay for... and maybe the employees rake in the benefits that you have to pay for as well (in case of a public union).

This sort of unions are the ones the "honest" regressive democrats always stand for. Not the voluntary ones, coercion all the way!

No good can come from coercive parasitism.

The government is growing because we have crappy wages. Corporations have moved the burden to government.

If we want smaller government we need better paying jobs. Unions create that.
Then how come some many companies go bankrupt having to pay extorted union wages?

How come so many American companies are forced to go elsewhere to get their labor?

Some of them even have to get bailed out by the fucking government.

Greed always works out to be a bad thing and just remember Moon Bat, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

Bloated union wages, higher than the free labor market wages, creates a false unsustainable economy that is always destined for failure. If you don't believe me ask General Motors.

How many big Democrat controlled cities in non right to work states are in serious trouble because of bloated union wages?

Despicable unions create an artificial bloated labor rate, especially when they are protected by a corrupt government whose leaders are in the back pocket of the filthy unions. You know like Obama.

Only an asshole would join an union. Are you an asshole?

Ok, start a non-union business and bring back electronic manufacturing to the US. Build some American made televisions, for instance.
Why would anyone pay 5 times as much for a TV made here than the one they can already buy that was made in China?
Because we shouldn't be buying tv's made in china stupid. They don't buy tv's made here so why do we buy tv's that are made there? I understand why you do. Because you are a cheap ass who wants a cheap tv more than you do a booming economy.

I want the best quality for the best price and that ain't a TV that is built here,

I would rather pay less and save more money for my retirement than pay 5 times as much for something that isn't as good just because it says made in the USA

So you admit that American workers would have to work at China wages to ever get that sort of manufacturing domestic again.
We could do it but would anyone buy the products?

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