8Hr workday? Weekends? Thank Henry Ford and Capitalism!

So you admit that American workers would have to work at China wages to ever get that sort of manufacturing domestic again.
We could do it but would anyone buy the products?

Do they buy the cars made here?

A lot of so called American cars aren't made here anymore you know.

So Toyota, Honda, Nissan, etc., are not making cars in the US? Are you sure about that?


Those are foreign and NON UNION factories or didn't you know that?


You're about due for a standing 8 count, the beating you're taking here.
We could do it but would anyone buy the products?

Do they buy the cars made here?

A lot of so called American cars aren't made here anymore you know.

So Toyota, Honda, Nissan, etc., are not making cars in the US? Are you sure about that?


Those are foreign and NON UNION factories or didn't you know that?

You claimed nobody buys them. lolol

So you take what I said about TVs and apply it to cars?

Apples to orangutans there moron
Do they buy the cars made here?

A lot of so called American cars aren't made here anymore you know.

I guess you don't know that American car manufacturers are opening factories in Mexico GM Ford and Chrysler for example

And soon there will be even more "American" cars made in Mexico than in the US

Aren't they all moving to places in the South where they run non-union plants?

Are you saying even that can't keep the jobs here?

Do you think Mexican wages here in the US would keep the jobs here?

I really don't care.
We do not have to have a large manufacturing base anymore. We are and have been on the road to a service based economy for a long time nowServices, Not Manufacturing, Will Revive The U.S. Workforce

Thinking that we need to revive manufacturing is obsolete thinking

We don't have manufacturing because we let foreign manufacture at dirt cheap wages into this country with little or no penalty.

Good job losing this debate, loser.
I find it humorous the elfties think a decline in the unions is what stagnates wages :lol:

They are making less. Seems as though those unions are great for wages.

Then how come some many companies go bankrupt having to pay extorted union wages?

How come so many American companies are forced to go elsewhere to get their labor?

Some of them even have to get bailed out by the fucking government.

Greed always works out to be a bad thing and just remember Moon Bat, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

Bloated union wages, higher than the free labor market wages, creates a false unsustainable economy that is always destined for failure. If you don't believe me ask General Motors.

How many big Democrat controlled cities in non right to work states are in serious trouble because of bloated union wages?

Despicable unions create an artificial bloated labor rate, especially when they are protected by a corrupt government whose leaders are in the back pocket of the filthy unions. You know like Obama.

Only an asshole would join an union. Are you an asshole?

Ok, start a non-union business and bring back electronic manufacturing to the US. Build some American made televisions, for instance.
Why would anyone pay 5 times as much for a TV made here than the one they can already buy that was made in China?
Because we shouldn't be buying tv's made in china stupid. They don't buy tv's made here so why do we buy tv's that are made there? I understand why you do. Because you are a cheap ass who wants a cheap tv more than you do a booming economy.
And yet I'll bet you're the first asshole who picks up the cheapest crap he can while complaining about price.
IN any case the market has spoken. And Americans wont spend 5 times the amount on American made. Nor should they.
We could do it but would anyone buy the products?

Do they buy the cars made here?

A lot of so called American cars aren't made here anymore you know.

So Toyota, Honda, Nissan, etc., are not making cars in the US? Are you sure about that?


Those are foreign and NON UNION factories or didn't you know that?


You're about due for a standing 8 count, the beating you're taking here.

So now tell us how much that share has declined in the past 2 decades

They are making less. Seems as though those unions are great for wages.

Then how come some many companies go bankrupt having to pay extorted union wages?

How come so many American companies are forced to go elsewhere to get their labor?

Some of them even have to get bailed out by the fucking government.

Greed always works out to be a bad thing and just remember Moon Bat, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

Bloated union wages, higher than the free labor market wages, creates a false unsustainable economy that is always destined for failure. If you don't believe me ask General Motors.

How many big Democrat controlled cities in non right to work states are in serious trouble because of bloated union wages?

Despicable unions create an artificial bloated labor rate, especially when they are protected by a corrupt government whose leaders are in the back pocket of the filthy unions. You know like Obama.

Only an asshole would join an union. Are you an asshole?

Ok, start a non-union business and bring back electronic manufacturing to the US. Build some American made televisions, for instance.
Why would anyone pay 5 times as much for a TV made here than the one they can already buy that was made in China?
Because we shouldn't be buying tv's made in china stupid. They don't buy tv's made here so why do we buy tv's that are made there? I understand why you do. Because you are a cheap ass who wants a cheap tv more than you do a booming economy.
And yet I'll bet you're the first asshole who picks up the cheapest crap he can while complaining about price.
IN any case the market has spoken. And Americans wont spend 5 times the amount on American made. Nor should they.

Shouldn't we just manufacturers here pay 3rd world wages and be done with it?

Why so angry ? You mad at Union people ?

I don't get cons , working Union folk earn livable wages and that makes them worse than Hitler. Top executives earn multi millions a year and they are national Heros !?

Right to work is just another Union busting ploy .

Why don't I like unions?

They are greedy sonofabitches.

They have done tremendous damage to the American economy.

They finance shithead Democrats like Obama.

They have driven manufacturing jobs out of the US.

They have driven up the cost of goods and services and the especially the cost of government. The cost of government to the point of bankruptcy in several large cites and Blue states.

However, the biggest reason is that in my career I had union pukes working for me and I saw how the union protected sorriness, corruption, dishonesty and inefficiency.

That's funny, we had a much stronger economy when unions were stronger.

It was only because the government was much smaller...

And unions themselves aren't despicable. It's when they commingle themselves with the government in an attempt to force everyone to join in. Then the union boss parasites rake in the fees that you have to pay for... and maybe the employees rake in the benefits that you have to pay for as well (in case of a public union).

This sort of unions are the ones the "honest" regressive democrats always stand for. Not the voluntary ones, coercion all the way!

No good can come from coercive parasitism.

The government is growing because we have crappy wages. Corporations have moved the burden to government.

If we want smaller government we need better paying jobs. Unions create that.

Based on what economic theory or empirical observation does government grow under lower wages?

I am waiting to hear this one... must be some new regressive Marxist theory. Let me get this straight, you are saying governments get smaller, if we make it bigger? Brilliant!

Walmart and other companies pay so little the workers need to collect welfare. Meanwhile the Walton's are filthy rich. Tax payers are paying for their labor. Government dependence grows...
A lot of so called American cars aren't made here anymore you know.

I guess you don't know that American car manufacturers are opening factories in Mexico GM Ford and Chrysler for example

And soon there will be even more "American" cars made in Mexico than in the US

Aren't they all moving to places in the South where they run non-union plants?

Are you saying even that can't keep the jobs here?

Do you think Mexican wages here in the US would keep the jobs here?

I really don't care.
We do not have to have a large manufacturing base anymore. We are and have been on the road to a service based economy for a long time nowServices, Not Manufacturing, Will Revive The U.S. Workforce

Thinking that we need to revive manufacturing is obsolete thinking

We don't have manufacturing because we let foreign manufacture at dirt cheap wages into this country with little or no penalty.

Good job losing this debate, loser.

You mean we can't compete unless the government raises the prices on foreign goods?

They are making less. Seems as though those unions are great for wages.

Then how come some many companies go bankrupt having to pay extorted union wages?

How come so many American companies are forced to go elsewhere to get their labor?

Some of them even have to get bailed out by the fucking government.

Greed always works out to be a bad thing and just remember Moon Bat, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

Bloated union wages, higher than the free labor market wages, creates a false unsustainable economy that is always destined for failure. If you don't believe me ask General Motors.

How many big Democrat controlled cities in non right to work states are in serious trouble because of bloated union wages?

Despicable unions create an artificial bloated labor rate, especially when they are protected by a corrupt government whose leaders are in the back pocket of the filthy unions. You know like Obama.

Only an asshole would join an union. Are you an asshole?

You are confused. They are forced while making huge profits? They are forced while the CEO keeps getting raises? They aren't forced, they choose to send jobs away and hurt our economy and country.
No CEO salary ever put a company into bankruptcy

But many and overpaid CEO has driven companies into bankruptcy. Five more than the union has.
Please cite the companies driven into bankruptcy by CEO pay. We'l wait.
Then how come some many companies go bankrupt having to pay extorted union wages?

How come so many American companies are forced to go elsewhere to get their labor?

Some of them even have to get bailed out by the fucking government.

Greed always works out to be a bad thing and just remember Moon Bat, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

Bloated union wages, higher than the free labor market wages, creates a false unsustainable economy that is always destined for failure. If you don't believe me ask General Motors.

How many big Democrat controlled cities in non right to work states are in serious trouble because of bloated union wages?

Despicable unions create an artificial bloated labor rate, especially when they are protected by a corrupt government whose leaders are in the back pocket of the filthy unions. You know like Obama.

Only an asshole would join an union. Are you an asshole?

Ok, start a non-union business and bring back electronic manufacturing to the US. Build some American made televisions, for instance.
Why would anyone pay 5 times as much for a TV made here than the one they can already buy that was made in China?
Because we shouldn't be buying tv's made in china stupid. They don't buy tv's made here so why do we buy tv's that are made there? I understand why you do. Because you are a cheap ass who wants a cheap tv more than you do a booming economy.
And yet I'll bet you're the first asshole who picks up the cheapest crap he can while complaining about price.
IN any case the market has spoken. And Americans wont spend 5 times the amount on American made. Nor should they.

Shouldn't we just manufacturers here pay 3rd world wages and be done with it?

We don't need manufacturing jobs what don't you understand about that?

But hey if you want them so badly why don't you open up a manufacturing plant and show us all how it's done
We could do it but would anyone buy the products?

Do they buy the cars made here?

A lot of so called American cars aren't made here anymore you know.

So Toyota, Honda, Nissan, etc., are not making cars in the US? Are you sure about that?


Those are foreign and NON UNION factories or didn't you know that?

You claimed nobody buys them. lolol

Where did I claim nobody buys Us cars?

We were talking about TVs and you substituted cars for TVs thinking they are somehow analogous
Do they buy the cars made here?

A lot of so called American cars aren't made here anymore you know.

I guess you don't know that American car manufacturers are opening factories in Mexico GM Ford and Chrysler for example

And soon there will be even more "American" cars made in Mexico than in the US

Aren't they all moving to places in the South where they run non-union plants?

Are you saying even that can't keep the jobs here?

Do you think Mexican wages here in the US would keep the jobs here?

I really don't care.
We do not have to have a large manufacturing base anymore. We are and have been on the road to a service based economy for a long time nowServices, Not Manufacturing, Will Revive The U.S. Workforce

Thinking that we need to revive manufacturing is obsolete thinking

Jobs like IT, Finance, and CS are being shipped out too.
A lot of so called American cars aren't made here anymore you know.

I guess you don't know that American car manufacturers are opening factories in Mexico GM Ford and Chrysler for example

And soon there will be even more "American" cars made in Mexico than in the US

Aren't they all moving to places in the South where they run non-union plants?

Are you saying even that can't keep the jobs here?

Do you think Mexican wages here in the US would keep the jobs here?

I really don't care.
We do not have to have a large manufacturing base anymore. We are and have been on the road to a service based economy for a long time nowServices, Not Manufacturing, Will Revive The U.S. Workforce

Thinking that we need to revive manufacturing is obsolete thinking

Jobs like IT, Finance, and CS are being shipped out too.

So? You do know there are are jobs that cannot be shipped out don't you?
A lot of so called American cars aren't made here anymore you know.

I guess you don't know that American car manufacturers are opening factories in Mexico GM Ford and Chrysler for example

And soon there will be even more "American" cars made in Mexico than in the US

Aren't they all moving to places in the South where they run non-union plants?

Are you saying even that can't keep the jobs here?

Do you think Mexican wages here in the US would keep the jobs here?

I really don't care.
We do not have to have a large manufacturing base anymore. We are and have been on the road to a service based economy for a long time nowServices, Not Manufacturing, Will Revive The U.S. Workforce

Thinking that we need to revive manufacturing is obsolete thinking

Jobs like IT, Finance, and CS are being shipped out too.
Jobs are being sent where they can be done most efficiently. That's a good thing, btw.
I find it humorous the elfties think a decline in the unions is what stagnates wages :lol:

Middle class is disappearing while the rich are getting richer . The demise if unions have nothing to do with that ?

Aren't TVs now being made in Korea n china ?
I find it humorous the elfties think a decline in the unions is what stagnates wages :lol:

Middle class is disappearing while the rich are getting richer . The demise if unions have nothing to do with that ?

The demise "if" unions has nothing to do with that.

Parasitical regressive left wing behavior does. What if I told you that rich people can be parasites too? For example the leaders you wholeheartedly support.

They are making less. Seems as though those unions are great for wages.

Then how come some many companies go bankrupt having to pay extorted union wages?

How come so many American companies are forced to go elsewhere to get their labor?

Some of them even have to get bailed out by the fucking government.

Greed always works out to be a bad thing and just remember Moon Bat, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

Bloated union wages, higher than the free labor market wages, creates a false unsustainable economy that is always destined for failure. If you don't believe me ask General Motors.

How many big Democrat controlled cities in non right to work states are in serious trouble because of bloated union wages?

Despicable unions create an artificial bloated labor rate, especially when they are protected by a corrupt government whose leaders are in the back pocket of the filthy unions. You know like Obama.

Only an asshole would join an union. Are you an asshole?

You are confused. They are forced while making huge profits? They are forced while the CEO keeps getting raises? They aren't forced, they choose to send jobs away and hurt our economy and country.
No CEO salary ever put a company into bankruptcy

But many and overpaid CEO has driven companies into bankruptcy. Five more than the union has.
Please cite the companies driven into bankruptcy by CEO pay. We'l wait.

That was supposed to say "many more" not 5 . How many companies have gone bankrupt because of unions ?
Then how come some many companies go bankrupt having to pay extorted union wages?

How come so many American companies are forced to go elsewhere to get their labor?

Some of them even have to get bailed out by the fucking government.

Greed always works out to be a bad thing and just remember Moon Bat, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

Bloated union wages, higher than the free labor market wages, creates a false unsustainable economy that is always destined for failure. If you don't believe me ask General Motors.

How many big Democrat controlled cities in non right to work states are in serious trouble because of bloated union wages?

Despicable unions create an artificial bloated labor rate, especially when they are protected by a corrupt government whose leaders are in the back pocket of the filthy unions. You know like Obama.

Only an asshole would join an union. Are you an asshole?

You are confused. They are forced while making huge profits? They are forced while the CEO keeps getting raises? They aren't forced, they choose to send jobs away and hurt our economy and country.
No CEO salary ever put a company into bankruptcy

But many and overpaid CEO has driven companies into bankruptcy. Five more than the union has.
Please cite the companies driven into bankruptcy by CEO pay. We'l wait.

That was supposed to say "many more" not 5 . How many companies have gone bankrupt because of unions ?

Dunno, why don't you go to Detroit to find out?

Not only are the businesses bankrupt, in fact the whole city is bankrupt!
I find it humorous the elfties think a decline in the unions is what stagnates wages :lol:

Middle class is disappearing while the rich are getting richer . The demise if unions have nothing to do with that ?

The so called middle class has been slow to embrace the changes in our economy and still think that manufacturing is their salvation

It's not anymore. So while we cling to that obsolete idea and manufacturing in this country dwindles those who will not change are going to be left behind.

Technology is inevitably going to make many if not most skilled craftsmen obsolete and those new jobs in manufacturing will take little or no skill so they will be low paying

Instead of learning how to work an assembly line people should concentrate on things that cannot be done well by technology and when that happens we will see a new group of occupations take the place of the old manufacturing jobs and that will raise the incomes of the middle income quintiles

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