9-11, 19 insanely motivated Saudis with pocket knives, nothing else

there was one anti war activist that claimed to be a vet but he said nothing about 9/11...do you have even a sliver of proof to back up your retarded claim ?

Stolen Valor

so you confirm what I say...and agree that parrot911 is making false claims again...

The story came from one. There have been way too many who have surfaced, you know this. Hell, I've helped bust dozens in chat rooms... Been accused of being fake my own self. My bet is we've had some in this forum and could have some now...

so you confirm what I say...and agree that parrot911 is making false claims again...

The story came from one. There have been way too many who have surfaced, you know this. Hell, I've helped bust dozens in chat rooms... Been accused of being fake my own self. My bet is we've had some in this forum and could have some now...

true, but there is only this one recent case of some anti war activist making these false claims to support a political agenda.. bullshittng on a messageboard or trying to steal some benefits is one thing and I am sure occurs often.. getting involved in a high profile veterans for 9/11 truth group and making such claims is another thing all togeather
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so you confirm what I say...and agree that parrot911 is making false claims again...

The story came from one. There have been way too many who have surfaced, you know this. Hell, I've helped bust dozens in chat rooms... Been accused of being fake my own self. My bet is we've had some in this forum and could have some now...

true, but there is only this one recent case of some anti war activist making these false claims to support a political agenda.. bullshittng on a messageboard or trying to steal some benefits is one thing and I am sure occurs often.. getting involved in a high profile veterans for 9/11 truth group and making such claims is another thing all togeather

Eots your making claims that are very disturbing
I have ask you and everyone who thinks there was more to this event than we know to be true and not one of you has ever answered me
The story came from one. There have been way too many who have surfaced, you know this. Hell, I've helped bust dozens in chat rooms... Been accused of being fake my own self. My bet is we've had some in this forum and could have some now...

true, but there is only this one recent case of some anti war activist making these false claims to support a political agenda.. bullshittng on a messageboard or trying to steal some benefits is one thing and I am sure occurs often.. getting involved in a high profile veterans for 9/11 truth group and making such claims is another thing all togeather

Eots your making claims that are very disturbing
I have ask you and everyone who thinks there was more to this event than we know to be true and not one of you has ever answered me

that would be because you tend to be rambling and incoherent and no one knows what the fuck you are talking about most of the time
Too much common sense and logic there. To idiots like truthtards, common sense and logic are like holy water to a vampire.

We as a country have raised an entire generation that has no ability to think things thru. Its like Income tax
If I give more of my wealth to someone who is going to do nothing with it but give it to someone who is going to do nothing with it, they are not going to create squat
Simple questions
what happens if the attacks where foiled?
do the "explosives" just sit there?
You cannot get them to answer the why question

What is so hard about following the money trail? The incentive to commit such an act is in the money, power and conttrol. Same as Vietnam. Same as it ever was.

I never said there were explosives, either. My point was/is and remains, that the amount of energy needed to pulverize a 110 story skyscraper, while it collapses on itself at close to free fall speed isn't there. Kinetic energy can't be expelled twice. My equation clearly shows this, regardless of what some here want to insist. "Gravity" cant pull off such a magnificant stunt. Especially when you account for resistance. It goes against the physics.

Also, there is clear footage of someone waving at the impact zone. So clearly it wasn't hot enough there to melt steel. If it was, wouldn't this person also melt?

As for the plane fuel. You mean this plane fuel that exploded on the extrerior, evaporating a Boeing passenger plane? Oh, wait, there was a piece of landing gear and a hijacker passport found a few blocks over. So that makes sense. :cuckoo:


Are you going to tell me that fuel can burn twice now too? Should we simply throw the first law of thermodynamics to the wind too?

Stay asleep. It really makes no difference. Getting people to see what is right in front of them has never been so difficult. An impressive psy-op to say none the least.

I'm off to do science in the real world. Where resistance, physics, thermodynamic laws and mathematical equation can be applied without remedial hicks attempting to muck something simple.


Good luck.

what exactly does all of this mean to me?
My friend are you saying those buildings where not on fire?
and you say I am to follow the money?
what money?
Gas was down to 1.70 a gallon in Jan 2009
its close to 4 now
is that the money your talking about?
or is it the 3% that KBR made
KBR hasn't lost money on its sweetheart Iraq contracts—yet. It has made a small profit. But the amounts are nothing to write home about—and they're certainly not worth starting a war over.
And what confuses me the most is why add to what had already occurred?
Running into buildings with passenger jets were not enough?
having people jump out of windows from a building that I am not sure now is on fire not enough?
what happens to these explosives if this attack is thwarted?
when the "event" takes place that brings the buildings down, doesn't that end the kaos?

Fire Fighters no longer gave a reason to fight fires, oh thats right the building is not on fire, is it?
what evidence do you have to support the NIST hypothesis ?
The NIST report itself. You shitheads haven't produced a single thing that proves the NIST wrong, much less evidence to back up the rest of your retarded claims. So why should we just blindly believe known proven liars like yourself that the NIST is wrong?

Seriously. Who am I to believe? A dedicated agency that has an excellent world wide reputation and used the engineering community to help build the report? An agency you fucktards didn't give two shit about until after 9/11 when they took a massive dump all over your precious theories, so you've taken it upon yourselves to discredit them with junk science and bullshit theories?

Or people like you.

Hell, I would take just about anyone over pieces of shit like you no matter what the topic is. Scum like you has zero credibility through your repeated lies and your complete lack of evidence to back up your bullshit.
After this fool has been there, then and only then, what he has to say about honor will be worth listening to. Now if any of those veterans want to look in my face and tell me the same thing, I will salute them, shake my head, and walk away.

Check their creds first. A lot of these stupid fuckers are just fakers. Ever read the book Stolen Valor? One of the hardest books I've ever read, but very eye opening to the lengths these shits will go to.

there was one anti war activist that claimed to be a vet but he said nothing about 9/11...do you have even a sliver of proof to back up your retarded claim ?

Read the book Stolen Valor. There have been many people pretending to be war vets but aren't, and then they use this status they have not earned to push a political agenda. Kind of like truthtards, but with even less class. Combine a truthtard with someone pretending to be a vet and you have a whole new class of asshole.
there was one anti war activist that claimed to be a vet but he said nothing about 9/11...do you have even a sliver of proof to back up your retarded claim ?

Stolen Valor

so you confirm what I say...and agree that parrot911 is making false claims again...

So you've read the book that backs up my claim that a lot of political activists pretending to be vets never served or are lying about their service? Wow. You are a fast reader!

Or, much more likely, are lying out your ass again and making a fool out of yourself. :lol:
true, but there is only this one recent case of some anti war activist making these false claims to support a political agenda.. bullshittng on a messageboard or trying to steal some benefits is one thing and I am sure occurs often.. getting involved in a high profile veterans for 9/11 truth group and making such claims is another thing all togeather

Eots your making claims that are very disturbing
I have ask you and everyone who thinks there was more to this event than we know to be true and not one of you has ever answered me

that would be because you tend to be rambling and incoherent and no one knows what the fuck you are talking about most of the time

:lol: A stupid idiot like you whining about other people being rambling and incoherent is just too ironic for words!

JRK, ignore eots. He whines. He trolls. But he never backs up his bullshit and often times doesn't even appear to know what he actually thinks happened on 9/11. You know these truthtards can't handle logic and common sense, much less the simple questions you ask of them.
true, but there is only this one recent case of some anti war activist making these false claims to support a political agenda.. bullshittng on a messageboard or trying to steal some benefits is one thing and I am sure occurs often.. getting involved in a high profile veterans for 9/11 truth group and making such claims is another thing all togeather

Eots your making claims that are very disturbing
I have ask you and everyone who thinks there was more to this event than we know to be true and not one of you has ever answered me

that would be because you tend to be rambling and incoherent and no one knows what the fuck you are talking about most of the time

plus the Bush dupe REFUSES to read links because they dont go along with his version of events.why should we answer the trolls question when he wont read our links?:cuckoo:
plus the Bush dupe REFUSES to read links because they dont go along with his version of events.why should we answer the trolls question when he wont read our links?:cuckoo:
This, of course, presumes you are even capable of answering the questions without looking like a complete imbicile. Actually, you aren't able to write two sentences without looking like (and being) a complete imbicile, so that shouldn't come as a shock to anyone.

The fact JRK's questions cannot be answered while still maintaining some semblance of credibility is why you truthtards run away or dance like puppets whenever the questions are asked that you don't like. Personally, I don't care that you don't answer them. The fact you can't only proves what I and others have been saying about your bullshit theories the entire time.

so you confirm what i say...and agree that parrot911 is making false claims again...

so you've read the book that backs up my claim that a lot of political activists pretending to be vets never served or are lying about their service? Wow. You are a fast reader!

Or, much more likely, are lying out your ass again and making a fool out of yourself. :lol:

it does nothing to back up your claim ..liar
so you confirm what i say...and agree that parrot911 is making false claims again...

so you've read the book that backs up my claim that a lot of political activists pretending to be vets never served or are lying about their service? Wow. You are a fast reader!

Or, much more likely, are lying out your ass again and making a fool out of yourself. :lol:

it does nothing to back up your claim ..liar

It is what the book is all about, ya fucking retard! The entire book is about assholes pretending they were in the military, which backs up my assertion perfectly.

B.G. Burkett, in over ten years of research in the National Archives, filing thousands of requests for military documents under the Freedom of Information Act, uncovered a massive distortion of history. This distortion cost the U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars. Mr. Burkett's work has toppled national political leaders and put criminals in jail.

The authors show killers who have fooled the most astute prosecutors and gotten away with murder, phony heroes who have become the object of award-winning documentaries on national network television, and liars and fabricators who have flooded major publishing houses with false tales of heroism which have become best-selling biographies.

Not only do Burkett and Whitley show the price of the myth has been enormous for society, but they spotlight how it has severely denigrated the service, patriotism, and gallantry of the best warriors America ever produced.

Well, then again, I can't say I'm surprised to find you defending liars and cheaters. They must be near and dear to your heart, right? :lol:
And how many were members of veterans for 9/11 truth again ?

Where did I say veterans for 9/11 truth? I said people who claim to be veterans who are pushing a political agenda should be checked out because historically there have been many who have pretended they are something they are not because they are such massive losers in real life that it is they only way they can amount to anything.

Just like truthtards. :lol:
And how many were members of veterans for 9/11 truth again ?

Where did I say veterans for 9/11 truth? I said people who claim to be veterans who are pushing a political agenda should be checked out because historically there have been many who have pretended they are something they are not because they are such massive losers in real life that it is they only way they can amount to anything.

Just like truthtards. :lol:

so your answer is none...I see
And how many were members of veterans for 9/11 truth again ?

Where did I say veterans for 9/11 truth? I said people who claim to be veterans who are pushing a political agenda should be checked out because historically there have been many who have pretended they are something they are not because they are such massive losers in real life that it is they only way they can amount to anything.

Just like truthtards. :lol:

so your answer is none...I see

Once again the fucktard proves he doesn't understand simple English conversation. I never said any of them were false. I said check them because a lot of people with an agenda to push that claim they are vets are faking. This is true no matter what agenda they are pushing whether it is anti war or truthtard or what.

One of these you'll figure out your mistake. :lol: Or maybe not. You're not the brightest. Compared to you a candle is a spotlight!
I didn't realize people actually believed this bullshit.

Did W plan it or was it a legacy from Clinton? Because there's no way W had the time or brainpower to plan something so elaborate. Must have been Bill.

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