9-11, 19 insanely motivated Saudis with pocket knives, nothing else

Where did I say veterans for 9/11 truth? I said people who claim to be veterans who are pushing a political agenda should be checked out because historically there have been many who have pretended they are something they are not because they are such massive losers in real life that it is they only way they can amount to anything.

Just like truthtards. :lol:

so your answer is none...I see

Once again the fucktard proves he doesn't understand simple English conversation. I never said any of them were false. I said check them because a lot of people with an agenda to push that claim they are vets are faking. This is true no matter what agenda they are pushing whether it is anti war or truthtard or what.

One of these you'll figure out your mistake. :lol: Or maybe not. You're not the brightest. Compared to you a candle is a spotlight!

yes, I hear it is rampant in the debwunker community
plus the Bush dupe REFUSES to read links because they dont go along with his version of events.why should we answer the trolls question when he wont read our links?:cuckoo:
This, of course, presumes you are even capable of answering the questions without looking like a complete imbicile. Actually, you aren't able to write two sentences without looking like (and being) a complete imbicile, so that shouldn't come as a shock to anyone.

The fact JRK's questions cannot be answered while still maintaining some semblance of credibility is why you truthtards run away or dance like puppets whenever the questions are asked that you don't like. Personally, I don't care that you don't answer them. The fact you can't only proves what I and others have been saying about your bullshit theories the entire time.

No dumbfuck,the troll is not worth our time because anytime someone DOES answer any of his questions,he just goes on and asks ANOTHER irrelevent question and wont look at our links or read a book we refer to him like all you dumbfuck lying trolls do.YOU expose what a fucking hypocrite you are when YOU wont even address a point that I have brought up to you HUNDREDS of times to you.Like the fucking coward troll agent you are,you evade that point and change the subject just like he does.what a fucking hypocrite coward.:lol::lol::lol::lol: you need to look in the mirror when calling someone an imbicile.I exposed you in your last post what a fucking liar you are as we BOTH know.we both know you are here just to troll so so long,Im done giving you the attention you seek like your lover candyfag.
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I didn't realize people actually believed this bullshit.

Did W plan it or was it a legacy from Clinton? Because there's no way W had the time or brainpower to plan something so elaborate. Must have been Bill.

presidents are puppets..the people responsible for such acts murder presidents in broad daylight in front of thousands and get away with it
plus the Bush dupe REFUSES to read links because they dont go along with his version of events.why should we answer the trolls question when he wont read our links?:cuckoo:
This, of course, presumes you are even capable of answering the questions without looking like a complete imbicile. Actually, you aren't able to write two sentences without looking like (and being) a complete imbicile, so that shouldn't come as a shock to anyone.

The fact JRK's questions cannot be answered while still maintaining some semblance of credibility is why you truthtards run away or dance like puppets whenever the questions are asked that you don't like. Personally, I don't care that you don't answer them. The fact you can't only proves what I and others have been saying about your bullshit theories the entire time.

What was the line from The Hangover? "[He] is literally too stupid to insult. "
I didn't realize people actually believed this bullshit.

Did W plan it or was it a legacy from Clinton? Because there's no way W had the time or brainpower to plan something so elaborate. Must have been Bill.

presidents are puppets..the people responsible for such acts murder presidents in broad daylight in front of thousands and get away with it

I'm new to these theories. Who did it? NSA?
I didn't realize people actually believed this bullshit.

Did W plan it or was it a legacy from Clinton? Because there's no way W had the time or brainpower to plan something so elaborate. Must have been Bill.

Yeah its pretty hard to realise that so many Bush/ Obama dupes believe that bullshit that 19 muslins were behind the attacks.:lol::lol: It was attempted in 93 when Clinton was president,they failed so they came back and finished the job.Yes you are right about one thing,W doesnt have the brainpower to plan something so elaborate,neither does Bill.However the neocons in his administration such as Cheney,Rice,Rumsfield,ect ect DO.Thats why they planned it and were in charge of it.dont do what that shill Parrot and the Bush dupe thread starter here do which is blatantly ignore evidence and facts,pick up the book Debunking the 9/11 Debunking,an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory.All Bush dupes like JRK for instance,are so much in denial they never take me up on this challenge though.somehow I dont expect you to be the first.
I didn't realize people actually believed this bullshit.

Did W plan it or was it a legacy from Clinton? Because there's no way W had the time or brainpower to plan something so elaborate. Must have been Bill.

presidents are puppets..the people responsible for such acts murder presidents in broad daylight in front of thousands and get away with it

I didn't realize people actually believed this bullshit.

Did W plan it or was it a legacy from Clinton? Because there's no way W had the time or brainpower to plan something so elaborate. Must have been Bill.

presidents are puppets..the people responsible for such acts murder presidents in broad daylight in front of thousands and get away with it

I'm new to these theories. Who did it? NSA?

the same group that did Kennedy.The CIA and mossad.and yeah the NSA was probably involved in some extent,like Eots said,we need a real independent investigation to find out all the details.one thing we know though is the official version has been shreaded to pieces and hurts the feelings of these shills candytroll and parrot BIG TIME.:lol:

Here get educated with this video,it takes a couple hours, but I know you got the time for it.

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I didn't realize people actually believed this bullshit.

Did W plan it or was it a legacy from Clinton? Because there's no way W had the time or brainpower to plan something so elaborate. Must have been Bill.

presidents are puppets..the people responsible for such acts murder presidents in broad daylight in front of thousands and get away with it

I'm new to these theories. Who did it? NSA?

the details would be found in a real criminal investigation ..there has been no such investigation
I didn't realize people actually believed this bullshit.

Did W plan it or was it a legacy from Clinton? Because there's no way W had the time or brainpower to plan something so elaborate. Must have been Bill.

Yeah its pretty hard to realise that so many Bush/ Obama dupes believe that bullshit that 19 muslins were behind the attacks.:lol::lol: It was attempted in 93 when Clinton was president,they failed so they came back and finished the job.Yes you are right about one thing,W doesnt have the brainpower to plan something so elaborate,neither does Bill.However the neocons in his administration such as Cheney,Rice,Rumsfield,ect ect DO.Thats why they planned it and were in charge of it.dont do what that shill Parrot and the Bush dupe thread starter here do which is blatantly ignore evidence and facts,pick up the book Debunking the 9/11 Debunking,an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory.All Bush dupes like JRK for instance,are so much in denial they never take me up on this challenge though.somehow I dont expect you to be the first.

wow. My second post on this board and I'm a Bush dupe. Amazing. I can see yo have some classy people here.

I wouldn't spend a penny on any of that truther bullshit. It would be a slap in the face to the victims, one of whom was my sister-in-law.
I didn't realize people actually believed this bullshit.

Did W plan it or was it a legacy from Clinton? Because there's no way W had the time or brainpower to plan something so elaborate. Must have been Bill.

Yeah its pretty hard to realise that so many Bush/ Obama dupes believe that bullshit that 19 muslins were behind the attacks.:lol::lol: It was attempted in 93 when Clinton was president,they failed so they came back and finished the job.Yes you are right about one thing,W doesnt have the brainpower to plan something so elaborate,neither does Bill.However the neocons in his administration such as Cheney,Rice,Rumsfield,ect ect DO.Thats why they planned it and were in charge of it.dont do what that shill Parrot and the Bush dupe thread starter here do which is blatantly ignore evidence and facts,pick up the book Debunking the 9/11 Debunking,an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory.All Bush dupes like JRK for instance,are so much in denial they never take me up on this challenge though.somehow I dont expect you to be the first.

wow. My second post on this board and I'm a Bush dupe. Amazing. I can see yo have some classy people here.

I wouldn't spend a penny on any of that truther bullshit. It would be a slap in the face to the victims, one of whom was my sister-in-law.

you are a fake
I didn't realize people actually believed this bullshit.

Did W plan it or was it a legacy from Clinton? Because there's no way W had the time or brainpower to plan something so elaborate. Must have been Bill.

Yeah its pretty hard to realise that so many Bush/ Obama dupes believe that bullshit that 19 muslins were behind the attacks.:lol::lol: It was attempted in 93 when Clinton was president,they failed so they came back and finished the job.Yes you are right about one thing,W doesnt have the brainpower to plan something so elaborate,neither does Bill.However the neocons in his administration such as Cheney,Rice,Rumsfield,ect ect DO.Thats why they planned it and were in charge of it.dont do what that shill Parrot and the Bush dupe thread starter here do which is blatantly ignore evidence and facts,pick up the book Debunking the 9/11 Debunking,an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory.All Bush dupes like JRK for instance,are so much in denial they never take me up on this challenge though.somehow I dont expect you to be the first.

wow. My second post on this board and I'm a Bush dupe. Amazing. I can see yo have some classy people here.

I wouldn't spend a penny on any of that truther bullshit. It would be a slap in the face to the victims, one of whom was my sister-in-law.

Hey dont feel bad,for three years till about 2004 I was a Bush dupe as well until then.Thats when the evidence finally started emerging that the 9/11 coverup commission was just that,a fairy tale.the only bullshit is the idiot box in the living room you are listening to and what the corporate media are telling you.:cuckoo: your sister in law is in denial like many american sheepie are.she needs to be a patriot and join the familys of the new york truthers who are not afraid of the truth and are objective and open minded to look at the other side of the coin.
thats funny because most the 9/11 familys consider these shills parrot and candytroll a slap in the face to them.
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nice! 6 posts and I'm a Bush dupe and a fake!

Actually, I'm not a fake. My SiL was a flight attendant on Flight 11.

Is talking with you going to be like beating my head against a brick wall?
plus the Bush dupe REFUSES to read links because they dont go along with his version of events.why should we answer the trolls question when he wont read our links?:cuckoo:
This, of course, presumes you are even capable of answering the questions without looking like a complete imbicile. Actually, you aren't able to write two sentences without looking like (and being) a complete imbicile, so that shouldn't come as a shock to anyone.

The fact JRK's questions cannot be answered while still maintaining some semblance of credibility is why you truthtards run away or dance like puppets whenever the questions are asked that you don't like. Personally, I don't care that you don't answer them. The fact you can't only proves what I and others have been saying about your bullshit theories the entire time.

No dumbfuck,the troll is not worth our time because anytime someone DOES any of his questions,he just goes on and asks ANOTHER irrelevent question and wont look at our links or read a book we refer to him like all you dumbfuck lying trolls do.YOU expose what a fucking hypocrite you are when YOU wont even address a point that I have brought up to you HUNDREDS of times to you.Like the fucking coward troll agent you are,you evade that point and change the subject just like he does.what a fucking hypocrite coward.:lol::lol::lol::lol: you need to look in the mirror when calling someone and imbicile.I exposed you in your last post what a fucking liar you are as we BOTH know.we both know you are here just to troll so so long,Im done giving you the attention you seek like your lover candyfag.

Why should we waste our money buying a book to make one of your heroes rich? You don't think he made enough cash off of you?
I didn't realize people actually believed this bullshit.

Did W plan it or was it a legacy from Clinton? Because there's no way W had the time or brainpower to plan something so elaborate. Must have been Bill.

Yeah its pretty hard to realise that so many Bush/ Obama dupes believe that bullshit that 19 muslins were behind the attacks.:lol::lol: It was attempted in 93 when Clinton was president,they failed so they came back and finished the job.Yes you are right about one thing,W doesnt have the brainpower to plan something so elaborate,neither does Bill.However the neocons in his administration such as Cheney,Rice,Rumsfield,ect ect DO.Thats why they planned it and were in charge of it.dont do what that shill Parrot and the Bush dupe thread starter here do which is blatantly ignore evidence and facts,pick up the book Debunking the 9/11 Debunking,an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory.All Bush dupes like JRK for instance,are so much in denial they never take me up on this challenge though.somehow I dont expect you to be the first.

So they planned and executed this in less than 9 months? WHY?
nice! 6 posts and I'm a Bush dupe and a fake!

Actually, I'm not a fake. My SiL was a flight attendant on Flight 11.

Is talking with you going to be like beating my head against a brick wall?

Like i said,dont feel bad,at one time for three years i was a Bush dupe who was brainwashed by the idiot box in my living room and the corporate controlled media as well until experts in high level positions of government started emerging speaking the truth that these shills Parrot,Candyfag and SFC Gomer Pyle Ollie cant stand to hear.

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